Chapter Forty-Two: Welcome Home Jealousy

Chapter Forty-Two: Welcome Home Jealousy

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

new Sparks light an old Flame


Dom Grunts in Pain as he leans heavily on Bryan as the two make their way slowly to the front door. It's been a month since the crash and the doctors finally deemed it safe for Dom to come home. Katie, Mia and Lisa have been scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off for the past week and a half trying to put together the perfect welcome home party for him. Katie peers out the window and spying the boys she rushes to the kitchen where Mia was putting the finishing touches on a delicious looking cake.


"Mia they're here! where are the others." She wheezes out, breathy from running. Mia without looking up points to the back door where Lisa, Melina and Han were outside finishing up the decorations. She runs to the door and slams it open, making Melina jump and drop the CD's "Sorry  but guys they're here, Lets go!" She says and dashes back in the house to the front door, just in time. Bryan opens the door and the boys enter the house, Making Katie squeal with happiness. Dom looks up and smiles, opening his arms just in time to catch her as she flings herself in them, hugging him hard.


"It's good to be home." He says hugging her back. She lets go and smiles laughing when the smells from the kitchen hit him. "What has my sister been up too? that smells amazing." He says, walking slowly to the kitchen. Bryan looks at Katie and shakes his head.


"Oh hey I think there is someone outside waiting for you, Says he is a friend from Tokyo."  He says pointing outside. Frowning Katie walks over to the window and peers out again, noticing for the first time a person leaning up against Dom's car, a familiar doo rag covered head making her smile wide. She runs to the front door and throws it open.


" TWINKIE!" She shouts making him jerk his head up, a lazy smile stretching across his face. She hurtles down the pathway and once again flings herself. He laughs and catches her in mid air twirling her around as he hugs her close. "What are you doing here? Why didn't Shawn tell me?" She says as he puts her down, her feet planting firmly onto he ground.


"It was suppose to be a surprise for your birthday, it's next week right?" He says, his voice so familiar washes over her, " Plus It wasn't Shawn's idea, it was Han's he also wanted to see me." he says shrugging. Katie frowns as Han's name slips off his tongue. Since that night when they fought she hadn't spoken to him unless necessary. "So we going in or what?" He asks nodding his head to the house. Suddenly nerves pool in her stomach.


"Does anyone else know you are coming other then Shawn and Han?" She asks. he nods.


"Yeah They asked the others if it was OK if I stayed for a while. Come on I want to meet them all, you spoke so Highly of them." He says hooking his arm in hers and the two walk up the pathway together and into the house. She opens the door and they slip in, noses from the party out back reaching them and they head to the kitchen, pausing outside the door she turns to him. Slipping her arms around his neck making his eyes widen with surprise.


"I really missed you Twinkie, talking on skype just wasn't the same as the real thing." She says and before he can respond she stands up on her tip toes and kisses him ever so softly.


Han freezes halfway to the kitchen, He had gone upstairs to grab a sweatshirt and was heading back when he spotted them. Twinkie, his old friend, wraps his arms around Katie to deepen the kiss she had started, crushing her to him. Han's already broken heart shatters to even smaller pieces as he sees them, The love of his life and his old friend. It was only after they break apart does he finally breath again. Emotions swirl around inside him, anger, pain, hurt, but most of all betrayal as he watches the blush creep across Katie's face as she smiles up at Twinkie, who looked blown away. Anger at his Friend's betrayal courses through him and he enters the kitchen making himself known. Katie jumps away from Twinkie with a start.


"Excuse me I need to get back outside, or would you like me to turn the other way while you suck face again." He snaps, giving Twinkie an evil grin. "Hey old friend, Its nice to see you again." Twinkie's eyes widen further and Han gets a sick pleasure as he watches him struggle with what to say. He knew Han was in love with Katie, it was clear just by how he was trying hard not to look at her, pain and hurt written all over his face. Twinkie swallows a few times before speaking.


"Hey, um  Hey Han You look great, you know for a dead guy." He jokes, his safety net for awkward moments. Han actually smiles.


"Well for a dead guy I am alive and well. Come here." He says, letting his anger go. It wasn't his fault, He knew it was Katie who had initiated the kiss. He grabs Twinkie's arm and gives him a one arm brotherly hug before releasing him. " Come on, Shawn and the others are out back, I'll introduce them." He says ignoring Katie completely as she gives him a death glare. He pushes the back door open. Twinkie throws her a apologetic look before walking out into the back yard, the music and chatter growing louder.


Katie's anger flares as Han brushes past her like she was nothing, shutting the door right in her face. A sound of frustration leaving her as she yanks open the door and stomps down the back steps. She looks around and sees Dom sitting back in a lounge chair, Lisa sitting curled up in his lap laughing at something Shawn was saying, a Corona's in each of their hands. her anger falters, She didn't want to ruin this day, and to be honest she understood why Han was mad. He knew her better and knew she had Kissed Twinkie to get back at him. But what he didn't know was when she had seen him out there leaning against the car, all the feelings she had started to have for Twinkie came fluttering back. Maybe it was truly time to move on from Han, maybe she should finally give Twinkie a chance. Shaking her head she watches as Han and Twinkie head over to the group, Shawn gives his friend a hug and introduces him to the family. Melina who had been fiddling with the radio catches Katie's expression and strolls over to her.


"Damn girl first you go for sexy eyes, and I'm assuming that little dark chocolate cutie over there is Twinkie, am I right?" She asks looking over Twinkie from head to toe. Katie just gives her a side glare.


"Aren't you into girls?" She teases making her best friend laugh.


" Yes but doesn't mean I cant appreciate a hot specimen of the other gender. just l ike women can appreciate another women's beauty." She says. Katie just shakes her head and smiles.


"Yes that is Twinkie, He is my early birthday present, from Han...." She mutters, feeling lousy at what she did, "Melina Han just caught me kissing Twinkie." She says watching Melina's eyes almost bug out of her skull. She grabs Katie's hands tugs her away from the rest of the group. When they were out of ear shot she turns to Katie with wide eyes.


"Did you just say you kissed Twinkie?" Katie nods, "and Han saw you?" She nods again. Melina lets out a low whistle. "What'd he do?" Katie sits down on the hard packed dirt, Melina dropping down beside her. She runs her hands through her hair and watches Han and Twinkie, laughing at something Bryan was saying.


"He ignored me, but when he came bursting in,Melina I have never seen that much pain on Han's face, even when I told him I wish I had never met him." She says,


"Why'd you kiss Twinkie? I thought you said nothing happened between you two"


"Nothing DID happen between us, well OK I got drunk one night about a month after I had moved there and I kissed him, but he told me he'd rather kiss me when I was sober, next morning I told him I couldn't be with him." She says " But I did Have feeling for him, but my feelings for Han were stronger, I couldn't do that to twinkie."


"Still doesn't answer my question." Katie gives Melina a side look, the other girls eyebrow raised, a smirk on her lips as she waited for Katie's answer. Katie sighs and leans her head on her friends shoulder.


" I kissed him because even though nothing ever happened between us it was obvious he liked me and I was starting to like him, Clearly nothing will EVER happen between me and Han" She laughs a humorless laugh, "He made that pretty clear the night I got back. Maybe its time to move on." She says her eyes flicking over to Twinkie, who was staring at her. He smiles and heads over.


"Maybe you should maybe you shouldn't, but is Twinkie the best person to start over with? He is friends with Han." Melina whispers just as he comes up. Katie looks up at him a warm smile spreading over her lips, as butterflies flutter in her stomach. Melina looks up at him too, a silly grin on her face. "Well aren't you a just a little dark chocolate cutie!" She teases making Twinkie stare at her, blinking. Melina's face turns bright red and she quickly looks down. "S**t I'm sorry I didn't mean to be offensive." She says in a rush. Twinkie just laughs and joins them.


"Nawh don't sweat it, its not offensive. I just wasn't expecting it." He says waving it off with a smile. He looks at Katie who without realizing it moves closer to him, leaning against him like she had done a million times on the couch on the landing.


Han looks over at the three and a pang of jealousy rushes through him as he watches Katie curl up into Twinkie's side, his arm going around her shoulders and bringing her closer. He catches Melina's eye and in that instant all his pain is conveyed, her eyes going soft with understatement.


"Hey earth to Han you there?" Dom says waving his hand in front of his face. Han jumps and looks back at the crew a rueful smile on his face.


"Yeah sorry what was that?" He says. Dom looks over at the three and looks back at Han shaking his head.


" I said Are we going to get this party started or what? I'm hungry." He says slapping Lisa's a*s as he stands up, puttin gher firmly back on the ground. " Hey you three are you eating with us or are you inventing a club over there?" He shouts making their heads turn. Twinkie jumps up and helps Katie to her feet. The three walking over to the table as Mia, Melina, and Lisa run in the house to grab the food. Everyone gathers around the table, Katie sandwiched between Twinkie and Melina, Han across the table subtly glaring at Twinkie who didn't notice, Dom at the head like always with Lisa and Mia on his sides, Bryan next to his wife. Twinkie grabs his fork and as soon as the food hits his mouth the others snicker. He looks up to see everyone looking at him, a blush on his face.


"What?" He asks putting his fork down. Han snickers.


" You were the first one to eat" He laughs looking at Dom who was smiling.


"That means you have to say grace" He explains holding his hands out for Mia and Lisa to hold, The others join hands as Twinkie bows his head, saying the first pray with everyone home.






 Katie walks across the street with Melina and Twinkie, walking Melina home, her hand softly placed in Twinkies. When they get to the house they walk up the stairs and she notices the porch swing was gone. Melina notices her looking at the empty porch and gives her a sad smile, telling her how it had collapsed one day a year ago. Katie gives her back a sad smile, so many memories had happened on that swing, The two friends give each other a fierce hug and the three make a promise to hang out tomorrow, to show Twinkie their city. Twinkie grabs hold of Katie's hand again as Melina turns to head inside, the door shutting behind her as the other two walk down the path and out the chain link fence.


"Well she is as great as you said she was." Twinkie says as they walk up their own pathway. Katie smiles and nods.


"I'm so glad you two get along, I was afraid that two of the most important people in my life would hate eachother." She admits as she opens the door, letting Twinkie in first. The others had all gone to their respected rooms, Shawn had made up the other bed in the spare room for Twinkie. They walk up the stairs and head for her room, stopping just outside of it. "Well this is my room, um want to see?" She asks nervously, her eyes casting down. Twinkie chuckles.


" I think I should be a gentleman and just say goodnight here, outside the room." He says putting his hand under her chin and lifting her face to his, "Though If its OK with you I'd like to kiss you again." He whispers. She closes her eyes and nods, tilting her lips toward him, a flurry of butterflies whirling in her stomach as his lips touch hers. They were soft and full, molding against her as she steps closer into the safety of his arms. Maybe I could begin to fall for him, it wouldn't be so bad. she thinks as he ends the kiss, leaving her slightly breathless. She opens her eyes to find him staring at her, a quietness settling over him. "Goodnight Katie, I'll see you tomorrow.' He whispers before turning and heading to the room next door, turning to give her a small wave before disappearing inside, Shawn's snore reaching before the door closes.


"So is that things are going to be from now on?" A harsh voice says from across the hall. Katie looks over to see Han, a dark figure in his doorway staring at her, his dark eyes giving off no reflections, look like two dark pools. Katie crosses her arms and leans against her door.


"How what are going to be?" She asks, though in her heart she knew what he meant. He just snorts in disgust.


"You know that's pretty low, going after my friend like that, toying with him, or me for that matter." He snaps, taking his hand off his door and closing it behind him, so they were both in the hall. With the hall lights on him she notices that he was wearing nothing but a pair of baggy sweatpants that were riding dangerously low on his hip bones. She snaps her eyes up to his face to see a smirk on his lips, telling her she had been caught staring. She glares at him.


"He's my friend too Han, and what makes you think I am toying with him? Like I said I started to like him before but your f*****g memory wouldn't leave me." She snaps back, her anger rising. He takes a step toward her making her gasp with slight fear.


"If you are just using him to make me jealous then fine you win I'm jealous, just don't hurt the kid." he says, pleading ringing through his words. He watches as every door to her heart slams shut, locking him out.


"I'm not using him to make you jealous how dare you. Plus if you're jealous you should have thought of that before you turned me away not once but Three Times. I told you, I'm done, I'm moving on. So deal with it." She says in a voice with only one emotion, hatred. He sucks in his breath to respond but before he can she whirls around and slams her door in his face, The ring of the slam echoing through the hallway. He hangs his head in defeat, turning around to head back to his bed, sleep deserting him.


Laying down in his bed he lets out a shaky breath. The pain that she was trying so hard to keep back shone through in her bright green eyes. He groans with frustration and pain. What was he doing? Did he really think bickering with her would show her he still cared? Did she even care about him anymore. Maybe he should let her go? Maybe if he was truly hurting her as badly as she tried hard not to show then maybe it would be better if he did. A cold seeps through him.


"Goodbye Katie, I love you forever, but I'll let you go." He whispers into his empty room, falling asleep with tears in his eyes as memories of everytime he held her, or kissed her lips ran through his mind like a movie.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on April 15, 2015
Last Updated on April 15, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
