Chapter Thirteen: The Hard Stuff

Chapter Thirteen: The Hard Stuff

A Chapter by Fenix Flight



Taking the joint from Melina, Katie takes a long hit and coughs as the smoke hits her lungs. She already had a slight high but she took the hit anyway. The two girls were up Katie's room and Melina had brought up some party stuff and was now laying across Katie's bed scrolling through her playlist on her Ipod.  In the two weeks since moving Melina had been a constant figure in the house, coming over after school and spending the weekends. In  those two weeks Katie had seen very little of Han and to be honest it sucked. Everytime she did see him he would avert his eyes and excuse himself from the room when he noticed Melina. She didn't understand why, she understood why he kept his distance, but not why he seemed almost mad whenever he saw Melina. After that first day, and kiss Katie and Melina came to the agreement that they weren't each others type, mostly due to the fact that Katie knew she wasn't intrested in girls. Katie looked up from her spot on the bed and looked at Melina to find her staring dreamily up at the ceiling, the Ipod forgotten.


"UT oh I know that look," Katie says smirking. Melina just giggles and rolls onto her side to face her. "You got you're I'm in loooooooooove face on, Spill whose the chick?" Katie says passing her the joint. Melina takes it and snubs it out. Reaching over the side of the bed she grabs her large tote purse and starts rumaging through it. "Lina tell me." Katie begs. Melina looks at her and smiles.


" there's this really cute girl who works at that little dinner on rose street, she's gotta be in like her 20s but she's f*****g HOT!" Melina spills. At the mention of the street Katie bursts out laughing, unable to stop even when she sees Melina face. "ITS NOT FUNNY YOU JERK!" Melina screeches getting off the bed to run out of the room. Katie manages to stop laughing just Long enough to catch Melina before she left.


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh at you." She says honestly, "It's just...... you're talking about my aunt Mia."  The store Melina was talking about was the one Dom owned,a nd the "hot" girl she was referring was obviously Mia seeing how she was the only girl who worked there, other then Lisa occasionally and Melina had already met her. Melina's face reddens and she looks down in embarrassment.


"I don't have a chance then huh? She's married to that guy..... Bryan right?" She mutterers in defeat. Katie nods her head and hugs her friend. Melina flops back down on the bed and sighs. "Well that just freaking sucks! I need a distraction,"


"Got any more goods?" Katie asks referring to more joints. Melina just shakes her head but her eyes were dancing.


"No But I have something better, something that gives a way better high" she says and rumages through her purse again. "Ah there it is" she says and pulls out a little film canister and hold it up for Katie to see. Katie takes it gingerly from her hands and opens it, sucking in her breathe when she sees its contents.


"You Brought COKE?" She says in disbelief. She looks up at Melina to find her with a mirror on her lap and rolling up a dollar bill. She looks up at her, Blue eyes to green eyes and smiles.


"It gives a better high, especially after a joint. here let me see that." She says and plucks the canister out of Katie's stunned fingers. She spills some of it on the mirror and taking an old giftcard out of her bag she neatly puts the powder into four straight lines. Bending over she puts the rolled up bill to her nose and snorts up the first two lines. Straightening up she rubs her nose and hands Katie the bill. Katie takes it automatically and Melina puts the mirror and powder onto her lap for better access. Katie just stares at it stunned. Just one time wont hurt right? Her already high brain told her. She copies Melina's example and snorts the drugs, her nose burning as it passes through.


She doesn't feel the affects right away but as time went on she felt a sudden burst of energy, telling her that her body was feeling it. Suddenly everything seemed better felt better, tasted better. She felt like she could run a mile and not get tired, hell she could run a marathon and not be tired. it was pure BLISS! Katie loved it. Why hadn't she tried this before? Melina was right, this was a MUCH better high. Suddenly the munchies from the joint kicked in and with the other drugs in her system they were intensified, She felt like she would be hungry for the rest of her life. She grabs Melina and giggling hysterically they both run down the stairs hand in hand and rush to the kitchen.


"We need to hurry up and get to my room, Dom and the others will be here any minute and if they catch us I'm toast." Katie mumbles between giggles.


"OOOOO toast can we have some?" Melina says, "With butter, or peanut butter, OMG BOTH?" she says bouncing up and down like a child making Katie collapse onto the tiled floor unable to breath she was laughing so hard. Melina just goes to the fridge and peaks in. Her face lights up like a kid on Christmas as she spots the left over brownies Katie and Mia had made the previous night. "OH MY GOSH are those brownies! Yes Brownies I want brownies, Do these have walnuts in them?" she asks as she snatches them out of the fridge. Just then a car door slams in the driveway. Katie stares at Melina, their eyes wide. Grabbing the brownies they run up the stairs, slamming her door just as the front door opens.


"Kit You home?" Bryan's voice echos from down stairs. Katie curses under her breath, whirling to Melina she finds her friend sitting quietly on her bed stuffing her face with brownies.


"Melina you need to get out of here like NOW!" She hisses yanking the tray out of her hand, making Melina whimper and reach out for them. "See my window?" Melina looks at it and looks back at her nodding, "there's a fire escape ladder in my Closet," She runs to her closet just as she hears Bryan coming up the stairs. Yanking open her closet door she reaches up to the top shelf and yanks down the rope ladder. Turning to Melina she sees that Melina had gotten the Idea and had opened the window, she was currently trying to pop the screen out. There was no time to waste so Katie rushes over to her and pushes her out of the way muttering sorry as she yanked the screen out. Shoving the ladder into her friends hand she watches as Melina throws it out  the window and climbs through it so she could climb down. "Can you make it out OK?" She asks suddenly nervous Melina would fall due to just how high she was.


"this isn't my first time sneaking out of a girls room high chicka" She says smiling. She leans in and kisses Katie on the cheek before disappearing down the ladder. Katie had just popped the screen in when she hears a knock at her door. Quickly shutting her window she jumps onto her bed and grabs the book that was on her bedside table.


"Enter," She says as she spies the brownie tray, quickly grabbing one she takes a bite as Bryan opens her door. Bryan wrinkles his nose at the lingering smell from the weed but doesn't say anything. He just looks around her room before his eyes fall onto the tray.


"Hey save some for the rest of us huh?" he says picking it up off her bed. Katie just shrugs, taking a bite out of the one in her hand she turns her glazed over stare to the book before he could see. Her nose was starting to really itch but she was terrified to scratch it in front of him, afraid he would figure out what she had been up to. " Well the others will be home shortly, its your turn to make dinner" he says not noticing anything. Katie Just nods her head and makes it look like she is engrossed in the book, when in reality the words were practically swimming on the page in front of her eyes. Bryan heads out of her room but pauses in the door way. "Oh don't set a place for Han, he's working late and said not to wait up." At this Katie finally looks up.


"He's been doing that a lot the past two weeks, its weird." She says to him. He just shrugs his shoulders and heads out of the room. Katie's high was crashing slowly and she suddenly didn't feel good. She gets up and goes to her open door, peering out she sees Bryan about to shut his. "Hey Bro," She says in a shaky voice. Something in it must have attracted his attention because he opens his door wider and looks at her, a frown of worry on his lips.


"You OK Kit?" He asks heading back over to her. She shakes her Head and leans it against the doorframe.


"No, I've got a massive headache, is it OK if I just go to bed early, Can you make dinner? I'll make it tomorrow since it's your turn." She says honestly. Her head was starting to pound and a dull throb was forming behind her eyes. She must have looked convincing because he Nods his head and gives her a hug.


"Sure kid, just get some rest, I'll save you a plate." He whispers and holds her at arms length. She mutters a thank you before heading back to her room. Her phone makes a soft Bing indicating she had a text. Picking it up she looks at who it was.


         Did He find out?  You OK?




It was from Melina, Katie shoots of a quick reply before silencing her phone.



         coast clear, head hurting, taking a nap, talk later




She puts her phone on her table and crawls under her covers, the cool fabric a welcome against her suddenly  fevered body. S**t if this was how the crash would feel she NEVER wanted to try that stuff again!


© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on January 13, 2015
Last Updated on January 13, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
