![]() CHapter Thirty-Four: tearful goodbyesA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Goodbye but not forever![]() The Front door slams open making Katie peak her head out of the kitchen. Melina was standing there looking like she was about to either cry or punch someone, maybe even both. Dom comes jogging down the stairs, alerted by the door slamming.
"Melina whats wrong?" He asks, concerned for her. Katie ducks her head back into the Kitchen out of Melina's view, listening all the while.
"IS it True? Is she moving to Tokyo?" She hears her exclaim, tears hiding in every word. Katie's heart breaks for her friend. She was leaving her all alone, she ventures out of the kitchen and walks into the front room. As soon as Melina spies her she bursts into tears and as she threw her arms around Katie's neck, Katie was surprised to find Tears streaming down her own face. "You can't leave me! We had plans for Graduation! and for college! You can't leave now!" she cries, soaking Katie's shoulder. Dom eases back up the stairs to give the two girls privacy. Katie holds her best friend close, hugging her with all her strength.
" I have to Lina, I can't stay here." She whispers into her friends Blonde hair, "There are too many memories and too much Temptation, You have to understand." She says pulling her friend at arms length. She studies Melina as she wrestles with the knowing it was the right thing and her desire to beg her not to go. In the end she hung her head and sagged against Katie, knowing she was speaking the truth.
"You know I do, When do you leave?" She asks, her voice filled with sadness and defeat. The two girls head into the livingroom, unaware of Han standing at the top of the stairs, holding his breath wanting to know the answer to that question as much as Melina. He creeps down the stairs as quietly as they would let him and pressed flat against the archway frame to the livingroom.
" I talked to Shawn last night and we figured that the sooner the better, I'm leaving in two days." She says. All breath leaves Han, he feels like he has been punched in the stomach. In two days he would be losing the girl he was so desperately in love with, and it was all his fault, if he hadn't walked out on her she wouldn't be running away. He hears Melina burst into muffled sobs and know that the two were clinging to eachother, tears of his own pricked at his eyes. He wipes his face and breaks away to his room, unable to stand the sorrow that was suffocating the area.
Katie held onto Melina as she cried again, she cried with her, cried for all the things they wouldn't do anymore. The Random drives to nowhere just because they could, chilling in Katie's room blasted music and painting their nails, making fun of Dom and the others, Hanging out at the Edge which had become their newest thing to do in the two weeks she had been back from the hospital. She wouldn't have her best friend to call up when she needed to vent about Han. They wouldn't be walking across the stage getting their diploma together and going to the university and being roommates. She clings to her best friend, pulling her closer as the realization of what she was losing fully hits her. She was losing connection to her sister. She pulls Melina away from her and holds her face in her hands, staring into her bright blue eyes.
"Melina just because I am leaving does NOT mean we will stop being friends do you hear me? You are my sister, We will find a way to stay in touch OK? I will write you a million letters if that's what it takes, I Will demand Dom to let you use his phone so you can call me even if its midnight there and early morning here. Do you understand me?" She asks her with force desperate for her to know, "We will Always be friends, this little bump in the road wont stop us." She says. Melina's tears start to dry as she gives her a weak but confident smile.
"You're not going to live there forever right? we are still getting a place together in the future." She asks with a shy but hopeful tone. Katie smiles through her tears and laughs.
"Hell yeah we are, It'll just have to be later on." She says grinning at her. Melina sticks her tongue out at her and like that the two friends were laughing, chasing away their sadness with laughter. Dom comes into the room and seeing them laugh grins at them shaking his head. "What are you shaking you're head at Dom? have you never seen two teenage girls laughing for no reason." she says between giggles, making Dom laugh he deep booming laugh. He jumps onto the couch and pulls her in for a noogy, making her squeal.
Han covers his ears as Katie's squeal reaches him even behind the closed bathroom door. He goes over to the shower and turns on the shower to the hottest setting there was, the room steaming in minutes. He could feel a flashback rising its ugly head as he keeps thinking about losing Katie. Shedding his clothing he steps under the hot spray closes his eyes and lets it wash over him, soothing his frayed nerves, not caring how long it took. Ten minutes later he hears the door slowly open and his eyes pop open
"I'm showering here!" He yells to whoever was entering, but no one answers. Cursing he lifts the edge of the shower curtain and yanks it out of the way, making sure to cover himself up, "Did you not Hear me I-" He stops short, all thought flying out of his head when he sees Katie sitting quietly on the closed toilet seat, "Holy S**t Katie!" He says ducking back behind the curtain completely. "I thought you were down stairs with Melina." He mutterr hearing her small giggle.
"I was, she had to run to her house to get her things, she's camping here until I have to leave." She says quietly. Han Dares a small peak at her, giving her a glare. She smiles at him and he could see it in her eyes that she was trying to behave herself.
"Why are you discussing this with me while I'm showering? Couldn't whatever it is you want to say have waited Until AFTER?" He asks narrowing his eyes at her trying to ferret out what exactly it was she wanted. She gets up and boldly walks over to him, the only thing between them was the thin Shower curtain. He fidgets behind it trying to behave. "Katie don't" he growls, instant desire coursing. She looks at him straight in the eyes and he is hypnotized, everything else falls away, her eyes the only things he sees. Slowly she takes hold of the curtain and leans close, his face moving towards hers until there was barely any space between them. "What are you doing to me?" He whispers before their lips connect.
Katie barely notices the curtain falling away as he draws her close, her front instantly getting soaked making her gasp. She draws her arms around him and slowly drags her nails down his back. She couldn't resist him anymore, she couldn't wall her heart against him no matter how much she tried, so she didn't, she gave in to her heart. He growls deep in his throat and easily lifts her up and tugs her into the shower with him, pushing her up against the back wall.
"You overestimate my self control." He growls at her as he breaks the kiss, looking her deep in the eyes, lust and desire raging in every part of his body. She gives him a rueful smile as she grabs the hem of her shirt and quickly, before he can stop her, yanks it over her head and tossing it outside the shower, her black lace bra the only thing covering her top half. He moans as he stares at her half undressed state his eyes growing wide when she reaches behind her, fiddling with the clasps. Before she can unhook it he snakes his hand out and pins hers above her head, "NO." He warns before pressing his mouth against hers, forcing his way in making her moan and sag against him. He wanted her, he wanted her badly, here he was fully undressed with the girl he was so madly in love with half undressed willing to give everything to him, and he desperately wanted to take it. He groans as he tears himself away from her, "Katie we can't do this, not here." He whispers, his voice strained and chocked with emotions. She gives him a harsh laugh
"Are you really rejecting me again?" She snaps, snatching her hands away. Han steps back, slight surprise bubbling inside him as he notices she was looking just in his eyes, no where else. "Han I am standing in a SHOWER with you, what more evidence do you NEED to get the hint? I want to be with you, completely." She says, tears filling her words as she steps away from the wall toward him, making him step back directly into the shower stream, his hair plastering itself to his forehead. Anger wells up inside him and he takes a dangerous step towards her.
" You're leaving. no you are RUNNING to Tokyo in TWO days because you can't stand the sight of me and now suddenly you want to jump my bones in a shower?" He hisses watching as her eyes grow wide, her face pales. His hurt fueling his anger. "Why?" He asks. She snorts and crosses her arms, but doesn't respond. He pushes flush against her again pressing her to the wall. "Why Katie?" He begs her, she looks him in the eyes.
"It doesn't matter my reason." She whispers looking away from his eyes. He smiles a small sad smile at her
"It matters everything to me." He says pushing away from her turning his back on her. He hears her leaving the shower and putting her shirt back on.
"Your lose." She snaps. He peaks out of the curtain at her.
"Remember, You're the one running away." He whispers at her. She gives him a harsh glare, her anger, hurt, and love shining through in her eyes as the next words sear themselves permanently in his heart.
" I Wish I had never met you." And with that she turns on her heels and walks out. It was the last time he saw her for a very long time.
Katie jumps a foot in the air as something hits her shoulder, Melina laughs hysterically. She looks down to see the culprit, the cap of a water bottle, she looks back at Melina and pegs her with it making her laugh harder.
"Hey its your own fault you're the one pouting over there in dream land." Melina says once her giggles were contained. Katie flashes her a smile of apology before going over to tackle her with a hug.
"Sorry Lina just thinking about s**t, What movie we watching next?" She asks looking over the pile of movies. Since noon The two girls had parked themselves in the spare room, dragged the TV from Her room into it, made countless bags of buttered popcorn and had a Movie Marathone. NO one bothered them, everyone knew that the two girls needed time together, It was now 7 pm and they were Wired off of popcorn and pixie sticks. She picks up a DVD that caught her eyes "How about this one..... The Covenant. Whats it about?" she asks flipping over the cover to read the back. Melina looks up and leans forward to read over her shoulder,
"Oh four Warlocks battling an evil fifth, Sounds intense lets watch.' She giggles snatching the movie out of her hands, "Your turn to refill the popcorn." She says handing her the big red bowl, butter grease ringing the entire bottom. She sighs and slowly gets up, stretching all the kinks out of her arms as she walks out of the room. When she reaches Han's door she storms past it, refusing to even look at it and quickly runs down the stairs, heading to the kitchen. The sounds of someone talking in the livingroom alerts her and she pauses just outside it.
" Han you need to give her time, She's pissed and hurt, you need to let her go if you ever hope of getting her back." Mia whispers, Katie hears someone sigh and knows instantly it was Han.
"I already let her go once, and look what happened. I can't let her go again." he says, his voice on the verge of tears, " I'm in love with her Mia, plain and simple," He confesses breaking down into tears. Katie's breath leaves her in a whoosh, tears prick at her eyes as she quickly retreats to the kitchen, placing the popcorn bowl on the breakfast bar, leaning on it for support. He was crying for her? How was that possible, her anger wells up again side her, he deserved it, he was the one who rejected her AGAIN. With a new found hate she goes to the cabinet and yanks open the door grabbing the opened box of popcorn, she slams the microwave shut, pushing the button for popcorn and sinking to the ground, drawing up her legs close to her as she tries to keep away the angry tears. Why did he still have a hold on her this strong? She didn't want to think about him, she wanted to hate him for all the s**t he's put her through, but she couldn't no matter how much she tried to hate him her love for him dominated. She sighs and leans her head back against the counter, waiting for the popcorn to be done so she could escape back upstairs with her sister. Movement in the kitchen doorframe makes her still,her breathing stops as she watches Han enter the kitchen. Clearly lost in some thought, he doesn't even realize the microwave was being used or Katie sitting on the ground in front of it, he just slips out the back door, a cigarette between his lips making Katie wrinkle her nose, Ack that was such a nasty habit. The microwave beeps making her jump with fright, frightened that the beep would alert Han she jumps up and quickly grabs the bag.
"Son of A B***h." She hisses as she drops the bag into the bowl, her fingertips stinging from being burnt. She sticks one in her mouth and quickly grabs the bowl, heading back up the stairs and slipping into the room.
"Aw you burn your finger?" Melina says looking up from the DVD player, after putting the movie in. Katie nods and hands her the bowl and bag, receiving a bout of laughter. Melina opens the bag and dumps the buttery popcorn into the bowel, soft plinks coming from it as the unpopped kernel's hit the plastic, the smell of greasy butter fills her nostrils making her mouth water.
"Aren't you two sick of popcorn yet?" Bryan's voice says from the opened doorway making the girls jump ans turn toward him. He flashes them a smile, "Ha ha sorry." He walks in and picks up the open case reading the back of it, his eyebrow arching "The four sons of Ipswitch are the badass boys of Spenser Academy, But they are more then they seem, The four are warlocks sharing a 300-year old secret to protect their covenant blah blah blah, Who watches this s**t?" He asks scrunching up his nose in disinterest, tossing the case onto the pile of movies. Melina gives him a mock glare.
"These two Chicka's right here watches that s**t." she sasses crossing her arms. Katie follows her lead and glares back at Bryan
"Yeah you got a problem with that?" She also sasses. Bryan looks between the two girls and breaks into laughter Katie following suite goes over to him and flings her arms around her brother, hugging him hard. Melina smiles wide and plops down on her bean bag chair that she had dragged over form her house. Katie lets go of him and grins up at him. " what you need brother?" she asks moving movie cases with her foot, trying to find the remote. Spying it she snatches it up and with out looking tosses it to Melina, who yelps when it hits her in the shoulder.
"Oiu Watch where you toss that thing!! she snaps, picking it up to turn the movie on. Bryan watches with amusement before turning back to Katie.
"Just wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with the Fam, Me, Mia, Dom and Lisa?" He asks looking over at Melina "You are included to Lina" he says looking back at Katie who had tears in her eyes.
"Hell yeah we are in, I'm starving!" Melina says before she can answer. She looks at Bryan a question in her eyes that he instantly catches, shaking his head slightly. No Han wouldn't be there. She smiles wide and nods her head, laughing when Melina grabs her hand and propels her to the hallway. "Hey move it women We got a Buffet to devour." She yells turning to Bryan "Let me guess, Katie's favorite Chinese place The generals?" Bryan nods and Katie lets out a whoop of joy, racing Melina down the stairs and out the door where the others were waiting in their cars. Han looks from the livingroom window as Katie jumps into the Car with Bryan and Mia, a smile on her face.
"Goodbye my Love." He whispers and lets the curtain fall back into place.
Dom stands up, clinking his fork against his corona bottle to quiet the dull chatter of the group. The family of six were sitting at three tables pushed together, half empty plates scattered across the tables. They quiet down and look at her, Melina chewing quietly on a beef terrakyi on a stick. Dom smiles down at them before locking eyes with Katie, his smile turning sad.
"I want to make a toast to the best daughter a father could ever have,' He says his deep voice choked with rare emotions, making Katie's eyes sting. "Its been almost 8 years and one Hell of a ride having you a part of this family, we've been through the ringer haven't we kid?" She nods her head, trying hard not to cry. He stops and clears his throat, he too is trying not to cry. He looks around the table before continuing again. "But now a new chapter of your life is about to begin, one that doesn't involve us. But just know that no-" He stops suddenly as tears start streaming down his face, "just know that-" his voice was too choked to continue, Lisa stands up and puts a hand on his arm, tears of her own threatening to spill. She turns to Katie with a small smile
"I think he means that no matter where you are you will Always be apart of this family and are welcomed back any time." She says, her voice cracking on the word Family. Katie lets out a small sob before pushing back her chair to run over to them. Jumping into Dom's Strong loving arms and clinging onto him like her life depended on it, she feels Lisa circle her arms around her back and she is smooshed between the best parents she had ever known.
"You two in my eyes are the only parents I have ever had," She whispers to them, feeling Dom hug her tighter before letting go, wiping his eyes to rid the tears before smiling at her. She turns around to look at Mia and Bryan, "You four raised me when you didn't have to, you took me in and dealt with me when I was terrified of my own shadow, you were patient and kind and never gave up on me," She says, her voice wobbling as the tears streamed down her face. she looks over at Melina who was sobbing silently. "OH Lina you are the best sister a girl could ever have, I Love you guys so much. All of you," She says bursting into sorrow-filled tears. The other three get up and the six cling to eachother, not caring that everyone in the restaurant was staring at them. All they cared about was that this was goodbye, at least for a little while, who knew what was going to happen in the years to come. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on March 25, 2015 Last Updated on March 29, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing