![]() Chapter Thirty-Eight: Twinkie It UpA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Its like Partying it up only Twinkie Style![]() Katie stands by her locker waiting for the twins, Hiroshi was going to give her his notes for geometry to study.Two girls walk out of Mrs. Koda's class room laughing at something . One of them, a girl named Hiroko Goda who was in her Literature class spots Katie and her laughter stops, a smirk on her lips twisting her pretty face into a harsh sneer. She whispers something to her companion and the two girls look at her again and laugh a cruel laugh. Katie just stares at them, her green eyes boring into them, showing them she wasn't afraid of them. Hiroko notices the look and her face screws up into a angry flush as the two saunter over to her.
"You don't belong here Gaijin, Do us favor and how you say it, Piss off." She says, her words though broken sliced into Katie like a slap. She takes a step back and bumps into her locker, as the two girls laugh and step closer to her, boxing her in making her anxiety kick in. "Stay away from Hiroshi, he mine." Hiroko says in a deadly whisper, taking another step closer until she was right in Katie's face, "You no stay away I make life bad, very bad get it?" She hisses, her eyes glittering with a cruel anger and Katie knew she was telling the truth. "Get it Gaijin?" She says her voice elevating. Katie flinches as a flashback of her Father threatens to over take her. She nods her head and puts her hands in front of her, trying to put distance between her and the other girl. "good." She says and with quick movements shoves Katie hard against the Locker, her head bouncing off the metal with a painful thud. She laughs her cruel laugh, her companion echoing it as they saunter down the hall and out the door. Katie stands there frozen for a few minutes trying to calm her racing heart. When she is certain that the girls are gone she tears out of there, the notes forgotten as she pushes out of the doors. Leaning against them she gulps in the icy air As A car horn honks at her making her head whip around. Twinkie was just pulling up, rolling his window down.
"Come on lets, Woah hey whats wrong?" He says stopping mid speech as she slides into the passenger side. "Hey whats wrong why are you crying?" He asks his voice gentle with concern. Katie wipes at her eyes not even realizing until then that tears were streaming down her face.
"Some girls cornered me and told me that I don't belong here that I need to Piss off and to stay away from Hiroshi cuz one of them liked him or something, they called me a Gaijin." She says her voice wobbling as new tears spring from her eyes. "They pushed me against the locker and I hit my head." she says rubbing the back of her head as it stings from the memory. Twinkie Punches the steering wheel making her jump
"Damnit That's just not right, I'm sorry they did that it was way uncool." he says putting the car in drive and making the tires squeal he speeds out of there, the smell of Burning rubber and tire treads the only evidence they had been there. "Well lets get out of here, Shawn and Neela are on one of their date dinners, so its just you and me tonight, but first before we go back I have a few things I want to do, I hope you don't mind." He says, Katie shakes her head and leans back ont he head rest, kicking her feet up on the dashboard. Twinkie spots her feet and without warning stomps on the brakes sharply making her body yank forward then slam back
"Yo what is up?" She says rubbing her head that once again got slammed back. Twinkie just looks at her feet.
"Girl I know you don't have your feet up on the monsters dashboard do you?" He says, his tone reminding her of the stereotypical gang talk. She bursts into laughter as she quickly removes her feet. "That's better, sorry I had to get a little mean right there, but this Baby needs the Up most respect." He, the wannabe gangster attitude coming out stronger making her laugh harder. He looks at her and smiles as he puts the car back into drive. "theres that smile, I was getting worried that it was too far buried under that frown," He teases, " but seriously no feet up OK?" He says turning his attention back to the road and takes the next exit. Katie sticks her tongue out at him and it was then that she spies his ever present back pack.
"Hey Twink why do you always carry this thing with you? is it your man purse or something?" She teases back as she tugs it onto her lap, "may I?" She asks pointing to the zipper. He looks at her from the corner of his eye and nods, flicking on his blinker as he takes the next exit. She unzips the main pouch and peers in, Brand new bright red shoes glare up at her, two other pairs of similar shoes of different colors beneath them. She looks up at him with confusion "Was there a raid on a sporting good store that I didn't know about?" She asks an eyebrow raised as he blushes.
"No, Its what I do on the side for money, sell American shoes on the streets." He says shrugging, leaning back in his seat, one hand on the steering wheel as the other rubs his chin. Katie Studies him as he focuses souly on the road in front of them. He had a boysih quality to him that made his features sharp and attractive, sitting in the driver seat the way he was he looked like a natural, like this was his natural habitat then when he was on the streets or in the garage. It struck Katie that she had never seen him drift, always under the hood fixing the car instead of drifting or racing, intent just watching Neela or Shawn. A clap of Thunder shakes her out of her stare with a jump and a yelp. At that moment the skies open up and the down pour hits. Twinkie curses and flick on his wiper blades. "S**t now I can't sell" He mutters leaning forward and putting both hands on the steering wheel. Both he and Katie peer out the front windshield, as a streak of lightening flashes across the downtown Tokyo skyline, lighting up the buildings around them. "Oh well, hey lets go get something to eat, I can't cook worth s**t so We'd be safer eating out." He says turning down main street in down town. Katie snickers.
"Just not McDonald." She says making him throw his head back and let out a roar of laughter. He weaves in and out of traffic, much to Katie's dislike, cars honking at them as they pass them by. After about fifteen minutes of the weaving in and out they stop outside a small rundown building, A Pink Neon sign hanging about the door shouting someting in Japanese, the Name of the place she presumed. Twinkie puts the truck in park and turns it OK, jumping out and heading to the building, only pausing when he was at the door. Katie quickly unbuckles herself and scrambling out of the truck to follow him. She looks up at the building sad exterior. It was dirty white white peeling side panels, dirty windows with a black tinge to them so she couldn't see inside and faiinting reeked of spilt beer. The door was coming off the hinges so when Twinkie opened it he had to steady it and wiggle it out of place so they could enter. An unease feeling was stirring deep in her stomach as they pass through the threshold, her hand reaching out and seeking the back of his shirt. "Where have you taken me Twinkie?" She whispers moving closer and modling herself to his back. He looks behind him and smiles before tearing himself away from her grasp, moving out of her way so she could see the place. She gasps.
The outside of the building was a ruse, a lie, to what it held inside.Inside was a fast pace club, The thumping beat shocking to her system after the quiet from outside, meaning there was some sort of sound proofing on the walls. The strobe light flashes searing into her retinas making her squint. Twinkie laughs and loops his arms through hers reminding her of the first time they met, and lead her through the dance floor where a mass of wriggling gyrating bodies dancing in time to the thumping beat, of the Japanese pop. Even though Katie couldn't understand the words she was starting to really get into Japanese music, it was too catchy not to. Twinkie pulls her over to the bar and the two slip onto a pair of stools that were blissfully together. She looks around the bar and sees women in all sorts of barely there clothing, men of all sizes eyes them like meat, it made her shutter and look back at her friend. Twinkie was staring down the bar trying to wave down the bartender. The white in his ever present doo rag flashing neon everytime the strobe light would go off. Finally he manages to wave him down and he saunters over, his arms thick with muscles which made Katie realize he wasn't Just a bartender for this club, but a bodyguard as well.
"Hey Twinkie How you been?" He says his voice deep and his brown eyes lighting up. Twinkie smiles and the two do a manly hand shake. "Haven't seen you around in a while how you been?" He says as his eyes find Katie. He gives her a once over before smiling wide. 'well hello there little cutie I Haven't seen you around ever. The name's Keniji." He says in a friendly mannor holding out his hand. Katie laughs and tentatively shakes it.
"Katie, pleasure to meet you." She says flashing him a smile. He laughs and pats Twinkie on the arm.
"What will you two love birds have?" he says taking a battered notepad and stubbed pencil out of his pocket posing it over the pad, waiting for their orders. His words bring a fierce blush to her cheeks.
"Keniji she's my best friends little sister, not my lover." Twinkie says a little to rushed, a blush going across his own face making Katie start. Was there a crush there? Her blush deepens at the though, that was ridiculous. " And we will have Two orders of the the usual." He says turning to Katie for approval, Katie just shrugs, indicating that she trusted his judgement. Keniji just snickers and writes it down, heading off to the small window that lead tot he back, and shouting out their order in Japanese to the cooks who were slaving away at the stoves. Two minutes later he came back over with two tall glasses of a clear liquid that strongly gave off the smell of Peroxide, making her nose wrinkle. Twinkie smiled wide and grabs his glass, chugging down a quarter of his drink before wiping his mouth, a satisfied smack of his lips and a sigh before looking at Katie who was staring at him with slight disgust. He looks embarrassed and pushes her drink toward her. " Try it, its a Keniji secret, he wont tell what kind of alcohol it is but its really good." He says, having to shout over the suddenly obnoxious crash of music that makes them both wince. She takes her glass and sniffs it, her nose wrinkling again. Steeling herself against the smell and the burn she know doubt knew was going to scorch her throat she takes a large sip, coughing when the burn brings tears to her eyes.
"Good god what is this s**t." She hacks between coughs, covering her mouth. Twinkie laughs and shrugs taking another sip. Katie takes a smaller sip and lets the taste wash over her tongue. "Is that a hint of wait-" she takes a sip again, "Pineapple?" She says lifting an eyebrow. Twinkie nods and guzzles down the rest of his drink.
"Yeah Like I said, its his special drink, one wont get you sloshed so that's all I'm drinking, do you want another?" he asks as Keniji comes back with two orders of some type of meat, the smells making her Stomach growl. Just then a beautiful women comes up and rudely steps in between Katie and Twinkie, turning her back toward Katie she leans forwad and with a flirty smile says something to twinkie, it sounded more like a pur in Katie's ears. Twinkie just shakes his head and nods to Katie. The girl flicks her gaze at her and with a angry glint takes in Katie's appearance before laughing and turning back to Twinkie, trying once more to seduce him. Katie looks down at her clothing and suddenly becomes self conscious in her school uniform as she was surrounded by beautiful women in revealing body hugging clothing. Twinkie once again shakes his head and the women glares hatefully at Katie before slinking off, already looking for another victim. Twinkie shakes his head and flags down Keniji for a soda, lifting it in the air when he gets it. "Lets celebrate tonight! Raise your glass girl We are going to toast." He shouts over the booming music. Katie blushes and smiles, lifting her alcohol to match him.
"What are we toasting for? you cant have a toast without toasting for something." She says seeing him thinking, his brown eyes screwing up in concentration as he thinks of something to toast to. His eyes lighting up when he finally thinks of something.
"To Han! For Being Alive and Well" He shouts happily. Katie Laughs and the two clink their glasses together, her drink sloshing out and spilling onto the bar. They sip their drinks just as a voice comes from behind her.
"Did you just say Han's Alive?" A nasally chiling voice says from behind her, making the hairs ont he back of her neck stand up and an involuntary shiver runs down her spin. Twinkie's carefree posture turns ridged as he stares at the person behind her. With slight movements he holds out his head for her which he quickly slips hers into his. He helps her from the stool and quickly with easy pushes her behind him. She goes flush against his back and dares a peak at the man who had made Twinkie, a guy who was always happy and carefree turn serious. The man was Japanese, with short badly died blonde hair plastered to his head, giving him a sleazy look. A chilling smile and unusual piercing blue eyes stared are at Twinkie. "Well Well Well who do we have here? Going a little too young aren't you?" He sneers as his piercing eyes slide over to look at her. Her anxiety shoots up as he scans her body snickering, she huddles closer to Twinkie, sliding her body fully behind him. "Why you talking about Han, He's dead." He says changing the subject yet again as he looks back at Twinkie. "Tekashi took care of that." He laughs, a sickly sound that sent chills right up her spine. Twinkie puts on a smile and picks up his drink, taking a sip before answering.
"Yes your washed up D.K killed Han, But he will Always be Alive and Well In our thoughts. Hey Eyes on me don't pay attention to her." He snaps, snapping his fingers in front of his face. The Guy's eyes had wandered back over to Katie and his head tilted sightly to try and get a better look at her. Katie just jutted out her chin and gave him a leveled looked, her bright green eyes daring him to touch her. He lifts a perfectly groomed dyed blonde eyebrow at her, slight surprise flickering in his unusual eyes. "Moramoto you listening to me, I said leave her alone." Twinkie yells, his voice going dangerous, almost a growl. Katie gasps and looks at him with shock. He was standing in front of her with a posture so rigid she was surprised he hadn't already punched this guy... Moramoto. Moramoto looks at him and laughs.
"Twinkie you think you're so big and bad just because you are protecting this young school girl, taking a page from Teskashi's book are we? well I wont want to keep you two. good day." He says, his voice filled with mockery and cruelty. He tips his head goodbye and saunters away. leaving Katie with a feeling of dread. Twinkie didn't let up on his posture until MOramoto disappeared from sight, sagging into his chair as all fight washes out of him. Katie comes around and perches herself back on her stool, one eyebrow raised as she looks at him, a silent question on her face as she takes a sip of her drink, the pineapple burning down her throat.
"He was the Old D.K's Right hand man." Twinkie says in a voice that meant he wasn't going to talk about it anymore. Katie just nods. After She had told Shawn Han was alive he had given Katie a summery of what had happened, only telling what happened AFTER Han had supposedly died. The Old D.K, a guy Named Tekashi, had chased Han through the streets, making Han crash his car and explode, everyone thought Han was still n the car and assumed he had perished in the explosion. Afterwards Twinkie had given Shawn all the money that Han had taken and he then proceeded to give it back to Tekashi's uncle Kamada. When speaking with him he challenged D.K to one last race the rules being whoever lost had to leave Tokyo. Long story short, Shawn wont and was now the New D.K of the Drifting scene, earning more respect then he thought possible, especially when people found out he had done the race in Han's memory. "Hey enough of this depressing s**t, we know Han's alive, Moramoto is to stupid to think he's alive, lets Twinkie this s**t up!" He hollers a smile wide on his face. Katie throws her head back and laughs a light carefree laughter.
"What the hell does Twinkie it up mean?" She says as the music blares on. Twinkie laughs and guzzles down his drink, finally noticing the food th at had since gone cold.
"Its Partying only Twinkie style. Trust me hang with me long enough and I will show you a good clean way to party that is way more fun then drugs." He says carefully. Katie just smiles and turns to her food. Picking it up she takes a small taste, the juices exploding in her mouth and she grins. Twinkie offered to tell her what it was she was eating but she shakes her head violently, wanting to me blissfully ignorant to it then knowing. The two finish their food and Katie chugs down two more drinks, the effects hitting her and making her feel light as a feather. Twinkie slides off his chair and holds out his hand. "Lets dance!" he says smiling. The flashing lights making his smile look demonic, reminding her of the rave Melina took her too all those years ago. And like that Memories of Hiroko crash into her, threatening to ruin her happy buzz. She flags down Keniji for one more drink and quickly polishes it off before taking Twinkie's hand. He smile and holding firm to her leads her onto the dance floor.
The music pulses around them, wriggling and weaving itself into their systems like a living breathing creature of darkness. The base of the song vibrates in her chest, sitting heavily on her breast bone as she wiggles her body in time with it, Twinkie joining her, their bodies pushed close together int he tightly packed dance floor. The three drinks in her swished around in her veins, making the strobe lights looks brighter, the beat feel more alive. She lets out a loud whoop and gyrates to the music, Twinkie laughing as he hesitantly puts his hands on her hips, his way of asking it it was OK. She looks into his eyes and smiles a genuinely large smile at him and he smiles back, his hands gripping her hips. She turns in his arms and grinds against him, her hands lifting into the air. Her worries of Hiroko, moramoto, Her lack of clubwear, everything falls away and is uplifted as the drunk state of mind took hold of her, cradling her in its arms. The two dance for hours, until She couldn't stand up any longer. They head back tot he bar where she drinks glass after glass of Keniji's concoction, Her and Twinkie partying with Keniji laughing and tossing jabs at one another. Katie smiles as Twinkie and Keniji throw friendly insults at one another. She hadn't remembered a time when she felt this amazing and had this much fun without the help of drugs. She was grateful to have someone like Twinkie around to help her. Twinkie looks at her and smiles back at her before turning back to Keniji, She finishes her fifth drink before turning back to the conversation, joining it well into the night.
"WHERE THE F**K HAVE YOU BEEN?" Shawn screams as Katie and Twinkie stumble into the garage, her drunken giggle cutting off as she sees her brothers red angry face peering at them from the landing.Twinkie's face pales to a sickly light brown as he too spies her brother. Katie hangs her head, her drunk mind suddenly embarrassed. "For the love of God Twinkie did you get her drunk?" Shawn shouts, pounding down stairs, stalking towards them. Twinkie blushes and looks down, still holding on to her to which she was grateful.
"As a matter of fact I did, She needed to let lose and have some fun, don't worry I'm perfectly sober, protecting her from the baddies." He says. Shawn skids to full stop
"You took her to the Muddies didn't you? Damnit Twink how many of Keniji's drinks did she have?" He says, the twang in his voice not doing much to hide the exasperation in it.
"SHE is standing right here? and I had 10 thank you very much." she slurs as her vision blurs. She tries to take a step and lurches forward Shawn lunches toward her and catches her easily in his arms, a sad smile on his lips.
"Yeah you're here all right, Twink help me get her to bed." He says chuckling. The two help her slowly up the stairs her legs giving out right as she steps on the landing, Twinkie picks her up bridle style and heads to her room.
"Shawn you go get her the usual hangover preventions, I get her to bed." He says as he pushes open the metal doors. Katie just snuggles into him and smiles at him.
"My knight in doo ragged armor." She slurs giggling at her own joke. Twinkie smiles down at her and pushes into her room, depositing her onto her bed, before going over o the dresser to find her something to sleep in. He pulls out a white under armor shirt that was Dom's and a pair of boxer shorts she had stolen from Han during the summer before the family found out. He turns to her and hands them to her. "Aww thank you you are too kind sir." She says putting on a fake English accent making him laugh. He turns his back and she quickly shimmies out of her uniform and puts the Pj's on. "I'm decent." She says as he turns around.
"Alright well see you tomorrow. Shawn should be in here soon with Tylenol and water, drink the entire glass OK? it will keep you from getting hung over tomorrow." He says and starts to turn away. She snakes her hand out and grabs his shirt. He startles and turns around to face her as she slips off the bed, face to face with him.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" She slurs, flirtation coloring her drunken words. He raises an eyebrow at her as she draws him close. Before he can say anything she kisses him hard. His arms wrap around her and draw her close as he deepens the kiss. His lips tasted like cherry coke, his drink of choice at the club, the hints of salt from sweat mixed in. Suddenly he was yanking her away.
"Katie as much as I would like to continue this, I would like it more if you weren't drunk out of your skull." He says his breath ragged. Color deepens her cheeks as she steps back.
"What is wrong with me that Every guy I like rejects me!" She wails tears springing to her eyes. Twinkie steps up to her and wipes them away, a look of sadness shadowing his features.
"Hey I'm not rejecting you, I just want to know that its really YOU kissing me and not the liquor." he whispers taking her chin and raising it so she was forced to look her in the eyes. " I like you Katie, I really like you, and if you still want to kiss me in the morning when the liquor is gone then Trust me, I wont stop you." He admits a smile on his face. " is that OK?" Nerves etching into his face. Katie nods just as a knock on her door makes them jumps apart. Katie flops onto her bed as Twinkie moves over to the dresser and leans against it as Shawn enters the room, Oblivious to the serious conversation that had just happened.
"Here take these and Drink this." He says to Katie as he hands her two small white pills and a large bottle of water. She takes them from him and throwing back the pills chases them with a swig of water, the icy crisp coolness a welcome after the many pineapple drinks. Out of the corner of her eyes she sees Twinkie slip out of the room and head for the landing. no doubt to crash in his tube bunk. "did you have fun tonight?" He asks her. She nods as she chugs down the water. "Good, I'm glad but don't make a habit of drinking OK? its no better then the drugs." He whispers reminding her that she had come here to get clean. Drinking wouldn't really help that. She nods again and hands him the empty water. He takes it and gets up. "Now get some sleep you still might have a hang over tomorrow but hopefully sleeping and the water will take most of the edge off of it. night" He says and turns. Katie lays down and was out before he shut the door.
"He said Chan was alive and well. Though he tried to cover it up with bullshit that he meant in their hearts." Moramoto says to the guy in the car. Tekashi leans back in his seat, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel, a cruel smile on his lips.
"Keep an eye on the girl, get the others as well." He says unlocking the car door, indicating Moramoto to get out. As his friend slinks out of the car he rolls down the window to the passenger side, so he could lean in. " I feel she is the key to it all." And with that he rolls up the window and starts the car. With a violent rev of the engine Moramoto jumps back as the old D.K speeds down the street to his hide out, doing a jerky drift around the sharp corner, Moramoto was still able to hear his car as it disappears. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on April 6, 2015 Last Updated on April 6, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing