![]() Chapter Twenty-Two: Suspicion ConfirmedA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() The Fight of all Fights![]() Han gingerly gets out of the car and winces as he puts weight on his injured leg. He was just getting home from the doctor with the prognosis of a badly bruised bone, which didn't warrent a cast but some strong hydro's. He held the little pharmacy bag with distaste, knowing he would rather suffer through the pain then be high off of the pain meds. He grabs the Taco bell he Bought for everyone and limps to the door to let himself in.
"Girls You still here?" He calls up the stairs where music was blaring from Katie's room, making it obvious they were home, that and the fact that Melina's car was still in the driveway. When the only response he got was silence and music he puts the food bags on the breakfast bar and limps up the stairs to tell them he was home and brought food. Before he knocks on the door words filter to him above the screaming music
"Are we out already? Lina that s**t wasn't even as strong as the old stuff!" Katie hisses, her voice had a high whine to it that he had never heard before.
"I'm sorry the new guy charges A hell of a lot more for the good stuff then Cade did, this is all I could afford, I'll just buy more of it next time. At Least it severed it's purpose, you're totally out of it" Melina says with a slurry laugh
Warning bells go off in Han's head as the words sink in. They were talking about drugs, and the fact that he didn't smell the tell tale signs he knew it wasn't weed. He hesitates at the door trying to see if he could hear anything else that would tip off what exactly they were doing but the room was silent, their words to soft to hear over the blaring screaming music. He steels himself and flings open the door.
"WHAT THE F**K HAN!" Katie screeches. Han swivels his head in the direction of her scream and sees the two girls crowded around her computer desk, Katie trying very hard to cover up what was laid out in front of them. But Han saw a flash of a mirror and Knew instantly what was going on.
"REALLY COCAINE!" He shouts, balling his hands into fists, making Melina shrink back in fear, for she had never seen him like this. Katie on the other hand, even though the drugs took more to get high had already worked their way in her system and she was riding the blissful energetic high that always came with the powder. She just crosses her arms and stares defiantly at him.
"Get out of my Room Han this has nothing to do with you." She huffs pointing a black covered nail at the door. He just stares at her in shock before turning his eyes to Melina who had moved to cower next to the bed. His anger softening as he stared at the frightened girl, he moves deeper into the room and squats down in front of her offering his hand.
"It's OK Melina, here let me help you up," He says. She hesitates before gently taking his offered hand and lets him pull her to her feet. "Why don't you go to you're room and sleep this off OK?" He suggests softly. She looks at Katie for confirmation and visibly relaxes when she nods her head, relief flooding her features. She quickly crosses the floor and slips out of the room, the door making a soft snick as she closes it, leaving Han and Katie alone in her room. Katie crosses her arms and glares at Han who sat carefully on her bed. How Dare he come barging into her room and kick out her friend! He was killing her high but only slightly, the drugs still had their grip firmly latched on to her. She stares at Han as he stares back at her, despair in his dark eyes making them appear deeper. Finally he drops his gaze and sighs flopping onto his back in her bed, stares instead at the stars on her ceiling.
"Why Katie? Why Drugs?" he asks his voice deflated of all anger. Surprise flickers inside her as she realizes he wasn't there to fight like she had thought. She just looks down at the ground and scuffs the soft carpeting with her big toe.
"It helps me cope with the Flashback, with the nightmares, and memories." She admits looking up to find he had propped himself on his elbows to look at her, his body stretched deliciously across her bed, his feet planted firmly on the ground. She lets her eyes linger on his body a little longer before finally looking him dead in the eyes. "It's not like I had anyone to turn to." She says knowing that the jab was a low blow to him, the flash of pain and the flinch that ripples over him confirmed that the blow cut deeper then he let on.
"You Know that is unfair." He whispers searching her face for the bright girl he had met, instead of this cold drug addict that sat before him. He pushes up into a sitting position and puts his elbows on his knees. "Katie you know damn well you could have come talked to me, regardless of the fighting, you know I am always here for you if you are in trouble or if you need to talk about something that is hurting you!" He says his voice struggling to remain calm. Katie just swivels around in her chair and ignores him, and starts to clean up the mirror and residue that was still on her desk, trying to flatten out the dollar bills. Seeing her carefully handling Drug paraphernalia makes his and erupt and he jumps of the bed and strides over to her. He yanks her chair and forces to her look at him, as he takes the mirror and throws it across the room, the glass shattering into a thousand glittering pieces.
"WHAT THE F**K!" She screams and slaps him across the chest, pounding on him, trying to get him away from her. He just captures her hand in his and she stops her struggling. Her eyes filling with anger as she glares at him, reminding him of the saying ' If looks could kill "It is NONE of your business if I get high with my friend to help me cope! you cant do Jack S**T about it!" She seethes, her voice slightly muffled as she spoke through her clenched teeth.
"So what now huh? you going to ruin your life? Waste away your life for a few minutes of wasted bliss? Are you going to live your life too stoned or drugged to pay attention to the world around you?" Han screams his anger boiling to new heights. Katie just stares at him her arms crossed, anger swimming through her.
" LIKE YOU CARE!" She shoots back almost screaming, " YOU WOULDN'T CARE IF I JUST UP AND ODED!" She knew she was pushing him too far but she didn't care, the drugs fueled her anger. She stands up and goes to her closed door, ready to kick him out. Turning back to him she sees a harsh glint enter his eyes making them darker then she ever thought possible. He crosses the space between them her making her step back and hit the closed door,trapping her between his body and the door, the wood unforgiving behind her.
" I don't care?" He says his voice so low so frightening she actually shivers, but drugs in her system fuel her attitude and she squares her shoulders and stare him down. " You've made it pretty clear that you don't give a rats a*s about me." She says in an even flat tone. She ignores the Voices in her head Screaming at her that she was being a b***h. That he Had showed her how much he cared about her Just last night with the Promise of her 18Th birthday, but she was to far gone now to back down, her drug riddled brain wouldn't let her. What came next happened so fast she barely had time to focus.
Han Grabs her roughly and pins her hands above her head, his body pressing hard into hers, She didn't even have time to gasp before he was dominating her mouth with his. His anger and love fueling him in an intense kiss. He lets go of her hands only so he could lift her up from the waist making her wrap her legs around his as he pressed her hard against the door using it to his advantage. he prys open her mouth with his tongue and is pleased when she meets his with hers. Her hands going under his shirt ,her nails dragging down his back .His passion and love for her soaring and he lets out an almost annalist growl as his whole body became affected by her touch. before he did what he so badly wanted to do he breaks the kiss, his breath ragged and coming out in hard pants. He opens his eyes and sees her looking up at him, her lips swollen from the intensity of his kiss, her cheeks flushed and raw wild lust dancing in her eyes. He drops her legs and lets them fall back onto the floor, waiting till she could stand on her own before letting go of her completely, but still keeping her trapped between his body and her door.
His eyes burned with a wild lust that she knew all too well, her eyes she knew had the same look in them. Her breathing was erratic and her heart was beating like a herd of wild horses, her drug stupor had vanished the moment his lips touched her. He leans closer to her until just their bodies were touching. Her eyes go round and her breath hitches up faster as she Feels the affects of the kiss and his own desire for her pressing hard into her stomach. The only time he had EVER let that show.
"Does that FEEL like I don't care, Did that Kiss SHOW I didn't care?" He hisses his voice ragged, his anger simmering. The harsh angry glint in his eyes returning, making him look dangerous and sexy at the same time, he smirks, "You've got it all wrong Angel, I care about you. I care about you more then you will EVER know." And with that he yanks her out of the way and bursts out the door, heading for the front door and to his car. Sinking to her floor she pulls her knees in close burying her face into her knees to muffle her sobs as she listens to the sound of his car peeling out of the drive way. Melina stumbles to her open doorway a moment later.
"what happened?" She asks, her voice soft with concern, Katie just looks up at her wordlessly, silent tears streaming down her face. Melina's face crumples as she sees her best friend in Pain. She drops to her knees and gathers her up in a hug, letting her cry out her grief on her shoulder.
"Lina I fucked up, I fucked up badly, I Might lose him." She gasps between sobs, her tears coming faster as the prospect of truly losing him dawns on her, "Oh God what have I done?" She says. Melina just hugs her harder then pulls her away, holding her at arms length.
"You really love him don't you?" She asks, Katie looks at her friend and nods, "Then you need to stop the drugs, if that's what is making him so angry. Hell I'll stop with you we can do it together OK? Its getting expensive and harder to hide from the rents anyway." She says looking her in the eyes. A moment of fear spreads through her as she thinks about not being able to feel the blissful high anymore, but then thoughts of a life without Han dominate it and she nods her head. She could stop the drugs, she WOULD stop the drugs, If it means keeping Han.
Han slams the door to his civic shut and bangs on the hood in frustration, the sound a sharp metallic echo ringing through the parking garage. How could he have not known she was doing Cocaine? He mentally slaps himself, He knew deep down he always knew, he just didn't want to believe she would stoop that low. Her words flickers back at him. Its not like I had anyone to turn to. Her words slicing deep into his heart, because he knew it was partially true, He might not have stood still long enough for her to confide in him. Angry at himself and at her he slams on the hood again.
"Sir is everything alright here?" Says a strong authoritative voice. He looks up and brushes his hair out of his eyes to see a security cop peering out of the window of the cop car. Han gives the officer a weak smile and nods.
"Yes sir, just fighting with the Mrs. You know how things can be." The lie rolls off his tongue a little too enthused, but the guard doesn't seem to notice, instead he just nods his head in sympathetic understatement.
"I know what you mean man, Mine drives me to the boxing ring three times a week." he says letting a chuckle out. Han just flashes him a smile and opens his car door He waves to the guard before getting back in and turning the car on like he was going to leave. He waits until the cop car vanishes from the garage before getting out and locking up. He grabs the sheet off the car next to him and pulls it off, letting the mustard colored and Black Mazda see the light. Maybe a little fun would help him think. Help him process the mess Katie managed to find herself in. It didn't take long for him to speed his way to his favorite drifting spot, the old base he took Katie to. Letting go of all thoughts he focuses on the gears, and the way the car slid into the drift like it was made to do this, the steering wheel jerking smoothing beneath his expert hands. A lapse in concentration suddenly makes the end fishtail dangerously. Cursing he jerks the wheel in time with the unwanted slide and comes to a full stop in the middle of the runway, His breath heavy from the adrenaline as he shuts the car off. He puts his arm across the wheel and lays his head on it exhausted from the days events.
He still didn't know what to do but he wasn't surprise, he didn't think drifting would magically give him any bright ideas. All he knew was the he wouldn't abandon her. He would be there for her, but he knew proving it to her was going to be one hell of a time. He takes his hand away and starts the car, heading back to the Garage and back to the house. He didn't know how he would prove it to her, but he knew he had to try. For her sake. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on February 10, 2015 Last Updated on February 10, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing