![]() The ReckoningA Story by felioness![]() A hard lesson one old cowboy learned when he found out that there is more to life than one always sees.![]() ![]() Well now I be gitten old, an ma life ain’t been an easy one. Say Some it might a bin a down-right horror, but ya sees, I knows better. Ya, I were once a bad apple in me youth, and like all youngins I felt invincible. Then summit happened t’set me straight an I ain’t nary been the same since; though sum might say it weren't much for t'better either. I allers use t’carrys guns and prolly will til the days I die, but these days I carries mine "ace in the hole," doan wanna scare folks no more, ya sees, cuz now I carries mine fer entirely diff’rent reasons. I took some advise from an ole feller I met, an got meself sum special bullets. Back yonder, I were nuthin but a bully an a sorry-assed thief. Too wild t’work and twice as lazy. Ain’t nary gawn t' school neither. I allers thought it t’were only fer sissies, least ways that’s what my pa allas said, and he wuz one mean, tough, somabitch fer sure. Ma died not too long after birthin me, an me older brothers were long gone by the time I wuz knee high to a grasshopper. T’wernt much later I did the same. Like I says, pa wuz mean ... gawdawful mean. It were then I met up with a group of fellers who showed me another way. I ran wild with them for a good piece til ever'thang went s**t crazy. I member it like t’were yesterday… It were late fall and the sun had set. I wuz alone then, cuz them boys started a bit o'trouble in town. Hank and his twin, Earl, wuz thrown into t’hoosegow after having summit of a difficulty with the sheriff, and Seth shinned t’hell out afore he joined ‘em. Then Roy, poor ole lunger that he were, got taken by the consumption - we all saws it comin - guess it were just his time, anyways, after that, Billy met a lonely California widow and made hisself scarce. There I were, all but sixteen an on me own. I were lucky enough ta escape the hullabaloo, but left town when I felt me welcome wuz wearin out. Truth is, I were skint, an gitten a fair mount desperate, when I sees this old geezer walkin down ta road after I been travellin fer a few hours. I wuz shoar ‘nuff ready to take anythang that old bugger had, sos I climbs off me scrub mare, and starts amblin t’ords him, all casual like. Dint look like he wuz carryin, but I never minded. I hadda coupla colts hangin on ma hips, sos I weren’t overly worried none; but I kept me eyes on him jest' ta same. The wind wuz pickin up as the sun went down, an the old guy just stood there as I walked t'ord 'im... his faded duster flappin in the wind. He were watchin me, watchin 'im. As I neared, I heard ’im say, ”shoar is cold tonight my friend, winter’s comin early this year I fear, so let’s jus say our helloes an goodbyes quick-like and be on our ways. I best bes gitten home”. Lazy-like, I drew me shiny black-eyed susan’s, aiming them two bad girls at his chest, an sneered, “empty yer pockets ole man.” The ole feller acted like he never heard a word I says, an jest kept right on a-talkin. “There’s a fire back there, and some homemade rye“an I think ma woman made up some pie, and in truth son, you doan wanna die, so put yer guns away”. Summit wuz feelin sorta off. A glimmer of unease was creepin, ant-like, up me spine. He dint seem a'tall put off, but I glared at 'im, as devil-eyed and bad-assed as kid with a couple of guns can muster, an tried ta stare 'im down. “You doan talks much an that’s alright" he sez, "an me, I’m more of a lover, I doan like to fight, an I ain’t prepared to shed yer blood tonight, sos boy, you best be doin what I says." He looked up then, his grizzled beard catching light from the moon, an I saws his shoulders start jerkin sum, and his hands curl and uncurl at his sides, sorta claw-like. “That ole moon’s about as full as a moon can be, an now that damn ole curse is commin over me, an kid, it just ain’t wise for you ta stay...” I glanced up too ... that Hunter moon were hanging in the sky like a big ole jack o'lantern afore it been cut. Then I looks back at the old man, and he sez, “sees that there cross high up on that hill? Well now, my boy rests there, all stiff an still, an it were me who put him there … when I had my fill... that ole moon just makes me crazy. Boy, I hopes there’s silver in them there guns, cuz yer gonna end up just like ma son, an ya wont's have a chance if ya trys ta run, sos its best youse jest leave afore thangs go foul….” Behind the old bugger I saws that cross he wuz goin on about. It were silhouetted in the dark by the light of that big bloody lookin pocked moon; ‘bout made me shiver like some schoolgirl, but I sets me jaw an in a low mean voice I sez, “ empty yer pockets you crazy ole geezer, or I’ll fill yer useless hide full of lead.” Them mean minded words meant naught to him, and without breakin stride, he carried right on atalkin. “Sees,” he said, “I feels real bad ‘bout what I did last month ma friend, an 'twas ma woman who cursed me to this bad end, but tonight you looks just like my poor son, Will - all hard-eyed with that same tough-assed scowl, sos if ya leaves right now I’ll lets ya go, but ya gotta be quick, cuz I feels the feelin grow... an if you wait too long...,“ then his words sounded more like a growl, “you’ll end up like my poor boy Will … dead from bein disemboweled”. Me guns dropped to them holsters like they wuz put on on fire. An lord luv me, I ran faster then a six-legged rabbit; leapin on ta ma hoss like I had wings and wupped her poor ole hide with a frenzy I dint knowed I had. I din't dare look back as them hooves wuz kickin up clay, an I still gets the shivers - even to this day - when I hears me a wolf a- howling. There’s more ta this world then most folks will ever know, but I thinks somehow I got saved that day, and sos, I decided ta make sumpin of meself, and since then I been playin pretty much straight. I guess in some snake-twisted way I should be thankful fer meetin that ole man ... still, I aint ever goin nowhere on no full moon, nohow, fer nobody, I reckon. © 2020 felionessReviews
1 Review Added on April 6, 2020 Last Updated on April 6, 2020 Tags: fiction, short story, cowboy, fantasy, werewolf AuthorfelionessSaskatchewan, CanadaAboutI live in Saskatchewan, Canada. I am a daydreamer who lives to write. I live quietly sharing my home with two dogs and three cats. more..Writing