Chapter two: Han

Chapter two: Han

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Instant connection


Two days later Katie finally gets up the courage to emerge from her room. It was 2 in the morning and everyone was sound asleep. She opens her door and peeks out just to make sure. The hallway was deserted and dark except for a sliver of moonlight that was casting an eerie shadow through the whole hallway. The summer heat was stale in the air and felt like a heavy blanket around her shoulders as she emerged from her room. She crept silently past Dom and Lisa's room, holding her breath to make sure she made no noise, and hurried past Bryan and Mia's room, Bryan's loud snore the only sound in the hallway. Taking the steps two at a times she flies down the stairs.


A sound coming from the kitchen makes her freeze on the last step. Peering around the corner she sees the light from the refrigerator coming from the kitchen. Cursing softly she creeps closer. Peering into the kitchen she sees someone rumaging through the fridge for something to eat. From the body language she could tell it was Han. Mustering up the courage she walks into the room and eases herself onto a barstool. Proping her elbows onto the breakfast bar she rests her head in her hands and watches him. She had to resist the urge to look at his a*s which was very good looking.


"There's some chop suey on the bottom shelf in the back" she says to him. Jumping three feet he bashes the top of his head on the shelving and curses, making her burst into laughter. Spinning around he looks at her, rubbing his head. "I'm sorry" She says between giggles.


"Laugh it up giggles." He teases and goes over to stand in front of her, the Breakfast bar the only thing between them. Her giggles quiet as she looks at him, suddenly shy. "Hey look I'm sorry for the other day. I didn't know I was That scary looking." He says trying to lighten the mood. Katie looks at him and smiles.


"Nawh you're not That scary looking. Only a little." She says with a straight face, sucking in her breath when he flashes her a full 100 watt smile. His eyes light up with joy, crinkling around the edges. " So how do you know Dom and the family?" She says trying to distract herself from his looks.


"We go way back, we did a few jobs together... you do know what they use to do right?" He says as she nods in response. "Yeah well I use to help them out.?" He says heading back to the fridge, "Where'd you say that suey was again?"


"Bottom self in the back." She says sliding off the stool and going to the dish cabinet to grab two plates and forks. He rumages around for a few and stands up with a large Tupperware bowl in his hands. He hands her the bowl and she dishes out two helpings and sticks one in the microwave. " grab the Mountain dew will ya?" She asks. He returns to the fridge and grabs the 2 liter. when the microwave beeps she takes out the plate and hands it to Han and sticks hers in. " So if you're great friends with them why Haven't I seen you around?" She asks after grabbing her plate and parking herself back on her Perch. He walks around tha Bar and sits down next to her, far enough away that she didn't feel closed in. A flash of pain crosses his face for a split second before smoothing away.


"My girlfriend Isabell died on our last job, I had to get away so I moved To Tokyo some place we had always talked about going." He says after a while. Katie chews her food slowly letting his words sink in.


"What made you come back?" She asks blurts out before she could stop herself. She puts her hand over her mouth in regret, "S**t I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry." he looks at her from the corner of his eye and smiles at her again, shaking his head.


"Its OK You're not prying," He reassures her. He finishes off his food and gets up to soak his dish, with his back turned he finishes his story. "Something happened with a guy I accocaited with and I had to get out of there, so I moved back home. The kid that worked under me and was learning my trade now runs my business, Or at least I assume." He says turning off the water. He turns around to look at her, his hands behind him resting on the sink as he leans back, his feet sticking out in front of him. Katie looks at him in a whole new light, Something from his story stuck in her mind and before she knew it she was blurting out again.


"You said Tokyo right? My brother moved down there about 6 years ago, before I came here. His name's Shawn." She said to him in a rush. Almost like her words slapped him he flinches slightly and stood rigid.


"What'd you say your last name was" He asks slowly. Squirming with sudden nerves her voice deserts her and she has to swallow a few times and clear her throat before answering.


"Hendricks, But Shawn has his father's last name, Bronson. I have my Rotten father's last name. Same mom, different dads... Sadly." She says in a rush looking down as memories of her father and brother flooded her mind. An involuntary whimper of fear escapes her lips. A hand places softly on her shoulder makes her flinch violently. The hand withdraws quickly. She looks up and sees Han, worry written all over his face. She gives him a weak smile and fights back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. " I'm OK, just.... flash backs. You stay around here long enough and you'll get use to me acting like a freak." She says in a small shaky voice. He smiles at her in understanding.


"You're not a freak Katie, I know what it's like to get flashbacks when you don't want them. After Isabell died I would get Flashbacks about it all the time. I still do every now and again." He says to her. She looks at him and smiles and without realizing what she was doing she hugs him hard. He wraps his arms around her and hugs her back just as hard. It was like they both realized what they were doing and they quickly jumped apart. a blush was creeping across her cheeks and when she dared a peak at him she could tell he was trying to hide one as well. He looked at her and cleared his throat. "Don't worry I'll keep this between us, But you owe me." He says She smiles at him and raises an eyebrow.


"What could I possibly owe you?" She challenges. He puts his hand on his chin and taps in mock thinking.


"Hmmmm how about you tell me your story tomorrow? same time same place." He looks at her with wide honest eyes. She swallows and stares back at him. He told her his story with no hesitation, she owed him at least the same thing. Another flash back threatened to take her but she pushed it away with a smile.


"Deal" She says and sticks her hand out. The two shake hands and head up the stairs together. He walks her to her room and right before she opens it she turns to look at him as he leaned against her door frame, arms crossed. "Well its been fun" She teases. He just looks at her with seriousness.


"Until next time Katie, Goodnight." He whispers in the quiet night. And with one final look he pushes himself off the frame and heads to his room, the door making a quiet snick when he closes it. she stares at his closed door for a few moments trying to get her emotions back in order. With a shake of her head she goes into her room and lays down to sleep. The last thought on her mind was the admition that she might be falling for him.


Han lay in bed as his mind reels. The Raw emotions that ran across Katie's face was still fresh on his brain. The teenager had been to hell in back in her short 15 years. But anyone who looked at her could tell she was a fighter and that's what he liked about her. She didn't let her past consume her and destroy her, she pushed on and fought everyday to live, Just like him. His eyes widen in the Dark as a new recollection dawns on him. What he starting to care for this girl? It was imposable, It was out of line. He was TEN years older then her. SHE was his best friends Daughter practically. He groans and rolls over onto his side. What was this girl doing to him?


© 2015 Fenix Flight

My Review

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I liked this chapter. Create some history and character strength.
" She didn't let her past consume her and destroy her, she pushed on and fought everyday to live, Just like him. His eyes widen in the Dark as a new recollection dawns on him."
The above lines showed strong thoughts and the will to be strong. I liked the story. Thank you for sharing the excellent chapter.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 7, 2015
Last Updated on June 21, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
