Great Egypt passes for a delicate moment in that day. The protection occurs one strong self-denial spiritual that powerful God-Sun Rá keeps with its people.
The Egyptians passed for deep transformations and the greater of all they except the weakness of the Solar protection of Rá in the command of these. This provokes immense shock between the population that if rebels and retaken of the control the spiritual of Rá under the guardianship of the Faraó.
Thus, Rá is very sad with in such a way disdain of the population for its immense love and devotion kept of generation the generation. Its sadness was so great that made it to meditar under some days in the sacred tomb, under apparent mumificado aspect, what for a god form was very easy to become it as better agreed to it in order to carry through its nobler desires.
During these days, Rá had the vision of that the goddess of the force and courage would have the mission to protect it as well as its Faraó.
Taken of grating impetus saira, at last, of its meditating sleep, tranformando itself in sand of Egypt, where, to the few, it can again drain of sarcófago and if recompor in múmia and this in Rá god. This looks at for the top of the supreme pyramid, suffering new mutation, now as Hawk. Feathered it flies until the top of the imponent faraônica workmanship.
Arriving at the top, Rá, three times, it augurs:
- Here it is the goddess of the war and the illnesses where nothing and nobody they will be able to be opposed before the incomparable annihilating force...
- My suplications Listen with much attention and return immediately my domínios...
The Egyptians little gave attention to the imponent God...
E was from then on that the sky is, to the few, darkened... In the sequence, one strong sand storm would hug to all.
Of the center in direction the central pyramid, abriara misty clouds in the sky, a furious thunderstorm bradara to deep and a strong focus of light bring obtain Sekhmet, the goddess of the war and the illnesses.
This, under the form of the Hathor goddess, hugs Rá and absorbs its force, tranformado in Lioness, to destroy the Egyptian people according to its orderly.
Before, however, Sekhmet, if prepared to concentrate all energy through the meditation and invocation of the supreme forces of the war and the illnesses that possuira.
Already in the city of Mênfis, center of its cult absorbs all the light funeral coming of the perpetual apocalypse. It was, now, prepared to carry through the feats that its master commands.
Rá announces that Sekhmet punished Egypt because of its disobedience. E it fulfilled with so great fury that the proper Rá god does not obtain controls it. The goddess had passed of the limits taxes for it. This is perplexo with total frieza that the goddess acts, destroying everything, not leaving rock under rock.
In this way Rá needed impediz it any way, therefore it only wanted to show its people who possuira force enough to control them, not having the lesser intention to verwhelm them. Its mission was of only punishs them.
Therefore it needed to make it to stop immediately with the war, but some does not get success. It was then that it has the surprising idea to attract it for the pyramid of the delights, being offered same a great slap-up meal and much drink. Its goal was to inebriate it so that it did not finish completely exterminando the Egyptian race.
This fact was estopim so that Sekhmet was delivers to the domain of Rá through a deep sleep provoked by the satiated alcoholic text. Placed in a cocoon through the arduous work of the black Widowers of Mênfis (immense Arachnids, they were three, of umbigo for low: spiders, and from umbigo and with the seios to the sample and on the heads, generous sintilantes black hair under wooden coke form with two interlaced gravetos between them: women - these spiders if fed of the prisoners who invaded Egypt to impose domination and control during times of war) it could suffer metamorphosis for, later, being born as a new deity.
After the first solar eclipse, the cocoon would be breached and it it would leave to the goddess under the form of Bastet.
Thus, since the second Bastet dynasty it reigns, hugging its people with all the love of the pregnant women. Instead of Lioness, it starts to be cat, having in the left ear a great earring of diamond, symbol of the transparent vision, during the day and mainly at night.
Very skillful Bastet in the Sistro instrument, percussion instrument that produces a rattle sound, it evokes the solar energies and it is changedded into cat with intention to talk and to lead the felinos the seguiz it in the defense of its territory and its people.
Since that new day it are very blessed under the new form that the cocoon provides to it, where starts to have the mission of fertilizar Egyptian lands in order to generate abundance and abundance for all.
Egypt smiles... Rá embebedara, in one porre of seven days and seven nights...
The sun shines strong as never it shines before...
The cats if twisted, under the flaming sun... Reviravam with the felinas coasts on the soft sand of great Egypt... E miavam in a felino choir under the chords of the Sistro de Bastet.