Agamêmnon, imponent and majestical, was considered the biggest king of all Greece. Before being rank to the throne, for popular unamimity, it came from distant sacred fields, located between seven mounts of the blow of Zeus, protected and guided as a ray to develop its abilities of powerful warrior, and to teach and to lead, later, warlike young to fight as brave men, keeping mutual loyalty and the respect.
Some years had been transferred and its fame if had extended in all Greece, Europe and remaining portion of the world. E thus becomes a exímio monarch, managing Micenas with iron hands. It and its brother, Menelau, had been educated by its uncle Atreu and therefore they had been assigned by Homero for the name of Átridas.
The parents of Agamêmnon and Menelau had died in function of the innumerable disputes of being able and in the conquest of new cities.
This period of abandonment where the two brothers and futures kings if had found was exactly estopim so that the oracle was consulted and the power delivers to the two brothers, who would have to dispute it, later, between itself. With the aid of Zeus, Atreu banishing Tieste from its kingdom, he was with the guard of the two brothers, being the tutor of the same ones teaching everything to them on the art to fight, to practise camouflage, to use the different weapons of war and the main one: education of the mathematics, public astronomy, administration and politics.
In this period more disputes of being able had occurred, taking the death of Atreu for Tieste its brother who under an excuse of if reconciling the Atreu, after served in the supper the meat to it of the children of Atreu and the ceremony, presented the heads to it of the nephews prostradas in a basin of silver, cravejada of diamonds, rare devices, confectioned artisan brought of the Pérsia.
Thus, with so great anger provoked for Tieste, Atreu banished it from Micenas and this promised to avenge itself one more time of its brother. E was thus, consulting a sacred oracle which disclosed to it that it would have a son how much before through the incest with Pelópia, its proper son, and this son would be the responsible one for the revenge that Tieste suffers.
In this way, of the union Egisto was born that for workmanship of the magias of the Deuses put end the life of Atreu.
Having the free way, after to kill its brother it returned the Micenas and one possessed it force of the crown of Agamêmnon, heir of right to the throne.
Forsaken and fragilizados Agamêmnon and Menelau they had run away for Esparta, where the first one was married Clitemnestra that loved Egisto. This grumbler gave to the Agamêmnon four children.
The war between Greeks and troianos was inevitable and Agamêmnon, convoked to command the armies Greeks, left.
After the war of Troy, Agamêmnon was to the meeting of the prophetess Cassandra so that it comforted it and opened its ways with the sacred flame of the launched hope of the center of the grotto of Iristites, which had its open top to the sky, where it could invoke the nocturnal light in full moon night and to pronounce its visões in settles with Saturn. Many meeting had occurred until Agamêmnon took it as loving and with it had two twin children. The prophetess warned loving its from that this would suffer a terrible death and that the Micenas would have to be taken precautions taking the due cares when returning. Although alerted she kept its machismo of courageous impious and sagacious warrior, looking for to make to believe it that its premonition total was missed. This, then, was prostrou around of the sacred flame of the hope and spilled only one tear, that if transformed one into pretty one and precious diamond, symbol of the union between the two.
Agamêmnon arrived triumphant the Micenas where it was received by the people as hero. Its Clitemnestra woman and loving its Egisto, congregated for intense hatred has times cultivated, had assassinated Agamêmnon the axe blows when this if found in the bath.
Clitemnestra informs the Agamêmnon that did not want to be married it. It had not said the reason to it, from fear, was woman and wise person whom choice would not have. It loved Egisto and this madly the corroia on the inside.
Before the preparativeses of the marriage with Agamêmnon, it it dives in the Providenci lake and there one meets with Finestra, a sereira, beautiful of day and in the deepenings of the lake, during the night, true vampira, of fosforescestes red eyes and flaming hair in tones green dark-brown. Clitemnestra trusted what Finestra would advise to it to make, therefore old vampira had dom to carry through witchcrafts in order to only reach the masculine sex.
The vision of the sereia informed it that after the return of the king the Micenas, glorified for its people and very exausto of the battle with Troy, would averia to take bath for recompor of the battle of nine days. E exactly at that moment would be assassinated. But it would have of being died for its wife and the loving one of it so that it had success.
E the sereira saying farewell itself of Clitemnestra, warns it:
- One remembers and it keeps I obtain the seven keys what I go to say to it: “The heart is a serpent, of most poisonous than it exists in the face of the land, when rapitado without no assent, a so mortal poison becomes where the canine tooth dies instantaneously...”.
Clitemnestra comforted with the words of Finestra, was if to prepare for the marriage with Agamêmnon where it would give pretty children to it and after if would transform into a terrible black widower for the delight of the husband...