

A Story by levi marken


    "What are you doing in there!"

    "i can’t get this sword to work right!"

    "well hurry up soon we won’t be able to wate for you anymore!"

    then there was a loud crash. I started bashing my sword against the wall thinking burn. it didn't start to turn red till the loud crashing and screaming in pain out side was over. I came running out of the room ready to help. all that was left was  a few kids siting up against the lockers in a high school hall way. I reached over and touched the girl that leaning up against the wall and asked her.

"what happened."

    Ok, maybe I should start from the beginning.

    I was laying on a beach on a realy small island out side of the bigger island. I was awoking to a scream of a young girl. I looked around me the island I was on was small all it had on it was a tree and sand. I saw somthing shiny leaning up to the tree it was a sword I grabed it and dove into the water. as I got closer to the island there was a curent that started to pull at me and slow me down like it didnt want me to get to the isnland. I finaly broke through thte pull and made it to shore. I got to the shore panting I stoped for a few seconds and then rememberd why I swam there. someone wasin trouble and I had to help her. I ran up an there was this guy standing just off the beach he was compleatly riped, tan and waring torn up shorts and no shirt. I compleatly ignored him yelling at me and ran into the woods I used the sword to cut through the brush. I finalmade it through the brush and broke throught to see a young girl on her knees back a gainst a tree with her hands coveirng her face. there was a basket at her feet with baries spilling out. then I could feal the ground shaking and a loud roar coming fromthe woods. the bear broke through the brush it stude two stories tall and had branches all tangled up in it fur from breaking a trail trying to catch this girl. I didnt want it to attack the girl then I did the only thing I could think of to save here I yeled

"hey ugly!"

    at the bear it snaped its head around and looked right at me. it had spit foming up around its mouth. it charged at me and I barly managed to douge the atttack, I jumped to the side. after I landed I spun around and juped at the bear landing on its back and wraping my hand with its hair. I heald my sword high and stabed down into the back of the creature. all most isntantly it turned to gold dust. I walked over to the girl by the tree she was waring a white staind and torn up dress her hair was long and braided back. she had gone limp now that I could see her face I saw that she had been hit on the head and was unconsious. I picked her up and started runing back to the beach again. same thing happend as it did befor I was runing so fast that the forest blured. I didnt stop till my feat started hiting sand I slowed down and right infront of me was the tall tan guy I saw earlyer I handed her to him and he took her out of my arms. he carryed her down the beach thats when I notised there was a plain crashed on the shore on both sides of the pain was water. then I saw that it wasnt just a plain crash. it looked like they lived out of it. I kept my distance from it for a wile. I wated for the girl to be ok. till then I walked the shore line wating for somthing to happen. then I saw her come back out with the big guy leaning against the side of the pane as she walked out to great me.

she said "so your the one who saved me I thought I was going to die back there"

"well I just falowed your scream I was stuck on that island over there" I pointed over to the island where I was stuck on but it was gone there was nothing there.

"its ok its there only when someone is on it. only the strong can make it here."

    with that being said the grabed my hand and started to wank me back to the plain.up close I could see that it wasnt just them there were some other kids there too and another adult. the first to great me was a blond kid waring only a pair of shorts and was prity strong he caryed a bronze sword and he was quite frendly. he was also kinda sketchy then there were two other blond ones shorter then mat but they looked alot a like I think thay were brothers. then there was a few others I only got glimpes of them they looked like they had been there a wile all in riped up clothes and realy tan. then some one snuck up behinde me and tapped me on the sholder he said

"ok its time to fine you a place to sleep"

"well id prefer to be alone if its posible."

"you will like it here"

    he brought me into the plain throught he back door whitch was just a hole in the back of the plain just before the back wings that they had srounded with logs. once I was in it looked like they had striped the entire plain out there was a sand floor on one half and the on the other there was a meatal wall with doors every now and then. I asked

"what are behind the doors."

"those are the rooms."

there was a silence for a wile then he broke the silence

"ok well here is an open room no one els lives in it."

"why is that."

"well the last guy who lived in it was so unlucky people said he was cursed.he disiperd out in the woods one day he sad he was going to find him self some pig and he never came back out."

"well I dont cair about that."

"well thats a first most people here are vary superstious."

"well ill be ok."

"be safe and here is the key to your cabin you are in cabin nine."

    he tossed me the key and walked away. I opened the door and the place was incredable the room was small and big at the same time the bed was praticly sarounded by dressers holding all sorts of contraptions. one ad a computer on and and there was a little genaratore that was gun by steam and it was only in this room powering what ever you could amagin. the kid that lived here was a genious all of this and no one els new about it. I started opening drawers they were on the bed side of the dressers and there were all kinds of cool things. then I opened one that had papers in it with a plan of attack on the camp, I memorised the plan and tosse it back in the drower then there was a knock on my window and there was a kid with dark black hair and said

"what do you think of my plan."

"who are you?"

"oh how impolite of me my name is Alpha, im the one who live here first."

"but, but they said you were dead?"

"ya well its not that had to play dead when you live here not many other places to go."

"why are you here?"

"well I came to recrute you, and anyone elis that joins and they put in this cabin. if you think you can handle comanding an army made of monsters and kids like you you can join my army."

"i think ill stay here."

"darn thats a bummer when the day comes you will have to take arms. you can tell your leader Bravo about the attack but then again what help would it do."

"ok I dont know why im here yet so good luck in the war."

       after that I thought to my self. maby that is why I was brough here to change the tides of the war.

    i looked away and then I herd a thud and I looked back and he was gone. I looked out the window and there were no foot prints or anything. he was just gone. it was starting to get dark so I turned on the generator and the hole room wised to life. the genarator was quiet and powered ights and all the outlits in the room there was a tv on the wall with a key bord and a computer  hooked up to it I turned it on and netflix was up on the screan. I turned it on and I watched a movie and then I powerd down and went to bed.

    i woke up the next morning to kids screaming. they must be in truble I broke out of my room sword ready. nothing was wrong it was just the kids running around there were a few younger ones there probibly around ten years old but everyone elis was 17 and older or at least they looked that way. I walked ferther up the plain and it opend up into a all most living room there was a larg mettal box that was cut in half and staked on top of echother one was taller then the other. the top one had just enough space on the top for someone to sit on top. the botom was big enough thst you could lay down under neath it. the middle was like a couch there was a room off to the side that had a mesh window. on the other side there was a table and a bunch of chairs. that must have been where they had their meatings, I thought to my self.

      i walked around for a wile just pasing not saying anything. then I passed the girl I had saved earlier. she was reading a book so I figured it would be easy to talk to her.

i said "hey what are you doing?"

"still  trying to wake up"

" I didnt catch your name the other day what was it?"

"My name is November what about you?"

"im smith it nice to meet you."

"you too"

she looked back down at her book. it felt like she was trting to block me out.

i said "What you reading?"

" its nothing just some old book I found laying around. I thought it wold be good but its kind of boring."

sounding like and idiot I stated "oh thats cool"

"not realy so how are you fitting in."

"yout the first person I have talked to so far"

"are you have a tough time fitting in or what?"

" no I just dont know why I am here."

"well you are here and so are all of us.thet just tmeens that we belong here."

"well it was nice talking to you."

"go try to make some new friends you might start to like it here if you do."

    she picked back up to book and shut me out. so I started to walk around. then I saw this kid outside he looked to be about 10 years old. he was swinging his sword at invisable enemies. I walked out to say hi to him. I walked out of the plain and

said "hi."

    he didnt respond so I drew my sword and as he swung his sward back I caught it with the side of my blade. he wasnt expecting there to be somthing there so the sword flew out of his hand.

he screamed "AAAH"

"hello!" I said slowly

"Why did you do that!" he exclaimed

"you wernt listening so I interveiend."

"ohh... your the new kid have been hearing about your in cabin nine right?"

"ya why dose thatseem to be such a big deal with everyone here."

"well ever sinces, 'Alpha', died, every kid that comes in goes mad and runs away or vanishes."

"i think I know why that is. and also I dont get why they didnt stay this place seems fun."

"wate, stop right there you know why stuff happens to people in that cabin?"

"thats not important, I think you would go mad just knowing it."

"know you have to tell me."

i stoped leaning on my sword and said "want to spar?"

"shure" he said a little confused

we swung at me and I barly dogged the blade.

"you must know a fair bit about sword fighting?"

"ya when u have been here half your life it kinda helps."

"how long have you been here?" I asked as we paced cercials around echother.

"seven years."

"thats a long time." he lunged in at me as I was talking. I defllectid the blade of his sword and left him exposed to attacked. I smiled and I sent my fist into his gut. he droped the sword and crumpled to the ground moning. I reached out my hand to help him up. he grabed my hand and I pulled him up off the ground.

he said "I havent been bested in a long time the only person here that  can best me has been our leader, even he has a hard time."

"Well I gess im just a naturale at this."

"no I bet you had training at some point in your life. where did you live before you came here and what did you do."

    i hadent put much thought in to what I had been before I got here. I reilised that I didnt know my own life before this.

"It's strange I feal like its imporant but I cant rember any of it."

"well maby its all the stress from being here. I bet it will come back to you."

"maby." I paused "do you want to spare again?"

"no I'm good for today."

"do you think you could show me around?"


    he started to walk off he was talking as he walked I could only fantly here him I kinda under stood the lay out just by walking around. the island we were on had a big beach in the middle with two sets of woods on eather side the was one trail leading in to each of the woods with big sines the read danger. then there were rocks sarounding part of the shore and a small beach every now and then. there were big rocks just under the surface on one side of the island and none on the other. the sand bar/beach was a hundred yards from eather side and about four-hundred yards long with a plain buried in the sand close to the rocky shore and about centered on the island. it was a comercial airplain with the sliding windowns and every thing the cargo area was under the beach and it didnt look like anyone had tryed to go down there in a long time. then I herd Charlie said

“... and there will be a meating in there tonight just to get you caught up on everything.”

“ok. what time is it now?”

he looked at his watch “its 4:00”

“what time is the meating tonight?”

“it will be around drack so about 9:30”


    I didnt know what to do so I went back to my room to try to figure out every thing that was in my room. I walked back to the plain and ducked in the door. the place had lots of kids in there haning out talking to echother. I just stuck to the shadows and snuck my way into my cabin. I closed the door slowly and quietly. then I turnd around and looked out my window and I just about screamd as I saw the face of Alpha in my window.

“hey.” he said

“what are you doing here? I don’t want to talk to you.”

“waw I just came buy to say hello”

“well you are trubble”

“whats your point we all have our falts.”

“look im not even sapose to know you are here.”

“i’m just here to give you one more chance”

“I don’t want to join your army. I will fight with these kids till my death.”

“im sory you feal that way.”

“why do you want me so bad anyway?”

“because I have a rule of no man left behind.”

“ how am I one of you men?”

“your in this cabin.”

“ no I want the real reason why not all the bull s**t you told every one elis. you want me because ither I have a big role to play and it could hurt you or we are some how conected and I cant remember why.”

“ok so you want the real storie?”


“ok well then your going to have to trust me and lock your door and let me in.”

i walked over to the door and dead locked it. then I walked back to the window and un did the latch and Alpha craled in with my help of corse.  when his knees broke the thresh hold I saw his sword in his sheath it was vary simler to mine but the handle was red and mine was a dark blue. he looked similer to me in alot of ways too he was about the same hight, he had the same dark brown hair, same ever changeing eye color. if I didnt know beather I would have said he was my brother, but I didnt know anything about my past I felt like an only kid until now. he finaly made it all the way through the window and was siting on his/my bed.

“so you said you wanted answers?”

“ya who are you for real and why do you want me so bad?”

“look is a lot to tell in such a short period of time but ill give it a shot. look you and me we are brother and not just brothers you are my twin brother. our parents gave us matching swords when we were younger. you see back then they were the leaders here until a few years back. thats when it all changed.”

“ok wate so you trying to tell me that we are twins?”

“yes and would you let me fishing its a long storie and we dont have time to talk about it. you have to go to that meating. remember that its in about and hour.”

“ok keep going.”

“thank you, well we were growing up to gether and we were close and had loving parents. one day the person that you knok as you leard killed our mother and our father and seen it from a distance and new he had to save the children he took you because I was no where to be found. he took you to the beach where the water splits next to a great river and said words of the water and the curents changed and he set you out on a small boat for your free dome you didnt know what was happening you must have thought it was a game. when you were gone Bravo came out of the trees and stabed our father in the back and tosed him in the water. he sank and slowly his body disinigrated into gold dust as it fell to bottom. then Bravo walked back to camp like nothing was wrong and tryed to find the kids but they were no where to be found he couldnt let it be know what he had done so he kept it a secret. I was hiding in the woods and watching from a distance the hole time. thats how I know what happend and I wanted my revenge. thats when I ran of and faught my way to freadom on the other side of the island there is another beach where I have my camp set up at. I keep coming here in hopes that you will take to my side in this war.”

“thats alot to take in.”

“well I figured it would be, ar you starting to remember yet?”

“yes and I know your telling the truth. because I rember it all it was so long ago but I rember it like yester day.”

“the water spell wasnt finished all it did was lock you away for a few years. it also made it so others could get in every now and then.”

“i cant join you im sory brother but it is just the kids here need my help if its just the leader that is bad then why do we have to kill all of them.”

“i dont want to fight you brother but if I have to I will and I dont know how it will end.”

“well I have to get going so should you thanks for catching me up.”

he got up and walked over my bead to the window and cralwed out. jus as he was about to walk away I said

“i have an idea if bravo dies in battle or if he run from his death that he knows is comeing then I will call off the attack and you too so we can call the war done with.”

“maby it all depends on 1 you live to get to that and 2 if you can have your men loyal to you.”

