They were gone, all gone. One by one the missing posters went up, one by one the children disappeared. It was horrifying actually and I''d be a fool if i never saw it. My friends didn't pay much mind to it. They told me that it was just normal and people always go missing, but my stomach felt uneasy. Take the red truck for example. Everynight it would circle the neighborhood, headlights off and driving slow. Suspicious, no? Anyway, we would be sitting on the front lawn and the same truck would drive by. I noted how it slowed down when passing us, it was if someone was watching. This happend every night. Though I felt every nerve prick at night, I still left with my friends and walked down the street. Now they thought we were safe, our parents. I told mine and they seemed not to be bothered with such nonsense. I mean, did it really seem real that someone like me could be stolen away? It was very unlikely. This time, I felt nousiated when we walked to our friend's house, almost if I knew something bad was going to happen.
I honestly didn't know what was happening for the first few seconds. The truck stopped, the man got out, and their was screaming. I'm sure our friends began running down here but when I felt something sharp hit my left leg, everything seemed to freeze. I remember feeling a sharp intake of air and a piercing pain in my thigh. That seemed to bring me back to the world and I started running, grabbing my best friend's hand with me. I ignored the throbbing in my leg until the truck stopped right in front of us on the side walk. I attempted to protect my friend, pulling her back from the man. But my attempts failed when I felt hands on me, yanking me from her. I screamed and struggled, I even bit the man. When I felt the coolness of metal against my throat, I stopped and froze, my breath coming out in rigid gasps. I remember feeling hot breath on my neck and him whispering in my ear. The words must have not been good for I remember struggling a bit more and being thrown against the truck. Our friends and ex friends must have heard this and ran towards us, but I was already knocked out.
I remember hearing dogs. Tons of dogs barking, as if they were being held behind bars or inside kennels. I remember smelling them, their oder far too fowl for me to take note of it. My eyes were foggy and could barely see anything nor could my ears process the voices beside me. I felt the cool steal against my arms, as if I was laying on a operation table. I felt someone's hands begin to take off my clothes. Their fingers slowly tearing away at the white belt on my hips. I remember struggling after that, not liking the idea of someone else taking off what I was wearing. I lashed out, kicked, screamed, and scratched. Yet, I was still taken into another room and stripped of every material that was on me. I felt exposed and vulnerable, almost like an abused dog. I was put into a seperate room made of glass in which I was stared at by women who were looking at clipboards and dirty men dressed in white - probably eyeing me. Then I remember the pain I went through in there. Water, hot to the touch, was being sprayed on me in every direction. I tried to run and kick at the glass, but nothing happened. I just screamed.
That wasn't all. The pain I endured after that was like nothing I have felt ever before. I was put into a brown hospital gown then seated into a chair and held down while some barber took my hair away. My short, brown hair was taken away from me. My pride and joy was ripped from my grasp and thrown away into the nearby garbage. Then I remember the prick over and over again as they stuck needles in me. I felt as cold stuff entered my body and made me still, completely out of it. They took my blood, discussed a few things, and went away with it. They took my blood. I was thrown into this big wooden box with holes and look out slit after that. But at that stage, I was exausted. I felt unclean and afraid, like one of those barkings dogs felt. My hands shook and my head felt dizzy as I laid in the center, comfortably curling up. I was very much pridful before that man took me. But now, they had managed to steal that pride away in just mere minutes and replace it with fear.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized something. They controlled me now.