Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by fantasyluver2

Chapter Three



“Alright ladies lets get moving! I swear I think the Mountaineers are faster than us!” I screamed to my team, the Mountaineers are the worst team in the league and they know this.

“Oh come on, a team of blind girls with all broken legs could take them and we could do it on are death beds, and you know it Morgan!” Our goalie Jamie screamed and the rest of the locker room exploded with laughter and agreement.

“I know, I know but you guys still take forever! You might actually take longer then the guys!” I said and ran out of the locker room before I could get jumped.

                When I got to the field I looked over at the bleachers to see which perverts showed today to see us in our sports bras, and what do I see the entire football team sitting there with Dylan whistling. I clenched my fist and then thought of something better than throwing punches. I ran back into the locker room and told the girls, disgust and anger was clearly visible on their faces. So I grabbed my skateboard, which Lissa dropped off for me, and Jamie my girl knew exactly what I was doing and grabbed hers too.

“So are we going to show off or just shake them up a little bit?” Jamie said with a grin ear to ear.

“Oh I was thinking more on the lines of a snake attack.” I said with a grin of my own.

“I’m right behind you and so are Chloe and Daniel.” Jamie replied with a nod towards the other skaters.

                While the rest of the girls headed to practice on the field Jamie, Daniel, Chloe, and I went to the back entrance of the bleachers, skateboards in hands. We got into position, with me at the first handrail and the rest of the girls at the other handrails waiting for my signal to go. I nodded and mouthed now and we all jumped with our boards in unison and road the rails together heading straight for the guys. I guess they were to absorbed in the girls ‘cause they didn’t notice us until we reached them which was they all screamed like the little girls they are. We ended our ride with a high ollie making us look awesome.

“Well boys I hope you enjoyed the show!” I screamed to the boys that were running like hell.

“Impressive, but I came for something a little more thrilling.” Dylan said while giving me a suggestive look which I returned by flipping him off.

“Oh you know you want me Graystone so get over yourself!” He screamed while I walked back to the locker room to get my jersey.

                As I ran back out my coach called me over and told me the usual ‘good job on getting the girls out here fast’ and ‘way to go on taking care of the crowd’. Then it was time to start MY practice, the coach was not needed because the team respected me and knew I would get them far through the season.

“Alright today is running day!” which earned me a few groans and complains but I cut them short by saying, “Oh okay I thought we wanted to beat the Bolts tomorrow, but if you want to have a few collapsed lungs whatever.” I said and started running the track for our three miles and then things were going to get rough on the girls.

                I casually turned and saw that my entire team was running with me, I smiled to myself and pushed forward even though my foot hurt like hell. Then all of the sudden Simon’s face popped into my head, and I started thinking about our meeting for the twentieth time that day. “What if he doesn’t show and was just conning me the whole time so he could save his own neck?” or “What if he does show what could, he possibly tell me that I don’t know that would upset me?” or “What if he is just some creep trying that was trespassing?” or “What if he’s not?”. All these ‘what ifs’ that I won’t know until I go there. He is extremely gorgeous and kind of sweet (so far), so I am excited to go to that meeting but at the same time I’m scared to death. This could just be a creeper but then he could be telling the truth.

“Ugh.” I said from the headache I was forming.

“Captain, are you okay?” Daniel said with concerned eyes she was the only one on the team that could keep up with me so the rest of the team was back a little bit.

“Yeah I’m fine, just got a headache.”

                When we got done running we took a water break and the girls kept looking at me like I was growing a second head in front of them.

“What do I have something on my face?!” I screamed and slammed down my water bottle, which made a few of them flinch.

“No Morgan it’s just that you seem sort of out of it today.” Chloe said still looking at me calmly.

“I have a lot to think about including, how I’m going to get every single one of you to be an even better player for tomorrow!” I said with force and a smile.

“Yeah, so let’s give her some space before she makes us work till we’re puddles!” Jamie said making the team bust out in laughter.

“If you think space is going to stop me from pushing us to exhaustion your crazy!” I said laughing.

“Water break is over people, so get on the field now! We start 50/50 now!” They all groaned because they hated doing 50 crunches and then 50 push-ups over and over again but when I looked at them I could tell they were relieved that I was back. As we started our 50/50s I was finally getting into the routine instead of thinking of Simon.

“Hey Captain, how many are we doing, ‘cause it’s been 35 minutes and I feel like I’m going to role over and die.” Jamie said and the team agreed but I felt like I could keep going.

“Alright white vs. red come on people lets go!”

                We all grabbed our jerseys and put them either inside out or normal depending on what team they were on I was on red. I took position as a forward and the practice game began I was passed the ball and it was on, I dribbled down the field toward Jamie the opposite goalie and was blocked by one of our best defenders Zoey, who is huge but not that fast so I passed to Chloe who past it back, and was cut short by Amber. So I slid and kicked the ball away from her towards Chloe and got back up when Daniel passed to me but she booted the ball making it go to high and I hit it with my knee then my head and all I heard next was ‘Gooooooaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll!’ from Sabrina who can really belt it out.


“Way to go guys! Great practice, remember tomorrow is going to be even harder!” I said after we were back in the locker room. We all reeked of sweat and mud ‘cause the sprinklers turned on again.

“Nice Morgan real nice that’s exactly what we need to here right now. If we jumped you after Championships Friday would you really blame us?” Sabrina said with an evil grin which was not even close to as creepy as Mark’s.

“Yeah ‘cause do you think your a*s’s would have made it this far with out me bagging on you the whole time? I mean I love every one of you but you all need to be pushed sometimes.” I said while grabbing my board to head out but was stopped when I heard running and girls screaming playfully.

When I looked out there was the boy soccer team who ended last week and the football team with water guns and balloons. “Girls take the back exit the boys are having an unfair water fight outside.” I said while doing just that.

I grabbed my skateboard and made a fast retreat so I wouldn’t get soaked and sped away towards town. The café isn’t like a city fast food place it was an old fashion professional place and I liked it a lot plus I know the owner so that means special treatment. I opened the door to hear the familiar little bell and saw the paintings, the cappuccino maker shining from the sun going through the huge windows, and the low dimmed lights all making it look extremely gorgeous. My Aunt Kristy and Uncle Cameron, who is my father’s younger brother, bought this place it used to be a general store but they cleaned it up when I was 12, they named it Johnny Beans ‘cause one of there friends name was Johnny and he died. They’ve been running the place for five years and they don’t make that much money but they say they got it good. They are one of the sweetest couples I’ve ever met, they always ‘secretly’ make out in the back and when they are at the counter they are always touching each other some way, like a hand on the shoulder, or just having their hands over one another’s.

“Hey is there anyone here I’d like to order something before I’m forty.” I said to the empty counter, “Just because they are sweet to me doesn’t mean I can’t mess with them.”

“Morgan, wow I thought you hated us or something you haven’t been here in week”, Uncle Cameron said with a wink, “Where is faithful Lissa?”He asked

“I took her advice today and walked home from practice but of course I got a little tired so I had to regenerate.” I said with a tone that implied I wanted my drink now but I said it with a smile which he laughed at me for and Aunt Kristy handed me it. I gave them my money and sat down at a near by two person table.

“So I’m guessing the Bolts don’t have a chance against our Kingsville Rockets?” He said smiling while looking me over, my uniform reeked of sweat and was covered in mud.

“Yeah only the professionals can work this look and kick some major soccer ball in it too.” I said laughing

“Oh your confidence is so high I swear it rolls right off you.” Aunt Kristy giggled.

“What can I say, it runs in the family.” Then I looked at them and they looked like normal, with their young 26 year old faces, but there was something different, like they were about to explode with something big. “Alright what are you guys trying to hide?”

                They looked at each other and then at me and you could just see them thinking, ‘how did she know?’ “Okay, but if we tell you no one knows not a soul. Not your parents, your brother, Lissa, anyone do you understand?” I nodded and they grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the back room then shrieked “We’re Pregnant!” I jumped up and down yelling ‘congratulations’ and ‘I’m going to have a baby cousin’ while hugging them insanely.

“Yep we are going to tell everybody after your game tomorrow!” My aunt said

“Then I will be sure to win so all that night there is only good news!” I said and we went back out to the café so they could help the other customers. When I looked at the clock I saw that it was 7:15 meaning Simon was not showing up and my first assumptions were right that deflated my mood and I thought “What do you care, it’s not like he was anything special.” Either way I suppose I wouldn’t see him any ways so it doesn’t matter.

“Well I’ll see you guys tomorrow I have to get home to do my homework. Thanks for the service!” I said while walking out and getting on my skateboard.

“Your welcome! Put on a helmet while you’re at it!” My aunt screamed at me.

“Well don’t you sound like a mom?!” I said while pushing off the sidewalk and laughed around the bubble in my throat I’ve had ever since I saw the clock. “Stop being so stupid, he is no one to you!” I felt like he should but my head was saying the complete opposite. So I just kept riding home and every once in a while sneaking a glance at the beautiful night sky. Then my cell phone started ringing and I looked at it to see the number but I didn’t know it so I didn’t pick it up but they left a message so I listened to it and stopped my board completely when I heard it.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………S**t!” somebody mumbled and hung up.

My brain thought the voice sounded familiar but then thought, “What the hell was that?!” I had know idea what to do about that screaming message. It was a girl screaming but a boy cussed, I thought of Simon but the voice was older sounding. Then I thought my brother or my dad but it wasn’t them either.

I finally started riding again and got home in five minutes flat. I automatically looked at the woods for some reason and then the picture of me in Simon’s arms while he wore his great cocky smile popped into my head. Then I dropped my bag in the door way when I realized no one was home and started to walk towards the woods. “Hey, why not it’s not like Simon can tell you what to do? He doesn’t own you keep on moving chica.”

Then when I finally when entered the woods I heard the night creatures, and a picture popped into my head again but this on I didn’t recognize. It was me and Simon on the river bank when I was twelve but I just met him last night so how is this possible. “Great you’re creating a life with him!”

That’s when I heard someone was coming straight at me! “You idiot you went into the woods alone when no one was home!” then I thought “You were the one encouraging me!” But that didn’t matter right now I had to run and I couldn’t turn around because that would lead me straight to the person after me so I took my hidden short cut through the forest at top speed to get to the river I have know idea why I’m going to the river but it’s the most familiar thing in the forest to me. Luckily I’m wearing my converse and some heavy sweat pants now instead of the flimsy pajama pants and slippers, it’s a lot easier to run. I thought I lost the guy but when I stopped to listen I heard just barely the sound of feet following but that was impossible because the only people who can get through my short cut are the ones familiar with it and not even Lissa knows about it. The only way do it is to go through the rotting tree down the slope that is waiting on the other side and swing on the low branch up to the pine tree and then the river would be only a jog away.

I reached the river bank and started to climb the side of my waterfall where it wasn’t as slippery if you knew where to step. The waterfall erased all the sounds of the night including where my chaser was meaning I just had to keep climbing and hope that they couldn’t. When there was only a few more feet to climb I looked down to see where they were and someone was running towards where I started climbing I could barely make out the shape of them because of the mist from the waterfall.

I climbed as fast and as careful as I ever have in my life. When I reached the top I took off and started running towards the weaker part of the river. I took off my shoes which killed my already mutilated feet and jumped on the nearest boulder and caught my breath, this pretty much sucks that I’m being chased right after practice but the caffeine helped a lot. While carrying my shoes I jumped to the next rock and the next one on until I reached the middle of the wildest part of the river I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest if they could get to me now I was literally ‘s**t out of luck’ to quote my brother. “Well, how do you feel now? You just probably finished the biggest obstacle course you have ever seen in like nine minutes but you do have a possible murderer on your tail so it most likely was an adrenaline rush.”  Wow I have a weird thought process.

I heard someone gasp and realized it was myself when I saw a hand pull it self up by the waterfall. “No way, no way, no way it took me months to be able to climb that!” At least there was like 10 feet of rapids between us but for some reason my stomach decided to stay in my throat and couldn’t agree with my mind that he can’t get me. It definitely was a he because I could finally see the shape of his body it strong and rugged but also vaguely familiar. He was turning around and about to face me when a huge wave of water splashed me and I cursed. The water was freezing and made the rock I was sitting on really slippery so I gripped the rigid parts and thought my fingers were going to bleed but I managed to pull myself up quickly.

My converse were going over the falls as soon as I got my bearings and when I looked up see if he was watching me, I saw that he was gone. I was shacking violently and knew that when I got home my mother would kill me. I sat there for a little while and started to get up and head back. I climbed down the wall which made my feet hurt even worse and got to the river bank the mud cooled my cut foot and I trudged into the water. I looked for my converse and found them wrapped around a branch in the water I untied them and started walking to land again. I put my soaked shoes on my feet and started heading home as soon as I reached the tree line I breathed a sigh of relief.

I wanted to jump into the hot shower and go to bed so I started walking again at a decent pace that would get me home but someone grabbed me around the waist and put their hand over my mouth.

“Well you proved you can handle the big bad forest!” He said in an angry voice.

© 2010 fantasyluver2

Author's Note

I will post chapter four as well but i would love to hear oppinions good or bad.

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Added on October 22, 2010
Last Updated on October 22, 2010



Black River, NY

I'm a teenager with hopes and imagination. I have been working on two books, my friends have read them and so far they like them. I'm more into reading about mythical creatures and romance so far the.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by fantasyluver2

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by fantasyluver2