Strange Place

Strange Place

A Chapter by fallen_angel

Vivian Wakes up Somewhere New...



I opened my eyes to white lights. I scrambled to pull my hand up to block out the light as my eyes tried to adjust. I had no idea where I was. The only thing I could remember was those three strangers and being bitten, though I was sure the latter was part of a dream. My body felt numb and heavy like the pins and needles I get when I fall asleep on an arm. I sat up, immediately my head started throbbing painfully and I could feel the skin tugging at the crook of my neck. So I flopped back down onto the pillows. I took my hand out of the lights path and started blinking the spots away. Then I brought my hand up to where the pulling was in my neck. I could feel a raised line in between my neck and shoulder. Ugh, stitches. I quickly pulled my hand away and surveyed the rest of my body for damages. I couldn’t find anything besides that I was wearing comfortable, light blue sweat pants and a white t-shirt that didn’t belong to me. Besides the line of stitches and some stranger’s clothes I was in perfect condition. I let out a sigh of relief and looked up at the room around me.
The walls were tiled a disgusting mint green and the floor was white linoleum. There were about twenty single beds lining the two long walls, leaving a small aisle in between each bed and a big alley between the two lines. Every couple of beds there was one or two aluminum chairs. To my right there was a pair of double doors and one wooden door in the corner. No one else was in the room that I could tell. I pulled off the blanket and swung my legs over to the ground. I stood up on the freezing floor and almost fell back onto the bed as all the blood rushed from my head. I stood still while the throbbing decreased to a low ache at the back of my head and the spots disappeared from my vision again.
Then I started to hear some commotion coming from behind the two, large swinging doors at the end of the room. I stared at the doors as the sounds got closer. I was able to make out someone screaming. His screaming was that of someone I imagined slowly being cut into little pieces or being burned alive. Finally the screaming was outside the door and it seemed to increase in volume, if that was possible. The person came through the swinging doors surrounded by others. There were about ten people around the poor guy who was screaming and yelling. I noticed the people were not surrounding him out of mercy or care, but for protection. Protection of the man or the people in the open like me, I couldn’t tell. The man was throwing himself at the people around him trying to break free, but the people didn’t budge. All of a sudden the man hit the ground and curled himself into the fetal position. His legs pulled up to his chest and his hands were holding his head, but his screaming wouldn’t stop. The man had short brown hair and was really gangly. His skin was paler than mine; almost translucent and sweat was covering every inch of his skin and soaking his clothes.
A big man with his back to me started talking, “Okay everyone this is it. The moon is at its fullest and this is his first turning. You all know the drill, don’t let him out of this room,” his voice was full of authority. “Get ready it’s starting.”Everyone in the circle tensed and was on full alert. I glanced at the man cringing on the floor. His brown hair started getting longer and muscles started building up on his skinny arms. The man’s nose and mouth started to grow away from his face and he grew a beard in a minute. He stood up, but was still hunched over with his limbs getting longer with extra joints and was pointing out at odd angles. His hands were now completely covered in brown, matted hair and sharp, wicked looking nails were at the end of his extra jointed fingers. His shoes were slowly ripping and the man was desperately trying to get his shirt off. I couldn’t watch it any more. I jumped over a bed then another giving the group a wide berth. A woman with white hair glanced at me, but didn’t move. I glanced once more at the guy, who was now completely covered in fur with his hands scratching at his elongated face, and then I just ran out the door. Behind me I could hear the man’s screaming turn into a long, mournful howling. I stopped around the corner to catch my breath. I’ve read enough fiction books to know what a werewolf is when I see one. But somewhere in the back of my head a voice was screaming that a werewolf transformation just wasn’t possible. “S**t,” I breathed to myself, but I saw what happened. It happened right in front of me and I wasn’t imagining that painful howling echoing down the halls now. How else was I supposed to explain a man covered in fur on a full moon and what the man said before it began; “Full moon” and “first turning”. Wait, if werewolves were real then did that make my bite real too? I lifted my hand to the stitches. I couldn’t think of this anymore, so I pushed it all to the back of my head deciding that I was going to have to deal with it later when I got out of this place. I pushed off the wall and started walking away from whatever it was behind the double doors.   

When I could no longer hear the howling I started taking in what was around me. This place was huge and very confusing. Every hallway was the same; white walls with white linoleum floor and lined with dark blue, heavy looking aluminum doors. My bare feet were freezing on the cold floor, but made almost no sound in the halls as I started to wonder and try to find a way out. I took a left, then another left, then a right and after a while I just stopped paying attention to what turns I was making. The only good thing so far is that I haven’t bumped into anyone or anything and I knew that wouldn’t last long so I hoped I could find my way out of here soon.
I turned into a hallway, one just like the others, when I heard the footsteps coming from around the corner. I ran to a door on the right and tried to turn the knob. S**t not open! Quickly I ran to a door across the hall and tried the handle. No such luck. I had time for one more door before the person turns the corner, so I tried the one to the left. “Come on, come on. Third time’s the charm,” I whisper to myself as I jiggle the knob. I felt the knob turn beneath my fingers. I quickly pushed open the door as someone turned the corner and went into the room. I snapped the door shut and leaned my back against the inside of the door with my eyes closed listening with all my might for signs of detection. I heard the steady pace of the footsteps come down the hall, pass the door, and around the corner; with no falter in their step. I slowly let out my breath when the sound of the person’s footsteps finally disappeared. I took a few deep breaths to calm my heart and opened my eyes to the dark room around me.
The room was a blue so dark that it was almost black. Against each of the walls on either side of me was two single, unmade beds. Mounted on the wall between the beds was a huge plasma television and in the corner a computer was shoved in a too small space. The floor was covered with clothes, books, and millions of video games. Great, I ended up in a guy’s room…well Jess would be happy. I caught movement in the corner of my eye and turned my attention to the right bed. The lime green quilt covering the space between the bed and the floor started ruffling. I grabbed a heavy book by my foot and I straightened up to face whatever was coming from the bed. First, came a wet, black nose followed by a small head and the round, pudgy body of a bulldog. At the sight of the animal a flash of the werewolf skitted across my mind, but I just had to smile at the overweight dog. The dog was mostly white, but had a few spots of black and brown. Around one, bloodshot eye was a bull’s-eye of black, like the dog in the target commercials. The dog’s middle was almost completely round and looked as if it didn’t have a neck. I dropped the book on the ground realizing that I wouldn’t have to defend myself against a dog, that when he walked his belly went from side to side against the floor. Slowly I walked over to the bed and sat down. The dog jumped up after some difficulty.  He stuck his cold nose in my hand and looked up at me with pleading eyes. Around his neck was a simple black collar with his information on it. His name was Locke. I smiled down at him and started rubbing his body. Almost immediately his stubby little tail started wagging causing his little butt to start wiggling as he grunted in satisfaction. In a matter of minutes he was on his back asking for a belly rub. I concentrated on lifting my hand over and over just stoking his wiry fur and thought of nothing else. Not my stitches, not the werewolf, and not this building. Petting him just made sense to me- it was something normal and calming-which was just what I needed at the moment.
Then I heard footsteps. They were brisk and had a sense of urgency to them. My hand paused on Locke’s belly and I held my breath as I heard the footsteps get closer. I hoped they would keep walking, but some part of me knew they wouldn’t. The footsteps slowed as they got closer to the room and then stopped completely in front of the door. After a second the door swung open letting a small strip of light from the hallway fall onto me and to reveal sword guy, “Hey Caleb guess what happened. That chick in the healing ward-“ His words were cut off when he looked up and realized that “healing ward chick” was sitting on the bed. I slowly disentangled myself from the whining dog and stood up as sword guy stared at me. I started yelling in my head, what should I do, what should I do, what should… We stared at each other calculating what to do for what felts like hours, but it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds. He seemed to have made up his mind before I did and took a step forward. At his movement my mental screaming got louder and I felt my muscles tense. He must have seen me stiffen because he didn’t move any further. A few more seconds past of us looking at each other. He slowly started to raise his hands and his green eyes never left mine. All he needed was some cowboy boots and to say, “Whoa Nelly,” and it would have fit the picture perfectly. He started to step forward. Finally, I came up with a basic plan, RUN! It took me about three seconds to make up my mind, pick a path, and gather up my courage. When he took another step I started to run for the door, but sword guy caught me easily. His arms snared around my waist and his lips were at my ear, “Shhhhh. Its okay nobody is gonna hurt you. Shhh, calm down Vivian.” He knew my name? I started struggling in his grasp, but he was too strong. After a minute I stopped and his grip loosened just the tiniest bit. “Listen all we’re going to do is walk…” I saw my window of opportunity as he pulled away slightly and I didn’t stop to think. I ripped my wrist free with a slight jerk and his nails raked down the outside of my arm, but I ignored the stinging and punched him in the stomach. I could see a flash of surprise in his eyes before he doubled over releasing my other wrist. I brought my elbow straight up and smashed it into his nose causing warm blood to roll down my arm like fresh tears. Sword guy fell to the ground clutching at his face and I let the heavy door slam into his side. I heard him curse behind me as I started to bolt down the hallway. Before I turned the corner I looked behind me to make sure no one else was in the corridor. I only saw the still legs of sword guy out in the hallway, wow I guess that door was heavier than I thought. I turned back around just in time to run into something. I rolled my eyes; it was just like me to run into a wall. Wait I didn’t run into something, but actually someone, with really chiseled abs I might add. I looked up into smoky gray eyes. Crossbow guy looked down at me and down the hall to sword guy. When his eyes returned to mine I saw comprehension and I think I saw a hint of humor in his face, but I couldn’t see anything in his eyes, but a gray. I raised my fist and aimed toward his stomach hoping to repeat what I did with sword guy and catch him off guard. Before my hand made contact he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled it high in the air causing me to stretch up unless I wanted my arm to be ripped off. Why did he have to be so freaking tall? His arm snaked around my waist as he lifted me off the floor and up over his shoulder like I was just a simple sack of flour.
                I let out a little gasp as the air was knocked out of me. I blinked a few times and tried to get some air back in my lungs as he started walking down the hall. After a few steps my breath was back so I started pounding against him with my fists and feet. I started to yell at him, “Damn it! What is wrong with you people?” I tried to make my voice loud and full of authority. I probably sounded like a little kid shouting at her mom for ice-cream. “Put me down, NOW!” His grip tightened on my leg and he jerked up the shoulder, so it made me jump and it knocked my breath out of me, again. “Fine then,” I yelled into his ear when I could breath again and summoned up the bits of adrenalin still in my system. I made my body slide over his shoulder so I was facing his front and used the most powerful kick I could muster and kicked him in the groin. He winced and his grip loosened, quite a bit, which gave me plenty of room. I sent my weight back over his shoulder with a handful of his long, silky raven black hair so I was facing his back. That caused him to lose his balance and to fall backwards making his head make a satisfying crack against the floor. I landed on top of him, but sprung up quickly not caring if I stepped on him. I got about three steps before his hand hooked around my foot bringing me face first to the ground. I turned onto my back as he scrambled on top of me. He sat on my stomach and his legs pinned down my arms. I tried to kick at him, but I couldn’t seem to reach him so I stopped struggling knowing it was no use. He flipped his hair out of his eyes so his piercing gray eyes bore into mine as we were both panting from our fight.
I started to yell and strain against his legs again, “Where the hell am I? I want to get out of here. You people are all crazy with your werewolves and cannibals and and…” I glanced around me for something else. “…and these goddamn stupid white walls!” I glared at him fuming. He just smiled at me, it was a nice smile. He started to speak in a husky voice, “Are you finished?” He didn’t wait for a response, but kept on going. “As to where you are and the other things they will be answered shortly by the head of this building. We will see her after I bring you back to the healing ward to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself during your…” he paused. “Hallway Battles? Okay? And as for these walls, you might want to consider seeing a painter or an interior decorator if you have a problem with them. Now, I’m going to pick you up and we’re going to go to the healing ward and I don’t want any more trouble from you. Understand?” He looked at me with wide eyes and that gorgeous smile was still on the edges of his lips. I forced myself to stop looking at his lips and I gave him a slight nod. The smile was back again making everything on his face glow, but his eyes. He was back on his feet quickly and dropped his hand down to me. I just stared at it and he gave me an impatient sigh. I lifted my hand and he grabbed it, his hand completely enveloping my own. He pulled me to my feet and kept on pulling, doing the same ripping-my-arm-off maneuver to sling me over his shoulder. I started to protest, but he cut me off with a little grunt, so I just relaxed. My hands and legs limp and my head resting on his back as he started off in a long, loping stride.
We went down two long hallways meeting no one. Then I could hear a pair of footsteps coming down the hall. What now? I lifted my head off his shoulder and glanced over my shoulder. Crossbow guy stopped in front of two women. The one to the left was supermodel beautiful and tall, like six feet. She was as skinny as a stick bug and she had skin like a diamond, flawless and beautiful. Her strawberry blonde hair rolled down her back in soft waves. She had eyes of sapphire and they were at a slight tilt, like a cat’s. She was like an oversized Barbie from hell and she was making goo goo eyes at crossbow guy.
The girl standing next to the supermodel was short, standing about 5’2”. This one was more curvy and full. Her hair was dyed bleach blonde and was hanging a little past her shoulders. She had huge doe-like eyes that were a strange gold-yellow color which were glaring at me through think lashes. She was pretty, but only cute in the other’s shadow. Barbie from hell spoke with enthusiasm, “Hey Caleb! The newbie put up quite a fight and took down the second in command. They left about five minutes ago.” She glanced up at him from under her eye lashes. Ewwww I think I’m gonna barf. I let out a sigh. Crossbow guy, who I guess is now Caleb, spoke, “Wow. I bet she’s pretty pissed about that. I’m sorry I missed that one, but I was a little preoccupied with the hallway battles this one put up. How come you didn’t go out with the rest of the pack?” The shorter one continue to glare at me, but once again Barbie talked in her overly flirtations voice. “Oh we were just on our way out. Care to join? It should be fun tonight.” I could sense multiple meanings in her words. Caleb spoke, “Nope, sorry guys gotta bring her to the healing ward. But if you don’t mind would you stop by my room and get Nate up? She put up some fight.”
 “Sure, no problem Caleb,” she said this while fluttering her eyelashes like she had something stuck in them. Okay I’ve had enough. I coughed, “s**t.” Barbie turned her steel blue eyes to glare at me. Caleb did that shoulder jerking thing again, bouncing me and said, “Be nice.” I rolled my eyes at him and let out a sigh. Caleb spoke again, “Well we better get going before she goes on a killing spree. Thanks girls.” He started to walk away with long strides down the hall. The girls were staring after us. Well I should say Shorty was still glaring at me and Barbie was watching Caleb’s butt wiggle. The Shorty leaned over to Barbie and whispered something in her ear. I didn’t catch much, but I think I did pick up the word ‘witch.’ I somehow have a feeling that wasn’t exactly the word she used. When Caleb was farther down the hall I gave the girls a big smile and flipped them off. I saw their perfect, pouty mouths fall open to a comic “O” right before we went around the corner.                 

© 2009 fallen_angel

Author's Note

Hope you liked it!

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Loved the ending!!! Shorty and Barbie deserved it!! lol
Also love the fact that Viv can kick butt!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 19, 2009




Really there's not much to tell. I'm just a girl trying to get my writing out there now because I know that later in life I won't be able to write as much as I'd like to. Ofcourse that's only if I act.. more..

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