And so you grew up Taking sticks and kicks From brain-dead pricks Until you grew big enough To pay them back For such was life On the family estate
And then you walked hard streets With your hand on your money And your heart in your mouth Learning to spot thieves pimps and dealers In a glance from north to south Until you learned to survive By becoming wolf instead of prey And from night to night and day to day You learned to live that way
And then........ You think you know every trick and how to talk real quick Tip-Toeing between the guns and blades of the deeply sick With a smirk on your face and eyes up your arse Now you're quite at home in this dangerous farce And then, like a sudden kick in the family jewels You go and fall in love!
Yup. Ain't it. we spend our lifetimes trying to be quick and cunning , eking our lives in a ruthless world and when finally it seems that we have stored away all the love that could have made us weak and fragile - bang- down we love...and life - it's never the same gain. Bravo!