Chapter Forty-Four: Out Of Sight Out Of Mind

Chapter Forty-Four: Out Of Sight Out Of Mind

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

D.K Is Back Ladies and Gentlemen


Takashi steps out of the LAX airport, his phone glued to his head as he speaks rapidly in Japanese


" Have you found out her address yet? Aright what is it." He stops and listens, "What was the numb again? thirteen twenty-seven? Alright bye." He says shutting the phone on a still talking Moramoto, the sound of his voice was grating on his nerves. He grabs his duffel bag and hails a cab, slipping in when one finally pulls over for him.


"Where to?" The Driver says, a slight Indian accent coloring his words. Takashi gives him a glare and barks out an order.


"I need the closest car rental now.". The driver nods and when the coast was clear he pulls away from the curb, LAX falling behind them as they drive the streets of L/A. Five minutes later they pull up in front of Los Rentals. "Here this should pay my fee." He says throwing a hundred dollar bill at the Driver and leaving before he can protest, slamming the door shut and sauntering into the building, icy air conditioning greeting him. The young red Head at the front desk looks up from shifting paperwork, her name tag says Melina.


"Hello Sir Welcome to Los Rental's one of the salemen will be with you in a few." She says, Her perfect smile and dark almost black lipstick irritating Takashi, but he pushes it down and smiles back at her.


"Thank you," He say turning on his charm, She just smiles and goes back to her paperwork, his charm seeming to bounce off her like nothing. Making an irritated noise in the back of his throat he steps over to the front desk an leans against it, smiling when she looks back up at him. "Sorry to bother you again, but I'm here on a business trip, I'm from Tokyo Japan, anyway my girlfriend wants a souvenir from The Great Los Angeles, what is the best Shop to go to?" He asks her, trying to act like a helpless tourist. At the mention of Tokyo she lights up.


"Oh my Best friend Katie just got back from living in Tokyo for three years!" She exclaims, Takashi smiles a knowing smile. " And it so happens that her family owns a little shop that in my opinion is the best tourist shop around, they have all sorts of L/A paraphernalia, Here's the address so you can program it into the GPS when you get your rental." She says in a flurry and scribbled down a half legible address handing it to him. He reaches for it and lets his hand linger a second too long, their fingers touching briefly. She pulls away and turns as a salesman, in a very flashy suit and all smiles, walks in.


"Hello Sir my name is Andrew if you would please come this way I can help you find the perfect rental for your duration here." He says politely, charm oozing out of him. Takashi just smiles at him and follows. Turning around he holds up the slip of paper and mouths Thank You To Melina, she just nods and picks up the phone which was ringing, Her professional voice fading as he follows Andrew to the car lot. " So is there any type of car you are looking for Mr?"


"You can call me Takashi, and the only thing that matters to me is Expensive and speed." He says cutting off the mans disgusting oozing charm. Andrew frowns slightly, but its gone in a few, replaced by sparking excited eyes and a wide bright white smile.


"I think I have the perfect thing for you, How about a nice red Ferrari?" He says pointing to his left. Takashi follows and a sinister grin spreads on his face as he spots the sleek red body of the Ferrari, the car was screaming Money and speed. He nods.


"That is perfect, Does it come with a GPS?" He says striding over to it, he lets his hand caress the hood, as if caressing the tender skin of a beautiful women. Andrew blathers on about all the great features of the car, telling him how they can give him a GPS for the car, for an extra fee of course, Takashi blots out his verbal spew and turns to him. "That sounds great, where do I sign for the renting of it?" He says once again cutting him off. This time Andrew was so quick to hide his frustration, he clears his throat and leads him to his office inside, walking past Melina who was still on the phone.


"You and Twinkie want to have a double date with me and Kennedy?" She says into the phone. Takashi's ears prick at the mention of Twinkie's name, he walks slowly past her desk trying to catch more. "Well she is coming home tomorrow, how about we catch a movie? Rike's theater has the best popcorn and cheapest prices. Perfect, well I have to go breaks over, talk to you tonight chicka." She hangs up the phone, and before she can catch him spying Takashi  picks up his pace, easily catching up to Andrew in three strides, walking into his office to sign the paper work.


Two agonizing hours later Takashi is Speeding down the Santa Monica freeway, following the directions the GPS was spouting at him, taking him to the Terry automotive shop. The woman's voice tells him to take the next left at the exit and he switches lanes, easily cutting in front of a mini van who blares its horn at him making him laugh. Maneuvering through the twist and turns he pulls up outside of the shop, a frown crossing his face as he stares at the rundown store. From the large picture window in the front he sees a women, maybe in her late twenties early thirties, behind the bar, leaning against it talking to a man who was sitting in front of her, laughing at something she says. Something about the man was familiar and he sucks in a surprised breath when the guy turns around. It was Shawn Bronson, the punk who had taken everything away from him, with the help of his old friend Han. Cursing in Japanese he waits in the car, thankful the windows were tinted as Shawn leaves the store, jumping into the car that had just pulled up beside him. A white and blue Skyline. When Shawn and the car disappear out of sight Takashi jumps out of his rental, making sure to lock it up before strolling into the store, the bell above the door ringing out, notifying his entrance. The women behind the bar looks up from the register and smiles warmly at him.


"Hello, My Name is Mia, can I help you with anything?" She asks, her voice rich and warm, full of kindness. Takashi just smiles and shakes his head.


"No I think I'm good, the women at the car rental said this was the best place to go for L/A souvenirs, I'm on a work visits from Tokyo." He says. Mia smiles.


"My Niece just got back from there, she cant stop raving about how its an amazing place, her brother actually lives there, you just missed him. " She says referring to Shawn. "He just left with my Husband." He makes a sad face.


"Too bad, I would have loved to converse with someone from my home country. Well if I need anything I will holler." He says and saunters off to the store area, pretending to be very intrested in the various nick knacks, teddy bears that had Los Angelous stitched across their stomachs, snowglobs with the hollywood sign, shot glasses and many many other things. He had to give Melina credit much to his annoyance, this place was great for souvenirs. Just when he was about to give up on seeing the person of intrest a young women walks in, pushing her sunglasses into her ash blonde hair as she smiles at Mia. Mia Smiles back and tosses the girl an apron.


"There you are Katie, Come on and get back here, I want to go home." She says. Takashi studies the younger women with a sinister smile. It was the same woman Moramoto and him have been following for the past three years, hoping she would slip up and mention where Han was hiding. Katie ties the apron on and switches places with Mia who catches Takashi's gaze with a smile.


"Oh sir this is my Niece I was talking about, the one who just got back from Tokyo, Katie this man is visiting from Tokyo, thought you two would have something to talk about, bye. HEY DOM I'M LEAVING!" She shouts to the Bald man who Takashi just now notices was in the back office, the glass window showing him clearly. The man, Dom he presumed, just holds up his hand in a goodbye wave but doesn't look up from his magazine, making Mia shake her head. "Goodbye sir I hope you have a wonderful time here in L/A" She says turning back to Takashi and vanishes through the front door. Takashi grabs a few nick knacks, one of the teddy bears and a shirt that says, Someone I love went to L/A and all I got back was this lousy T-Shirt, and heads up to the register, where Katie was quickly taking inventory. He puts the items on the bar and waits as she wanders over to ring them up.


"Will that be all?" She asks with a smile. He smiles back and nods.


"So you lived in Tokyo?" He says. She blushes and nods, pushing  the hair behind her ear that had fallen into her bright green eyes.


"Yeah I was living there with my Brother Shawn and his Girlfriend." She says not noticing the flash of hatred in Takashi's eyes at the mention of Neela who was his girlfriend first before that son of a b***h Shawn took her and everything that mattered. He pushes that anger down and smiles back at her.


"Did you ever get into the Drifting scene? It's pretty popular down there. I use to be in it when I was younger," He says mildly. Katie's head shoots up with a startled intake of breath.


"Yeah I did, My brother is what is called the D.K um Drift King, My boyfriend is his mechanic." She says. Takashi laughs.


"Is your brother the good D.K Or the Bad one? I heard there was a really horrible one at one point." Katie laughs a nervous laugh


"NO He's the good one, he's actually the one who thankfully pushed out the old one." She explains. Takashi leans forward like he was sharing a secret


"I heard the old D.K Killed someone and that was why The new one pushed him out? I was already out of the scene at that point. Is It true?" he says in a hushed voice. Katie stands rigid, her eyes suddenly guarded.


"I wouldn't know, I never heard that rumor." She says in a agitated voice, pushing his items at him. "Well Here you go." She says with fake cheeriness. Takashi pretends to looks embarrassed.


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to gossip, forgive me." He says taking the items and heading out. in the reflection of the window he sees Katie grab her cell phone and dials a number.


"Hey Han, yes I'm calling you, look I have something to tell you some guy-" her voice is cut off when the front door shuts, trapping Takashi outside in the sweltering heat. He slides into his car and throws his useless junk into the back seat, taking out his own phone and dialing Moramoto's number.


"Moramoto, good work, Han is still alive, I just interacted with Katie, Good job." He says and snaps the phone shut before Moramoto could say anything. Turning the car on he Revs the engine once, snickering when Katie jumps inside the store in surprise. He peels out of the parking lot, the wheels spitting up dirt and rocks and he speeds away, plugging in the address for the nearest hotel. A smile on his face.


"Soon Han soon, you will get what you deserve"

© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on April 17, 2015
Last Updated on April 17, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
