![]() Chapter Thirty-Three: Life DecisionsA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Life choices![]() Bryan Stares at Katie like she has three heads, he was sitting at the breakfast bar along with Dom as she stands on the other side leaning against it. She had just told them something that shocked them both, Dom was staring at her with his mouth wide open, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. He closes it and a muscle in his jaw twitches as he processes what she had just said. Bryan broke the silence first.
"You want to go live with Shawn.... in Tokyo.. Halfway around the world from here?" He says in a breathless shocked voice, his eyes unfocused. Katie looks at him, then Dom, then back at him, nodding her head.
"Yeah I think it would be best for me you know? get away from all the temptation and distractions around here, I... I still have the ticket coupon thing Han gave me a few years back for a visit.... It'll just be for a one way trip instead of a round trip." She says, crossing her fingers behind her back praying they would say yes. It's been two weeks since she ODed and Han walked out of her life and it was hell on earth, all she did was go to school and lock herself in her room, to make matters worse it seemed that Dom, Lisa and even Bryan finally accepted that Han and her were in love, but it was too late, Han was sticking to his "I'm done plan and was staying far away from her,not even so much as looking at her when she was in the same room. It was torture, one night, two days after she came home, she slipped out of her room and tried to go into his to talk to him, but found his door locked, denying her access and crushing all hope that she had to patch things up with him, she went to bed sobbing that night, like she did most nights now. Dom rubs his hands over his head shaking her out of her trip down memory lane, he looks at Bryan then back at his daughter.
"I think you're right, Maybe a different setting would be good for you." he Admits turning to Bryan who nods in defeat. "When did you want to leave?" He asks looking back at her. She smiles wide and goes around the bar to hug her father, his Strong arms crushing her to him in a loving embrace.
"Thank you Dom, and as soon as Shawn lets me, if that's OK," she says letting him go and sitting down on the last stool. "I want to get better Dom, I'm tired of being this way." Dom smiles and ruffles up her hair. Bryan gets up and pats her on the back before heading to the livingroom where Lisa was playing her race game, Katie can faintly hear him asking to join. As Katie was about to get up to leave Han enters the room, sweat stains on the front of his shirt along with baggy pants and his hair plastered to his forehead indicated he just came back from a jog. He stops short as he assess the two of them before heading to the refrigerator for a bottle of water.
"What's going on here everything OK?" He asks trying to sound nonchalant, his back turned to them as he grabs a water from the back of the fridge. While he opens the bottle he turns back around to face them, leaning against the fridge.
"Is that Ticket to Tokyo still available?" Katie asks him, chewing on her bottom lip in nerves. He takes a sip of the water letting the cold liquid slid down his throat, screwing on the cap and putting it against his sweaty forehead nodding.
"Yeah you planning a trip down there? that's great it'd be good for you, Shawn would love it." He says with a little to much enthusiasm, opening the bottle again and chugging about half the water. Katie just frowns and crosses her arms, a look of anger crossing her beautiful features.
"No, I'm moving down there, getting away from all the bad mojo around here," She says watching his reaction. He nearly chokes on his water, spraying it out in front of him, coughing up the rest. Wiping his mouth he looks at her, his face pale and bloodless, his dark eyes wide with surprise and Katie could swear she saw some fear in them.
"You're moving...... to.... to Tokyo?" He asks slowly, She raises her chin and looks him in the eyes, the fear she thought she saw was clear, shining through, dominating any other emotion that might be there.
"That's right I am. What's it to you? why do you care?" She says wanting him to say something, to admit he still cared. He knew her well and caught her double meaning, giving her a glare before carefully screwing on the cap and putting the bottle on the table. He shrugs and leans back against the fridge again and swipes his hair out of his face, the picture of nonchalant.
"It doesn't it's just Tokyo is a hell of alot different from here, hope you know that. Good luck to you." He says a little to rushed before pushing off the fridge and grabbing the water he walks out of the room. Katie leans her head against hate bar and sighs in defeat. Dom pats her on the shoulder trying to comfort her.
"Katie you need to give him time, You scared him shitless, just give him time." He says before getting up to join the others in the livingroom, soon a full blown Race competition was in motion. Somewhere upstairs a Door was slammed.
Han bounds up the stairs his mind going in a million different directions. Katie was moving? To Tokyo? This couldn't be happening. He reaches his room and slams the door shut, plopping down on his bed he throws his arm across his eyes and sighs. How did this get so messed up he thinks. He knew she needed to focus on her life right now, stick to a path of recovery and get better, he knew that he really did, but not from half way around the world! If she went there he knew he would loose her forever and he couldn't handle that. He had walked away from her because he couldn't survive watching her destroy herself and loose her slowly, now it was slapping him in the face, he was loosing her anyway.
"F**k n ay" He says throwing his water bottle on the ground in slight anger, anger directed at himself. Quiet knocking on his door had him groaning and rolling over on the bed, kicking at the blankets to get under them, suddenly just wanting nothing more then to take a nap. "MIA go away I don't feel like talking." He shouts taking off his shirt and pants to sleep in just his boxers. He draws the covers up to his shoulders and rolls over facing the window. The door opens up, making him groan, "Mia I said I didn't want to talk." He says not turning over. He hears someone padding up to the bed and feels it dip under their weight making him sigh. He sits up, the blanket falling away from him as he turns around to talk to her. "Mia what the-" He sentience stops short when he sees Katie sitting there.
Her breathing stops as the blanket falls away from his bare chest, his muscles glistening with lingering sweat from his jog. As her eyes travel down she notices he was only in boxer she snaps her eyes back up to his, a blush breaking on her cheeks. He clears his throat and pulls the blanket back up, trying to cover himself up much to her displeasure.
"What do you want Katie?" He asks. She looks at him and reaches out her hand, surprised when he lets her lace their fingers together a moan escaping him and he closes his eyes bringing their joined hands to his lips brushing a kiss across her knuckles. "Why is it I can never stay away from you for long?" He says opening his eyes, love shining in them. She jerks her hand away as electricity runs through her, he doesn't try to stop her, his hand falling limp back down to the bed.He look deep in her eyes as the fear she saw earlier creeps back into them. "Is this really how this is going to end? You running off to Tokyo? After everything we've been through?" He whispers. She gives him a look, standing up and heading back to the door. She opens it and before she leaves she stops and looks back at him. He was still siting in bed, looking at the spot she just was before looking up at her, making her suck in her breath. He looked broken and defeated, lost like a small child loosing their favorite toy and his eyes, they were full of agony about losing her, silently pleading with her not to go. Her heart guards itself from his pleading and she looks him straight in the eye.
"You're the one who broke you're promise Han, you gave up on me." She says and closes the door. Standing alone in the hallway she leans against his door, her legs unable to hold her up anymore and she falls to the ground as sobs from inside his room reach her ears, her face pales. He was crying! he was crying for her and everything they had lost. They had been through so much and they lost it, tears fall down her face unchecked and she doesn't bother wiping them away. It was HIS fault they were over, he was the one that gave up on her, she thinks before getting up. She had just enough time to sink onto her bed before sobs of her own crawl their way out of her, deep gutwrenching sobs.
Mia stands in the hallway listening to both Han and Katie in their rooms, her heart breaking for them.She gasps when Bryan's hands Snake around her waist pulling her to him, kissing her on the neck.
"What's wrong?" he whispers, his breath tickling her ear. She turns around in his arms and leans her head against his chest his heart thumping quietly against her as he wraps his arms around her holding her close.
"Do you think things will ever be OK between them?" She asks lifting her head to look him in the eyes. She loved his eyes, they were a bright almost translucent blue, reminding her almost like a husky, right now there was a grim look to them. He takes her hands and together they head into their room, the door closing behind them, blocking out any and all sounds of heart break. He pulls her too him in a fierce kiss, his hands slipping behind her and across her back. Stepping backwards the back of his knees hit the bed and falls down, her toppling on top of him making her laugh. "Bryan you are such a goof." She says between laughs making him smile wide his eyes crinkling around the edges. She rolls off of him and snuggles up to his side as he adjusts to make her comfortable.
"If they are meant to be together they will find a way. I may be the last person on board with them but I Believe they are meant for eachother." He says holding his wife close. She looks up at him and lifts herself up on her elbow to place a passionate kiss on his lips.
" I love you." She whispers slipping her hand up his shirt making him shudder. He flips over, pressing her down into the mattress as he kisses her back with a hungry passion.
"You're letting her Move to Tokyo Are you Loca? crazy?" Lisa hisses throwing her controller on the coffee table and standing up. Dom stays sitting on the couch and watches his girlfriend pace the livingroom, her video game forgotten. "Why would you let her do that?" She says turning to face him, her arms crossed, her brown eyes flashing with anger. Dom rubs his head, leaning on his elbows he grabs his Corona before leaning back against the couch sipping on it.
"She needs this Lisa, with all the s**t that has been happening to her lately I think she deserves to get away." he says watching his girlfriend. She just huffs and walks over to the picture window.
"That's not why she wants to go and you know it." She snaps looking out the window at the dead street, it was one in the morning and the only movement outside was the bushes rustling in the breeze. He just laughs
"She's running away from Han, Something happened between them and she can't handle it. So what? It would still be a good thing for her to get away, think over things, get better." He says shrugging and taking another sip, the bitter taste sliding down smoothly. Lisa walks over o him ans straddles his lap much to his delight. "And what do I owe this pleasure to?" He smirks. She smirks back and takes the bottle out of his hands, reaching behind her to put it on the table.
"So you think running away from Han is what's best for her? For your daughter?" She snaps raising an eyebrow, her stubborn streak showing. Dom growls and snakes his hands around her, grabbing hold of her a*s and jerking her closer, making her rub against him in an agonizingly pleasurable way.
"When she is ready she will come back home, Those two are not done yet." He whispers before claiming her mouth. She wraps her arms around his neck and rubs against him. "Women you keep that up and all bets are off." He growls dangerously in her ear. She rub against him again only harder and he lifts her up, flipping her back down the couch. "You asked for it." He says.
" I know I did." She smirks grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him to her.
Han lays in his bed staring at his ceiling, his tears drying on his face making it itch. He couldn't sleep there was no way. Sighing he gets out of bed and pads over to his computer desk, his laptop sitting there in sleep mode, the green light blinking softly. Plopping down in the chair he opens up the drawers in the desk trying to find paper and pen, turning up with a blank notebook and a mechanical pencil. Ripping out a few pieces of paper he starts writing out two different letters, working well into the night, covering both sides of both papers top to bottom.
When he was done he digs around to find envelopes and smiles when he finds them, folding up the letters neating and slipping them in. Taking the letters he gets up and heads out of his room to Katie's. Opening it slowly he curses when it squeaks, stilling to make sure he hadn't waken her up. He opens it wide enough to stick his head into the darkened room. He looks around and spies Katie sleeping soundly in her bed, making him certain she wouldn't notice him slipping into her room. He walks slowly into the room letting his eyes adjust he sees Katie sleeping in her bed, the blankets twisted around her legs as she tossed and turned, a nightmare gripping her in it's cruel claws, a whimper escaping her. He halts fighting the urge to go to her and hold her keeping her safe, but he resists the temptation and goes over to her desk. As he places the letters a cry of pain has him spinning around toward the bed to find Katie thrashing in her bed. He runs over to her and drops to his knees beside her.
"Katie Angel wake up! please wake up." he whispers reaching out to take her hand squeezing it lightly. "Baby It's just a dream wake up." He says, she whimpers in fear, With one more yelp she shoots up in bed her eyes wide and frightened. "Shh Shhh Katie you're OK." He says reaching out to grab her hand, Making her yelp again and shrink back.
"Han- What. what are you doing here?" She asks when she finds her voice. He gets up and sits on the edge of her bed running his hands through his hair. He could lie to her or he could tell her the truth.
" I wrote you a letter, you ... and Shawn. I was coming in here to put them on your desk when I heard you having a nightmare." He says in all honesty. She blinks up at him and tilts her head, trying to see her desk in the dark.
"Why? especially one for Shawn, I thought you wanted them all to think you were dead?" She asks her curiosity getting the best of her. Han gives her a grim smile.
"I think enough time has past, It's safe enough for him to know, the letter explains everything." He says patting her knee and getting up to leave. Before he shuts the door he looks back in to see Katie getting out of bed and grabbing the letter with her name on it. "Hey can you do me a solid?" He asks making her jump and drop the letter, it floats gently to the ground. "Can you read it when you're safely in Japan?" He asks. She swallows but nods her head, bending down to pick it up, placing it back on her desk.
"Sure Han" She says looking back up to see that he door was already tightly shut. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on March 20, 2015 Last Updated on March 20, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing