![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by Falling In The Fate
Or so I thought.
It was fine until I was rudely awakened by a loud ring that sounded like a strangled rooster. I leaped out of bed with a start and saw Scarlett with her pillow over her head and her earphones in. Chase was already up and ready and I looked at the clock. 5a.m. I just stared at him in wonder. How the hell could he be up this early, dressed and everything? He had black jeans and a black t-shirt on and his hair was perfectly styled back in his scene style that he had had the day before as if he’d never slept. Smiling, he looked at me and I instantly thought of how much of a fool I looked; standing in my oversized AC/DC t-shirt and black pajama pants. “Nice PJs,” he remarked and I shot him an icy glare, “so, you’re not normally a morning person, I take it?” “No duh,” I didn’t want to mention my rule about my eating him if he approached me because him being one of the only friends I had in this place, I decided to spare him. Scarlett was the sanest person here, I thought to myself. Chase looked at me with a lighthearted look, “What’s your first subject?” I groaned and it dawned on me like a whole new piece of information as I stared down at the piece of paper I’d been given yesterday. It read: Period 1: Lycanthrope Culture BREAKFAST Period 2: Vampire Tactics Period 3: History of Lycanthropes Period 4: Werewolf Art and Literature LUNCH Period 5: Mathematics Period 6: Science Period 7: Strategy studies 1 Period 8: Combat Training 1 It was going to be a long day. And what did the little ones beside them mean? “Lycanthrope Culture,” I replied, unable to help the agony in my voice. Chuckling softly and taking my timetable from me, he looked at me with a sympathetic look but then his face lit up, “Whoever would have thought you’d be at the same combat and strategy level as me?” He smiled; I couldn’t help but smile back even though I had no idea what he was talking about. “What are the little ‘one’ things?” I asked probably sounding like a total dumbass. He laughed at my helplessness and explained, “They mean you’re advanced at those subjects,” my eyes lit up - could this mean that I would know someone in at least two of my classes? “Are you in any of my classes?” I asked hopefully and he looked sullen. That means no. My face fell and he didn’t need to say it, but he did anyway. “I wish, no, we got put in different classes because we’re roommates and we have to ‘learn to work together with other lycans’” he said that last bit with venom in his voice - genuinely as disappointed as I was that we weren’t in the same class. He left the room and I got dressed into my My Chemical Romance t-shirt and my red jeans and brushing my hair with a brush a little, worrying about having a shower later. When I got out the door and stepped onto the small square platform above the spiral staircase, Chase was waiting for me. “I’ll walk you to LC and then I’ll see you at breakfast,” he smiled and I felt like a helpless exchange student from somewhere - the Little Sisters showed us this movie on a projector one time and it was about an English student who went on an exchange in France and had no idea where anything was and… anyway, I had to go Lycanthrope Culture - this should be fun. Chase led me to a classroom on the second floor of the castle-like school and it was labeled number 406. “Have fun!” He mouthed as he turned away to go to his first class of the day. I rolled my eyes when he turned his back, not that he would see them, but I did it anyway. When I walked in, four people were in there - two girls that looked very similar - strawberry blonde hair, freckles and chestnut eyes. They were very shy because they smiled timidly at me and then stared back down at their desk. The other two were two boys - one pale, with black spiky hair and the other, chocolate-skinned, with black hair and unreadable eyes. They contrasted very well with each other. The pale one was nowhere near as shy as the two strawberry girls. “Hi,” he smiled, “you must be new here. I’m Sav Petrovensky,” Poor bugger, what a mouthful and I used to think Mavra was hard to pronounce, “and this is Paul Delakovski.” He gestured to his friend and his friend nodded, “Pleasure,” he smiled. “I’m Avril,” I replied happily, glad that someone had enough balls to say hi and get to know me, rather than me having to do all the work. I took a seat beside them and then the rest of the class came parading in but there was one person I recognized. That arrogant prick I met yesterday was in my class. Great. Looking to Sav, I asked in a low whisper, “hey, what’s that guy’s name?” Sav sighed and replied, “He’s Adam; all the girls love him,” “Yeah, all the Barbie dolls,” I murmured darkly, “he’s Adam alright a-damn jerk.” Sav and Paul laughed softly and then Adam noticed me sitting in the room, “Well, well, if it isn’t the newest b***h on the block,” he looked at me with a disgusted look, “Well, well, if isn’t A-Dam Jerk?” I retorted with kind of a bitchy edge to my voice. “Where do you get off - coming into my territory acting so high and mighty, like you’re some queen or something? This is my domain. I rule this school and it might be in your best interest if you respect that.” He warned me, but I took absolutely no notice. “I meant to ask you, how’s your head this morning? I heard you get quite the headache from having it stuck up your a*s all day.” Sav, Paul and even the two strawberry girls snickered and then the teacher walked into the room. A tall man with long blonde hair and he looked like Samson from the bible story Samson and Delilah. He stood up at the front and yelled, “CLASS, HUSH!” yelled Samson as he wrote his name on the board. Oh, how appropriate - his name was Mr. Gabrielle. Then, he did the one thing I wanted him not to do. He introduced me to the class. “We have a new student today and her name is Avril Mavra,” everybody’s eyes turned to me and I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment, but then I quickly regained my composure. “Get out your textbooks and turn to page 934,” I looked at Sav, who had this gigantic brick of a book on his desk and I stared at it incredulously. “Adam, would you mind sharing your textbook with Avril please?” Of all of the people, why did it have to be him? I thought in despair as Adam walked over to my desk with a frown on his face and anything that made him frown made me smile. He had picked the wrong person to be an enemy with. Moving his brick to sit beside me, he glared icily at me. Mr. Gabrielle was explaining the basics. That was pretty much the whole Siberian Husky DNA was mixed with human DNA to form a husky lycanthrope. Since then, huskies - mostly found in the USA - have been able to bite a person and turn them into a lycanthrope. Mr. Gabrielle told us to read and complete the exercises in the book on a piece of paper and so, I borrowed a pen from Paul and began to read. After I’d finished reading, I started to write. “You would do well to show me respect,” he began, a condescending note in his voice, “after all; I am more powerful lycan than you’ll ever be.” I rolled my eyes at him and thought how immature he was being, “You’re jealous; do you wanna know why? Because all that you are and ever will be is that pathetic little orphan girl who will never ever fit in no matter how much she tries.” Ouch. That comment was like a dagger to my arm or something equally as painful and I felt tears try and make their way to my eyes, but I couldn’t cry - not for this jerk. Instead, offended, my sadness turned to fury and rage and I got up and picked him up by the shirt and slammed him into the bare concrete wall and had he been a normal human, it would have made him severely unconscious. All of the girls except the strawberry girls gasped in shock-horror. Sheesh, he wasn’t that great. “You. Don’t. Know. Anything. About. Me.” I told him slowly, making every word more venom-coated than the other and he didn’t look scared at all - just plain angry. I thought this to be a good thing because this would make things interesting and he put up quite the fight. Smacking me into a cluster of desk, Adam came up to me and was about to punch me when I dodged him quickly and got him in a headlock before Mr. Gabrielle forced us away from each other. “What on earth is this all about? Explain to me right now!” He exclaimed, angrily and authoritative. “She’s a psycho! I just asked her a question and she goes and slams me into the wall!” Adam told him, pretending to be hurt and unable to breathe from the headlock I had him in. He twisted my words! He asked me a rhetorical question for one thing! “Adam! Calm down. Let me hear your side of the story now, Avril,” Mr. Gabrielle asked and I just told him the full truth. “He asked me why I was ‘jealous’ of him and then accused me of being a pathetic orphan, so the son of a b***h had it coming to him.” I glared at Adam icily and then Mr. Gabrielle looked stunned that I could say such a thing. “Here at St. Rurik’s Academy, we support harmony and balance in lycanthropes. You will stay in detention after school this evening and work this out. I don’t care if it takes you all night. You will work it out.” Staring at him in disgust, we both opened our mouths in protest, but his glare was a dagger; enough to silence anyone and you would never have thought so, with his angelic voice, high cheekbones and tanned skin. Adam was cursing under his breath. Breakfast was going to be better than my first class - I knew that for a fact. Chase found me amid the vast crowd of people and asked how my first day was going. “Well, I got a detention,” I laughed and then he laughed back, “Then, I’d say it’s going just fine.” Moving out of the crowds into a corner table that was always isolated, he smiled, “what did you do? Break a window?” “Nope, but I nearly ‘broke’ Adam Jamerson.” After I’d said that, he’d just burst out laughing and then I laughed because he was laughing and then Charlie came over to our table, laughing with Ash and they were both followed by a very sullen looking Jake and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say Jake was… Jealous. “Hey, guys, what’s so funny?” Ash asked, taking a seat beside Chase and I told him that I beat up Adam Jamerson and then he laughed slightly and murmured something to Chase… “Hey, isn’t that what…” Suddenly, Chase turned sullen and shook his head gravely at his friend. “So, how was your first class everyone?” He addressed all the new-comers to the lycan academy. Charlie took us through her first class and that was Werewolf art and literature. She said the teacher was a naive student who pretty much let them run ramped in her classroom. This could very well be my new favorite class. But first, I had to make it through mathematics and history of lycanthropes. After the first two classes - which nothing interesting happened in by the way - I was onto the one I had been looking forward to. Werewolf Art and Literature. Walking into an immensely decorated classroom, after navigating my way around the school with my map, I smiled as I looked at the teacher. Smiling at me, the youthful teacher who was about 23, urged me to sit beside someone. The teacher had thick, red locks that came down to her waist that was tied up in a sleek bun and green eyes. I took my seat beside a slightly plump girl with an amazing abyss of ice-blue hair, with black streaks and silvery eyes, with flecks of black, which complimented her olive-brown skin. “Hi, I’m Tikaye. Welcome to St. Rick’s!” She exclaimed happily, smiling in return, I took my seat beside her and the lesson commenced. Charlie was right. Calamity was in the air towards the end of the class and I heard Tikaye murmuring the lyrics to a song and then she was cursing under her breath because she couldn’t think of the other ones and I knew the song, so I put her out of her misery and her eyes lit up and we instantly became friends. Any friend of Panic! At The Disco is a friend of mine, I thought approvingly. The teacher was whipped like a horse by the time the class was over and we all went to lunch without protest. I was learning my way around this school because I didn't even have to look at my map to find my way to the cafeteria... that was probably because Tikaye led me there. Charlie greeted us before Chase and Tikaye introduced herself to Charlie and then when Chase came up to us and greeted Charlie and I and then he saw Tikaye. Smiling at her, they high-fived on both sides of their hand and then fist-pumped to top it off. “Hey, Tee. What’s up?” He smiled and Tikaye just smiled facetiously in response, “Just chilling, eh? I see you’re still the same little weakling you’ve always been,” he shook his head and replied, “Oh, believe me, I have improved, Tikaye.” “We’ll see about that,” “Won’t we just? May the better wolf win.” They shook on it and then I saw Tegan for the second time since we started here and she was hanging out with a girl that was about her age and she had her hair covering her eye and she looked very shy. Smiling in admiration that Tegan had found a solid group of friends, I took my seat beside my friends and I was looking forward to my next few classes - one of them involved punching people; my speciality. © 2011 Falling In The Fate |
2 Reviews Added on October 9, 2011 Last Updated on October 9, 2011 Author