Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by fantasyluver2

Chapter Six



                As I left the courtyard and walked to the school I thought about how I was going to get through this day and all I could come up with was positive thinking………Obviously I was going to have issues with this sure I could be positive but I think hanging out with Lissa has led me to be more dramatic, my friends (besides Lissa) and family find this annoying. I don’t blame them when I’m with Lissa sometimes I want to pull all my hair out and if I’m even a fraction of Lissa when she gets like that I would want to hit me too.

                Mark couldn’t be that bad I haven’t even given him a chance, I just met him yesterday maybe I’m just being paranoid. I mean seriously how bad could he be? No worse than the King of Pervs, Dylan. Dylan had his moments though like when the school didn’t have enough spirit about the football team he made his own pep rally with every group in the entire school including; Drama Club, Chess Club, Math Club, Spanish Club, etc. Then there was the time he stood up for the new gay couple, Tony and Gabriel, who were being picked on by the moron Justin Krieg, well I don’t know if it was for the couple or if he wanted to punch him, or maybe because I was already there screaming in Justin’s face and he wanted to impress me, which he kind of did, Justin’s nose was smashed to pieces (even though I didn’t let him know that I was).

The thing about Dylan is that he is cocky and he has a devious mind that can think out ingenious plans that can harm if he wants. Usually we make plans at getting back at each other, we’ve been doing this ever sense we met in kindergarten. I immediately hated Dylan when he had his group of friends go bully on all the smaller kids and pull on all the girl’s hair, so of course being me I went up to the source of the problem and challenged him to a game of soccer winner was in charge of the other. Being the idiot he is, he agreed even though his friends told him that he shouldn’t. So we played and it got dirty but he didn’t realize that Logan Graystone was my brother and played with me a lot tougher than him, so I tripped him up and won the game, he was my personal slave for about two point five seconds because a boy couldn’t be bossed around by a girl. So he pushed me down and I went after him till my brother came on to the play ground and asked why Dylan and I were kicking each other in the shins, he pulled Dylan away from me and told him that if he ever touches me again he will hang him by his shoelaces on the monkey bars (this is back when my brother was kind of nice). Dylan never physically touched me again until my brother was in middle school but he always came up with ways to torture me and the challenge in his eyes has never left, but I always got him back.

Then we reached middle school where boys and girls no longer thought the other was disgusting (even though boys still are, just kidding) Dylan had his first girl friends and I had my first boy friend. Then something strange happened I hit puberty and Dylan saw me as curves, legs, and lips, he has tried almost every day to get into my pants sense then. I am proud to say that to this day Dylan has never, ever, ever come even close.

The bell rang as I entered the Math hallway signaling that it was time for Mr. Becker’s class, he is a cool teacher he usually jokes with me on a day of a big game to relax me but I don’t know if anything could make me relax with Mark in the room. Mr. Becker was going on and on about some math equation that I could see through the window in the door and the class was zoning out. So I thought to lighten the mood I would make faces for the class. So I started making Blah Blah Blah gestures, only some of the kids saw me and then I had every ones attention when I started dancing , I could hear them laughing through the door and I knew Mr. Becker would catch me soon so I turned to look at him, he was just starting to turn so I ducked. Then I heard his footsteps so I got right against the door so he couldn’t see me at that angle through the window and balanced on my feet so I could jump up and run if I had to. When I heard the footsteps retreat I waited a few more minutes and got back up to knock on the door to walk in and begin class.

“Why Miss Morgan if that courtyard isn’t spotless then I would assume you have been messing around at my door?” He said with a firm tone but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

“Mr. Becker I am appalled that you would think so lowly of me to where I would disturb this fine learning environment. These students live off the information that you feed to their minds if I were to interrupt that it would be like taking away the air they breathe.” I said with a dramatic hand gesture and placing it over my heart like how they would in old plays.

“Oh Miss Morgan your theatrics are astounding I could have sworn I saw you in my mirror mocking me, it must have been my imagination.” He said rolling his eyes and playing along, while the rest of the class laughed themselves into hysterics.

“It must be the fumes from the dry erase markers and the need of fresh air. Plus there are so many that you have to keep your eye on that you may be becoming stressed.” I said keeping my face completely blank except for the mock worry.

“Thank you for your concern Miss Graystone, but I would be less stressed if some of the kids actually worked in my class on Math. You just never see that anymore, Miss Graystone.” The class immediately started laughing.

“My generation is a disappointment I know but I promise that I will put all my attention into every syllable you speak in this class.” I said and raised my hand in oath, but I crossed my fingers behind my back where only the class could see and walked back to my desk. The class wouldn’t stop laughing and Mr. Becker just grinned.

“Thanks I appreciate that and I hope you mean that. I wish Math came to you like soccer does.” Mr. Becker said and went back to calming the class down. When they finally did he started teaching again. Everyone around me looked more relaxed then they did through the window.

“Congrats I didn’t know that Math class could be so entertaining.” Mark said in the desk next to me and I immediately tensed but played it cool.

“Well now you know that I am Mr. Becker’s favorite.” I said with a smug smile. He laughed and it sent chills up my spine and I had to clench my jaw to stop any movement. He gives me the creeps and I can’t help my self I get a cold chill from it and cover it up with moving my chair.

“Maybe I can sneak my way into his heart, so I can be late for class and get special treatment.” I faked a laugh and turned to face him; I locked my eyes with his red-brown ones and almost jumped. He was staring at me so intensely and his face showed amusement like he could hear what I was thinking. He made me feel sick to my stomach and sometimes I wanted to run other times I wanted to punch those kinds of looks off his face.

“I highly doubt that, it takes serious talent to get to my level of awesomeness with teachers.” I said with self pride.

“You’re probably right I’ll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.” He said staring at me intensely like he was looking into my soul and definitely not in a good way.


                When I got to lunch there were posters all over the place for the game and I saw our school colors on the majority of the students. I looked around and found my friends sitting at the picnic tables outside on the quad it was nice out so I decided I would join them in the sunshine. Lissa and Jamie were going at it like usual; everyone else was watching them in amusement.

“Running in high heels is definitely a life skill and I think that it should be a sport if chasing a ball down a field is.” Lissa said

“Did you just say that the most popular sport in the world is not as hard as running in heels?!” Jamie screeched

                I looked over at the guys and they were all chuckling, Chad, Brian, and Connor are our guy friends who always sit with us and then there was Chloe and Daniel. They were dressed in school colors but in there own styles which for the girls was skater/prep, ‘You’d think that would be a hard combination but it came easily for them.’ The boys of course weren’t that creative and just wore their team shirts they got this year.

“I’d like to see you run from one end of the mall to the other in 5 inch heels without hurting anything or anyone then you can say it’s not a sport.” Lissa said in Jamie’s face.

“I’ve seen her do that shoe sale she almost pulled my arm out of socket dragging me.”I said and sat down in between Daniel and Chloe ‘cause it was either them or in between Jamie and Lissa where I could more than likely lose an eye.

“But would you consider it a sport? Or would you consider it more impressive than soccer?”Jamie asked dragging me into there fit.

“Would I consider it a sport? No-

“Ha, see it doesn’t count as a sport!” Jamie said

“She was still talking so if you shut your huge trap you would have heard that she thinks it’s more impressive than soccer!” Lissa screamed

“I don’t consider it a sport but it could be in like a relay and I would be impressed but it is definitely not a skill better than soccer. Do you know how dirty the game can get?” I asked in disbelief

“Do you know that if I’m running in high heels for a sale and someone was to get in my way how ‘dirty’ it would get?” She said

“Oh I’m sure you would claw your way through the store but you can actually break bones, permanently damage muscle and stuff like that by playing in the big leagues. Any way how is everyone?”I said looking at the group hoping to change the subject.

“Well my day was going great till I got to the table first and was the only one here while the two demons went at it again.” Chad said with a shudder. Chad is one of the funniest people I know and he isn’t that bad looking, he has milk chocolate colored curls and light jade eyes that I always thought were pretty, and he is a major jock. He has had a crush on Jamie for ever and everyone knows it except her ‘cause she is rapped up in her own life. They get along fine and they mess with each other a lot and I think she secretly likes him back but is just an idiot for not seeing he feels the same.

“Now you know how I felt yesterday, they dragged me into it though and I couldn’t get out.” Brian said with mock terror on his face. Brian is basically the male, straight version of Lissa he is very dramatic. He has short (recently dyed) black spiked hair. He dyes his hair almost every other week ‘cause he says he keeps himself and everyone else entertained. I don’t even remember what his natural hair color is anymore. He was the skinniest out of the guys but he is hot-headed so he can hold his own.

“Suck it up they are just girls, we’ve known them for ever and it’s not like they could actually hurt you.”Connor said doing what he does best causing a fight. Connor is extremely competitive and cocky he thinks he is the all mighty ‘cause he is the biggest at the table. His biceps are the size of my head, which does not go unnoticed by the girls. He has gold straight hair, and a strong jaw (which I usually say is because of all the talking he does).

“You would have peed yourself if these girls would have came at you while basically foaming at the mouth.” Brian said

“Yeah and I’m convinced these girls could take you out if they wanted to.” Chad said looking at Jamie to see what she thought of his comment. ‘Man he is whipped’.

“You really think that we girls couldn’t take you out?” Jamie said incredulously.

“Yeah considering I’m a guy.”Connor said

“Alright that’s it right we are wrestling now!” Jamie screamed getting up from the table and walking to an empty spot on the lawn.

“You sure you want to do this? I don’t want to hurt you.” He said

“Then this should be easy ‘cause I’m not going to stop till I hurt you.” Jamie said with a growl.

                People started looking up from their lunches to see this ‘cause they knew it was going to be good. Jamie is the girl that usually got in fights with anyone and Connor was the kind of guy who would start and finish a fight for fun. They do this all the time and the last time they had to cut it short ‘cause the bell rang but there was another 15 minutes left of lunch.

                They began and Connor lunged for her shoulders but she dived for his legs and pushed him down. He grabbed her and pulled her hands off him and started trying to pin her but she flipped him over so she was straddling him and she started trying to pin his shoulders. He pushed her right on her stomach so she fell back and he stood up and started walking towards her when all the sudden Lissa came running and tackled him using all her weight. Jamie got up and saw her knock the breath out of Connor and came over to hold his shoulders down. It was over and the girls stood up and were awarded with high fives and whistles.

“That wasn’t a real victory they needed two girls to get me!” Connor roared

“Actually you said you could take us girls and I quote ‘considering I am a guy’, so I joined in sense you said you could handle us girls.” She emphasized on the ‘s’.

“Thanks, and I didn’t think you could actually do that hate to be the person to keep you from a sale.” Jamie said to Lissa who was fixing her hair.

“Oh you have no idea.” She said and Chloe, Daniel, and I went over to congratulate them while the guys went to make fun of Connor.

                Then the bell rang and just as we were heading out Lissa stopped and screamed “Connor I would just like to add that I did that in 5 inch heels!” We all bust out laughing even Jamie was because he turned bright red and I wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or anger.

                As I was heading to my next class I remembered Mark and was happy to say that I didn’t think about him at all during lunch. Of course that didn’t matter though when I got back into class where he was sitting there waiting for me to sit down in my seat beside him.

© 2010 fantasyluver2

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Added on October 23, 2010
Last Updated on October 23, 2010



Black River, NY

I'm a teenager with hopes and imagination. I have been working on two books, my friends have read them and so far they like them. I'm more into reading about mythical creatures and romance so far the.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by fantasyluver2

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by fantasyluver2