![]() Chapter Twenty-Nine; PunchesA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Want some Punch?![]() "Melina! Let Me IN!" Katie shouts as she bangs on Melina's Front door. It was early morning on August 31st and The girls had their first day of Senior year. The door Opens to reveal a hispanic women, her eyes crinkling as she smiles at Katie. "Hi Mrs Morales, is Melina ready yet? we're going to be late." She says to Melina's mom giving her a smile.
"Yes She's just in the bathroom, would you like to come in Mija? " She asks using the Spanish slang word for daughter. Katie gives her a polite smile and was about to say no when Melina's voice rang down from upstairs,
"Mamie We're running late can you give her the keys to the car so she can warm it up for me?" She calls down and flits back in the bathroom, her mother shaking her head.
"That daughter of mine, here you go," She says laughter in her voice as she hands Katie the keys. She thanks her kindly and heads back down the front steps and out the chainlink fence to the car. Ten minutes later the car was roaring to life and ready to go and Melina was finally emerging from the house, her mother fussing over her outfit as usual. When Melina finally manages to shake off her mother she quickly runs to the car and jumps in the Passengerside seat with no complaints.
"Drive Drive Drive we are going to be late and I really don't want to see Mr Alberts first thing in the morning." She says opening up a package of poptarts. Katie just smiles and Drives down the street heading for school, happy Melina didn't protest to her driving. The Girls chat about random nonsense all the way to the high school and finally after about fifteen minutes they were parking in student parking lot. Getting out Katie retrieves her bag from the backseat and waits for Melina to join her before heading inside. The sun hits Katie and Melina Gasp as something Green Flashes on her ring finger, quickly grabbing her hand Melina tugs her to the side onto the grassy lawn just outside the front doors. "Oh My Gundi What is THAT!" She breaths staring at the Claddagh Ring, the Alexanderite glittering a emerald green "Who gave you this?". Katie smiles and tugs the ring off her finger so Melina could get a better view.
"Turn it over and read the inscription, then tell me who its from." She says a smug smile on her face as she watches her friend turn it over and suck in her breath, her eyes going round with shock. She looks back up at her a huge smile mirroring the one Katie now wore.
"Oh My gundi Katie that is So Romantic! He's going to Wait for you for as long as it takes." Melina squeals handing her back the ring ,so she could once again put it on her ring finger, and pulls her close for a tight hug, "I'm so happy for you, you so deserve this!" She whispers in her ear. Katie couldn't keep the smile off her face as she holds up her hand watching the sun glitter off the ring, huggin her best friend close to her.
"Oh that's just disgusting get a room you freak lezbo's" A familiar and sickening voice says behind her, from the way Melina stiffened in her arms she could tell She too had heard the voice. Katie release her and taking a deep breath turns around to face the person the voice belonged to. Cade stood a foot away from them, a smirk on his face as his friends surrounded him snickering at the two girls. All the blood drains from her face as she stares at her attacker, memories threatening to over take her, but she pushes them down. Steeling herself she gatehrs her courage and scowls at him, her arms crossing in front of her chest.
"What the F**k do you want Cade." She snaps malice tracing her every word. She watches with small satisfaction as his eyes widen with shock, he hadn't expected her to stand up to him. His posse backs up and quickly disperses, sensing this wasn't their fight. Cade goes rigid standing there staring at her. She Just rolls her eyes and turns her back on him facing Melina who was staring at them with pride filled eyes, proud she was standing up for herself. "Come on Lina lets go, no point waisting breath on this a*****e." She says loud enough for him to hear.
"What the f**k did you just call me b***h?" He growls stepping closer to her. She turns around and tries hard not to flinch, trying to stay calm when in reality her insides were shaking.
"You heard me." She says, he walks straight up to her, looking down at her he gives her a smirk that makes gooseflesh appear on her arms.
"I think I figured it out, You don't want me cuz you already have gotten yourself a f**k toy." He snickers pointing his chin at Melina," What are you and Gothic s**t to good for me or something?" He says looking her up and down. Katie can feel his greedy lusty eyes crawling over her body as anger swells inside her. She snaps her fingers in his face startling him into looking her in the eyes and she stares him down, her bright green ones to his dark souless ones.
"My eyes are up here douchbag." She says, her voice low with anger. His eyes darken and he grabs hold of her arm, his fingers digging painfully into her flesh.
"You are nothing but a coke s**t you know that?" He hisses. She gives him her best snaky smile before trying to yank her arm away, but his grip was like a vice on her arm and he only tightening his fingers going deeper and more painful.
"You remember the last time you hurt me Cade? Do you really want a repeat? Are you sue you want another nose job?" She says, false sweetness sugarcoating her words. He just laughs a humorless laugh
" I don't see a Jap freak around here do you? I'm pretty sure I like my chances this time, Maybe this time I'll succeed and you will love it." he says raising his other hand to caress her cheek. She flinches and jerks her head away from his touch. Balling her hand in fist she raises it and with anger mixed with adrenaline she lets her fist fly, smiling wide when she feels the flesh of his eye connecting with her fist, a loud Thud echoing. Cade looses his grip and falls to the ground holding his left eye, a dark bruise already forming from where she had punched him. "You F*****G B***H!" He screams. Katie takes a step toward him and lifting her foot she lets it connect with his fragile skin, kicking him hard in the ribs. Memories of what he tried to do to her flash in her head as she kicks him again, memories of her father, her mother, everything welling up inside her making her see red as she lets her foot fly .She repeatidly kicks him until she feels a hand yanking the back of her shirt. She whips her head to the side fully expecting to see her father only to see Melina holding onto her, tears streaming down her face, her memories vanish, retreating into the back of her mind again. It was that this point that Katie notices the crowds of students that had gathered to see the fight. A commotion in the back of the crowd had it parting to reveal a very red faces Mr Alberts. Katie and Melina look at eachother and gulp.
" First day of school and we're already in trouble, even before the morning bell I think it's a new record." Melina whispers under her breath so only Katie could hear. Katie bursts out laughing and tries to cover it up with a cough as Mr Alberts came closer, his beady eyes accessing the situation before training them on the girls. Cade looked up from his fetal position and sluggishly gets up, one of his friends leaves the crowd to help him stand.
"You two better have an explanation as to why you were violently attacking another student." He says, spittle spewing from his fleshy lips. Katie just grimaces and edges away from him. Melina crosses her arms and glares at their principal.
" Try this one on for size, he was attacking her and sexually and physically harassing her, it was pure self defense." She snaps. Cade just snorts, spitting blood onto the ground, turning to Mr ALberts he does a one eighty and becomes the docile Model student everyone else knew.
"They're lying Mr Alberts, I was just talking to them and she attacked Me! I think She's On drugs sir, there is a rumor going around that she's a coke addict." he says, his eyes wide with fear as he limps over to the principal as if for safety. Katie just snorts and opens her mouth to defend herself, but Mr Alberts throws her a glare and she shuts up.
"I don't want to hear any of the filth that is about to come out of your mouth, you are in big trouble Missy, this time not even your Aunt will be able to save you from expulsion. LETS GO!" he yells. All the Blood in Katie's face drains as she realizes the mess she was in, suddenly Melina explodes in a fit of rage.
"THAT F*****G BULLSHIT! He was harassing her so she defends herself and SHE'S the one getting expelled? HE should be the one getting thrown out and into Jail!" She shrieks giving Cade such a poisonous glare Katie was surprised he didn't perish right then and there. Mr ALberts already red face grows two shades darker.
"SILENCE!" He shouts, his voice echoing, the crowd going silent. "Unless you have proof or a witness to this alledged harassment you will be expelled and dealt with appropriately." He says scanning the crowd, "Does ANYONE here want to comment on this said harassment?" He calls. Katie looks around the crowd, her face neutral as no one steps up, Mr ALbert sneers at her. "That's what I thought, nothing but a lie from a delinquent, Lets go Ms Hendricks." He says motioning to the School's front door. Katie hangs her head in defeat and starts to turn, Melina starts to protest but She just shakes her head at her,knowing there wasn't anything else to be done but accept her fate. Suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat has all four of them turn their heads to the crowd, a small girl, a newly made freshman, was standing apart from the rest of the crowd, wringing her hands in nerves, a small timid smile on her face as she looked at them.
"um Mr Albert, I was here the whole time, That boy," She says pointing to Cade, " was calling her names like s**t, w***e, and um b***h, and when she told him to get lost he grabbed her arm really hard looking and started yelling in her face and shaking her, Look her arm has the bruises already." She says, her voice so small and timid Katie had to strain her eyes just to hear her. At the mention of the bruises her arm starts to slightly throb and she lifts The edge of her sleeve to see Five ugly bruises where his fingers had dug into her arm. Mr Albert stares at the marks, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. Melina Snatches Cades wrist which he protests but she ignores and yanks him over to Katie, placing his hand gently around the bruise, the marks and his fingers lining up perfectly. There was no denying who made those marks.
"You see Mr. Albert, Katie was defending herself." Melina says dropping his hand and turning toward the young girl. "Thanks Chicka you just saved the day," She smiles wide at the girl and goes over to her, slinging her arm across her shoulders, "How about sitting with us today at lunch, if we last that long?" She asks looking at Katie who nods her head yes. The young girl smiles so wide it looked painful, relief flooding her beautiful face.
"not so fast, There are still matters to discuss you three in my office now." Mr Alberts says his voice harsh and cruel. Katie flinches and waits for Melina to take her arm off the girls shoulders and saunter over to her side, giving the girl a wink and an air kiss making her giggle. Cade, Katie and Melina follow Mr Alberts into the school and silently walks behind him to his office, Melina grabs Katie's hand and squeezes show her support before dropping it. As soon as the door to his office was shut Katie braces herself for the lecture.
Han flies down the street, going 10 over the speed limit, praying no cops were around, this wasn't Tokyo where if you're going to fast they don't even try. He had just received a call from Katie's school about a fight involving her and another student, Since he was the only one home and was still on the list of contacts he had jumped into his car and took off. When the high school comes into view up ahead he slows the car down, The purr of the engine smooth like music in his ears. Driving into the parking lot he spies Melina's Chrysler and easily pulls into the spot next to it. When he gets out he locks the car and gives the Mazda a loving look before heading to the front office, a few students still milling around in the parking lot stared at the Car making him smirk. At the front door he presses the buzzer and steps back, opening the door when he hears the static buzz of the door unlocking. Entering the high school he looks around at the cold tile floors and wide hallways, a courtyard off to his left making one whole wall full of windows letting natural light in. To his right there was another dimly light hallway with rows of ugly green lockers. He looks back to his left and notices that the main office was right there, the ugly black words "Main Office" painted on the wooden door, chipping in places. Two Girls Laughing spill out from one of the rooms up head, the word "Library" painted on its door, their laughter quickly dying as they lay eyes on him, One blushing fiercely as the other looks at him, eyes him with lust. He gives them an innocent smile and leaning his weight against the office door he steps into the room, icy Air conditioned air hitting him in the face, making the heat from outside retreat back the way he came. On his left a women in her late 50's sat typing away on her computer, a nametag reading Ms. Wendy placed neatly in front of her. He walks over to her and leans against the counter waiting for her to look up. When She does she smiles at him, her kind eyes twinkling at him.
"Hello Dear Can I help you?" She says, her voice warm and gramotherly making Han smile back at her. From the corner of his eye he sees the two girls from the library milling around the picture windows, staring at him, he could feel their eyes on his back. Ms. Wendy Looks behind him and a slight frown crosses her lips before turning into an amused smile. "Looks like you have attracted attention Mr?"
"Chan, But please call me Han. I'm here because I got a call from Mr. Albert regarding my friends Daughter Katie Hendricks. I'm on the list of contacts, Mr Terry couldn't get here so he sent me." He explains flashing her a smile. While Ms Wendy types a few things into her computer Han turns around and gives the two girls a smile and a wave, making them giggle and scurry off. He chucklees and turns his attention back to Ms Wendy, up ahead though he cathes a flash of ash blonde hair. Squinting he spies The back of Katie's head in what he could only assume as the principals office, a man pacing in front of her saying something that he could not hear through the closed door.
"AH yes here you are, Han Chan, emergency contact, I'll let Mr Alberts know you are here one moment." She says grabbing her phone and punching a button. Han watches as the man Pacing the room stops his pacing and picks up the phone. "Mr ALberts Han Chan is here for Katie Hendrick," She nods her head "Yes Sir I'll send him in." She hangs up and turns her attention back to Han. "Mr ALbert would like to see you now, if you just go through here and straight through that door you Will be in his office." She says, lifting part of the counter to reveal a path for him to go through, Reminding him of an old fashion diner. He thanks her and heads toward the door he had seen Katie in, knocking softly when he reaches it, a muffled 'come in' reaches him from inside and he opens the door. Katie Turns in her seat and her smile blinds him as he enters he gives her a grim smile before turning to face the Principal.
"Hello Mr. Alberts, we spoke on the phone earlier, my name is Han." He says offering his hand in a shake, trying not to wince when Mr ALbert's sweaty hand leaves sweat in his palm. Looking over the man Han finds him a chubby middle aged man with beady eyes and a beefy red face, shuddering slightly. Mr ALberts access him with his beady eyes and Han gets the feeling he came up wanting.
"Yes well As we discussed Ms Hendricks got into a fight with one of our top students today, I found her kicking him repeatedly in the ribs, almost breaking them." He says sitting down in his chair behind his large desk. " I have gotten to the bottom of this matter, making sure to get all evidence and it has come to light that the said student was harassing her and she acted in self defense. He has been dealt with accordingly but her punishment is still up in the air." He explains, finally finishing the account. Han stands there in slight shock, Katie? Beating someone up? He turns to her and by the blush on her face he knew that part was true, but the anger in her eyes told him there was more to this story.
"Katie got anything to say?" He asks. Katie just looks at him and sees in his eyes that he knew there was more. But she just smiles and shakes her head at him.
"I'll tell you later Han OK?" She says, waving her hand and hearing Han suck in his breath. She looks at her hand, noticing for the first time sine she punched Cade in the eye that her knuckles were swollen, molten purples and blues and blacks spanning them. "huh explains why my hand hurts." She mutters makes Han chuckle and shake his head, An irritated Grunt form Mr Albert has them looking back at him, his face flushed a nauseating red.
"This is no laughing matter Mr Han, she did not come to a respected adult like myself or any of the teachers instead she took matters into her won hand, I am aware that it was self defence which will make her punishment less severe -" Han cuts him off
"Sir I believe she had EVERY right to defend herself against someone hurting her, he's alive correct? no broken bones right?" Mr Alberts face shades again but he shakes his head confirming his words. "Then she shouldn't be in trouble, if anything that boy as well as this school should be more worried about Katie pressing charges." Han says his voice a vieled threat at worse to come if Mr ALberts dared to object. His face pales, making Katie smile, hiding it behind her hand. She stared at Han with up most Respect, watching as he stood up for her and intimidated the Man who always had it in for her. Mr Albert stands up and smiles a weaselly smile at Han.
"I can assure you that that is not necessary, I more then agree with you, Katie didn't severely injure him, Though I do think that it would be best if she went home today, Ms. Hendricks I expect you here tomorrow first thing, Until then you have a pleasent day." He says kindly, though his beady eyes betrayed the anger that lingered under the surface. Mr Albert shakes his hand again much to his displeasure. When he let go Han turns to Katie and nods his head toward the door and Katie followed him silently out of the office, Giving Ms. Wendy a Big smile a wave which she returns before focusing once more on her computer. Once outside Han breaks into a fast paced walk that showed his anger, Katie had to run to catch up to him. A small crowd of guys, no doubt in gym class had gathered around someones car, making hushed noses of appreciation, What surprised Katie was Han just walked straight to them, pushing them out of the way.
"Excuses me guys, I'd like to get in my car thank you." He snaps, as Katie finally reaches him, stopping dead when she sees the Mazda.
"You Brought The Mazda? Are you Crazy?" She hisses going around to the passengerside only to be Stopped by Han. He just flashes her an evil grin and tosses her the keys, making her smile wide, instantly knowing his plan. He wanted her to impress these high school boys by driving off in the beautiful car. "Hey boys can you get out of my way?" She says shouldering her way to the drivers side, trying not to laugh as she saw them with their mouths open eyes wide with disbelief. She smiles sweetly at them as she slides onto the cool leather, waiting for Han to buckle up before turning the car on. The engine purs to life beneath her hands, the steering wheel vibrating in her grip, honking the horn she waits until the boys make a path for her before hitting the gas, the car shoots forward with smoothness and she revs the engine before peeling out, leaving the boys to choke on exhaust and the smell of burning rubber. She lets out a joyous whoop.
"BOO YA BABY! that was SICK!" she yells laughing with reckless abandon. She flicks her gaze to Han and her laughter dies instantly at the sight of his body held stiff, his eyes two dark glints of anger. He points to the left and in silence she clicks on the blinker and obeys. Without speaking to her he directs them to a small skate park where she kills the engine, the silence suffocating. "Han?" She whispers unable to stand the silence any longer. He sighs and leans his head back.
"It was Cade wasn't it?" He asks her in a soft voice, the strain to keep his anger under control ringing in the deafening quiet. He opens his eyes and looks at her from the corner of his eye. She nods and he sighs angrily, his hands running through his hair before shooting out and punching the dashboard, she was shocked the air bags didn't engage. He looks at her and lifts his hand to caress yanking it back quickly when she flinches away from him, the first time since meeting him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose it." He says letting his hand drop back down. He unlocks the car and gets out, the car door shutting softly behind him as he leans against the car, his legs out in front of him. Katie leans her head against the steering wheel and studies him, the man she loved. Sighing she gets out and goes around to stand next to him, a breeze blows by them making her hair fly into her face, pushing it behind her ears she looks at him, as he watches some young teen who had skipped school to skate. Pushing off from the car she stands in front of him trying to get him to look at her but he refuses. Sighing again she just leans forward and puts her forehead against his chest, moving her body so she was leaning against him, front to front. She feels him relax and lift his arms to wrap around her, holding her close and resting his chin on the top of her head. "I'm sorry angel, I didn't mean to frighten you." He whispers his breath making her hair flutter. She snuggles closer to him and kisses his chest through his shirt making him shudder and tighten his hold.
"It's OK, It's just you're anger, You're normally so calm its scary when you get mad. But I know you wont hurt me." She says against his chest looking up at him to find him staring back at her. He gives her a smirk before bending down to kiss her lips, just a brief touch of the lips before letting her go.
"Please tell me you at least Gave him a black eye." He says a smirk in his voice. She gives him a devil may cry smile making him smile down at her with pride. "That's my girl." He says pulling her back in for a kiss. Her stomach fluttering at his words. I really am his Girl, she thinks before all thoughts fly out of her head.
© 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on March 6, 2015 Last Updated on March 6, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing