![]() Chapter Eighteen: Driving The Olive BranchA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Burning Bridges![]() "pssst Katie get up." Han whispers, edging into her room. When he gets no reply he goes over to her bed and bends down to shake her shoulders softly, a string of curses fly out of her mouth as she slowly starts to get up. When she looks at the time, 8AM, she glares at Han like he was insane, he just smiles at her and leaves so she can get ready. Grumbling her rejection to the time she slowly gets out of bed and stretches, trying to remember why she agreed to this. Heading over to her closet she almost trips on the pile of dirty clothes that laid in a heap at the end of her bed. She grabs them and as memories of last night filter through to her brain she remembers the heavy makeup she had forgotten to take off. Rushing to her closet she throws open the door and faces the full length mirror that was hanging on the inside of the door, her makeup horribly smudged to the point of she could pass as a clown. Hissing in embarrassment she turns from her reflection and focuses on trying to find the respectful outfit she picked last night for her morning out with Han. Thinking of Han makes her smile a small smile. This was the first time he had willingly talked to her since she threw him out of her room and she knew this was his way of extending an Olive branch, she grabbed it eagerly, wanting nothing more then to have him in her life again. Her small smile freezes on her face somewhere between a grimace and a shock of horror as she realizes he saw her with the clown look. Grabbing the clothes she had picked out before she went to bed she slinks out of her room, grateful Han was down stairs, and sprints to the bathroom, grabbing a facecloth from the hallway closet before closing the bathroom door. Without even looking at her reflection again she turns hot water nob and lets the sink fill up half way with hot, almost burning, water and taking her dove soap bar she scrubs her face until it stings. Daring a peek in the Mirror she sighs in relief when all evidence of last night was washed from her face, going into the cabinet behind the mirror she grabs Mia's black eyeliner and mascara and gently reapplies her makeup so that she would look semi normal. When she was done she steps back and begrudgendly admits her face looked OK. She turns to her clothes and tugs on the skinny black jeggings, throws on a black spaghetti strap tank top and buttons up her silky dark purple blouse, she manages to pull of a casual, yet "Sexy" look as Melina would say. Taking a deep breath she emerges from the bathroom and heads back to her room for her black flats and her purse, which had her permit in it.
"OK I'm ready lets go." She says, making Han look up from the couch. She was standing in the archway chewing her bottom lip with nerves, her hair falling softly around her shoulders, with the minimal makeup she looked fresh and very beautiful. He mentally groans, this was going to be a very hard day, but he knew it was for the best. He couldn't live in this hostile hateful state any longer. He missed the way they use to be before he went and screwed it all up and today was his first step at trying to repair their relationship and get them back to friends, as much as it killed him. When he doesn't say or do anything for a few minutes her face fills with nerves and her face reddens. "If you... you don't want to do this anymore it's perfectly acceptable." She stutters softly making him shake his head and jump off the couch.
"No no it's fine." he says as she looks up at him, trying to figure out if he was being honest. " I want to help you, then I wont have to hear Mia complain about having to drive you everywhere" he teases trying to break the tension. She smiles and swats his arm before turning on her heels and heading out the door. Han follows her, only stopping to swipe three sets of keys out of the key bowl in the front hall, one for his car outside, a house key and the other for a surprise for Katie. He smirks, knowing she will LOVE his little surprise. After locking up the front door he turns to his car to find Katie leaning against the driver side, Sunglasses she must have had stashed away in her purse, placed firmly over her eyes, covering their bright green. He walks over to her side and stands in front of her, one eyebrow raised. "And what do you think you are doing?" He asks teasingly. She opens her mouth in a surprised O but quickly shuts it, a light pink spreading across her cheeks. she pulls her shades up onto her head and looks up at him through her lashes.
" I thought.. I thought you were teaching me to drive?" She stammers her voice small and uncertain. He smiles and shakes his head.
"Oh I am," he states, slightly loving the confused look on her face, "Just not in this car." She frowns and crosses her arms, slight anger coloring her already blushing face.
"Do tell, what car?" She asks making a dramatic look around to show that his beat up old Honda Civic was the only car in the drive. He smirks and unlocks the car waiting for her to move out of the way so he could sink into the driver seat. She reluctantly steps aside and as he starts the car he waits for her to get it.
"If you don't get in I cant show you what car.".
Katie just stares at him, her anger simmering just below the surface, if this was his way of a peace treaty then he was doing a lousy job. But as she looked into his dark eyes she saw barely contained excitement just waiting to burst free and knew he had something amazing planned, she just didn't know what it was... yet. Sighing in defeat she finally goes around the car and slumps into the passenger side. Once she was buckled up he puts the car in reverse and eases the car out of the drive and into the street. Once in the street he gives her a wicked smile before stomping on the gas, making the car shoot down the street.
"Holy s**t Han slow down!" She hisses grabbing the "Oh S**t" handle making him laugh. "And I thought Mia was a crazy driver" She says wincing as they weaved in and out of traffic.
"I love to drive fast, its in my Blood." He says shrugging, jerking the wheel sharply to the left to avoid hitting a van. She shoots him a dirty look before trying to settle into her seat. Han just laughs at her expression and continues driving. About twenty minutes later they pull into a parking garage close to where he worked. Katie looks at him with questions dancing in her eyes. "Just wait, you'll see." he says calmly, trying hard to keep the excitement out of his voice. He drives up to the top level and parks next to a car that was covered to protect it against the weather. Turning off the car Han gets out, not even waiting to see if Katie would follow, knowing she would. He snickers when he hears her door open and close, her feet slapping and echoing against the cement ground. When he reaches the car he turns around, only to back up a few steps when he realizes just how close she was to him. With her arms crossed she stares up at him, waiting for him to explain to her what the hell they were doing. Smirking at her he fishes the second set of car keys out of his pocket and tosses them to her.
Katie catches the keys in one hand as Han goes around the covered car. He looks at her with that s**t eating grin on his face, making her aggravation rise.
"Go head and click the unlock button." He says his excitement no longer able to be contained. She sighs and shakes her head, her hair sweeping across her chest, she couldn't believe she was entertaining his little game but she found herself flicking her fingers over the unlock button. The beeping of a car unlocking and the flash of head lights startle her when she realizes they were coming from the covered car. "Are you ready for your surprise?" He asks. She looks at him and nods angrily. He flashes her a smile and grabs the sheet. With a forceful yank he rips it off the car and lets it flutter tot he ground.
The sound of her gasping in Awe was all the reward he needed to know he had made a smart move. He looks down at the car and back at her, unable to help the swell of Pride when he sees her almost lustful look as she stares at the car. He puts his hands on the hood of the car and leans into it, watching her take in every little detail. Her eyes roam over the orangy-yellow and black paint job, the sleek body. When she looks up at him he sees the stars shining in her eyes.
"Han this car.. Its Beautiful!" She exclaims. She lifts her hand like she was about to touch it but thinks twice and quickly drops it back to her side, almost like she was afraid to ruin it. He chuckles softly.
"Katie you can touch the car, its not going to bite you." He says receiving a dirty look from her before her eyes fell back to the car, her hand reaching out and connecting to the sleek metal of the hood. Han continues to lean against the car and watch her reaction as she gave the car the respect it deserved. "So when you're done ogling, we'll start your lesson." he says making her eyes almost pop out of their sockets.
"Han I can't drive this! what if I wreck it?" She says, frantic panic entering her voice. He just gives her a look and opens the passenger side door. Getting in he waits for her to open her door and slide behind the wheel.
"I've seen you practice with Melina when you think no ones watching, you're good, really good. Hell you're a natural." He says looking her dead in the eyes. " I trust you." he says.
Katie can feel her eyes growing wide at his words. His trust meant the world to her and she couldn't held but lean over the middle console and hug him tightly, quickly letting go when she feels his body go rigid. She takes the key and gingerly starts the car, the engine purring to life, rumbling deep in her soul. She looks at Han for the go ahead and he nods his head, settling into the leather seats. She puts the car into reverse and gently taps the gas, making the car lurch back with a punch.
"WOAH! I forgot to mention, easy on the gas it doesn't take much to make this baby go." Han chuckles. Katie grins guilty at him and putting the car in gear she manages the winding garage and out onto the streets without killing them, the car gliding smoothly through the streets. "Alright, lets see what this baby can do.." he says. Katie gives him an evil little grin before shifting the gears and showing him just how well she can drive.
"I'm thoroughly impressed." Han says as they stop at a stop light. It was now 1PM and the two were starving. Pride swells inside Katie's chest at his compliment. The car drove like a dream, a powerful dream, the steering wheel hummed softly in her grip from the vibrations of the engine. She flickers her gaze at Han and studies him while they wait for the light to turn green. One hand was texting away on his phone while the other was shoved into a bag of Doritos they had picked up while getting gas, a serious expression on his face, making his lips form a thin line of concentration.
"What are you looking at?" She asks. He looks up at her and fishes a chip out of the bag, offering it to her. She mutters a thanks as she plucks the chip out of his hand and into her mouth, the cheesy dust clinging to her fingers. "I'm surprised you eat in this car." She says licking the dust off her fingers, "If it was my car I would be terrified to drink water in it, let alone eat in it." He just goes back to looking at his phone, almost like he hadn't heard her. "Hellloooooo Han you still in there?" Katie's hand waving in fron of his face snaps him out of his mood and he looks up at her, a glare on his face. Katie arches an eyebrow before flicking her gaze back at the light which had finally turned green. she drives through and spies a gas station, clicking on her blinker she pulls into the parking lot and kills the engine, the car going utterly quiet in the absence of the roar of the engine. Turning as best as she can in her seat she faces Han, a small frown on her lips.
Han just stares at her as she stares back, a silent question clear in her body language. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he shifts his position so he could face her like she was facing him.
"What's going on Han? Why do you seem like you are a million miles away?" She asks softly, concern ringing clear. He pushes back his moodiness and smiles at her, trying to alleviate her concern, but from the look she gives him he knows his smile wasn't reaching his eyes and she could see right past it. Sighing again he gives in to the girl. "It's nothing really, Its just.... Being in this car reminds me of Tokyo." He admits, looking out the dash, not wanting to look her in the eyes. He feels her cool hand cover his and he looks down at them, then looks back at her, sympathy in her eyes.
"You miss it there don't you?" She asks, He swallows a lump of tears and nods his head, not able to look away from her. "Why don't you go back? I mean don't get me wrong I like having you here but if you miss it so much you should go, if that's where you're meant to be." She says fumbling on her words. He laughs and flips his hand over so his was trapping hers.
" I know what you mean don't worry," He reassures her his eyes crinkling around the edges when she gives him a shy smile, her eyes dropping to their hands. She doesn't pull away and Han was grateful, he needed her quiet strength if he was going to tell her what he had been keeping secret since she first mentioned her brother Shawn. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath then looks back up at her.
"Remember back when I said something happened with a guy I associated with?" He says, he watches as she filters through her mind trying to remember the conversation. That night was permanently stuck in Han's mind, it was the night when he first noticed something about her. He sees recognition dawning in her eyes as she nods her head. "Well that's the reason I can't go back."
"Is this Mazda the car you use to drive there or something? cuz if it is you went alittle over the top." She says trying to lighten the mood, when his face pales as some memory ripples across his face she gulps and squeezes his hand tightly, trying to give him courage. " You can tell me Han, get it off your chest." He smiles gratefully at her and continues his story.
"Nawh this isn't the exact same one but it's close. The one back in Tokyo was a 1993 Mazda RX-7, this one," He pats the dashboard, "is the same car just a 1998 instead of 1993. It has the same paint job and everything. It's my tribute to my old one." He says a wistful smile curling his lips. he looks up at her and continues. "Before you ask What happened to the old one I'll tell you." He stops short as the memory again ripples across his handsome features, a look of pain flashing in his dark eyes. "The guy I was working for was the son of a mob boss, and I helped out by retrieving money from people who owed him. Well I was kinda of skimming some money from that and holding on to it. He found out and got pissed, started chasing me in his car so I jumped in my Mazda and took off," His hands balling into fists as the memory takes over. "He chased me all through the f*****g streets, and the kid that was working under me was chasing him trying to stop him, I was driving way to fast and I hit another car making mine flip and crash, it was totaled. I managed to crawl out of it right before the f*****g thing exploded. Everyone presumed I was dead and I left it that way, When I was able to travel I got a ticket for the next plane to LA and here I am." He finishes the pain in his eyes intensifying. Katie Grips his hand tighter and it seems to shake him out of the memory, his eyes focusing on her as he gives her a shy smile. " The kid that worked under me is now running my Shop and Business"
"Shop? so you were a mechanic there too?" Katie asks, still floored by his story. Han just laughs and shakes his head, taking his hand away much to her displeasure. "Well then what type of Shop was it?" She asks leaning closer. He looks out his window and seems to realize that they were still in the gas station parking lot. Clearing his throat he suddenly becomes uncomfortable at being so close to others who could easily listen in on them. Turning to look at Katie he realized to late that she had picked up on his discomfort and jumped to the conclusion that he was uncomfortable with her.
"Hey why don't we switch spots, I'll drive you listen OK?" He says already opening his door. Katie reluctantly get out of the drivers side and tosses him the keys as they switch places. Once resettled he turns the car on, and slowly drives away from the station. The two drive in silence for two minutes as Katie's anxiety grows by the second, she starts chewing at her nails. Han notices and takes one hand off the steering wheel to grab her hand to stop her, not taking his eyes off the road. "Hey it's OK, let me just get us to where I want to take us and I will explain the rest," He says quietly, a smirk on his lips, "My story isn't done yet." Katie looks at his hand on hers before easing it away, nodding her head she turns and looks out the window. They continue to drive in silence as the busy streets of LA fade away and are replaced by the long roads of the suburbs. She looks over at Han opening her mouth to ask him a question but he just puts up his finger in a be patient warning, making her shut her mouth and pout. He looks at her from the corner of his eyes and laughs, "Pouting does nothing, I'm not telling you until we get there." He says focusing back on the road. He drives straight for a little longer before taking a right onto a dirt road, the car jolting her as they made their way over the bumps and pot holes. A nervous chuckle escaping her as her anxiety takes on a whole new level.
"Why am I getting a serial killer vibe out here?" She teases trying to reign in her anxiety. Han just ignore her as he finally pulls onto another smooth road, this one turns out to lead to the old old air force base that had been closed and abandoned for as long as she had been alive. Han maneuvers around the twists and turns until he manages to come across the old runway strip they had had for military planes to take off on and land. He puts the car in park and finally faces her full on.
" The shop I owned wasn't a normal mechanic shop. We didn't fix up just any cars off the street, we fixed... a certain type of car." He explains. She raises an eyebrow waiting for him to explain farther.
"Let me guess, military cars?" She asks gesturing to their surroundings. He just shakes his head, a snort of laughter coming from him.
"No, we fixed up..... Street racing cars, For Drifting." He finally admits. Katie sucks in her breath her eyes going wide, before she bursts into laughter. Han just stares at her shocked, yet stunned at her reaction. "And whats so funny about that?" He asks, anger entering his voice, making the question come out a little harsher then he wanted. The tone makes Katie's laughter die out immediately, a guilty blush replacing it.
"You're kidding right?" she asks, when he shakes his head no she crosses her arms over her chest and looks him dead on. "You're telling me you use to Drift? Like literally Drift racing and everything?" She asks her voice coming out in little squeaks. He smiles a full blown smile, mischief dancing in his eyes.
"Don't believe me? I'll show you." He says and before she knows it he was yanking the car into gear and shooting down the airstrip at top speed. Katie is thrusted back, her back colliding with the seat. When she dares a peak at the speedomiter she squeals when she sees the speed was creeping toward 120. They race down the airstripe until a bend in the road comes up head. Katie knew what was about to happen but she was still no way near prepared for the massive adrenaline rush that came with it. As soon as they were close enough to the Bend Han Yanks up the Parking break and maneuvers the gears making the car yank to the side. In one smooth move the Car sails around the bend, in Perfect Drift Form. The car slides into a beautiful stop, adrenaline still shooting through her veins rendering her speechless, she just stares at Han like she was seeing him for the first time. Han Beams back at her, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to catch his breath. "Believe.... me.... now?" He says his voice rugged. She breaks out of her shock and Smiles so wide it was almost painful.
"HOLY S**T THAT WAS AMAZING!" She shouts making Han throw back his head and laugh a deep genuine laugh. As the adrenaline wears off her their breath returns to normal. Katie looks at Han and something in her eyes click like she just put a missing puzzle piece in place. Han gulps and gets ready for the question he knew was about to come out of her mouth. "You know my Brother Shawn don't you? He told me He had gotten into the Drift scene down there, and that some guy took him under his wing." Han Nods and waits for her to put all the pieces together. Her intake of breath that comes out like a hiss tips him off to the fact hat she figured it out. "He's the Kid who is now running your business isn't he?" She says anger making her bright eyes go dark. Han flinches at the harsh hostility that was coming off her in waves.
"Yes he is" He manages to croak out. Katie just stares at him, shaking slightly in her anger. She was pissed. All this time every damn time she talked about Shawn to him He just nodded his head like it was ll new to him, when in reality he knew exactly who Shawn was.
"You knew this WHOLE time! Since That first night When I mentioned him ha vent you? HAVENT YOU!" She screams making him flinch again. he stares guiltily at the floor and nods his head. "You're the guy he was talking about when he said his friend died in a car crash, You're the guy he said left him a s**t ton of money and his business!" Han just nods his silence deafing. "You knew thoe who damn time and you said NOTHING!' She screams, tears leaking out of her eyes, "Hell did you even care about me? Or was pretending to care about me some sick way of keeping my brother in your life?" She shouts. She knew she wasn't being fair but at that point ti was like she didn't know the man sitting next to her. At her accusation Han snaps his eyes to hers, quiet rage storming behind his eyes.
"How DARE you say that? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?" He Yells. Katie just stares at him, lifting her chin and giving him a cruel heartless smile.
"I bet that's it! I bet that all of this has been some twisted game to screw with my head!" Han opens his mouth to yell at her again but she just waves her hand, cutting him off. " I don't want to hear anything of the bullshit that's about to come out of your mouth. just start the f*****g car and drive. I want to go home... NOW!" She says, her voice low and almost deadly sounding. Han watches as all hope of ever having her back in his life disintegrates before his eyes. He hangs his head and obeys, turning the key in the ignition, even the purring of the engine did not lighten the mood.
The whole ride home, from the base, to the parking garage, to the house was as silent as death. Katie doesn't even wait for him to fully put the Civic in Park before she leaps out of it, darting to the front door. She doesn't notice Han wince as she slams the door close behind her. Lisa, who had been in the living room playing her game jumps up from the couch, her game forgotten as she takes in Katie's face.
"Oui, hey what's wrong" She asks "motherly" concern written all over her face, she reaches out to hug her but Katie just shrugs her off ans stomps up the stairs.
"nothing, just driving didn't go so well She lies, even though she was pissed off and hurt beyond belief she didn't want to get Han in trouble. Plus it was no ones business but theirs.Slamming her bedroom door shut she flops on her bed as she opens up a new text on her phone
Shawn You will Never believe who we have in common, Remember that guy you told me about? the one who died? Remember the guy I told You about? the guy who gave me the open ticket to visit you? Guess what your friend ain't dead. Han is here, he lives right across the hall from me! can you be live it! here a pic for proof.
She clicks the add photo icon at the bottom of the screen and flips through her pictures unit she comes across a pic of Han. she adds the photo to the text.Hovering over the send button she studies the picture. His brown eyes glowing with laughter at the Santa hat that she had managed to get him to wear. His mouth open letting his deep laugh ring out, she could almost hear it. She didn't even realize she was crying until a tear fell on her screen, magnifying and warping his face, obscuring his features. Cursing she deletes the text and flings her phone toward the end of her bed. She yanks her blankets over her body and curls up into a tight ball, letting her anguish and pain over come her.
Han rests his head against the steering wheel, mentally beating himself up at how the day ended. He knew she would be pissed that he kept this from her, but for her to think that it was a game to mess with her-.. He crys out in anger and punchs the steering wheel.
"Oh S**t man what the hell happened here?" Roman's voice filters through to him. He looks over to the passengerside and realizes that Roman had opened the door and was peering in. He gives him asmile which was more like a grimace and nods his head indicating he could sit down. Roman sits in the seat Katie was just in and closes the door.
"Nothing just, fighting with Katie, what else is new?" He shrugs struggling for a nonchalant approach, and failing. Roman stares at him for a few minutes without saying anything, making him quite uncomfortable. "What are you staring at?" He snaps.
"You like her don't you?" He finally says. It was like all the air was punched out of his lungs as he tries to keep the horror off his face. He couldn't have just said that. He must be hearing things.
"I don't hate her.... She's a great kid, when she's not being a stubborn brat." He says hesitantly, hoping Roman would drop the subject. But Roman was on the hunt and kept at it.
"That's not what I meant and you know it. Please don't insult my intelegance." He snaps crossing his arms. The words what intelligence dies quickly on Han's tongue as Roman gives him a no nonscene look. Sighing Han nods, looking anywhere but at the man staring two holes in the middle of his forehead. " I'm not going to Tell anyone Han so you can stop looking like you are about to get executed." He says smiling. Han just stares at him, not knowing his game. "Look man Katie's a great girl, smart, pretty, mature for her age. But she just 16. I don't care if you like her, Hell the way that girl looks at you its obvious to anyone who looks for it that she is down right in love with you." Roman says making Han's mouth drop open. Roman laughs and slaps him on the back. "Just do me a favor and I wont tell anyone about your little secret."
"What favor?" Han says instantly going on guard. Roman moves closer to him, his voice dropping to a deadly threat.
"If you so much as Touch her without her permission, If you hurt her, Dom and Bryan will be the LEAST of your problems comprende?" He says, his eyes noting but cold harsh glints. Han gulps and backs up, opening his car door he jumps out, waiting for Roman to slowly get out.
"Roman, like you said she's only sixteen, I don't even think of her like that! Yeah I like her, more then I should, but I would NEVER harm her, I'd rather die first." he says looking Roman in the eyes. Roman gives him a once over before nodding, his way of saying he believed him. He wraps his knuckles against the hood.
"Alright then, your secrets safe with me." He says and turns to go in the house. Han sags against the car, letting out a shaky breath.
F**K... things just got even more complicated. © 2015 Fenix FlightAuthor's Note
Added on January 29, 2015 Last Updated on January 29, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing