![]() Chapter Seventeen: Party OnA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Raves, and peace offerings![]() The pusling beat of the music Raged inside Katie as she moved her body to the sound. She could feel the boys staring hungrily at her and a wicked smile spreads on her red lipsticked lips. Melina spies Katie's admirers and a twin smile spreads on her own lips. She edges closer to her and puts her hands on her hips making their bodies smash up against eachother in a hot girl on girl dance.
"Lets give em a show." Melina's breath tickles Katie's ear as she whispers to her. Katie gives a slight nod and puts her own hands on Melina's hips, letting Melina lead the dance. The girls were at a Rave in the seedy part of LA, Where all the best parties were. Katie looks around at all the parygoers writhiring around the dance floor, the glow from the paint on their bodies blinding. She looks at her own body and her smile grows wider. She Was HOT! for the first time in her life she felt down right sexy. She was wearing a hot pink halter top that flashed in the black lights and showed off her flat stomach and a white skin tight mini skirt that was so short if she lifted her arms she might expose parts of her that shouldn't be exposed, but it showed off her long lean legs that Melina said "were to Die for". After much conniving Melina had gotten her to go to the Painter and get her body painted in the glow in the dark paint everyone else was sporting. She had tribal swirls in blue and green flowing down her legs and a purple heart with red flames spiralling down each arm. After she had been painted up by a very attractive guy Melina had whisked her away into the bathroom for makeup. Katie had been confused but when Melina was done and spun her around to see herself she was shocked. Melina had not only did her make up, but she did it in true Rave style. Glow in the dark eyeshadow glittered on her eyelids matching the pink in her top, Red Glowing lipstick splashed on her lips. She felt like a goddess, a beautiful sexy women that could have any guy she wanted with just a look. Melina pulled off a Gothic chic that was so sexy she had already gotten the attention of several men who left with their heads hung low when they realized she was rooting for the same team they were. Her breath came out in small gasps as she tried to suck in air to her lungs. Her head was starting to get dizzy and a pounding not related to the music was starting. They had been dancing all night and she was finally starting to feel the effects, her feet screaming at her to take a seat.
"Lina Can we sit down please?" She screams over the music, luckily they were still smashed up against eachother so she didn't have to strain her voice that badly. Melina nods and lets go of her hips only to lace her fingers with hers and pull her from the dance floor. The girls collapse onto one of the clubs many booths, breathing heavy, sweat pouring down their bodies. Katie sits there trying to catch her breath, thinking about how it was crazy she was even there. She had told Dom where they were going and that it was a under 21 club night, at first he didn't believe but after she wore him down he caved and let her go, Laughing when she gave him a hug and kissed his bald head. Her thinking was interupted when she feels the seat next to her dig under someones weight. She looks up from where she had been slouched against the sticky black wall and sees one of the boys who had been eyeing her. He leans in, a little to close and smiles at her, the smell of alcohol reeking off of him.
"You two were hot out there, you especially." He says, sounding genuine. He sticks his hand out, "My name's Cade, I'm actually friends with Melina." He introduces himself. At the sound of her name Melina looks up and squeals when she sees Cade. She gets up and flings herself on him in a tight embrace.
'OHmiGosh CADE! you didn't tell me you were going to be here!" She exclaims and gives him another hug. She turns to Katie who was looking at her like she had three heads. "Katie meet Cade, This is who I get my party stuff from!" She explains as Cade puts out his hand which she shakes, a giant smile on her face, If he was here then her night was about to get even better.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Katie." he says, pulling a flask out of the inside pocket in his jacket and offered it to her. "Want some? It's patrician Rum" He says tipping it to her. She takes it gingerly and opens it. Sniffing the clear liquid inside the harsh to sweet fruity scent hits her nose making her wrinkle it almost sneezing. Bracing herself she puts the opening to her mouth and tips the contents into her mouth. The sharp burn slides down her throat making her cough and gag, the after taste tingling on her tongue. "First time drinking?" Cade says with a knowing smile. Katie blushes and nods, taking a smaller sip. She hands it over to Melina who guzzles it down like its soda, making Cade laugh. He leans closer to Melina and whispers something in her ear making her face light up, the pink and blue strobe lights casting shadows on her face making her smile look demonic. Melina looks over at her and her smile widens, her small white teeth gleaming in the black light.
" Come on Follow us, we about to get our party on!" She says clapping her hands. Katie lets out a joyous Whoop and follows the two to the back of the club. They push open the back door and stumble into the alley inbetweent he club and an old wherehouse. Cade leads them over to a nondescript black ford, takes keys out of his back pocket and the car blinks to life with the automatic starter her had on his keychain. He unlocks the car and plops down in the driverseat. Melina goes around the car and slips into the passenger side. Looking at Katie standing awkwardly next to it Cade rolls down his window.
"Don't worry, I'm not driving us anywhere, I'm too sloshed for that," He says referring to the liqour in his system. "If we get caught doing this in There they'll call the cops, just jump in the back." he says unlocking the back door. She hesitates for a few minutes until she spies Melina rolling up a bill and do a line. The desire for the blissful high overcomes her hesitation and she slips into the back seat, her nose almost itching with the anticipation. Cade does a line and then passes the stuff to her. There was two lines left on the mirror, shining up at her. Over excited she does both, lifting her head to find the others snickering at her. She blushes and hands it back to Cade, suddenly embarrassed.
"Katie this stuff was stronger then what we normally do, you only need one line." Melina says trying not to giggle, the effects already hitting her. Katie shoots her a dirty look as panic starts to rise.
"Why didn't you tell me!" She seethes. Cade laughs a deep booming laugh and looks at the two of them.
"Relax Katie, two lines will just be that much better!" he says, he reaches across Melina and stuffs the evidence of their partying in his glove box, making sure it was not noticeable to the outside world. Getting out of the car he waits for the girls to slink their way out of the car before he locks it up. The three head back to the alley and Cade pushes open the door. The heat of houndreds of sweaty bodies and blazing lights hits Katie, making her slightly ill, the music pounding against her body. As she grabbed onto Melina's hand and pushed her way to the dance floor the effects were stirring and the bliss she was crave settles around her like an old familiar blanket. She lets go of Melina's hand and grabs her waist taking her by surprise. She pulls her close and starts gyrating against her, dancing a sexy dance that Melina jumps Right ton board with. Cade whistles at the slow sex rhythm they started and Katie smiles slyly at him.
"Join us Cade." she says with bravery only the drugs could give her. Cade flashes her a sexy smile and goes behind her, his hands dropping down to her waist stepping closer to her until her backside was flush against his front. Her approval making it very known. If it wasn't for the drugs in her system she probably would have backed away uncomfortable, but the drugs gave her a boost of confidence and she wiggles her backside against him giggling. The three putting on a show for anyone who watched.
Staring at herself in the mirror Katie tries to quell the nausea that was threading to overtake her. The music of the club was only slightly muffled by the bathroom door as she stares at herself in the mirror. After dancing sandwiched between Cade and Melina for an hour and a half she managed to extract herself and rush to the bathroom. Her makeup was starting to smear around the edges from the sweat pouring down her face and her eyes seemed almost dull and lifeless, sunken in, her face thin and bony. Taking her phone out of the skin tight skirt proves to be a daunting task but she finally manages to free it from the clingy material. The dull light from the screen was a welcome to her eyes after being assaulted by the multiple strobe lights on the dance floor. Checking the time the clock screams 1:00AM at her, making her curse and jam her phone back into her pocket, she only had an hour and a half to get home and it took at least an hour to get back to the house, By taxi. running some cold water she splashes her face and pats it dry with a towel, her high was wearing off and she wanted nothing more then to crawl into bed and sleep for week straight. She pushes her way through the bathroom door and squints in the lights, waiting for her eyes to readjust. Once they were she makes her way to the middle of the dance floor where she had left Melina and Cade seductively dancing together. She sighs in relief when she finds them still pressed together dancing to the beat. She makes her way over, hissing in aggravation as someone slams into her without an apology. when she was close enough to Her best friend she tugs on her arm and waits for her to flicker her gaze her way.
"I'M HEADING HOME! I GOT TAXI MONEY! SEE YOU TOMORROW IGHT?" She shouts over the music. Luckily she was loud enough and Melina nods her understatement. Katie gives a little farewell wave to Cade who just gives her a wink before turning his attention back to Melina. Katie sighs and leaves, not worried about Melina and her well being, she knew all to well that that girl could handle herself if anyone got to rough with her. She pushes her way off the floor and grits her teeth as she gets pushed shoved and occasionally groped. Finally she flees the dance floor and walks briskly over to the coat check for her purse. The girl who was attending the station looked up from her magazine as Katie draws closer, smiling sweetly at her. She gets up and goes into the small room and comes out with her purse even before Katie asked.
" I remembered your face" She says shrugging at Katie's surprised look. Katie thanks her and opening up her purse she pulls out a five for a tip, making the girl giggle. She turns and heads for the front door, smiling tentatively at the bodyguard who was stationed next to it. He smiles kindly at her and pulls open the heavy metal door, the Icy wind from outside blasting her in the face, a nice welcome from the stifling heat inside. She thanks the guard and steps outside, jumping slightly when the heavy door Booms back into place, the music instantly muffled, only the thumping base reaching her ears. She pulls her cell back out of her pocket and is grateful she remembered to put the Taxi service number on her speed dial before she left the house. It was the only taxi service that was open this late and took ten minutes to get to the club once she got off the phone with them. She slides into the back seat, careful of the ratty rip in the seat that was spilling the foam inside. She tells the driver her address and settles into the seat as he pulls away from the club, listening to the quiet Indian music that was tinkling softly from the speakers. She opens her purse and spies the Excedrin she had slipped in there before heading out. She pops them into her mouth and swallows them dry, making a face at the medicated taste. The driver looks at her in the rerview mirror, opening his mouth to tell her he wasn't going to tolerate drug use in his cab, she lifts the Excedrin wrapper and he smiles in embarrassment before flicking his gaze back to the road. The drive was quiet much to her relief as she stares out the window, the lights of the city blurring past her in a yellow ribbon.
"Hey kid was was the house number again?" The driver says in a gruff voice only made by years of smoking. She looks out the front window and realizes they were turning onto her street.
"Oh um 1327" she says and opens her purse again to get the cab fare, the little machine was flashing 24.18 in red angry numbers. He pulls up to the curb outside her house and before leaving she gives the driver 30 bucks. "Keep the change, thanks for the ride." she says when he goes to give her the change, he smiles and thanks her for her kindness as she gets out and shuts the door. She makes her way to the front door and she smiles as he finally pulls away from the curb, knowing he had waited until she was safely to her front door. Trying the knob she finds it locked. Sighing she heads around to the back to get the spare key Dom kept hidden in the garage. As she picks her way to the back yard she is grateful she wore flats instead of the 6 inch heels Melina had begged her to wear. As she nears the garage she stops short when she notices someone sitting on the swingset, the glow of a cigarette the only thing she can see. She slowly nears the swing and sighs in annoyance when she realizes it was Han. He had yet to notice her as he was deep in thought, the light from his cigarette occasionally lighting up his dark eyes.
" I thought you quit?" A quiet all to familiar voice comes from his left says. He jumps and whips around to face her. She walks over and sits int he swing next to him, giving him a small smirk as she takes the cigarette from him, taking a puff before stomping it out with her foot. He opens his mouth to protest and shuts it as he finally takes in her appearance. She ash blonde hair fell around her her pink halter looking like it was glowing though there were no lights around, her skirt riding dangerously up her thigh, showing off her killer legs. even in the dark and even though it was starting to smear Han could still make out the blue and green tribal designs that were painted onto them, and the beautifully designed hearts on her arms. When he didn't say anything she looked up at him and he sucks in his breath, her makeup although it too was smeared made her face stand out her eyes glimmering. She was stunning, almost goddess like. She lifts an eyebrow making him realize he was staring. Clearing his throat he throws her a smirk in return.
" I did quit, but I felt like smoking one." he says reaching into his pocket for the pack of smokes, he takes one out and taking his lighter he lights one up again, much to Katie's disgust. He takes a long drag and lets it relax her tense muscles. Katie makes a disgusted noise and waves away the smoke.
"Ugh gross, that is such a nasty habit." She says couching as some of the smoke makes it to her nose. He just shrugs and takes another puff. He knew it was pissing her off but at that moment he didn't care; at that moment it was the only thing keeping his mind off of how stunning she looked.
Fed up with the smell of the foul thing she reaches over him and again rips it out of his hand, throwing it down on the ground next to the other one and ground it out. She looks up at Han and gives him a look, daring him to say anything. He just shrugs again and takes out the damn pack. Seriously pissed off she grabs the whole pack. before she can fling it he grabs her around the waist and using the swings mobility to his advantage he spins to to face him, their faces inches from one another.
Her wide eyes and mouth opened in a silent O stir up feelings Han was trying to hard to surpress. He holds the metal chains of the swing, trapping her, forcing her to face him. taking one hand off the chain he plucks the pack out of hers and tucks it in his back pocket, not caring if he crushes them, her warm breath against his face making his control slowly break.
"I thought you were using chips as a way of staying away from those?" She says, her voice barely a whisper. the closeness of their bodies was making it hard to focus because this was the closest they've been since she kicked him out of her room and that was in January, it was now march. He just looks at her, awe clear in his dark eyes. She squirms, suddenly self conscious about her choice of attire. He smiles at her but still doesn't pull back .
" I ran out of chips."
"So buy more" she shoots back. He smiles and laughs, finally letting her swing go, making it twist and turn before settling back into place. the closeness finally becoming to much, letting her go before he did anything stupid. He gets up and dusts off his pants. Turning to look down at her he sticks his hand out to help her up, her skirt riding up even more, She quickly drops his hand and tries to smooth the skirt back into an appropriate place. he quickly looks away, his blood warming. When she was done she looks up at him and smiles a shy smile which he returns. He knew she was trying to be on her best behavior as was he and he was grateful, He didn't think he would be able to push her away looking so beautiful in the light of the moon if she tried anything. He turns from her and heads to the back door, hearing her follow him. He opens the door and in true gentlemen fashion steps aside and lets her go first, doing a dramatic bow as she brushes past him, giggling like a young girl. As she brushes past him she manages to brush her side up against him, making him snap upright and suck in a deep breath. The contact tingling against his front, going straight to places he didn't want it to go. thankfully she didn't notice and shifting himself he shuts the door and follows her upstairs.
The two quietly sneak past the others rooms, tiptoeing so not to wake them. When they reach Katie's they linger awkwardly in the hall way. Han rakes his brain trying to think of something to say when she finally speaks up.
"Why were you outside smoking at 2 in the morning?" She asks leaning against her closed door. He just looks at her. The reason he had been out there smoking was because he was trying to find a way for the two of them to become friends again, some way for them to go back to that easy comfortable way they had when he first moved in.
"Just thinking about s**t." he says nonchalantly, hoping she doesn't ask about what. Suddenly a brilliant idea pops in his head making him smile brightly at her. "Hey you just got your permit last month right?" she nods her head.
"Yeah but I have no one to help me." She says frowning, almost pouting her full red lips, making her beautiful features even more striking. He chuckles at her expression and it smooths out into a smile.
"Well I've got the day off of work, I can help, If you want." He offers. He is blown away when she just smiles wide and nods her head eagerly. Clearing his throat he sticks his hand out. "Its a deal then." His hand tingles as hers connects with it.
"Deal" She whispers and turns to open her door. He turns and heads across the hall to his. Before he closes his door he turns to look behind him.
"Oh and you look amazing by the way." He calls and shuts his door, but not before he spies her furious blush and smile. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on January 26, 2015 Last Updated on January 26, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing