Chapter Thirty: Off The Wagon

Chapter Thirty: Off The Wagon

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

we all fall off the Wagon Sometimes


Katie Crosses her arms and Glares at Dom as he yelled. He had been yelling at her for the past two hours now, saying how even though he was proud of her for defending herself she shouldn't have fought him. TO make matters worse Bryan found out it was Han who picked her up and he went off On him, she could faintly hear Bryan yelling at Han in his room.


"Are you even listening?" Dom says, all fight going out of him. Katie nods and smiles at him.


"yeah I'm listening, and I'm sorry... wait no I'm not, he deserved it." She says looking at him with all honesty making him laugh and shake his head at her. He goes over to her and musses up her hair which she tries to bat away.


"you've been hanging out with us to long." He mused "Alright you're not in trouble. Just do me a favor, stay away from Han OK? I don't want Bryan to have a corenary." He says as Bryan's voice floats over to them making them wince.


" I TOLD YOU TO STAY THE F**K AWAY FROM HER!" Bryan yells. Han was leaning against his dresser, arms crossed, legs out, staring at Bryan as he threw a fit in his room. He didn't bother speaking until Bryan had finally calmed down with by the look of it wasn't going to be any time soon, tired of getting yelled at he cuts in.


"Not that I don't enjoy getting yelled at like a child but I was the only one home, The principal was threatening to expell her, Someone had to go get her and jump to her defense, You were at the station trying to get a job, Mia was working and so wasn't Dom and Lisa, it was my day off, what did you want me to do say sorry Katie I cant go near you good luck with your expulsion?" He snaps. Bryan just shuts his moutha and glares at him, not saying a word, Han knew he had him, he knew he was Right and so did Bryan. Pushing off the Dresser Han sits down in his Desk chair and turns on his laptop. " Look Bryan I told you I would stay away from her in that sense, and I will, but when she is in trouble I will NOT just leave her high and dry. Deal with it." He says giving him a leveled look. Bryan stares at him, his bright blue eyes boring into him until he finally looks down and sighs.


"Fine." He says and leaves the room, defeated and unable to argue anymore. Han shakes his head and loads up his laptop, cruising the web for something to do, an instant message pops up interupting his game of solitaire.


 Tokyodrifter:  Hey you OK?


Han looks at the username and smirks knowing that it had to be Katie, he writes off a message to her


Drift4life: Tokyodrifter really? and yeah I'm fine,

Tokyodrifter: like you're is any better, Mr drift4life. :-P


 Han laughs


Drift4life: Touche, but Yes I'm fine. Bryan didn't kill me, just yelled. You OK?

Katie doesn't respond for a ten minutes, he figured she might have fallen asleep so he goes back to his game, once again interupted by her message


Tokyodrifter: I guess I'm OK, Wish I could curl up in there.


"so don't I" he whispers before answering


Drift4life: one more year just remember, but go to bed, don't want to give Bryan and others any more ammo to kill me with :-P

Tokyodrifter: Yeah Yeah yeah. Love you Han <3

Drift4life: love you too Angel <3


Katie looks at his message and smiles wide. taking out her phone she snaps a picture of it before logging off instant messaging. Closing down her laptop She snuggles into her blankets and drifts off to sleep, dreaming of the future.




Loud Banging on His door has Han shoot up in bed the morning light spilling in. He listens but the banging is gone so he assumes he dreamt it up so he lays back down and closes his eyes, only to open them when more banging resumes. Grumbling a few choice words, Han throws his blankets off and pads to his door, opening it up while rubbing sleep out of his eyes. With the sleep gone he look at the culprit, Mia stood in the hallway her hands on her hips.


"Can I help you?" He asks raising his arm above his head and leaning on the door.


"Do you know what time it is?" She snaps impatiently. Han gives her a look before looking into his room at his alarm clock.


"Its nine fifteen, I have another hour and a half before I have to get up and get ready for work. I'd like to be sleeping now but by the look on your face that's not going to happen now is it?" He says already knowing the answer. Mia grins at him and grabs his hand propelling him out of his room "Jeesh Mia what is going on?" She doesn't say anything, instead she pushes him toward Katie's door, opens it and pushes him inside roughly making him stumble and fall flat on his stomach inside. "Son of a-" Mia slams the door shut behind him. Quite giggling in front of him has him lifting his head, a glare on his face. Katie sat at the end of her bed looking down at him, slipping off she goes to him and drops down on her knees, placing a hand on his arm.


"that was funny, here let me help you up." She says between giggles, a child like giggle that always had him smiling. he lets her pull him to his feet and he brushes off his sweatpants before looking down at her his eyebrow raised in confusion. Katie notices and a twinkle in her eye glitters with mischief. "Mia is on our side, she knows what its like to love someone older, after all shes what same age as you so... 26  Bryan is 33 that's a seven year difference." she says looking up at him with hope shining. Han frowns at her and shakes his head.


"That's seven years, between us is ten and you're underage, its different." he says trying to once again get her to see that they had to hold back. Katie's eyes flash angry as she steps back.


"SO? Mia was 17 when she meet Bryan! Same age I am right now! same age I was when they got together!" she hisses crossing her arms like she had won. Han steps closer to her and grips her arms, wanting nothing more then to shake some sense into her head.


"Yes but how long did it take for them to be finally together Huh? did you ever think of that? it wasn't until the year you came here... 7 years ago years ago that they finally got together, they were married for only half a year before you got here. They are a different case then us, I'm sure you don't know the whole story about them. but trust me its different!" he says letting her go and turning his back on her, trying to calm himself. He was on the verge of tears with emotions. He loved her with all his heart but he knew he couldn't be with her just yet, and when he finally could it would be difficult. A hand on his back, and the feel of her body pressing into him makes him look behind him at her, she slips her hands around his bare stomach and rests her head on his back holding herself to him. He drops his hands to hold hers and keeps them firmly in place, leaning into her embrace.


"I know they are different, i know the story. Byran was a cop trying to weasel out who was stealing DVDs, it was Dom, but he didn't mean to fall for Mia but he did. he had to finally blow his cover when he wanted to Save Dom cuz he had grow close to the family, Dom found out when Bryan tried to save Vincent, may he rest in peace, He let Dom escape, he took off from the cops became a fugitive, he didn't see Mia for almost 3 years and she was Pissed, But they worked through it, got married. then I cam along..." She whispers into his back placing a kiss making him Shudder and groan, she was breaking his restraint. "And they made it, Dom wasn't to happy but when he realized just how happy he made her he accepted it." She finishes dropping her hands so she could stand in front of him, her eyes filled to the brim with love. "When Bryan and Dom see just how happy you make me They'll have to accept it." She says with determination. Han groans and gathers her in his arms. He wished for her sake that it was that simple, but he knew the reality, he knew that they would have to defend their relationship for a very long time. She lifts her head, circles her arms around his neck, presses herself into him and crushes her lips to his.


The fight leaves his body and Katie feels him sag against her as his arms circle around her back, he deepens the kiss and she moans against his lips. his hands slip under her shirt and splay across her bare back making her gasp and he snakes his tongue inside her mouth, hers meeting his eagerly. without breaking the kiss he picks her up and she feels him edging to her bed. When he gently lays her down he slides in beside her but she pulls at him until he was above her. his wide eyes show his shock and she just grins up at him, with her arms still around his neck she tugs at him, wanting to feel his body crushing hers to the mattress. He must have read her mind because he does just that, his body molding against hers in a delicious way, his hands wander over her sides, gripping her hips as she arches her back. he trails kisses down her throat as her fingers tangle themselves into his hair. Her passion was wild, her Love spilling over for him.She was ready, she wanted him in a way she never wanted him before, desire pools deep inside her as places below her waist tightens with need. she takes one of her hands out of his hair and trails it down until it rested on the top of his sweatpants, slowly undoing the tie until she was able to slip her hand inside.


Han stills, his lips hovering over hers as he feels her hand wrap around his most private part. He opens his eyes to find her staring at him, a look of raw hunger shinning in her eyes, but there was something else, almost like a rebellious tint. He wanted nothing more then to give in to her to what he knew she wanted, but that tint made him hold back. He knew that her intentions weren't fully there, he knew that part of her wanted to do it just to prove Dom and Bryan wrong. All Han wanted to do was give in, and go along, he wanted to show her the passion he held inside for her, he wanted to bring her unspeakable pleasure. A slight squeeze of her hand makes him jump,a moan of pure pleasure escapes him before he can stop it, and without realizing it he leans into her touch his eyes closing again. All reason fly out of his head as she begins to move her hand, he was a slave to her touch. It wasn't until she had grabbed his hand with her other one and guided him to the top of her jeans did he snap out of it. His eyes fly open and he yanks his hand away making her still hers. Using any strength he had left he takes his hand and gently extracts hers away from him, a whimper of protest escaping her. He looks into her eyes and sees the lust still raging, matching his own.


"Katie-", he says his voice so rugged his throat dry. he clears it, "Katie no, we are not doing this, not now." He whispers, fighting his desire as he watches her reaction. A stubbornness sets in and she yanks her hand away, snaking back down and grabbing him again. A growl from deep within rumbles through him as he yanks her hand once again away from him, even though every part of his body was screaming at him to let her. He grabs her other hand before it too can claim him, knowing he wont be able to resist a third time and holds them high above her head, trapping her, rendering her helpless. "NO." He enunciates watching the word sink in.


He was saying no to her. He was rejecting her! Shame and humiliation spiral through her as tears spill down her cheeks. Han just watches her, horror creeping on his face, she couldn't look at him, couldn't stand to feel him near her. She arches her back trying to buck him off, but he doesn't get the hint. anger seeps in mixing with the humiliation and she kicks out her legs, struggling under him.


"Get off me! GET THE F**K OFF ME!" She hisses her voice breaking as the tears flow. Han scrambles off her and rolls off the bed his hands up in the air in a surrendering motion. She sits up and dashes the tears away, hurt raw inside her, betrayal written on her face as she turns to look at him. " I thought you wanted me." she says in a small wobbly voice. His face constricts at the sound he moves toward her but she puts her hand out, "Don't touch me!" she hisses.


"Angel I want you, more then you will understand." he says his voice pleading at her to believe him, but she ignore it.


"then why did you reject me?" She says her anger rising as her humiliation grows. Han winces and rakes his hands through his hair before dropping to his knees in front of her. She refuses to look into his compelling dark eyes and looks at the ground instead, praying he didn't touch her and happy when he doesn't.


"Because I know you don't really want to do it right here, like this, when everything is against us.You want to wait until its the perfect moment, when we don't have to hide." He says echoing her words from a month ago. She looks up into his eyes tears falling from hers and juts out her chin, crossing her arms and standing up, making him stumble, trying to regain his balance as he sits back on his heels. She stands at her window her back to him and hears him sigh. "Katie you know it's true." She whips around to face him.


"If that was true then why did I want to do it right here. Right now." She snaps her humiliation at its peak. On the outside she was showing him the tough girl, but on the inside she was falling apart, he had rejected her and now he was trying to feed her crap like how he knew she wanted to wait. She didn't want to wait.. not really. He looks at her and by the way his eyes bore into her she knew he could see through her tough girl facade to the breaking strength below. Emotions to fast to determine ripple across his face.


"Because you want to prove Dom and Bryan wrong, that what we have is real and not a silly crush, but jumping into bed is NOT going to prove that! staying strong will. Please you have to know that." He says pleading with her. She gasps and drops her eyes. As soon as he said the words she knew it was true, he knew he better then she knew her own intentions. Shame once again floods through her. But the humiliation of his rejection still stung, if he truly loved her wouldn't he not hesitate to make love to her, wouldn't he jump at the chance? no matter her reasoning. She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize he had moved in front of her until his hand was gently lifting her chin so he could look her in the eyes.


The pain and betrayal racing behind her eyes makes him Wince. She wasn't getting past the fact that he had rejected her, no matter ho much he pleaded, he knew that was all that mattered to her. He tries to embrace her but she just flinches away.


"No Han just leave, please just go,." Her broken voice shatters him and he drops his hand in defeat. He turns to leave and walks slowly out of her room, praying she would call him back to her. When he was in the hall he turns to plead once more with her but is greeted with her door slamming shut in his face. Hanging his head in defeat he tries to block out her tears as he goes about getting ready for work.


Once the door was securely shut she falls onto her bed in a heap of tears, great painful sobs making their way out. A soft knock on her door lets her know Mia was coming in and slender loving arms circling around her pulling into her aunts embrace. Mia says words of soothing as she smoothed her hair from her face. Katie clings to her aunt as she cries her pain into her shoulder.


"Shh Hun its OK, don't cry." Mia says, her voice breaking for her niece. Katie continues to cry until finally they quiet down to little hiccups. Leaving her aunts arms she looks up at her with a slight blush.


"He, He Rejected me." Shestutters, knowing her Aunt would know what she was hinting at. IN the distance Katie can hear the front door shut and getting up she goes to her window and watches  Han pull out of the driveway and head to work. "Now look at him, going to work like it never happened." She  seethes. Mia Chuckles behind her.


"Trust me Katie, It's Affecting him too. But he must have had a good reason to say no to you." she says. Katie Glares at her.


"If he loves me shouldn't it not matter my Intentions, shouldn't he want to no matter what?" Mia shakes her head at her  nieces naivety


"Its Because he loves you that he said no, If he felt you we rent truly ready or wanted to do it for a reason not pure he stopped you, he knew you would regret it. make sense?"Katie just crosses her arms and shakes her head making Mia sigh, and get up. "Trust me Katie, He loves you, He looks at you the way I sometimes Catch Bryan Looking at more Dom at Lisa. JustGive it time, It will happen when It's Suppose To happen, You can Stay home From school, I'll call your principal" and With That Mia left the room,already on the phone. Katie lays down on her bed, trying not to cry again as she goes over what happened. Out of nowwhere the urge to use Seizes her badly making her cry out. She sits up and puts her head in her hands, shaking badly. A memory whispers in her head making It around and her eyes Zero in on her desk, more specifically the drawer. With no more thought She slips off the bed and runs to her desk, yanking open the drawer she smiles a giddy little smile  as she holds up a film canister.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on March 11, 2015
Last Updated on March 11, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
