Chapter Nineteen: Cade

Chapter Nineteen: Cade

A Chapter by Fenix Flight



The Bell signalling the end of last period shoots through Katie's head, making her wince, her headache screaming in protest. It didn't help that she was slightly hung over from her night of Partying with Melina and Cade. Not only did they party hard with her favorite "Medicine" but Cade had brought Vodka and Katie had guzzled it down like it was soda, trying to erase the pain of Han's revelation out of her memory. For a while it had worked, but the only way to forget it was to get so stoned that the Family was finally starting to notice that something was up. Luckily she was able to pass it off as drunk and they chalked it up to being a teenager. Han seemed the only one NOT buying it as drinking and everytime she caught him staring at her she was shocked at the intense concern she saw in his eyes, but whenever she thought of him his revelation of her brother rises up and her anger took full swing once again. Shaking her head she slowly gets up from her desk and leaves her history class, heading toward her locker. After a few tries she finally manages to open it and grabs her stuff, ready to just get home. When she shuts the locker a yelp of shock escapes her as she notices Cade on the other side.
"Last day of school You excited?" He says waggling his eyebrows making her smile. Since meeting him at the Rave months ago Katie had started to get to know Cade. He was 18 and stood back in first grade, the reason he was only a junior turning senior like her. His blonde hair was buzz cut short and his blue eyes were like the sky on a sunny day, crystal clear and so deep you could get lost in them. He had that boyish grin and high cheek bones, a small nose and a killer body building body, abs and all. He sold Coke on the side, so he could save the money for college when he finally graduated, He was a smart kid getting mostly A's with an occasional B. With the money he got from his Extra activities He was able to buy himself good clothes and look professional and stylish everyday.  When he had invited them to his house she had expected to show up in the rich part of town and stop in front of a nice two story town house. Instead they pulled up in front of a dingy one story house that was falling apart at every turn. Once she saw the house she figured that his parents were similar to hers, but she was dead wrong. His mother had died when he was a baby and even though his father was away alot for work when ever he was home he showed his son the love a child deserved from their parent, it made Katie jealous, wishing her father had been kind like his. Katie shakes her head and gets rid of all the thoughts swirlling around in her brain, smiling up at him.
"Hell yeah I'm excited, this means one more year and then I am FREE!" she says earning one of his boyish grins. He slings an arm around her shoulders and tugs her int he direction of the door kids with cars use to get to the parking lot. "Um Cade I need to get to my bus before I miss it." She says trying to slip out from under his arm. He just tightens it and keeps going, exiting the door with Katie in tow.
"No you don't, you and me are hanging out and celebrating this fine last day." He states matter of fact. Her grin widens and she nods. Fishing her cellphone out of her pocket she texts Dom letting him know her plans, his reply is instant.


Bryan, Mia, Lisa, and I r @ movies, Han @ work, keep the house clean and you can chill there.

"Hey Cade we can go to my house if you want." She states reading the text. She knew that Cade hated being in that house all alone and often he would crash at Melina's, but due to the fact that Melina had the Flu her parents said he could stay until he was better. He nods his thanks to her and gives her a side hug. using the arm that he refused to take off her shoulders, but she didn't mind, she found it oddly comforting. When they reach his car he lets go so he can unlock the door opening it wide so she can scoot across to the passenger side.
"Passenger side door wont open sorry" He explains when she starts walking that way. She smiles and indicates he should go first.
"How About I drive?" She asks dramatically crossing her fingers so he can see, silently pleading for him to say yes. He just shrugs his shoulders and gets in first, settling into the other seat. "YES!" she exclaims and hops into the driver seat, taking the keys from him when he holds them up, he chuckles.
"Easy killer, stop by my house first so I can grab a few things OK?" He says, the chuckle still in his voice. She nods and starts the car, it bucks a few times before fulling turning on, she notes how it was not as smooth as Han's Mazda and she quickly shakes her head, trying to rid that car from her mind. She pushes the gas and easily maneuvers the school parking lot. "Mind if I listen to my Ipod music?" He asks as he gets out a FM transmitter from the glove box, she shakes her head no and he sets it up, plugging his Ipod into and turning up the volume. The sound of Her favorite song "We Own It" by 2 chainz  and Wiz Khalifa blast through the speakers.
"Hell Yeah I LOVE this song!" She shouts over it bobbing her head in time with the song.
"Fast and the furious 6 baby!" Cade whoops. She shoots him a stunned look, surprised she hadn't known already that he liked the Fast series. "Don't give me that look Miss Katie, I love the Fast Movies. now put your pretty eyes back on the road" He says sticking his tongue out at her making her blush. She flicks her gaze to the road and takes the next right, turning on his road. When they stop at his house she notices a red pick up truck in the driveway, indicating that his father was home. Katie turns the car off and shimmys out of the car to let Cade  and grabs her hand and tugs her to the house. Letting them he heads to his room, His father emerging from his own. Katie gives the man a warm smile which he returns.
"Hey Katie How are you?" He says going over to her to give her a hug, not noticing when she stiffens slightly. When he releases her she smiles at him, spying Cade snickering behind him, she looks over his fathers shoulder and gives him a glare only to look back at his father.
"I'm great Mr Andrews, but we have to get going, we're heading to my house for a while." She says scooting around him. He just nods and reminds Cade to be home before 2 am before shuffling to the door to go somewhere. Once in the safety of Cade's room he bursts out laughing, knowing his father's kindness always made Katie uncomfortable. She just crosses her arms and sits on his bed, huffing like she was offended. He just grins and shakes his head. He goes over to his desk and grabs a black bandanna off of it and turns to Katie
" I'm going to have to ask you to tie this over your eyes, I don't want to give away where I keep my stash," he says almost apologetic. She nods her head in understatement and sits stock still as he ties it around her eyes, plunging her into darkness. She feels him step away and figures he was waving his hands in front of her face to make sure she was truly blind. He must have been satisfied because she hears him walk away from her and moving about his room, although she couldn't pin point where exactly in his room he was which was the whole point of the blind fold. She flops down on his bed and notices how fluffy his blanket was. She curls up on her side and waits for him to tell her she can take the blindfold off. "Is my bed comfortable?" She hears him Chuckle from somewhere on her right. She nods and curls up tighter making him laugh. "Alright you can take the thing off, I've got it." She sighs and takes it off, squinting in the sudden light. She looks around and sees Cade sitting at his desk, legs stretched out in front of him as he studies her. He studies her for a few more moments before getting up and tilting his head. "We going to your house or what?" She nods and gets up, following him out of the house and back to the car. "You drive" He says opening the door and sliding to the other side. She just Grins and guns the engine, peeling out of his driveway and heading home.
Parking his car in front of Her house she looks in the rearview mirror at Melina's house and silently sends a prayer her way hoping she felt better. The two get out and she quietly un locks the front door and lets him in. He whistles as he takes in her house. She just smiles and heads for the kitchen.
"Can I get you something? Water, soda?" She asks calling over her shoulder. He follows her in and sits on a stool as she rumages through the fridge to the back where they kept the water.
"Nawh I'm good" He says. She grabs her water and then leads him up the stairs to her room, She had never had a boy her age in her room before and suddenly she was nervous. She looked about her room as if for the first time and notices the pink curtains and the ratty stuffed animal she had sneaked away from her old house the day her father decided to throw away her stuff. She rushes over to it and throws it under her bed making Cade laugh. "You don't have to hide anything from me Katie," he says looking around her room, "It's nice room, very you." He says. he goes over to her computer desk and spins the chair backwards sitting on it so he was straddling it. Katie sits on her bed and grabs her pillow picking at the case for something to do. When she looks at Cade was silently watching her, smiling when he realizes she caught him. Clapping his hands together loudly, making Katie jump, he gets up and goes over to his messenger bag that he left by the door. "we need some tunes, may I use your sound system?" He asks retrieving his IPod out of the bag. She takes the IPod from him and goes over to her system, hooking it up and stepping out of the way so he can put some music on. What comes out of the speakers makes her beam broadly.
"What do you have the whole Fast and Furious Soundtrack?" She says as she bobs her head to the song Act A Fool by Ludacris. He whoops for joy and sinks back into her computer chair, messenger bag in his lap. Digging through it he finally pulls out the little kit where he kept his party supply. Katie's eyes widen, and she practically drools in anticipation, Her nose already burning with that pleasurable burn. He sets the kit on her computer desk and sets it up, Ludacrises voice filling her room, the only thing keeping her from ripping it out of Cade's hand and snorting the whole thing. She takes out her year book out of her bag and flips through it, trying to wait patiently until it was ready .Once he finishes rolling the bill he swivels back around to face her, the bill outstretched in his hand for her. She doesn't hesitate, she leaps off her bed, year book tossed and forgotten and snatches it out of his hands, hers shaking with the need to snort the delicate white powder that was laid out before her. She kneels in front of the desk, puts one end of the bill to her nose, the other to the powder and breathing in through her nose she moves along the line Cade made, the powder burning it way down, making her smile. When her line was done she sits back on her heels, rubbing her nose to get any extra off of it and hands the bill to Cade, Who just waves it off, much to her surprise.
"I can't drive if I'm trashed." He explains shrugging his shoulder. Katie nods and gets up, placing the bill back on the mirror. Her head was starting to feel fuzzy, but not in the typical high sort of way. Swaying on her feet she takes a step back trying to prevent herself from stumbling. Noticing her unsteadiness Cade jumps up, the chair spinning behind him, and grabs hold of her elbow, she smiles a small embarrassed smile at him and manages a thank you. By now her vision was going blurry around the edges. "Here sit down on your bed, I'll get you a cold water." Cade offers and helps her sit on her bed, She flops down and listend to his feet pounding down the stairs as she lays down sideways on her bed, half her body hanging off the edge. She must have dozed off because the next thing she knows she is being shaked. With a Yelp She jumps, sits up, only to have her head swim, her balance off kiltered and she falls back on the bed closing her eyes hoping it will stop the swimming. "Easy Katie, its just me." Cade whispers, "Here's the water reach out." He says. She reaches out her hand and feels the cold bottle wet with condensation. She opens her eyes a slit and hisses as the view in front of her pitches. She blinks a few times and opens them wider as the world stops its insane spin dance. Lifting herself onto one elbow she puts the bottle to her lips and takes a deep drink, only to cough it up as a sour lemon taste hits her throat, burning it's way down.
"What.... the.... f**k... is that?" She sputters between coughs. She looks at her bottle and notices a pale yellow tinge to it, her eyes shooting over to Cade who was kneeling in front of her on the floor, his face turning a bright red.
"Sorry I had a lemonade packet in my bag, figured you would like it." he stutters, scratching the back on his neck in a nerves twitch.  Before she can open her mouth the world around her again pitches forward, her elbow gives out from under her and she drops to the bed, her head to muddled to string a coherent though. "Katie? What's wrong?" Cade says, his voice sounding far away. through the muddled cloud that was pressing in on her she can detect the fake concern in his voice and warning bells go off in her head.
"What.... did you do....... to my drink?" She says trying to sound pissed but it comes out as a breathy whisper. A dark chuckle that sent shivers up her spine was her only responce. Her vision was still swaying to and fro and her muscles were to weak to respond, she feels her bed dip with weight and she flickers her blurry eyes to Cade's shaky figure, watching as he positioned himself on top of her, his weight resting on his arms as he held himself up.
"You are so beautiful Katie. Do you know that?" He whispers, he takes a hand and gently caresses her cheek making her wince. She puts up her hands on his chest and gives a feeble push, trying to get him off of her. His face twists in anger and he violently grips her wrists and throws them above her head, making her whimper in fear. "Stop fighting Katie, you know you want me, I've seen the way you look at me." He says giving her a sick smile. He lowers his body onto hers and she feels his weight slowly pushing into the mattress, as he lowers his head to her neck, kissing it softly. The Clouds in her mind suddenly vanish and she starts kicking her legs, wiggling her body trying to buck him off. He chuckles and puts more weight on her. "You're sexy when you fight back, I like it." He says moving one of his hands down to the zip on her skinny jeans. Images each one more terrifying as the last flash through her mind, a houndred scenarios of what Cade was about to do. NO She would NOT let this happen to her again. She was older now, stronger. She would NOT be a victim. She opens her mouth and Screams bloody murder. Her scream was cut short as he places a cold hand sqaurly on her mouth. "Shut up.... You know you want this. don't even deny it." He hisses, finally able to unzip her jeans.With one hand on her mouth and one on her jeans he tries to shimmy her out of them, manageing to get them off enough to slip a hand in them.
The sound of a girl screaming Makes Han's head snap up, his eyes zeroing in on the House. He had noticed Katie's friend Cade's car in the driveway when he pulled up but hadn't thought much of it. He had been listening to the end of a good song in his car when he heard the scream, instantly recognizing it from her nightly terrors. It was Katie, and she was in danger. Without hesitation he leaps out of the car, forgetting and frankly not caring that he left his door wide open. he tears up the walk way and throws open the door with a loud bang. From inside the house he can hear loud music, but underneath the music he can faintly hear Katie whimpering softly, the fear clear in every one. He shoots up the stairs, taking them two at a time and flies down the hall to her room. Throwing open the door he spies a scene he never wanted to see.
Katie was pinned down on the bed, a boy he presumed was Cade was on top of her, one hand down her pants, the other a death grip around her mouth, his mouth sloppily kissing her neck. Because of the music he hadn;t heard Han throw open the door, but Katie's eyes had been roaming the room trying to find an escape and her eyes land on Han. The terror and fear shining brightly in her eyes pushed him over the edge. All he could see was Red, he blood boiling in his veins as anger coursed through him.
"GET OFF OF HER!" He screams and rushes the bed. Cade wasn't fast enough and Han was able to rip him off of her, his fist connecting with his nose in a loud Crunch as blood rushes down his face. He slams Cade up against the wall, his front painfully slamming into it, his back to Han. Cade squirms, curses spewing from his mouth, muffled by the blood that was pouring down his face. Han leans in Close, his mouth to Cade's ear. " I'm going to let you go and if you do not leave this house and get in your car I will Call the Cops do you understand me?" He says, his voice a deadly promise. Cade stops struggling and nods the best he can. Dropping his hold on him Han steps back. Cade pushes off from the wall, spitting a mouth full of blood, his eyes flashing anger as they train themselves onto him.
"You son of a B***h you broke my nose!" He screams and lunges at Han. Han grabs his outstretched hand and spins him around, yanking his arm painfull behind his back. He takes his foot and kicks him to the ground with a loud thud. Before Cade can get back up he puts his foot on his chest, leaning his weight so it was fully on his chest, cutting off his oxygen. Cade gasps for air clawing at his foot trying to breath, he reminded Han of a gaping fish out of water. He knew that if he kept his foot there any longer he would kill the boy, but he didn't care, all he could think about was Cade forcing himself onto Katie.
"HAN STOP! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" Katie screams from his right, but he doesn't register it, he just keeps his eyes trained on Cade, watching his face turn blue, his lips purple. Slowly his eyes start to roll up in his head, and his struggles weaken, but still Han doesn't let up. It wasn't until he feels hands on his arm does he snap out of it, tearing his gaze from the boy on the floor he looks to his right to see Katie gripping his arm, her eyes wide with fear, tears streaming down her face unchecked. He snaps out of it and takes his foot of Cade who gasps, sucking  in deep breaths.
"Get Out of here now" He says through clenched teeth, trying to keep his anger from erupting again. Cade just stays on the floor trying to catch his breath, looking up at Han like he had three heads. He takes a menacing step toward the boy making him wince and shrink back against the floor. "Did I stutter? I said Get out. Or next time I wont stop." He threatens. Cade scrambles up, grabs his bag and flees the house, not looking back as he jumps in his car and peels out of the driveway.
Katie stares at the retreating form of Cade, the sounds of Ludacris coming from her sound system the only thing to be heard. She whips her head to the system and rushes over to it, yanking Cade's Ipod off the Connector, silence ensuing. Heavy breathing coming from behind her reminds her that she wasn't alone in her room. She slowly turns to face Han and sees him Breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling as he stared at the place Cade was just at, His hands Balling up into fists so tight his hands were turning white. She slowly walks over to him, small hesitant steps, like she was walking towards a wild animal. She stops when she is standing next to him, taking his hand gently.
"Han are you-" Before she can finish the sentience he shakes her off and storms out of her room. She steps back in surprise, a small gasp leaving her lips. She jumps and winces as she hears his door slam shut. Han sinks down on his bed, trying and failing to keep his anger under control. He balls his hands into fists and slams them into the bed, thankful it was just a mattress he was hitting and not a wall. Image after Image of what could have happend if he hadn't been there tease him, weaving in and out of his brain. There was nothing he wanted to do more then find that Son of a B***h and finish the Job Katie had stopped. He drags his hands in his hair and leans down his elbows resting on his knees and his hands still in his hair, he closes his eyes trying to get his breathing back to normal, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest it hurt. He hears his door slowly open and without moving from his position he peaks through his arm and hair and sees Katie quietly slipping in, closing the door behind her.
Katie stands against his door, afraid to go any closer. He was sitting at the end of his bed, his elbows on his knees, his hands in his hair. She could see him looking at her before closing his eyes again, but still she doesn't move. She didn't know if he was still mad and frankly it terrified her. She had never seen him this mad before, In all the times they had fought he had always kept his anger under control. She sees him breathing rapidly and watches as he struggles to control the anger she could feel radiating off of him in waves. She hesitantly creeps over to him until she was standing in front of him, sinks slowly to her knees in front of him until they were level with eachother. With shaking hands she lifts her hand and puts it on his knee, feeling him shaking and his body stiffening at her touch.
"Katie-" His voice barely a hush, almost a growl in warning. But she ignores it. Instead she gathers up her courage and lifts her hand to his left arm, gently pulling it from his head, making him untangle his hand from his dark hair, repeating the process with his right arm, until both arms were laying across his thighs, his elbows on his knees the only thing keeping his upper body from falling. Still he doesn't look her in the eyes, so she bows her head until she could look into his eyes, he closes them, refusing to look at her.
"Han look at me.' She says, trying to keep the tremble out of her voice. He shakes his head and keeps them closed. She scoots a little closer and lays her head in his lap, snuggling against his legs. "Han please" She whispers, tears leaking out from the corner of her eyes. She feels him struggling to regain control of his anger, shaking against her, and she wraps her arms around his legs, bringing herself closer until her front was flush against his legs. "Han it's OK I'm OK,  please come back to me." She mutters, her voice catching on the last word, sniffling to try and keep the tears from continuing to fall. She feels him shudder at how close she was but still he ignores her. Finally after ten minutes of stand still he relaxes in her arms, his shaking stopping. He lifts his hand and runs it gently through her hair making her smile, she lifts her head and stares into his face, all traces of anger gone, leaving behind the face that haunted her dreams. He smiles at her and opens his arms for her.
As she stared at him Han couldn't help the flood of raw emotions the flooded his system. He loved this girl with every fiber of his being. The thought of her getting hurt still angered him with a blinding rage but he was able to keep it at bay. He stares back at her and watches as the same emotions he was feeling flicker in her eyes and at  that moment he wanted nothing more then to pull her close and kiss her, but he resttrains himself, only allowing himself to hold her tightly in a tight embrace. Opening his arms for her she leans in and sighs happily as he wraps his arms around her body. He feels her trembling as she tried to stay strong and his heart constricts.
"Katie you're OK, you don't have to pretend around me, let it go angel." He whispers into her hair, and Like that the tears stream down her face as she buries her face into his chest, great heaving sobs raking her body as her fears and emotions of her ordeal wash over her. He just holds her close as she grips his shirt and clings to him. He rocks softly holding her in his arms until her sobs are reduced to small sniffles with hiccups. She wiggles and he drops his arms so she can move, sitting down beside him. He turns to face her, shifting on the bed so he was sitting cross legged, she just looks at him and wipes the tears off her face with her sleeve. "Do you want to talk about it?" He whispers watching her. She shakes her head violently and shudders, seeming to shrink back into the bed. "Its OK you don't have to," He says putting a hand on her leg to comfort her. She smiles, pink strands from her hair falling into her eyes. Han reaches over to her and takes the strands tucking them behind her ear, they were so close, her lips just inches from his. She sucks in a small breath as her eyes grow wide, he freezes struggling against the urge to kiss her lips. He eases back and watches as she relaxes again. She looks down at his bed then back at him, a question in her eyes, He nods and watches as she curls up on her side.
"This  is weird... Never mind" She says starting to get back up. Han just shakes his head
"No it's OK, you can sleep in here, I'll just be down stairs if you need me OK?" he says, his voice thick with emotions. She nods, Han stops her  and Pulls back his blanket, helping her back in the bed he pulls up the blanket around her. He gives her a small smile and turns to leave, but before he can step away she shoots her hand out and grabs his, lacing their fingers together. He stares at their joined hands for a moment before lifting his eyes to hers.
"Stay" she whispers, her eyes begging him, " I don't want to be alone." her voice trembles and tears threaten to spill again. That blinding rage fills him again as he think of how that a*s hole hurt her and scared her so badly. She slides over under the blankets as he slides in next to her, wrapping his arms around her as she snuggles in to him, her face against his chest. "You can tell Dom, about this I mean," She says looking up at him.
"What happened Katie, I need to know if you want me to tell him.' He says gently, not wanting to push. Her eyes widen slightly at the memory of Han's anger and she shakes her head. He closes his eyes and sighs. "I wont flip, I'll be calm I promise." He tells her in a strained voice. He feels her curl up closer and feels her sigh against his chest.
"We were just chilling in my room looking over the year book and he went downstairs to get me a water bottle. When he handed to me it tasted like Lemonade and he said that he had had a packet of it in his bag and he thought I would like it, He must have drugged it too because-" Her voice catches and she stops, trying to steady herself, Feeling braver when she feels Han's hold on her tighten, she is able to continue, " The next thing I knew My head felt funny and my vision was blurry and I could stand up, He climbed on top of me and- you know what happened next, you where there." She whispers, unable to finish the rest, tears streaming down her face.
"It's OK you don't have to say anything else, You're safe, Try to get some sleep." He whispers into her hair. Han feels her body trembling and he tightens his grip on her, trying to show her she was safe. After a few minutes her trembling stops, her breathing deepens and her body relaxes into his, she had finally fallen asleep. He shifts and moves back slightly so he was able to look at her. She was so beautiful, so full of life, the thought of anyone harming her makes his rage boil closer to the surface, but he keeps his promise and doesn't like it consume him. Ducking his head he places a firm kiss on her forehead before slipping out of the bed. He turns to leave but before he does he hears a soft whimper from behind him making him turn back to the sleeping girl. She had shifted and her hand was stretched out, seeking him in her sleep, making him smile, but he doesn't go back to her, he just turns and leaves the room, leaving the door opened a crack so he could hear if she called. Walking down the stair he is lost in his own little world, thought after thought assaulting him, he doesn't even remember laying down in the couch, his arm over his eyes,his feet outstretched and rest on the arm rest of the other side of the couch. He was so deep in thought he doesn't even hear when the others get home, Not until he feels someone smacking his feet, knocking them off the arm rest. He shoots up, He throws a Punch only to have a strong hand catch his wrist and throw him back on the couch.
"What The F**K Han!" Dom yells. Han blinks his eyes a few time and Dom's figure comes into view, towering over him, anger welling up, his body taut. Han swears under his breath and sits up.
"S**t Sorry, thought it was someone else." He mutters. For a split second he had thought it was Cade coming back for round to of an a*s whooping. He looks up at a nose and looks behind him, seeing Mia, Lisa and Bryan standing in the doorway, their faces an arrange of shock and anger. He just gives them a guilty grin and waves a small wave.
"Want to explain why you almost attack my brother?" Mia snaps, crossing her arms as she goes to stand next to Dom. Han winces as Katie's words come back to him. He sighs and rakes a hand through his already messy hair, noting to himself that if he kept at it his hair would become a grease pool. He looks back up and sees that the other two had come to stand next to the siblings.
"Dom I need to talk to you," He says and gets up, heading to the kitchen, knowing Dom would be following without question. When the guys get to the kitchen Han leans against the breakfast bar for support, "You might want to sit down for this." he says looking up at Dom. Dom's face was a stone wall, no emotions showing, It was in his body language that told Han that even though he was a picture of Calm Tension was running strongly through him.
"How about I stand, and you tell me what the f**k is wrong before I punch you." He says, his deep voice low and menacing. Han just nods and clears his throat, looking His best friend in the eyes.
"Something happaned with Katie, WAIT NO STOP NOT WITH ME!" He says as Dom takes a few steps to him until they were almost touching noses. Anger twisting his face into a feral expression.
"What... do you mean something happend with Katie." He says, his voice so low Han had to strain to hear him even though they were so close. Han puts his hand on his chest indicating he needed to back up and Dom takes a few steps back> Han takes a deep fresh breath and looks back at his best friend.
"You know her Friend Cade, They were in her room going over the year book. He went to get her a water bottle and put a lemonade packet int." He says watching Dom frown in confusion. Han sighs, really not wanting to talk about it but knowing he had to, knowing Katie would  never be able to talk about it to Dom. "The b*****d Drugged it. I Came home to her screaming and him on top of her forcing himself onto her." He spits the anger coiling under the surface, like a a snake waiting to strike. Dom's hands ball up into tight fist, turning his knuckles white, His eyes wide vision red, a vein in his temple leaping as Han's words sunk in. "Relax. I already took care of the punk, He's god a bruised chest Bone and a broken nose." He says trying to calm Dom down.
"Where is she? Is she safe did he-" Dom stops mid sentice, the vein in his Temple pulsing wildly at the thought of Her getting  hurt again. Han just shakes his head and sees Dom take a deep  breath, the vein slowing down.
"She's upstairs sleeping, She was freaked out about being in her room so I let her crash in mine, Don't worry I've been down here the whole time." He says when he sees Dom shooting death glares his way. He puts his hands up in Peace and waits for Dom to calm down. "She asked me to tell you, she couldn't talk about it without breaking down" He says, Dom nods in understatement and runs a hand over his bald head, sighing in anger and relief that Han got to her int time.
"Thank you for being here." he says looking at his friend, tears looking like they were about to spill. Han just shakes his head and gives him a small grimace.
"You don't need to thank me for protecting her, she an amazing girl and NO one deserves to have some scumbag force themself onto them." He says his voice strong, he tries to hide the thick emotions that were threatening to surface.  Dom gives him a tight smiles and leaves the kitchen, bounding up the stairs to Han's room, Han right behind him. When they reach the room they still, Dom peaks in to see her fast asleep. "hey just be gently with her OK? Don't show you're anger." Han advises him, he just nods his head and pushes into the room, closing the door in Han's face.
"Han you don't have to check on me I'm OK?" Katie mutters as she hears the door close. She opens her eyes only to find Dom standing at the door. She shoots straight up. "I'm sorry, I thought you were Han, I'll... I'll get out of here, it's not appropriate to be here I know I'm sorry" She says in a huge rush leaving her breathless. She scrambles out from under the blankets and stands up on the side of the bed. She doesn't make it past there before the expression on Dom's Face stops her in her tracks. She lowers her eyes. "You know, Don't you?" She asks her voice quiet. She looks at Dom through her lashes and sees him nodding his head. A strangled Sob escapes her and her knees give out from under her. Dom moves from the door and catches her, scooping her up into his arms as he sits on the bed. He crushes her to him, like a father holding his daughter close. His strong arms were comforting and she relaxes into his arms, her tears drying. Suddenly a thought pops in her head making her grip his shirt and looking up at him, worry in her eyes. "Dom Please Do NOT Go after him!" She says urgently. He just stares at her.
"You're more worried about Me beating him up then me calling the cops and throwing his a*s in Jail?" He says slight humor tinging his deep voice, his way of trying to break the heartbreaking tension in the room. Katie gets off his lap and stands in front of him looking down at him, him looking up, both unwilling to break eye contact first. She just crosses her arms and he sighs, rubbing a hand over his head. "Fine, I wont hurt him, Or call the cops, But so help me Katie if he comes after you again. I will NOT hold back." He says looking up at her. She smiles and puts her arms around his neck bringing him close for a hug.
"Thank you Dom, You're the best father figure a girl could ever dream of." She whispers in his ear giving him a kiss on the cheek. Dom crushes her to him in a much loved hug a smile she couldn't see plastered on his face.
"And even though you are a brat sometimes, you're the best Daughter figure anyone could have." He says all seriousness and tough guy act disappearing as he holds his Daughter in every since of the word close to him.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on February 3, 2015
Last Updated on February 3, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
