![]() Chapter 1 - TyA Chapter by 747DECEMBER 18 “Meep, meep, meep, meep, meep-” “Ugh, shut up,” I groaned as I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock beside my bed. Half debating opening my eyes, I let my arm fall to dangle off the edge of the bed, smacking into the wooden frame full force. “Son of a-” I growled, curling myself back up underneath the blankets. F**k it. The world can wait. My mind was just starting to get fuzzy with sleep when my alarm came back on full force, “MEEP, MEEP, MEEP, MEEP-” “For the love of Christ,” I spun around, flinging my feet off the bed to the floor and snatching up the clock in one movement, sending it careening across the room. It hit my dresser with a crunch and landed on the floor in multiple pieces. “Shut up,” I whispered, glaring at it; as if it would glue itself together, grow legs and walk over to blast its siren scream in my ear again had I not told it to be quiet. I looked around, it slowly dawning on me that I no longer had an immediate means of checking the time. My gaze disdainfully settled on the little pieces of black and white as I gave it one final hate filled stare and pushed myself off the bed. I made my way out of the bedroom, turning right down the hallway towards the living room. I maneuvered around the various objects left on the floor; a small pile of clothes; a few haphazardly stacked books; some weights left misplaced from their set " the list of my lacking organization went on and on. Personally, I didn’t see anything wrong with it. Everything was always exactly where you left it, ready for the next time you used it. AJ though, believed everything had a place, and it should be in that place when not in use. To his credit he never invaded my space with his mindset, but when he would come downstairs and give me that aggravated stare more than twice in a day, I usually took the hint and tamed the disaster. Just a little bit. Reaching the back of the couch, I flipped over it to land on the soft and faded brown leather cushions. I closed my eyes and lay there for a minute, all motivation and purpose lost. “Well, don’t you look lively this fine Saturday morning?” I grinned, not bothering to open my eyes. “No less than usual.” He laughed, “Isn’t that the truth.” I opened my eyes, tilting my head back towards his voice. AJ stood just behind me, head bent down over the couch. His satin black hair almost threatened to fall in his light gray-green eyes. He hated when his hair got more than a couple inches long, it must have been driving him nuts. My hair on the other hand, was a mirror of his in colour but a polar opposite in style. He kept his short and clean, whereas I left mine long and shaggy. Our eyes were a near dead match though, not off by more than a shade. “So, you’re up pretty early for an off Saturday,” he let a grin break across his face, which upside-down, looked kinda creepy. “Did you forget you have time off?” “Ha. Yea. Must ‘a slipped my mind,” I snorted as I used my core muscles to pull myself up, throwing my legs off the couch as I did so. He regarded me with a smirk and raised eyebrows, silently asking, seriously, why are you awake? I couldn’t hide the smile that played across my lips, probably clear as day telling my brother, oh, you know, just gonna go pick up your Christmas present bright and early. For once though, my words didn’t betray me, “I have to go meet Rebecca. She’s going shopping for some last minute Christmas presents.” I carefully made only glancing eye contact in hopes he wouldn’t see straight though the blatant lie. I was generally a pretty terrible liar to start with, forget about to my brother. His eyebrows lowered and the smirk deepened, “Uh huh.” He paused, looking me over; trying to read what was really going through my mind. “When are you supposed to meet her?” S**t! I still have to call Stan to set a pick up… “Uh… I dunno. I was gonna call her once I was actually awake.” “Then I guess you should wake up,” his right hand flicked forward and an apple sailed towards my head. I counted myself lucky, half the time it would have been a knife. Always keeping me prepared, on my toes, all that brotherly crap. Personally I thought he was just an a*****e - he knew I couldn’t catch for s**t. I did manage to catch the apple though, and with a grin I took a massive bite out of it. I munched the sweet crisp fruit, watching AJ slide over to the other couch and stiffly lean back against the armrest. “How’s your knee?” I nodded towards his right leg. He was still favouring it pretty seriously. He’d taken a pretty brutal kick to it a couple weeks before, but he hadn’t been limping that bad the previous day. AJ did a lot of fitness training. When not injured, he went for two 5-10KM runs every day, rain or shine, and would sometimes even do bench sets with me in the basement. On top of that, he did Muay Thai, Kickboxing, and several types of martial arts training with a select group at a dojo downtown a couple times a week. It wasn’t so much a class, as an invite only smack down session. They didn’t go to ‘learn new skills’, they went to hone them. I’d gone to watch quite a few times, the first time intending to participate. That had been a whole lot of nope right at the front door. Literally. AJ and I had walked through the door, and I’d watched someone twice my size get slammed down onto the thin mats like he was nothing more than a sack of meat. Yep, I’d turned to AJ with an “I-don’t-f*****g-think-so” and walked over to the spectator bench. Not to get me wrong, I loved a good fight; but that was not fighting. That was two people going at each other with broken broom handles to make a mop out of the other. That I was not into. I had enough trouble trying to keep myself intact from the legitimate fights that I was in on a regular basis, and the constant luckless situations I found myself in. He shrugged, tilting his head back and forth. “I’m alright, just got a little… carried away.” Which, for my brother was basically code for; I was good until I decided to run half a marathon, box for an hour, and then take someone on in the ring. More or less. “Right,” I nodded knowingly. I was no better for pushing myself with injuries that should have been left alone to heal, actually I was probably worse. I tended to be lazier about it though. I went to the gym and did hard sets, but running? Nope. F**k that s**t. Another way that my brother and I were opposite. He generally knew better, and actually listened to that inner voice of reason. I felt a smug satisfaction in knowing my completely Zen, ‘know-thy-self’, totally in-tune brother had pushed himself too far. I took another gigantic bite to hide the smart a*s grin that was spreading across my face. AJ opened his mouth to respond the exact moment that my phone started to ring. I lunged forward off the couch to scoop it up from the coffee table before AJ had a chance to see the caller ID. Good thing too, because it was Mr. Stanley Brown himself. I turned around, squeezing my eyes shut and sucked in a short breath; hoping that by sheer power of will AJ wouldn’t be able to hear the other end of the conversation. “Uh… Hey, man…” D****t Ty, you’re already f*****g this up, just be cool. “What’s up?” “I was goin’ da ask you. You wan’ those Condor’s?” “Yeah… Yeah, I do.” I prayed to God that I was being general enough. “A’right, good. You wan’ p’ck dem up today?” “Uh… Yeah. Yeah, I do.” “Man yo’r talkin’ weird. Yo brother listenin’?” “Uh… Yeah.” “A’right, a’right. How ‘bout you meet me a’ da res aroun’ 10. We tra’ der. Coo’?” “Yeah, Okay. Talk later man.” The line died and I brought the phone down from my ear. Opening my eyes, I could feel AJ’s on me, and I felt like the little kid who’d been caught stealing a chocolate chip cookie after bed time. I managed to turn around, with only half a cringe. Raised eyebrows and a smugly curious expression greeted me, “So, what was that about?” “Uh, nothin’.” Then I quickly added, “Important. Nothin’ important. Don’t worry about it, we’re good.” I sounded like a guilty idiot, even to myself. “Uh huh,” he murmured, his right eyebrow quirking up as he brought his arms up across his chest. I shrugged, then finally took a moment for a good stretch, which was promptly followed by a wide yawn. I shook my head then lifted my eyes back up to meet AJ’s, which were still fixed with the same smugly amused expression. I shrugged again, rolling my eyes, “C’mon, I’m innocent.” He pushed himself off the armrest of the couch, “You’re the farthest thing from it, little brother.” He reached over and ruffed my already bed stricken hair as he walked back towards the stairs with a slight limp. “That’s right; just hobble yourself back to your territory! Fear me! The Terrible Non-innocent Ty!” He half turned around, amusement clear in his eyes. His gaze slid down momentarily to the scarred skin across my chest. For a moment the amusement flickered away to something darker, but he forced the smile back to his face. “More like The Terrible Luck Ty.”
“Hey, f**k you.” I marched past him back towards the hall, “I’m gonna have a shower, since you’re no longer in any state to be associated with.”
I heard him laugh as I passed my bedroom door, but just as I pushed open the bathroom door he called out, “Don’t drown in there, Terrible Ty!”
“Oh f**k off,” I muttered as I slammed the door behind me. I was just stepping out of the shower when my cell phone rang again. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my boss this time. “Hello?” I answered. “Hello, Ty. I hope I didn’t wake you.” “No. What do you need?” I asked suspiciously. There was a tentative pause before I got the answer, “I need you to work today.” “Call Scott. He’s the back up for Eldon when he decides not to show up. Not me.” I said coolly. “Yes,” he answered slowly, “I know, and I tried both of them but neither one will answer. I wouldn’t have called you if I had anyone else but I don’t. Neil and Stu are both on vacation, and Blake will be out for another two or three weeks at least because of his snowboarding accident. You’re the only one I have left to call Ty, and I need a tech.” S**t. There’s no way that I’m gonna get out of this, I thought to myself, knowing it to be true even before accepting it. I had fully intended to pick up my brother’s Christmas present - a set of condor dismissal throwing knives, and working would mean I’d have to reschedule " for the third time. As I mulled this over in my mind, I didn’t realize how long I had been silent. Erin’s voice startled me when he spoke again, making me jump, “Come on Ty, I’ll pay you overtime for the whole day.” “You should hire more mechanics,” I suggested in an evasive tone. After a moment of his silence expecting me to say something else he called my name again in a warning tone. “Yeah, yeah. Twenty minutes.” I didn’t wait for an answer before hanging up the phone. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom into my room, proceeding to rummage through the drawers of the old splintered dresser that had earlier been the final catalyst in my alarm clock's murder. Finally finding a full set of clothes, I threw on a black t-shirt and jeans, and grabbed my work bag before heading out. I glanced at myself in the mirror - ensuring I looked presentable, and that the Glock 9 I’d tucked into my waistband wasn’t visible - before heading upstairs. I dropped my bag in the entryway and slipped into my boots, not bothering to tie them up as I grabbed my worn leather gang jacket off its hook. It was like any other well-worn bike jacket, except for the patch - a white and black cross that spanned nearly the entire back. The numbers 19-1-9 rested above the left branch, and the word NORTH hung beneath the right; removing any doubt that I represented The Saints, and was in fact not some biker Christian with the love of God in me. Of course the fact that the cross didn’t look like anything you would see on the end of a rosary probably helped that image as well. Outlined in thick, jagged white lines and accented with tones of flat black and grey, it didn't exactly give off a "Jesus loves you" vibe. Not to mention that the patch and leather itself were scuffed and scraped bad enough in a few places from crashing that I was surprised none of the LT’s had stripped me of it. Especially Julius. The last time he’d seen me with it in September he’d given me a serious warning, and that was before I’d put a pinks bike down on my birthday - adding a long lovely gouge through the 19 and part of the cross. Yeah, if Julius saw it now, I would definitely be stripped. Shrugging into my leather, I reached for keys on the shelf beside the door when I heard movement behind me. I half drew for my 9 as I turned, but relaxed at seeing my brother regarding me with a questioning expression. “Where are you headed in such a hurry?” He asked, his tone light but suspicious. “I got called to work,” I growled, more than a little annoyed. “I thought you had two weeks off.” There was no judgement in his voice, just recollection. “Yeah, I thought so too. Apparently time off at that place that isn’t spent in a foreign country is just considered ‘on call time’,” I bit angrily before simmering to readdress AJ. “No one else is pickin’ up their damn phones. If only I’d been so wise,” I rolled my eyes, pausing to take a fraction of a second to imagine myself ignoring my phone and having the day go as planned; then let it go with a sigh. “Besides, money is money and I could definitely use the cash.” “Alright, I hear you,” he paused, reaching into his pocket. Withdrawing his hand I saw the glint of keys. “Don’t be an idiot though, take my truck.” He held out the keys. I shook my head. “I’ll be fine AJ, I don’t expect to be there long once I get a hold of Eldon or Scott. Then again, after I wring their necks I’ll probably have to work straight though my days off. Anyway, point is I’ll be fine on my bike. I know you hate me ridin’ in winter but seriously, just relax for once, okay?” I zipped up my jacket and slipped on my gloves for emphasis. Yeah, it was true that I could handle myself on two wheels in winter, but that wasn’t why I refused his truck. I rode my bike half the time just to flash my gang wear. The real reason though, was I didn’t want AJ to get pinned because of me. We looked enough alike - he was a bit taller, more willowy, shorter hair; but still damn close - that from behind the wheel, he could look close enough to me for someone to think of taking him out. All it would take was someone from another gang to see me get out of his truck one time, and it would be a target. My brother would become a target. He hadn’t chosen to dive into the gang like I had, and I respected that. He understood my reasons for going all-in, and I understood his for hanging back on the fringe. I damn sure wasn’t gonna do anything to drag him down with me. “Well at least wear your helmet ya twit,” his voice pulled me back to see his lips quirked up at the corner. I couldn’t help but laugh as I grabbed my helmet from the shelf, “I’m a twit to you anyway so what’s it matter?” Before he could answer I turned to open the door. “I’m serious, Ty. Be careful. The roads are really bad.” I paused, tilting my head to look at him sidelong through my hair. His grin had faded and he wore a look of serious concern. I guess that happened when you watched your only family constantly find ways to get himself admitted to the hospital. Then again, he wasn’t always that much better at avoiding the ER, but one of us had to get the shorter straw more often than the longer one. It just happened to be me. “I’ll see you later,” I countered as reassurance before walking out the door. I slipped my helmet over my still damp hair, loosely doing up the strap, but not before I heard him repeat my words and call me crazy with some extra colourful language. Later... Yeah it would be later all right, a helluva lot later. As my luck would have it, it took me twenty-three minutes to get to work. Though I was counting myself lucky that I’d actually made it, considering I’d nearly been killed by both a Civic and a Caravan on the ride over. Throwing the kickstand down, I pulled off my helmet as I dismounted. Tucking my helmet under my arm, I headed for the back door. If I could slip in the back and throw my coveralls on before he saw me, I could pretend that I’d had a phone call or something. Ha, I thought sarcastically, like I haven’t had enough of phone calls for one morning. My hand was almost on the handle when I heard movement behind me. I was half turned, my hand nearly around the grip of my Glock, when suddenly the world went dark. My first confused thought was that I had passed out, but then I felt something tighten around my throat and instantly knew better. I fought to get free but the cord around my neck tightened and I was yanked backwards off my feet. I kept fighting to get free, but there were at least two people flanking me that kept dragging me along, and I could barely even breathe. As I tried one last time to yank free my momentum ended up helping my head get smashed into something metal; and I was out. © 2017 747Author's Note
Featured Review
5 Reviews Added on December 2, 2014 Last Updated on March 6, 2017 A Merry F***ing Christmas
Chapter 2 - J
By 747
Chapter 4 - J
By 747
Chapter 6 - J
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Chapter 9 - J
By 747Author![]() 747Alberta, CanadaAboutI'm not going to lie anymore, I'm not very active nowadays. That said, If you message me I will respond in a reasonable time-frame; whether it be to request a review, just to say hi, or any number o.. more..Writing