![]() Chapter Twenty-Four: Light At The End Of The TunnelA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Hot and Heavy![]() "Lord have Mercy! SHE LIVES!!!" Melina says in a fake southern bell accent as Katie emerges down the stairs. It's been a week and a half since that first dreadful night and it was Hell. Stomach cramps that made even mother nature cringe, cold sweats so powerful she would cry herself to sleep as she bundled up in her blankets seeking heat, Her body felt like it had been hit by an 18 wheeler then back up on, but what was worse was what she could only describe as Cravings for Cocaine, they were so strong she would scream into her pillow begging Melina for relief from them. Han had watched helplessly as her body fought to rid itself of the drugs and left her battered in the process. He didn't know what to do, at that point not even holding her helped, she would just push him away and curl up in a ball.
Katie shoots Melina a glare, a ghost of a smile hinting at her cracked and dried lips. She pads into the living room, her blanket wrapped around her, and curls up on the couch, her head in Melina's lap. She closes her eyes and sighs as she feels Melina working her fingers through her tangled hair, playing with it and combing it. She was so focused on the feel of her fingers weaving in and out that she didn't hear Han coming into the living room, it wasn't until he picked up her feet to sit down did she notice. Jumping with a yelp her eyes fly open to see a wide grin on his face as she smirked at her.
"Damnit Han don't do that!" She says as she settles back down , closing her eyes as Melina working her magic fingers again. Han apologies and takes one of her feet in his hands, She cracks open her eyes to slits and watches him as she starts to Massage her left foot. She jerks it away as the sharp tingles of being tickled reaches her a giggle bubbling up. "Stop no, I'm ticklish." She says as he smirks and reaches for her foot again. Melina joins in and pins her hands above her as Han starts tickling her sides, making her howl with Laughter, squirming this way and that trying to get away. Han's laughter was a balm to her ears after the week of hell as he continues his relentless torture.
"Give up?" he huffs between his laughter. Katie just sticks her tongue out and playfully tugs at her wrists that Melina Held. Melina just gives her a wicked grin and playfully tightens her grip. Katie shakes her head
"NEVER!" She hisses between her own bouts of laughter.
"You asked for it, Melina help me." Melina lets go of her wrists and joins Han with the tickle torture, her howls growing louder.
" I Yield I Yield Uncle Uncle, I wave the white flag!" She hollers, dissolving into more incoherent fits. Han leans back against the arm rest panting, his 100 watt smile plastered onto his face. Melina puts her hands up and behind her head and also leans back, letting Katie scramble into a sitting position, all three breathing heavy from laughing so hard.
"It's good to see you smile and laugh again, I was afraid it was lost." Han says once his breathing was normal. Katie shoots him a smile and one to Melina. She looks closer at Melina and sees that she too was starting to heal from all the hell. Her body didn't look like a sick child anymore. Melina smiles at her, her white teeth peaking out from behind her lips as her eyes crinkled around the edges. The girls hug eachother hard, relishing int he fact that they made it, they beat this addiction.
Han watches as the two girls hug their victory. When they let go He takes a closer look at Katie. Her eyes were no longer the dull lifeless green they had been, they were once again the bright green like Jade. Her blond hair had vibrancy to it and no longer looked limp and gray, her body still looked skinnier then normal from lack of eating in the past week but he knew that as soon as her appetite was back she would be her healthily size again. An Image of Her Curled up in his arms shaking and freezing, crying her eyes out flashes in his mind and vanishes just as fast. The past week and a half had been hell, Han had had to sit back and watch helplessly as she Struggled to get control of her life again without being dependent on white powder and the high it brought her. He had wanted nothing more then to ease her pain but he knew that there was nothing he could do. He is shaken out of his thoughts when Katie turns to look at him, her dazzling smile making his own lips turn up to met hers. She bumps his shoulder with his and he laughs, slingling his arm around her resting it on the back of the couch, letting her curl up in his side, Melina smiles at them. Since Melina had figured out their predicament and promised to keep it a secret the two didn't feel like they had to hide their feelings around her for she approved. Getting up off the couch she heads to the kitchen
"I'm going to make some Chicken Noodle for dinner, anyone else want some?" She says over her shoulder. Katie shoots her hand up in the Air like a kindergartner raising their hand in class and cranes her neck to look behind the couch at her.
"ME Me Me!" She says waving her hand back and forth. Melina throws her head back and laughs, shaking her head.
"You are 16 stop acting like a 5 year old." She says in a teasing mock scold. Katie just puts her hand down and pouts, blinking her big green eyes at her. Melina just shakes her head and walks into the kitchen to make the soup. Katie turns her head forward and curls back up in Han's side, the smell of his old spice deodorant surrounding her. He squeezes her shoulder and draws her closer, kissing the top of her head, sensing her smile as he did. he takes the Remote control out of the remote holder and clicks on the TV, kicking his feet on the coffee table and stretching out.
Katie's breath leaves her as Han stretches his body into a more relaxing position, his muscles pulling and rippling against her in her curled up position, desire blooming. He may be slightly more relaxed around Melina in how they were with each0ther but Katie knew that if he was sparking those feelings inside her he would quickly move to one of the chairs. She could Tell by the way he shifted slightly away from her that he had heard her gasp and felt her stiffen. Being brave and risky she edges closer and leans her head on his chest, her hand resting lightly on the place above his heart. His heart starts to beat frantically at her touch as she makes small designs on his chest with her fingertips. His breathing becomes ragged as he clasps his hand over hers stilling her movements.
"Katie do you know how much that drives me crazy?" He whispers. She looks up at him, to see his eyes had grown darker with raw emotions raging behind them. Her eyes widen as her mouth forms a small "O", startled that her simple touch affected him so deeply. He continues to stare at her, his eyes conveying all the emotions words had no meaning for, Her own eyes matching his, and the rest of the world melts into the background.
"EW Gross Get a room your two!" Melina's shriek breaks the spell and she blinks. She looks back at Han and realizes that somehow they had moved their head closer and his full lips mere inches from hers, she could feel his cool breath against her. He seems to realize it to but doesn't move, an internal battle raging inside him whether to kiss her or not, she holds her breath waiting. His morals must have won out in the end because he just sighs and leans back, giving her once more access to curl up to his sigh. Katie Lets out her breath in a disappointed sigh and looks over a Melina who mouths "sorry Hun" at her. She just gives her a weak smile before settling back against him this time taking care not to touch him, though her fingers itched to move and skim across his chest. Melina comes around from where she had been standing with a small tray in her hands, three bowls of steaming hot soup places carefully on the tray. She hands them out, each one with a small hotglove so they didn't burn themselves. Han takes his free hand and tosses the remote to Melina once she was settled. She easily catches it and flicks through the TV shows, frowning when nothing was on. "How is it that you have over a thousand channels and nothing good is on?" She mutters, angrily clicking the channel button. Suddenly a Face flickers on the screen before Melina changes it Makes Han smile.
"Wait flip back two channels I think I saw something," Melina flips back twice and the face fills the screen again, along with another familiar face. Katie stares at the TV in disbelief, instantly knowing the childish Anime. She turns to Han and stares at him in amusement.
"Really Inuyasha?" She murrs. Melina looks at him too, an eyebrow arched. He just shrugs and smiles.
"What I have a liking to demonic half wolfs and lecherous monks." He says referring to the main charactor Inuyasha and one of his friends The Monk Miroku. the girls just shake their head, but because there was nothing better on they leave the show on and watch as the charactors wonder around feudal Japan fighting off Evil Demons in search for shards of a sacred jewel. Katie sighs and snuggles up to Han as her eye grow heavy with sleep. He puts his arm around her and draws her close, moving her blanket so that she was bundled up and comfortable. She falls asleep to the sounds of sword fighting and the smell of old spice.
"Just leave her there, She'll wake up on her own." Han whispers as he gently extracts himself from Katie. Melina gives him one of the couch pillows and he puts it under her head as he slides off the couch. Katie stirs in her sleep and fidgets, trying to find comfort, his name the only thing audible in her in corrent muttering. He pulls the blanket over her shoulders and smiles as she sighs in her sleep. He looks at her and is struck at how peaceful she looks in her sleep. Hands in front of his face interrupts his staring and he jumps back looking at the culprit, Melina just smiles. "Well its 10pm and I don't know why but I am exhausted, I'm taking a shower and heading to bed, night." She says and heads upstairs to the bathroom. Han takes one more look at Katie sleeping peacefully and doesn't have the heart to wake her up to go to bed. He leans down and moves some hair that was across her closed eyes, leaning closer he kisses her pouty lips
"I love you Katie" He says against her lips before straightening up. Katie sighs in her sleep, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips like she had understood him in her sleeping state of mind. He turns and trudges up the stairs to his room, exhaustion making his body feel like it was moving through jello, sluggish and slow. He smiles a small smile as he hears from the end of the hall Melina's Highly off pitch singing voice singing " I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry. He slips into his room, takes his shirt off and kicks off his pants and slides under the cool covers sagging against his mattress. He was sound asleep before Melina was even out of the shower.
Katie Shoots straight up, Her scream strangled in her throat, as she thrashes her way to a sitting position. Disoren tied she shifts the wrong way and yelps as she feels herself fall to the ground. the fall was unusually short and she finds herself starring underneath the couch, flat on her stomach. She frowns confused as to why she was still on the couch before she remembers that she had fallen asleep curled up to Han, He must have left her there sleeping not wanting to disturb her. She slowly stands up and sits on the couch, the nightmare that had woken her up still fresh in her mind. She'd been having the same nightmare over and over every night since Cade tried to hurt her and Han had saved her. The nightmare was of Cade trying to hurt her again and Han once again coming to save her. But every time Cade overpowered Han and killed him, each nightmare a difference death, but always a death. She shudders and tries to keep the tears at bay. Slipping on the couch and gathering her blanket in her arms, she shuffles her way to the stairs, careful not to trip on her blanket. Outside her door she pauses, listening to the quiet snore of Han across the hall. In a split second decision she turns from her door and heads to Han's.
Han was out cold, he didn't even hear his door open and close or the soft thud as Katie dropped her blanket at the foot of his bed. It wasn't until he felt the left side of his bed sag under weight that he finally stirred. He feels another body snuggling up against his back and he smiles sleepily. Turning onto his other side he sees Her eyes shining softly in the moon light, a look of distress in them.
"Angel what's wrong?" He whispers moving so she could bury her face in his chest, a slight trembling in her body. He holds her close running his hands up and down her back until her trembling stops and she relaxes in his arms. She looks back up at him and smiles a shy smile.
"I've been having nightmares everynight since Cade-" Han's arms tighten around her as he remembers that day. "Every night I dream he is trying to hurt me and everytime you come to save me, But-" She stops again and pulls in a shaky breath before looking him in the eyes. "But every time he kills you, each night worse then the last." She says, tears leaking out of the corner of her eyes. He reaches out and gently with his thumb brushes away her tears.
"I'm very much alive as you can see." He says getting a smile in return. She moves to leave but he tightens his arms around her making it impossible for her to leave, her eyes widen with shock. "Stay here tonight." he says, going against everything that was screaming this was wrong in his head. For once he was listening to his heart which cried for him to keep her locked in his arms and sleeping next to him all night long. Katie's smile was all he needed to throw away reason.
Her shock much have registered on her face because the sheepish grin he gave her shock her out of it as she felt herself mirroring his smile. She moves away alittle as he pulls back his blankets for her to slide under. She gasps as she presses against him, realizing he was in nothing but boxers. Slight Panic flickers in his eyes before being replaced with Love, and she realized he had momentarily forgotten his state of undress until she was flush against him, but that he didn't care. He rolls over onto his back and lets her rest her head against his chest, her legs tangled with his. Did he know that this was her favorite way to lay with him, to hear his heart beating softly in her ear as she laid her head above it. His arm comes around and holds her tight against him, his hand making circle's on her lower back, stimulating her more then putting her to sleep, his breath becoming ragged as he too realize just how close they were, just how precarious their position was at that moment.
Han tries to still the urges that were running ramped in his body as she pressed herself against him, His skin becoming heated under her cool touch. He swallows a sudden lump in his throat as she tangles her legs with his. Keep yourself together Man he mentally chastise himself. You can do this, You can get through one night without becoming an animal. He relaxes slightly as she finally settles down, snaking his arm around to hold her, he lets his fingers draw circle's on her lower back, her breathing hitches up making him realize it was affecting her in ways that made the desire rage faster.
"Han?" She says in a breathy whisper. He turns his head and doesn't even have time to suck in a breath before her lips were crashing against his. Katie shifts herself and feels his strong arms lifting her up until she was straddling him. Desire flaring as she feels his desire. She tangles her fingers in his silky hair and smirks against his lips as a moan escapes him as she rubbed against him.
She rubbed against him in all the right ways that he couldn't the moan that left him. He slips his hands around her back and under her shirt, his hands splaying against her naked back, making her arch against his touch and grind harder. A growl escapes him and he tightens his hold, relinquishing the smooth skin of her back so he could tangle his fingers in her hair.
The growl sends her over the edge and she deepens the kiss, moaning when he bites her lower lip, his tongue snaking into her mouth dancing with hers. His lips leaving hers as he trails kisses down her neck. she throws her head back to give him better access and drags her hands down his bare chest, fingering the slight sprinkle of chest hair, not containing her moans.
It was her moans that finally broke what little control he had left. He grabs her waist and digs his nails into the soft flesh there. He bites her shoulder lightly before reclaiming her mouth again. This time the kiss took on a urgency, a hunger he could no longer contain.
His kiss shocked her with the hunger inside it. She was lost in the sensations and pleasure he was giving her. But She held back. She tears her lips from his and leans back, still straddling him. He looks at her with complete shock before realizing what she meant. She wasn't ready for the next step. He nods his head and mentally groans when she slides off him and sits on the edge of the bed, trying to compose herself. He sits up and shifts himself uncomfortably.
"Han I'm sorry I.. I just can't" She says her voice showing the tears she had yet to shed. He moves beside her and putting his hand under her chin makes her look at him.
"NEVER be sorry for not being ready. I already told you I was yours. I'm perfectly happy waiting as long as it takes, And if you never want to. I'm OK with that. that's not why I love you Katie" He says to her, as his desire starts to calm down. She smiles up at him as his admission of love hits her. She throws her hands around his neck and pulls him in for a hug which he returned with much love.
" I don't want to until we don't have to hide ourselves from everyone. I don't want it to be a secret relationship. Not anymore." She whispers against his ear. He nods "I couldn't agree more."
So that night he held the girl he loved more then anyone in the world as she slept soundly and peacefully wrapped in his arms. It wasn't until she was fast asleep that he snuck off for a very very cold shower, to calm his raw nerves. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on February 16, 2015 Last Updated on February 16, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing