![]() Chapter 14: Shackles of KindnessA Chapter by ewest1220![]() "Wait for me my love..."![]() Chapter 14: Shackles of Kindness
“Are you alright?” Came a woman's voice from above him.
Issak was crying, the other kids laughter ringing in his ears. He looked up to see a young girl standing in front of him. Issak shook his head, his black eye shining in the summer heat.
“I don't need your help,” Issak said bitterly. Lifting himself from the dirt. His head spinning.
The girl looked upset at his answer. But Issak didn't care, he had to train harder. Until he could beat those kids, until he could beat anybody.
“What's your name?” Issak asked swiftly.
“Elizabeth,” she said with a smile. “What's your's?”
“Issak,” he said smiling back. “I'm sorry for getting angry with you.”
“It's ok!” Elizabeth said laughing. “Come on! Let's go do something fun! It'll take your mind off of you eye!”
Issak smiled and followed her as they ran off into the setting sun. “I'm so sorry Elizabeth, I'm so sorry.”
Issak awoke with a start into the midmorning sun. He sighed sadly at his dream. “Why was I born like this?” Issak muttered bitterly. “Why did she have to die?”
He stood up slowly and began to dress himself, his mind awash in all that had happened within the last couple days. He was prepared to leave but the King's voice still rang in his ears. Chances are he would not just be able to walk out the front door, he would need a plan.
Suddenly there was a loud tap on his bedroom door. “Enter,” Issak said cooly.
Elenor opened the door slowly. Her beautiful eyes were filled to the brim with questions. Issak sighed as she closed the door behind her.
“I just wanted to thank,” Elenor began.
“There is no need for thanks,” Issak interrupted, careful to watch his tone. “More importantly, what were you doing in my room at such a late hour?”
“I wanted to really thank you, in person.” Elenor said taken aback by Issak's question. “And I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed. I am in your debt Issak and I know not how to pay it back.”
“Why would you go to such lengths,” Issak began. “To thank a man such as myself?”
“I do not know your past,” Elenor said carefully. “All I know is what I have seen, and based on that I owe you my thanks; at the very least.”
“I highly doubt the only reason you came here was to thank me,” Issak said his eyebrow lifted slightly.
“I need to talk to you about something,” Elenor said cautiously. “Can you meet me in the gardens after your dinner with the king?”
Issak paused for a moment, then nodded his head in approval. Elenor smiled and, without another word, left the room.
Issak sighed heavily. It would appear that another sleepless night was in store. Another night at this castle, another night that they were at risk.
“I have never had two episodes in a week,” Issak reassured himself. “I'll be fine.” But he would have to leave as soon as possible. He couldn't risk killing these people, he had been alone for so long. Ever since that horrible day that haunted his nightmares.
Tap tap tap! “Enter,” Issak said again with yet another sigh. “Why can't they just leave me alone?” He murmured as Merade entered the room.
“And to what,” Issak said cooly. “Do I owe this pleasure Merade?”
“I have been sent here to keep an eye on you,” Merade said calmly. “The King has requested your presence at dinner tonight. And he also forbids you to leave the castle.” Issak rolled his eyes. “I am here to ensure that you do not leave before his Highness is satisfied.”
“Satisfied?” Issak questioned.
“Yes, satisfied,” Merade answered without hesitation.
“Very well,” Issak said with yet another long sigh. “I will allow this intrusion for now.”
Merade blinked in shock at Issak's words. “Intrusion? How dare he!”
“Something the matter?” Issak said with a smirk.
“Of course not,” Merade snapped. “I will be waiting outside the door if you need anything.
She slammed the door behind her as Issak chuckled coldly under his breath. “Temper temper,” he muttered underneath suppressed mirth.
Issak left the room several minutes later. Merade lurking in his shadow mere feet behind him. He would wander along the outskirts of town and survey the area. He needed to find a way out, and fast. But even as he began his search for a way out the shackles of kindness grew tighter and tighter around his heart...
“We must act now!” Elizabeth shouted at the top of her voice. “Please, before he kills more innocent people. You remember what happened in Gransein? I will not allow you to let that man kill more innocent people!”
“Enough!” Said the man before her. His silver armor shining bleakly in the midday sunlight. “You would have me mount an attack on Shenok Duhl? Do you realize the cost that would have on my men for such a small chance of success!?”
“Then allow me to find him.” Elizabeth said desperately. “I will make him leave the city and then we'll have him.”
“What makes you think you could possibly...”
“I have dealt with him before,” Elizabeth said with a smirk. “If you hadn't botched the attack we wouldn't even be dealing with this nuisance.”
“Enough!” the man shouted angrily. “You will bring him out of the gates by tomorrow's eve. Bring him to the edge of this forest and we will handle the rest. If you cannot I will hear no more of this nonsense.”
“As you wish,” Elizabeth said with a smile as she turned toward the road, and the city where evil had taken refuge. Issak would finally be brought to justice. She smiled proudly. “Wait for me my love...” © 2012 ewest1220Author's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() ewest1220Columbia Falls, MTAboutI have been writing for as long as I can remember. I have been featured in about 4 books, have won several contests for my work and currently have a paperback edition of my works. (Titled "A Winter Wa.. more..Writing
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