![]() Chapter Twenty-Seven: Strained AcceptanceA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Full Circle![]() "KATIE TURN DOWN THE MUSIC!" Lisa Screams, banging on Katie's door, which was the only barrier between her and the blasting dubstep music, the thumping base of some unrecognizable band vibrates in her ears. When no answer come she pushes her way into the room to find Katie sitting on her bed painting her nails. Looking up she Glares at Lisa before going back to painting her nails. Tired of screaming over the music Lisa stomps over to her sound system and rips her Ipod off the connector, Katie springs off the bed in responce.
"What the F**k!" She screams. Lisa stills, her eyes narrowing, arms crossed. "Don't you dare take that tone with me. Your music is too loud the rest of us have to shout just to hear one another!" She snaps throwing the IPod on the bed. "If you want to listen to that s**t use your earphones." Katie just glares at Lisa, hatred oozing out of every pore. "Get out of my room" She says in a quiet voice. The tone and distance in her voice makes Lisa stall, shock entering her eyes, Katie just stares at her, her own arms crossing in front of her chest. "Are you deaf? I said Get out of my room." "Is this really how you want to act?" She asks softy, hesitation entering her voice. Katie walks past her and kicks open the door wider, making a dramatic gesture of showing her the hall. Lisa pales, a small gasp escaping her. "Katie why are you doing this? Why are you acting so cruel. You barely look Dom in the eyes, you refuse to talk to Bryan all together and you just ignore Mia. Why?" She says throwing up her hands, helpless. Katie just stares at her, not believing her own ears. "Are you serious right now? Are you seriously asking me why I am pissed off at all of you? did you really forget what happened or are you just stupid?" She asks, her voice icy with hostility. Lisa rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Give it up Katie, He's not coming back and that's Final." She says, "Move on." Katie walks up to her, grabs her wrist and yanks her to the door. "Get the f**k out of my room Lisa." She growls unable to stand the older women's presence any longer. Lisa's eyes grow dark with anger.Yanking her hand out of Katie's grasp she opens her mouth to say something, But a deep booming voice from behind Katie stops her " Katie Enough of this childish bullshit. When you have you're own kids you will understand! we are trying to protect you!" Dom says, his voice holding that sad tone of a parent who has grown tired of trying to get their child to see the big picture. Laughing a cruel Humorless laugh Katie Whips her head around to see Dom leaning against her open door, a stance so similar to Han she has to blink her eyes to keep the tears from falling. She wouldn't cry in front of these people She wouldn't. Everything inside her shuts down, everything but her anger. she takes a step toward Dom, her face a deadly mask of Rage. "Trying to Protect me? That's a bunch of bullshit and you f*****g know it. How is taking the ONE f*****g person I trust, the ONE person I feel safe around, Protecting me? Huh? Han has helped me through more s**t then you will EVER know," She hisses, her Rage choking her, "You're not protecting me Dom, You are tearing me apart, You lock me away in my room trying to keep you're perfect little angel away from the big bad wolf, but what you don't freaking realize is he is the one person in this whole f*****g world that knows me inside and out. He is the ONE person I trust with my life." She says, spitting the words out her hands balling into fists at her sides as her breathing becomes ragged from anger. Something in her eyes Flash, showing the pain she feels inside, showing Dom a glimpse of the destruction this separation was causing her. What she didn't know is that with every word she said the love she held for Han shone through, screaming louder then any word she could ever utter. Dom steps back, his eyes widening with utter shock. Everything about Katie, from her words, to her body language to her eyes showed that the feelings she had for Han weren't just a teenager in Lust, She really did love him. His mind flashes back to the day he found them together, he remembers how Han's eyes flashed when he told Dom to wake up and stop treating her like a child, His eyes flashed the same way Katie's were flashing right now. He realizes then that her feelings were not just one sided. He looks up at Katie and watches as walls of Steel clamp down behind her eyes and he knows that Katie was slipping away from him, that they were All losing her. His gaze flicks To Lisa who was silenting telling him to stay strong and looks at Katie again, Gulping when he finally sees the emotionless expression on her face, all traces of hate, anger or love wiped away. She just looks at Lisa then back at Dom before pointing to the door. "But it doesn't matter what I say does it? You've already made up your minds," She says looking them each in the eyes, a cruel smile on her lips, "And I've already made up mine. So please do us all a favor," She opens her door wide, "Get out of my room." Her voice devoid of all emotions, the monotone the only hint of just how done she was with all their rules and thoughts. Lisa opens her mouth to yells at her but Dom puts his hand on her shoulder shaking his head no, knowing it would do nothing. Lisa closes her mouth, takes her boyfriend's hand and together they walk out of her room. Once in the hall Dom turns around to plead with her one more time. "Katie-" But Katie doesn't let him finish. She sees the pleading worry in his eyes and it makes her sick to her stomach, worse then the withdrawls. When he opens his mouth uttering her name she takes her door and Slams it shut in his face, not wanting to hear what he had to say. Dom winces against the rush of air that blasts him in the face as her door slams shut mere inches from his face. "Are you really going to let her behave like that?" Lisa hisses behind him, making him turn slowly around to find her with her arms crosses, her signature "I'm going to kick some a*s" look plastered on her face. He scrubs his hands over his head before letting them rest knotted together on the back of his neck, his eyes closed, his body sagging against the wall in defeat. He cracks opens his eyes and stares at his girlfriend, the love of his life. A memory of the months he had thought she was dead rushes to him, dragging up the blinding pain it had caused him. He nods his head to their bedroom and she follows him wordlessly. Once the door was securely closed behind them He takes her in his arms and kisses her deeply, her hands finding their way around his neck, her body wiggling familiarly against his, before breaking away, leaving him wanting. She narrows her eyes at him, pushing through the desire. "Don't you try to change the subject." She snaps, "Nice try though." She walks over to their computer desk and sits in the chair, swiveling it sideways so she could still look at him while kicking her feet up on the desk. Dom just smiles and walks over to her, leaning down so that his arms were on either side of her, resting lightly on the arms rests, so she was trapped between his body and the chair. "I'm not trying to change the subject Lisa, I was just remembering that time when I thought you were lost to me forever." He whispers looking her in the eyes, " When I thought you were dead, the pain was unbearable but I knew that you didn't leave me on purpose you were ripped away from me by force." He says a sad smile on his face when he remembers that Lisa still had no memory of their past, the car accident that was believed to have killed her had taken her memory away. It was only during their last job, the one that had killed Isabell and had gotten Mia Kidnapped did everyone find out that Lisa was still alive, To this day Dom Thanked god for bringing her back. Even with no memory of their Past Lisa admitted that she had felt something, that this house and these people felt like home.Lisa looks up at him, confusing in her dark brown eyes as she raises an eyebrow. "And what does that have to do with Katie?" She asks, stubbornness entering her voice, something that always happened when she was confused. Dom just smiles his sad smile at her and kisses her on the forehead. "It's just, seeing her Talk about Han that way made me remember that," he says sitting on the end of the bed. Lisa swivels around, scooting the chair across the carpetted floor to put her feet up on the bed. "Lisa it was written all over her face even though she was trying so hard to hide it. Keeping her away from him isn't helping her, its destroying her." He says taking hold of one of Lisa's legs, mesaging it with his strong hands. " The same Pain I felt when I thought you were lost to me was written all over her Face. We're hurting her." He says looking up from massaging her leg to find her face had soften, slight guilt edged into it. She takes her leg away, gets up and straddles him, his arms coming around to hold her just below her a*s. "So what are you suggesting? Letting them be together?" She says, anger tinging her question. Dom shakes his head. "Hell no, But maybe kicking him out was the wrong Idea." he says distractedly as Lisa squirmed against him. She bends her head and kisses him with a fierce passion only to break away a few minutes later, once gain leaving him wanting. "Fine, But you have to get the others on board." ************************* Han leans against the railing of the small bridge, watching the pond bubble below him. He flicks his cigarette, getting rid of the ashes before putting it to his lips, taking a long drag off of it, exhaling the excess smoke in a puffy white cloud. The sounds of children playing in the park reach his ears and he lifts his gaze to see mothers with their children, pushing them on swings, and chasing them around the playground. A pang of longing stabs his chest as he sees a couple wander over to the babbling pond, a picnic basket under the guys arm. He adverts his eyes and pushes off the railing, not wanting to intrude on what was clearing suppose to be a romantic date. He stubs out his cigarette and wonders over to the plastic trash can that was on the bridge. He was just about to leave the bridge when a voice in front of him stops him. "Thought you quit" Han lifts his gaze from the ground to see Dom walking straight toward him, a small grin on his lips. Han gives him a small grin in return and pulls his sweatshirt closer, a slight summer breeze tossing his hair in his face. As he swipes the rebellious hair out of his eyes he watches as the grin on Dom's face slowly turns into a frown as he takes in Han's appearance. The Rumpled clothing, the unkempt hair, the dark smudges under his eyes showing his lack of sleep, and the slight wince when he walked indicating his ribs were still healing. When he reaches him he gives him a quick look over before looking him in the eyes. "Well you've looked better." Han gives him a grimace. "I've been better. What did you want to talk about Dom? I've kept my distance, I haven't contacted her." He says, his voice cracking on the last word. He closes his eyes and reigns in his emotions before looking back at his former friend. Dom gives him a pained expression before nodding his head to a bench that was away from any of the other citizens who wondered the park. The two men walk over to it and it wasn't until they were both settled that Dom finally explained why he arranged the meeting. " I was wrong to kick you out." He says plain and simple. Han just stares at him, not caring that he looked like an idiot with his mouth wide open. He quickly closes it and gives Dom a guarded look, throwing up all his walls in case this was all some sick game. Dom just gives him a smile , " NO this isn't a joke, I'm not f*****g with you Han. I mean it, I was wrong to kick you out." He says. Han just leans against the back of the bench, the wooden slates and me tel work digging uncomfortably into his back. " Why do I feel like there is more to that statement then you are saying?" He says, his walls still in place. Dom sighs and throws his head back, resting it against the back of the bench. " You were right. Treating Katie like we are will only make us lose her. I can see it happening already." leaning forward , resting his elbows on his knees, Dom pinches the bridge of his nose before continuing. "Since you have been here Katie has broken completely out of her shell, something that hasn't happened since Roman first met her. We've tried getting her to open up with us and all that happens is she just retreats back behind walls we cant get through, We've tried putting her through therapy and all that accomplishes is money down the drain. But you walk in and she spills her secrets, she feels safe around you something she has never felt before. Hell she told me she trusts you with her life." He says, the strain in his voice Made Han realize just how hard this was for him to admit. "Dom you don't have to say this just, tell me why you asked me to meet you." He says hoping that if he cut to the chase this awkwardness would be over that much quicker. "Do you really mean it when you say you love her?" He asks looking at Han from the corner of his eyes. Han sucks in a sharp breath, "Dom I-" But Dom Waves him off :Don't give me that Dom S**t, just answer the questions. Do you love her yes or no?" He says looking him straight in the eyes. Han swallows the large lump in his throat, afraid to answer but plows through that fear and tells Dom the honest truth. "Yes Dom I do. When I lost Isabell I thought any Love I would ever have died with her. I never thought I could love like that again. But then I met Katie, and I fell, I fell hard. For the first time since Isabell Died I didn't think about her. Katie Makes me feel again, she makes this life worth living again. I know she's ten years younger then me and I know its wrong. I tried to fight it, I tried to stay away Dom You have to believe me when I say I never meant to disrespect you or hurt you, and that I would NEVER hurt Katie. I would do anything for her. I'm utterly in Love with the girl" Han says, letting all his emotions out, all the emotions and the love he had for her spilling out of him like a verbal flood, the words tumbling over eachother as they raced to be heard. Dom just looks at him and nods a pained smile on his face. " I believe you Han that's why I want you to come back home where you belong." He says. Han just stares at him, his words not fully sinking in. "On One Condition. though." He says his voice taking on a warning tone. "Anything" Han says still not believing he was able to come back home. "Bryan wants it perfectly clear that you are not to go anywhere Near her do you understand?" He says. Han just gulps. Not being near Katie after finally becoming so close was going to be hard, but he would do it if it meant at least being able to see her. He nods his head "I understand perfectly." he says. Dom looks at him. "I just want to say that I know I cant control her when she turns 18 next year. She is free to make any type of decision she wants and I just have to bite my tongue and deal with it, get what I mean?" He says looking deep in Han's eyes, searching to see if he caught the double meaning behind his words. Han blinks at him, not getting it. Finally it dawns on him and a huge smile stretches across his face, after a while Dom mirrors his smile when he realizes he finally understood. That was the closest thing to a blessing to be with Katie Han was ever going to get from Dom. "I get what you mean Dom, Thank you." he says standing up to give Dom a hand shake. Dom just stares at his hand before pulling him into a brotherly hug. "You treat her right OK?" He whispers before letting him go. Han just nods his head and watches as Dom Turns away to head for his car, Han follows him to his own. When Han reaches his car he hears Dom whistling in appreciation, making Han grin. :Since when did you drive a Mazda?" Dom asks putting a loving hand on the hood. Han grins, He had been drifting, trying to stop the longing he felt when Dom had called him asking him to meet him at the park, he hadn't bothered to get his Civic, just raced to the Park , nerves in his stomach. "I've had this car since I got here, Its a tribute to the one that blew up in Tokyo." He says shrugging, a sly smile on his face as he sees three teenage punks lusting after the car. Dom give the boys a glare and they scatter making Han laugh and shake his head. "When do you want me back?" He asks unlocking the car. Dom smiles "Tomorrow is Katie's birthday, You coming home will be her best gift, come by around 10." He says before tappig the hood one last time and turning around for his own car. "Hey Dom?" Han calls making Dom stop and slowly turn around to face him. "Thank you." "Just remember the warning my friend. That's all I have left to say." And he gets in his car, peeling out of the spot, the smell of burnt rubber reaching Han's nose making him shake his head, laughing quietly. "Ride Or Die," He mutters, something the family use to always say on their jobs. "Once a street racer always a street racer." He says, the sounds of Dom speeding down the street still ringing in his ears, he shakes his head again and slides into the Mazda. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the three punks emerging from whereever they had fled and once again drooling over the car. Han rolls down his window, smiles at them and guns the engine, making them Whoop with excitement. He peels out of the parking spot and heads back to the hotel to gather his small belongs, most of his things were still at the house, and tell the front desk that he was finally checking out. When he got the Hotel he finds a parking spot out front, which also happened to e in perfect view of his second story window so he could keep an eye on his beauty. Getting out he makes sure to lock the doors before heading toward the revolving door of the holiday inn. "Mr Chan Welcome back, enjoy your afternoon?" The young red headed front desk attendant asks, a slight blush on her other wise pale skin, a clear indicator of a crush. Han smiles kindly at her, making the blush deepen. "Yes I did, I got some great news, I am going home tomorrow so tonight is my last night here." He says, noting the small frown appearing on her face, a look of sadness washing over her. 'Sorry, but there is only one girl for me' he thinks as he watches the girl. "Oh that's Great! I'm happy for you." she says trying hard not to show her disappointment and failing. Han smiles at her and thanks her again before heading to the elevator, the doors closing and whisking him away to his room. As the doors open on the second floor loud arguing in Spanish assaults his ears, stepping out of the elevator he looks in the direction of the arguing and spies Melina arguing with one of the housekeepers. The sight of Melina, the Gothic queen, arguing with the small little hispanic women nearly made Han double over with laughter. "Hey Melina what's going on here?" He says as he walks over to the two women. Melina gives the women one more glare before turning to Han, giving him her biggest smile. "There's my favorite pair of sexy eyes, I was beginning to think you had checked into a different hotel. This insufferable women wouldn't let me into your room, saying how I don't have permission or what not.' Melina explains glaring at the housekeeper who just gives her a glare that riveled hers. She puts her hands on her hips and turns to Han "She no family, She must be hooker, scary hooker." She snaps. Melina's face reddens as she steps toward the elder women. Rushing the last of the distance Han grabs hold of Melina's shoulder, pulling her back before she did anything worth leagal actions. "Thank you Rosie, no she isn't a hooker, she is every bit family to me, she's like a little sister." He says smiling at the women. She narrows her eyes, mutters something in Spanish before turning around and pushing her housekeeping cart down the hall to finish the rooms. Melina hisses and if it wasn't for Han she would have run after the lady. "Did you hear what she said? wait no of course not you don't speak Spanish. never mind will you just let me in?" She says, trying to calm down. Han takes his room key out of his back pocket and slips it into the electronic key hole, waiting for the little light to turn green before opening the door. Melina ducks under his arms and plops onto the freshly made bed. "Well its nice to see you too Melina. To what do I owe this visit?" He asks, depositing his keys onto the room desk and sitting down in the chair. Melina gives him a big smile. "I'm here for two reasons. Reason One, Katie managed to smuggle this to me to give to you, the warden is finally letting me see her again," She says pulling a crumpled piece of notebook paper out of her front pocket and flicking it at Han who easily catches it and puts it in his own pocket, " Reason Two, Tomorrow is Katie's birthday, I'm here to sneak in any gifts you have gotten her so I can give them to her." She says spying the small gift sitting on the desk next to his keys. He turns his head and looks at it, smiling. "I'd like to give it to her in person thank you." He says. Melina opens her mouth to point out the fact that he was forbidden to go near the House but Han stops her. "Dom is letting me come back, he wants me to show up at the party tomorrow as a surprise." He says unable to hide his 100 watt smile. Melina squeals ,something very un-Melina-ish, and pumps her fist in the air. "Hell YEAH! That's what I'm talking about! I guess my work here is done." She says pushing off the bed and heading for the door. "Don't worry I wont tell Katie. See you tomorrow!" She says and slips out of the room, The door giving off a metallic Click indicating it locked. He gets up and taking off his over shirt he lays down in the bed, swiping the TV remote off the bedside table and clicks on the TV. Nothing was really on so he left it on some cop show before taking the Notebook paper out of his pocket. Clicking on the overhead light Han unfolds the paper and smiles when he sees Katie's neat cursive writting. Han I miss you so much, I'm staying strong over here and I know you are staying strong there. Everytime I think of what they did I get so pissed. How could they take you from me? Don't they realize its hurting me? It kills me to know that you aren't about to walk out of your room and give me that killer smile of yours It's only one more year right? I'm trying. I have to go now Dom wants Melina to leave and I have to give this to her before she does. I'll try to write you again. Please don't give up on us. and remember....... I Love you Katie " I could never give up on You Katie, Or us" He whispers rereading her words. His heart pounding when he reads the I Love you. She was hurting, and that killed him more then she would know. "soon Angel, I'll be home soon." ************************* When she was certain that everyone in the house hold was sleeping she slips out of her room and into Han's, this was her nightly ritual since he had been kicked out. Curling up in his bed she tugs the blankets around her shoulders and over her head, cutting her off from the outside world. Going into her pajamas bottom pocket she reveals a small silver phone, Melina's cell phone that she had let her borrow, flipping it open she scrolls through the address book until she finds the name and number she was looking for, Dialing it she puts it to her ear and listens to the ringing. "hmmmm Hello?" Han's sleepy voice says from the tiny speaker, making Katie hold her breath. "Melina is that you? Is something wrong?" He says, the sleep clearing away when he realizes the number. "Han." Katie whispers, her eyes prickling at the sound of his voice. She hears a soft gasp as he sucks in his breath. "Katie What are you doing if you're caught then things will get worse." He says slightly angry. Katie just snorts softly, tears making their way down her cheeks. "It cant get worse then this, But I just had to call you, I had to tell you something, then I promise I wont call again." She says her voice trembling. Han was silent on the other end, so silent she thought he hung up. Pressing the phone closer to her ear she hears his quiet breathing. "Han you still there?" She says wanting to hear his voice, "Yes Angel I'm here. What did you want to say?" He asks softly, his nickname soothing her frayed nerves. " I just wanted to say I Love You." She whispers, hearing his soft almost inaudible moan. "Oh Angel I love you too. Now go before someone catches you." he says, emotions clearing in his whispers. "Wait before you hang up, Happy birthday." He says. "Thank you" but it was too late, the line went dead, he had hung up. She takes the phone from her face and cradles it, crying softly into the pillow. Dragging herself up she pulls the sheet away only to scream when she sees Mia standing next to the bed. "Mia I'm so sorry Please don't tell the others!" She says tears spilling down her face. Mia just puts her finger to her lips and nods toward the door. "Shh, I'm not telling anyone anything, just get to bed before Bryan comes back up the stairs, He's in the kitchen getting a snack." She says ushering Katie out of the bedroom and across the hall. Katie turns to her Aunt gasping when she sees her wink. "Young Love, its so sweet, especially when it's true." She whispers before closing the door to Katie's room, Leaving her dumbstuck inside the darkened room. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on February 24, 2015 Last Updated on February 24, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing