![]() Chapter Twenty -One: Tension rising and Promises madeA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() She is his and he is hers![]() "So Cade Talked to me yesterday" Melina says casually as she pushes the cart down the Isle. Katie snaps out of her daydream and stares at Melina.
"What did he say?" She asks walking behind her. Melina Stretches up and grabs a can of corn from the top shelf for tonight's Shepard pie. Throwing it angrily into the cart she spins around and looks at Katie.
"He was going on about how he didn't mean to do it and how he was so sorry and how he didn't know what came over him. Blah Blah Blah long story store he fed me a bunch of Bullshit Excuses, so I smacked him in the face and told him that I wasn't the one he needed to say sorry to." She huffs, her hands balling into fists. " Told me to go f**k myself and to get a new dealer, Told him that I already had." She says and starts pushing the cart again. Katie just stands were she is, staring at Melina with her mouth open. Recovering from her shock she shakes her head and follows her friend.
"Why would you do that? You don't have to stop talking to him because of me." Melina stops abruptly in her tracks, making Katie smack into her. "What the hell?" She says rubbing her nose from where is bounced on her back. Melina turns around slowly, her eyes narrowed into poisonous slits.
"DO you Honestly think I would have anything to do with that Creep after what he did to my best friend no wait my Sister?" She hisses, leaning precariously against the Cart. And just as quickly it came her anger deflates and she sags against the cart. "Katie If he had hurt you, It's all my fault, I'm the one who introduced you, I-"
"Did you tell him to force himself onto me?"
"No But I-"
"Then STOP, This isn't your fault, You didn't know he was going to do that, He's a snake good at hiding his true nature, you were fooled by his charm, just like me." She says stepping closer to her, She wraps her arms are her best friend giving her a warm hug. Melina holds her close.
"If anything had happened to you , If he had hurt you, I'd be lost without my sister." She whispers. Her words make tears well up in eyes, her aching heart starting to repair. They hug for a little longer, each comforting the other, until obnoxious whistling and cat calls from the end of the Isle tears them apart, shattering their bonding moment. A trio of lanky teenage boys were waggling their eyes at them and giving them suggestive gestures. Katie just smiles a deadly smile at them and flips them the bird, making Melina snicker before grabbing her hand and tugging her out of the Isle to the snack foods. All seriousness of their moment vanishes from Melina's face as she sets her eyes on the junk food. "We need some snacks, Lots and lots of snacks." She states pulling food off the shelves left and right. Cookies, little bites brownies, zebra cakes, chips and dip, fruit gushers, so much junk food that Katie was getting a cavity just watching her. Before she can put a box of Oatmeal cream pies on top of the growing mound she grabs her hand, stopping her.
"Melina I think we have enough food, we got tonight's dinner and plus we need to save SOME money for the rest of the month." She says a giggle bubbling up. Melina just shrugs ans tosses the pies in the cart, pushing it toward the freezers.
"We still need gallions and gallions of Ice cream, That should take your mind off of whoever it is that has broken your heart." She says in a matter of fact way making Katie once again stop in her tracks, cursing Melina for knowing her too well. Katie thinks back to yesterday and her stolen moment with Han on the stairs, the way his hands felt around her waist, his lips moving against hers, the way he lifted her up to kiss her deeper. "Heeelllllooo Earth to Katie. You still in there babe?" Melina's voice snaps her out of her daydream, it was only then that she realized she had places her fingers on her lips, a smile telling her she was grinning like an idiot. "Dayum girl who is this mystery man who has you smiling like this?" She asks a twinkle in her eye. Katie blushes a deep red and looks down unable to look her in the eye. She side steps her and grabs the cart, pushing it further to the Freezers.
"I don't know what you're talking about. But now that you mention Ice cream I am craving Ben&Jerry's Cherry Garcia. What about you?" She says ignoring Her question. Melina just narrows her eyes and puts her hands on her hips, Her stance saying that she would let this go for now but not forever. Sighing she drops her hands back down to her sides and follows Katie to the Ice cream, the rows and rows of colorful cartans staring up at them, promising icy comfort.
"Don't forget Blackberry Please!" She says taking the cart form Katie as she grabs the goodies, She grabs two carts of Cherry Garcia and two black berries. "Already I think we are done for now. Lets go." Melina says when Katie gentles places the ice cream in the cart. Katie Smiles and they two girls head to the registers.
"I think The Cashier was checking you out!" Katie says as they pull their cart to the car, Melina pops open the trunk.
"Who Kennedy? Nawh you're seeing things." She says, but the deep blush that spreads across her cheeks was a dead give away that Kennedy wasn't the only one doing the Checking out. Katie just snickers and helps her put the food in the trunk, slamming it shut when the last bag was in. Melina tosses her the keys and runs the short distance to the cart drop off. Katie had already unlocked the car and was sitting in the drivers side by the time she got back. "And who says you were the one driving Missy?" She says putting her hands on her hips, reminding Katie of a scolding parent. Katie gives her her best puppy dog look and succeeds. Melina rolls her eyes and goes over to he passengerside, buckling up before Katie carefully maneuvers the Walmart Parking lot.
"So Why is Dom letting me say for the WHOLE month of July? not that I'm complaining, it just seems weird." Melina says fiddling with the radio trying to get a good station. Katie looks at her from the corner of her eyes before turning her attention back to the road.
"You have I heart Radio on your Ipod right?" She asks, Melina nodding, "Perfect hook it up, I looked up this really good Rock station that's from Rhode Island, its called 94HJY, They got some really good old rock music." She says putting her blinker on to take the next left. Melina fiddles with her Ipod for a few more minutes before finally getting the station. "And to answer your question, Dom and the others are going to Rio De Jenerio to visit Tej and Roman. They did it last summer since Han was here to watch me, they don't want to leave me home alone after everything that's happened. I asked if you could stay over and he said as Long s Han didn't care you could, Han doesn't care." She says shrugging trying not to let the anger creep into her voice. She knew the real reason Han didn't care that Melina stayed. She knew that memories from last July were the reason he didn't want to be alone with her, she knew that he might finally give in if given the chance to be alone with her. She knew because the same thing was happening to her. She falls silent lost in her own little world and focuses on driving as Melina bobs her head to "Rock You Like A Hurricane" By the Scorpions. They pull up just as Han was getting out of his car.
"Hey there Sexy eyes, Dayum what did you do?" Melina says as she emerges from the passengerside. Katie flicks her gaze to Han and immediately knows something is wrong. Han looks up at the sound of Melina's voice and grimaces, his left leg screaming in pain.
"Some rookie knocked over some merchandise at the shop and I wasn't quick enough to get out of the way, crushed my leg, think I bruised the bone, wont know until tomorrow when I go see the doctor." He says, limping to the front door. "Is the Family still home or did they leave yet, Wait nevermind." He says spying their cars in the driveway. Katie rushes over to him and he smiles at her as she puts his arm around her shoulders for support.
"Hell the food can wait lets help him to the House," Melina says going over to help him out as well, But he just waves them both away and removes his arm from Katie.
"I'm fine girls, get your food before it rots in this heat." He says and ignores Katie's protests and unlocks the door, heading to the livingroom where he could put his leg up. Katie just stares after him, concern written all over her face, a light tap on her shoulder makes her tear her gaze away from Han and look up into Melina's glittering blue eyes, the color of Bahama's water, her eyes brow arched in a knowing way.
"It's Han isn't it? The person who has you so heart broken." She says already knowing the answer and just wanted a confirmation. Katie makes a ignorant snort before heading back to the car, popping the trunk on the automatic keyring.
" I have no Idea what you are talking about, I'm not heart broken." She says as she opens the trunk to retrieve the food, scowling as she notices the ice cream cartons were getting alittle squishy meaning the Icream was starting to melt. She grabs a few bags and leaves the rest for Melina who had tailed behind her waiting for the confirmation to the question she already figured out was true. Katie refuses to look her in the eyes as she handed her the keys and walked into the house. A few Japanese words coming from the Livingroom make her crane her neck in that direction and laugh. Mia was crouched in front of Han trying to put n ace bandage around his leg, apparently not as gently as she had hoped as Han continued to swear in Japanese. He turns his head to look behind him and gives her an exaggerated pained face making her laugh harder before turning back to the kitchen to put the food away. Melina joins her a few minutes later and the two quickly put the junk food away and the ingredients for tonight's dinner off to the side for later preparations.
"Mia could you be anymore rough?" Han's voice filters through making them giggle and head over to see what all the commotion was. When They got there they saw Mia Trying Again to Put the Bandage on right, Han's Hand gripping the couch cushion as the pain of his leg getting jarred hits him. Katie goes over and puts her hand over Mia's, a silent way of saying that she would do it instead. Mai just sighs and rolls her eyes, but gives Katie the Bandage anyway and heads upstairs.
"Bryan and the others are almost done packing, We'll be leaving within the hour" She calls over her shoulders and heads for her room. Katie Looks at Han and she tries to keep her emotions in check as the memories from last night flicker in her mind once again. Clearing her throat she shakes her head to rid herself of the memories and focuses on gently wrapping his injured leg. Katie's soft touch on his leg sent tingles throughout his body, pushing past the waves of pain.
"Can you hurry it up please, I'd like to be able to watch TV in my room and rest a bit." he Snaps, a pang of guilt entering his stomach as the words come out harsher then he wanted. He sees Katie trying to hid a cringe as she just nods and quickly finishes, wiping her hands on her dark jeans as she stood up. He awkwardly gets up and tries to reach out to her, "Katie's I'm sorry I didn't mean-" She waves him off before he can finish.
"It's fine, you're in pain, pain makes people snappy I get it. Do you need help up the stairs?" She says not looking at him, making him realize that she was trying not to cry. His heart constricts as memories of her smile last night flash in his minds eye. The taste of her lips on his. He takes a stumbling step toward her but she backs away, finally looking in his eyes. He saw her pleading with him to now make this harder then it was. He lets his hand drop lifelessly to his side and he shakes his head.
"I think I can manage the stairs myself, thank you for the offer though." he says flatly, devoid of all emotions. He watches her nod her head and head back to the kitchen, his eyes following her until she was out of sight. An irritated noise from his right has his head swiveling in that direction. Melina was Perched on he edge of one of the chairs her eye brow raised, arms and knees crossed, a bemused look in her eyes.
"Boy How is it that I was blind until now? How is everyone Blind? The way you two act and look at eachother its totally obvious!" She say, mischief clear in her light voice. Han's blood freezes in his veins as he stares at Katie's best friend, trying to think of something to say that would dismiss her all to true statement. She holds her hand before he can say anything. "Don't even try to deny it. I can see it in the way you two look at eachothe, and let me tell you something," She pushes off the couch and walked over to him, jabbing his chest with her pointer. "You hurt her, You've been hurting her. I didn't know it was you but I can see it in her, she tries to cover it up but her heart is breaking and its You're Fault!" She hisses, her voice dropping to a deadly quiet, her eyes narrowing to slits, Her anger filling up the room. " Don't feed me the crap of Ages differences. You and I both know that is a bunch of s**t, you love her and she loves you, she is an amazing girl and if you keep hurting her the way you clearly are then you are going to watch her slip through your fingers and you cant blame anyone but yourself." She says, jabbing him again in the chest. Before he can say anything to counter her Dom comes crashing down the stairs, a duffel bag over one shoulder and Lisa under the other, Bryan and Mia right behind them.
"OK Guys we are leaving KATIE COME IN HERE." Dom yells oblivious to The Tension in the room. Melina just gives him another withering look before sitting back down in the chair, her feet kicked up on the table, as Katie wanders back into the room jokingly sitting in her lap and giggling as she wraps her hands around her waist. Han just looks at them before turning his attention back to Dom. "OK guys some ground rules, girls NO guys... Or girls, over the house, no parties, unless you call me first, and Try not to kill Han with your overly girl ways." He says laughing to show that he was teasing. Katie shoots a longing look at Han before looking up at Dom and smiles to show him she knew he was kidding, Missing the "told you so" look Melina shot in Han's direction, making his tanned cheeks color.
"Dom I just wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here for this long, my parents also wanted me to tell you thank you for getting me out of their hair for a while." Melina says making Dom laugh and waves her off.
"It's fine, It's good for Katie to have a Friend over, just don't destroy the house and you will be all set." He says giving her a big smile making her laugh. Katie gets up and gives each one of them a hug, saying her farewells and waving goodbye as they piled into their cars and took off for the airport to their flight that will take them to Rio. Once back in the house she claps her hands and leans against the archway to the livingroom, making Han jump.
"Alright well Melina lets go make dinner, I don't know about you two but I am starving." She says and as if on Que her stomach makes a horrid rumbling that makes the other laugh, Melina jumps up and follows her friend to the kitchen to cook.
"Man I forgotten how good you can cook." Han moans as she takes another bite of the buttery potatoes and corn, the sweet taste of corn and butter coating his tongue. Katie just stares at her plate and gives him a meek nod. Melina watches them, chewing her food carefully. Finally the awkward tension in room becomes unbearable and Melina drops her fork onto her plate, The loud metallix clatter makes the others snap their heads up to look at her.
"Alright I can't take this silent bullshit anymore, SOMETHING is going on with you two and its affecting the amazing vibe of staying here for a month. Now I am going to put my dishes away and go set up my stuff in the spare room, You two Had better be on better terms by the time I get back," She says and gets up from the living room chair, " Or at least better at Pretending that you guys are OK." She snaps and hastily walks out of the room. Katie just stares at her friends retreating back with her mouth wide out, shocked at her audacity yet not shocked at all. a low whistle from Han makes her look over at him.
"She's got fight I'll give her that." He says impressed making her Smile and nod.
"Yup that's Melina for you, all fight no hold backs." She agrees. The light mood quickly vanishes as soon as his eyes focuses on her. She could see it in his eyes that he was struggling to behave himself, making her heart break all over again. "Han please don't do this,Don't look at me like that." She says tears spilling out of her eyes, her Shepard's pie forgotten.Han puts his plate down and slides across the couch so he was sitting closer to her.
"I know That I did the right think, morally, But It's not the right thing emotionally." He says finally being completely honest with her. She just looks at him with tears running down her face. "I'm not trying to hurt you Katie. GOD Damnit I Love You!" He says his voice rising, "but We can't be together as much as it tears my heart apart." She laughs a humorless laugh.
"Tearing YOUR heart apart? Han you said you loved me. You don't put the person you love through the Hell you've been putting me through, what with the I'll kiss you this day but Push you away the next. You are killing me Han do you hear me? You get my hopes up and then smash it to pieces, You might as well just rip my f*****g heart out and put it through the shredder, that has got to be less painful then the S**t you've been putting me through." She says her heartbreak coloring every word, slicing deeper and deepering into his heart. She stops her rant when she sees tears actually falling from his eyes which were full of anguish that almost matched the anguish she felt inside. Maybe he did feel some of what she felt, maybe he did understand. "You don't hurt the person you love the way you've been hurting me." She whispers looking down, unable to watch the tears making their way down his cheeks.
Han's heart breaks as he watches the pain flash across her face as she tells him how much he hurt her. Tears stream down his face as the shame of his actions catch up to him.
"You're right, you don't do that to the person you love, you hold them close and never let them go." he says in defeat. Katie's eyes flash to his, wary terrified hope filling them. "wait before you get hope You know we can't" He watches the pain swell to new levels as she sags against the chair, her hope finally diminishing. Han gets off the couch and goes over to her, kneeling in front of her, "Katie please look at me," He says as an Idea he had been tossing around in his mind finally pushes its way past his lips. " I have an Idea will you just look at me?" He whispers, pleading with her. She lifts her eyes to his and he puts his hand on her cheek, warming as she leans her cheek into it, her eyes momentarily closing before training them back on him. He takes a deep breath and prays that his idea didn't fall flat on its a*s.
"You're turning seventeen next month, then its only one more year until you are 18, if these feelings don't go away, if I haven't broken your heart past the point of return, When you are 18 if you will still have me I will never let you go then, And there wont be anything anyone can say about it, but you and me." He says his eyes close as he braces himself for her reaction.
Katie stares at him, watching as he closed his eyes and chews on the inside of his cheek as he waited for her response, the chewing becoming more urgent the longer she went without saying anything. But what could she say? she could barely believe his words. He was giving her a way to be with him if she could just be strong for one more year. She contemplates it in her head. One more year of hell and torture and then he could be hers forever. She smiles wide, her cheeks hurting with the unfamiliar stretching of muscles. She throws her arms around him and sighs in bliss as he crushes her to him in a tight embrace.
"Yes Han, I can wait a year, and then you will be mine." She whispers in his ear feeling him tighten his hold.
"I'm already yours, I'm just waiting until you are able become mine." He whispers back feeling her smile against his shoulder. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on February 9, 2015 Last Updated on February 9, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing