Chapter Eleven: Not The Typical School Girl

Chapter Eleven: Not The Typical School Girl

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Evil principals, and fast joy rides


"Ms. Hendricks I believe we have had this conversation before," Mr Alberts says as Katie walks into his office. It was the second week into her junior year and already she was in the principals office. Mr Alberts was a vile little man, set to make his students life hell, Katie's in particular, or at least that's how it felt. He was  5"2' with a round beer belly, that always bulged against his button up shirt and pants, his eyes a watery muddy brown that were always screwed up in disgust, his breath smelt like stale cigarettes and mint making whoever he was talking to want to vomit. He was bald and his head always seemed sweaty and would turn an ugly shade of red when he was angry .At that moment those muddy eyes were trained on Katie as she left the door open to his office, making sure the secretary, Ms. Wendy, could see in fro her post in the main office. Even though this man made her anxiety skyrocket she never let him see, A smirk instantly spreading across her face as she plopped down in the chair in front of his desk. She slouches in the chair, as she knew he hated, and crossed her legs and arms.


" Well seeing how I just here and we have yet to have any sort of discussion, I am going to have to ask you to elaborate on what you mean." She says picking at her nails before training her bright green eyes at him. She watches as his sweaty thick head turned red and his eyes narrowed at her. All she did was smile sweetly at him, full of innocence.


" DO not get smart with me Missy. You know exactly why you were sent here so lets drop the act shall we?" He stutters, spit flying from his mouth, landing on his desk. " You're apparel is inappropriate for this establishment." He huffs leaning back in his chair, steeping his fingers infron of him staring at her with a wicked cruel grin. Katie doesn't have to look at her outfit to know what he means. Currently she was wearing a teal shirt that was practically see through, showing off her black lace bra and had a low neckline, but only when she leaned forward. Her skinny jeans were tight against her legs and had a few choice placed rips, showing off skin that was indeed not OK for school. But Katie didn't care, she didn't wear it to be a s**t, she wore it to show a bravery she didn't really have, she hid behind her reveling clothes, and bad attitude hoping to keep unwanted males away. SO far it had done it's job, but today it was like every male had a honing beacon on her and eyed her like a piece of meat, making her rethink her style, though she would never voice that to the creep in front of her. instead she put on an equally cruel smile and stared him down.


"And what are you doing staring at a 16 year old girl, regardless of her clothing, That's kind of creepy Mr. Albert, Should I be concerned for my safety?" She says, shifting under his unnerving stare. She didn't think he would lay a hand on her but the way he was looking at her reminded him of the boys that stared at her during her first period. Mr Albert didn't let up on his stare as he continued to speak as if she hadn't just threatened him.


" Your English teacher said that you were being a disturbance due to your outfit, now as much as I hate to do it, I must contact your guardian and have them remove you from school today." He says his words dripping with a cruel smugness that made Katie want to drop kick him in the face. All pretense of fake sweetness drops from her as she stands up, only to lean against his desk her backpack keeping a safe distance from her body and the desk.


"Don't play games with me Mr Albert, you and I both know that you don't Hate to do this this is the kind of s**t you live for, ruin children's lives, get them in trouble, watch them suffer." She hisses, her anger boiling just under the surface. she slouches back in her chair and crosses her arms. " You know between you and me I have to say. you f*****g SUCK as a principal." She says, picking at her nails.


"ENOUGH! Get out of my office you little delinquent, I don't care if you dress like a s**t at home or while walking the streets, but in my Establishment you will wear DECENT CLOTHING! do you hear me! Now wait outside while I call you're guardian." He says in a dealthy calm voice that makes Katie shiver involuntary. His words burn through her, If it wasn't for her promise to Dom about not getting kicked out she would have walked around the desk and punched Mr. Albert in his fat pudgy face. Instead she clamps down on her anger and slinks out of his office, flopping down into one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs in the main office. Ms, Wendy looks up form her computer just long enough to give her a sympathetic smile before returning to the screen in front of her. about twenty minutes later she hears the static buzz of the front door to which Ms. Wendy pressed the button to grant access in. Craning her neck to look out the windows that made up the front wall of the office Katie sees Mia walking down the hall to the Office. Seeing Mia momentarily confuses her as she tries to figure out why Mia would be picking her up and not Dom. Mia shifts her purse on her shoulder and walks over the the front desk, ignoring Katie altogether.


" HI I'm here to see Mr. Albert about my Niece." Her light voice floats over to Katie as she speaks to Ms. Wendy, A kind smile on her lips. The secretary looks up from her work and a smile of warmth floods her face.


"Mia Terry, Lord it has been ages since I have seen you! How have you been?" the older women exclaims reminding Katie just how old she was. Ms. Wendy had been the secretary here at Wesly High school for the past 20 years, meaning she had been here when Mia had gone to school. Mia Smiles at the older women who had bustled her way from behind the desk to give the younger women a hug.


"Wendy! its nice to see you again! I'm good, got myself married It's Freeman now" She says talking to her like they had been friends for years, "But Right now I have to talk to Mr Albert about Katie." She says finally knowledge her Niece and looked at her. The hard glint in Mia's eyes makes Katie Shrink into her seat. Mia was a sweet girl and it was always so much scarier seeing her angry then it was seeing Dom or Bryan angry. Katie was starting to see why Dom had sent Mia instead of himself. Wendy looks over at Katie and frowns, her face wrinkling as the frown turns into a look of confusion, as if trying to see how Mia could have such a troubled niece. Katie just smiles at Wendy with what she hoped was a genuine smile, as her stomach turns itself into knots. Her wrinkles disappear as she smiles back at her,coming to the conclusion that she wasn't all that troubled. She goes back behind her desk and buzzes for the principal. a minute later Mr. Alberts door bangs open as he waddles out.


"Mrs. Freeman, Ms Hendricks, Right this way." he says, fake sweetness dripping of every words sending chills up Katie's arm. Looking from the corner of her eyes she sees Mia Stiffen and knows that she can see right through the fake facade Mr. Albert had put on. Slipping her hand into Mia's she gets strength from the stronger girl as they head into the dim office. Mia lets Katie take the seat and she stands behind her, her left hand places softly on Katie's shoulder, as a way of rooting her to the spot. Her mouth goes dry and a lump the size of her fist forms in her throat making her very uncomfortable. Mr Albert sits at his desk and stares at them, assessing Mia before speaking.


"I want to thank you Mrs. Freeman for taking time out of your busy day to come down here today. I wish it was for a much more pleasent topic but unfortunately it isn't." He says, still trying to appeal to Mia with that fake sweetness. " You're niece has been causing a great deal of disturbance in the way that she has been dressing. I have gotten many complaints from teachers that her way of dress has been provocative to the Male students, making them concentrate more on her then their studies,' he says, "And when I tried to speak to Katie about the matter she was disrespectful, becoming belligerent and cursing."  He embellishes. Katie reacts unable to hold her tongue.


" Only because you practically called me a S**T!" She yells turning around in her seat to look at Mia, praying she would understand, But Mia refuses to look at her, instead looking at the principal.


" I did no such thing Ms Hendricks, please stop, you are making this worse for yourself. Now Mrs. Freeman as much as it displeasures me, Ms Hendricks here has given me no choice, She is Suspended from this school for the remainder of the month, she can come back in October." he says a small sick satisfaction entering his eyes as he sees Kati es stunned look. Mia stands so still, saying nothing. Katie puts her hand over hers and dares a small peak at her Aunt's face. The harsh glint in her eyes becoming harsher, a cold rage entering her. She takes a step toward the principal, letting Katie's hand fall from hers.


"Mr. Albert, I do not believe my niece has any reason to lie to me, and I will NOT hesitate to report this matter and insist on a full blown instigation, My husband's connections at the police station will help the process along" She says, her voice low and as hard as steel. Katie would have laughed at her Principal visible respond of paling and shrinking back into his seat if she herself wasn't slightly frightened by Mia's anger." Now I'm sure we can settle this matter with a few weeks of detention without having to go through anything messing. Am I correct Mr Albert?" She says a smile placed dangerously on her lips. Alber just stares up at Mia, his mouth gaping open reminding Katie of a fish out of water.


" A month worth of Detention and a week of in house suspension." He snaps, regaining his voice, Katie sighs in relief and sags back into her chair. "But Ms Hendricks I f I have to deal with this problem again I WILL expell you, Do I make myself clear?" He says turning his muddy eyes on her making her shiver. She just nods her head and looks anywhere but at him.


"That wont be necessary Mr Albert." Mia says "Thank you for your generosity, Katie lets go." She turns to Katie and stalks out of the room, not wanting to be in the same room alone with the principal she scrambles out of the chair and hurries after Mia, calling a goodbye to Ms Wendy as she runs out of the office, her shoes squeaking on the linoleum floor as she rushes to catch up to Mia. Mia opens the front doors and a cool breeze reaches Katie making her realize she had Left ther jacket in her locker. But knowing the mood Mai was in she doesn't say anything and just follows her Aunt to her car. Once buckled Mia turns the car on, the engine purring to life with a deep enjoyable rumble, making a few of the guys on the Field for gym class pause in their activity and stare. Mia just looks at Katie from the cornere of her eyes, a small smirk splayed on her lips making Katie gulp and grip thecar handle tightly. With a rev of the engine Mia peels out of the parking lot, making the boys whistle and roar with manly macho.


Katie knew that Dom, Lisa, Bryan and Han use to street race but she had forgotten that Mia knew how to as well. The streets whizzed past them as Mia put on the speed, until it looked like hyperspeed from Star Wars. Katie's Breathe falters and catches as the speed as her pressed against the back of her seat, her hands turning white from her death grip on the seat handles. She turned her look to Mia only to avert them quickly. Mia was pissed, very pissed, and she was taking it out by racing her car. Finally at a stop light she comes to a screeching halt, suddenly silence filling up the car,



"Mia I'm so-"


"Did he really call you a s**t?" She asks looks at Katie. Katie's eyes go round as she stares at her aunt, nodding.


"He didn't call me one outright, but he said that He didn't care if I dress like a s**t at home or while walking the streets, but at HIS Establishment I  will wear Decent clothing" She says dipping her voice low trying to match the creeps. It was a poor attempt but it made Mia crack a smile before returning to her harsh glare.


"what he said was out of line, I should Get him reported." She mutters, more to herself then to Katie. Katie snuggles into her seat and puts her feet up on the dash, Mia frowns but says nothing. The two wait in silence for the light to turn green each one wrapped in their own thoughts. When the light flicks green Mia steps on the gas and shoots into the intersection taking the first left. Katie gasps and hangs on for dear life again.


"Where are we going! Mia SLOW DOWN!" She yells cringing at a near crash as a green hondajust barely scrapes her side of the car. Mia curses and jerks the wheel just barely missing it. Slowing down she relaxes and clicks on the radio,  Bon Jovi's Living on a prayer fills the car.


"We're going to the store, I'm still on my shift, and Dom wants to talk to you." She says shifting the gear and speeding off. Katie swallow, Dom was going to be so pissed. Mia looks at her real quick before focusing back on the road, she puts her hand on her knee. "Once he finds out what a creep that principal is he'll go easy on you although." she leaves her sentience unfinished and pulls over on the side of the road in front of a closed down Pawn shop. leaving the car running Mai gets out and goes to the trunk. Katie can see through the back window Mai ruffling through a duffel bag that looked like gym cloths. Apparently being satisfied Mia slams the trunk shut making Katies teeth rattle and walks back to the drivers side. Once she was in the car she throws clothing at her. " You might want to change before Bryan sees you like that, you know how protective of you he is." She says with a smile. Katie smiles back at her and climbs into the back seat to change. She exams the clothes,happy that Mia had great style, even while working out. Mia had given her simple black yoga pants with a neon green waist band, and a simple black tank top with a green off the shoulder shirt to go over it. Shimmying out of her tight pants was a bit of a handfull especially with Mia driving the was she was, but finally she manages to remove them and put on the yogos which surprisingly fit. throwing on the rest of the outfit she tosses her "not Bryan approved" apparel into her  bookbag and climbs back into the front seat. Right at the moment Mia decides to stop short, making Katie sprawl into the passanger side seat, face first, her feet sticking up in the air. Mia turns to her and Bursts into laughter.


"Not..... Funny!' Katie grumbles as she turns herself upright. "What the hell was that for?" She asks rubbing her chin that she had bashes against the car floor.


"We're here." Mia says between giggles, shrugging. Shutting off the car she gets out, Katie watches as she opens the door and goes into the store where she worked, Dom owned.  Katie takes a deep breath and gets out of the car, jumping slightly when the car Beeps, indicating Mia used the automatic car lock to lock it.


Here goes nothing, she thinks as she reaches the store door. She can see Bryan sitting on a bar stool and Mia behind the counter. Behind Mia through mesh glass she sees the back of Dom's head as he looks over something in the office. Taking another deep breath she pushes open the door.


"Again with the Tuna Bryan? Aren't you sick of that stuff already? I mean you already won over Mia, you don't have to eat the crap tuna." Katie says teasingly as she slides in next to him. Bryan puts down his corona and smiles at her, flipping a page in his car magazine. Just then Han came from the store part and stops when he sees her.

"Dom wants to talk to you." He says and turns to go the way he just came. Sighing Katie gives Bryan and Mia a "wish me luck" look before heading around the counter to the office. Even before she knocked Dom's booming voice was ushering her in. She slips in and sits down, Braising herself for the lecture that now doubt was about to ensue.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on January 12, 2015
Last Updated on January 12, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
