![]() What Exactly is the Universe Up to?A Poem by fattycbreezy52![]() A series to make quarantine less boring![]() ![]() You say it's quarantine, I say it's self-isolation. You say it's social-distancing, I say, 'Hey jackass! I have all the time in the world." Never imagined things would come down to this. Is it actually going down or just in the process of getting better. Can't even say, right? And who would have thought that clanking utensils and doing something as mundane and frivolous as clapping would transform into a symbol or mark of honor for those serving the nation 24/7? Good move. I swear! That's brave. That's incredible. It's almost like going inside the fire and still coming out of it unburnt. Such are our heroes! Even with 20 masks on, I would still get sweaty palms! If you analyze your quarantine days and compare it with "life before corona," you will see that there was a discontent and the stress levels had been surging. The same "you" had wanted to take a day off from work or college, just to 'Netflix and Chill' at home. What has become of you now? And suddenly when we have all the time in the world, our system just doesn't want to take it! Time is what we had wanted! On the outside, it might look like a terrible situation but for Universe things are just as they should be or should have been. There is no Corona, there is no Virus! It's neither good nor bad It's simply an energy doing round in the cosmos. May be one day, when you wake up from your sleep, you might just realize that, "Corona was only a product of your mind." © 2020 fattycbreezy52Reviews
3 Reviews Added on April 10, 2020 Last Updated on April 10, 2020 Tags: #coronadiaries #universe #quaran Author![]() fattycbreezy52AboutMusic,dancing,singing,acting,dubbing,writing and playing with voices are my areas of specialization/existence. Being a Literature student,my love for Keats,Coleridge and Blake led me all the way to t.. more..Writing