“well brother rember I have bettered you befor and you know how I can work words and unlike you have have 6 years to just think.”

    with that he ran away. that was the last I saw of him untill battle. I got out of that room and went to the mane sitting roomait was dark out side now and there were a few torches lit and there were kids all over the place I counted them and there were 23 people there in all some older then others but they all were beat up. they looked like they had a hard life here. as I came if I fellt like everyone was looking at me, sizing me up. of corse I was doing the same to all of them. on the edg in a roly chair there sat bravo, our leader.

“so what is your name boy?” bravo asked almost in disgust

“im” I paused trying to remember. it wasnt easy with all of the other’s eyes staring at me.

“spit it out boy we are all friends here”

“im smith”

“ok now we have a name for you”

“so who is everyone o elis?” I asked.

“well” he spoke down a list in alphabetical order. each kid rasing his or her hand or making some jester or noise proving they were there “ CHARLIE, DELTA, ECHO, GOLF, INDIA, JULIET, KILO, LIMA, MIKE, NOVEMBER, OSCER, PAPA, QUEBEC, ROMEO, TANGO, UNIFORM, VICTOR, WHISKEY, X-RAY, YANKEE  ZULU, and me BRAVO”

his name was the only one out of order.

“so what is my ‘job’ here?”

“we dont have jobs realy we just do what we have to do when we have to. so if we are needed to hunt we hun some are better at it then others. by the look of you, you might do well with my daughter here.” he pointed over at November “she is a good hunter and picks bearys for fun. I think maby you could teach her some of your skills with the sword.”

“ what?”

“i saw you practising earlyer with umm…”

charlie spoke up “me sir, he even bested me, but idk if he would be able to teach that is may area of experties.”

“nonsence will see what he can do it I think it would be good for us to have two teachers so we can have a wide range of teaching stiles. heck maby one will be better then the other.”

i could see hate building in charlies eyes he didnt like that I would be taking his students from him.

so I spoke up “if you would want me teaching sword fighting maby we could do it where I have them one day and charlie has them the next. then they get help from both of us.”

i thought it was a good idea and charlie relaxed and seem to like the idea. the meating was called to an end and I went around and said hi to everyone and when I got to bravo he said “you can start tomarow. I make a list of kids for you tonight. tomarow since it is your first day you can start with my daughter she will judge if you should be a teacher or not if she thinks good of you then we can talk more.”

“ok well im just glad that I will be able to do somthing today was boring.”

with that I shook his hand and walked off to my cabin. once in I dead bolted the door and layed on the bed I reached over the the dresser to look through it to see what was init and the doors were all locked I tryed to pen then but I couldnt get in. I have to move a rug taht was on the floor to get good levridg but when I did there was a hatch under the floor. I lifted up the handle and turnded it like a door knob and it opened. I tryed to look down in but it was too dark. then there was a knock at the door.

november “yeled hey can I come in?”

i quickly shut the door and pulled the rug back over it and said “give me a second.”

i opend the door “whats up”

“i just came buy to make plans for tomarow what time are you free?”

“all day”

“oh I saw you talking to everyone and thought that maby you made other plans.”

“nope I dont realy know them yet.”

“ok well ill see you ninoclock tomarow”


“so this is cabin nine its smaller then I thought it would be”

“well it only has one kid in it.”

“ya I gess”

“so who lived in here before.”

“im not shure back then I didnt cair about the cabins I stayed with my dad. he said that two brothers lived in here before the brothers of the horible old leaders.”

“what made the old leaders so bad?”

“my dad says that they tryed to kill hime and destry the way this camp worked and he saved it by getting to them first.”

“well ill see you tomarow im going to get some sleep.”

that night I had no dreams. I woke up to a knock on the door with with november saying “smith time to get up.”

“whats going on”

“its time for brakefast”

“ill be right out.”

she didnt say anything so I thought that she had left so I got dressed and opend the door. in my sleepy state it stunned me opening the door and having her standing right infront of me. if it wasnt for me bring tired I would have walked right through her. she was about 6 inches shorted then me with dirty blod hair she smelled like some kind of berries. it was calming I didnt notis when she grabed my arm and pulled me down the hall. I rubed my eyes and my vision started to come back. we were heading inti the dining room at the front of the plain. there was walfals ready and backen and all the toppings you cound think of. I felt realy hungery thats when I rembered that I hadent eaten since I got there.

i piled food on my plate and at it allsom one came and gathered my plate I thougt about geting seconds but then I rembered that there was others and I just ate 3 walfles and I had sword lessions to do. I walked up to the door and looked around slowly I walked back to my room. when I opend the door november was siting on my bed I didnt even know that she left the dining room. she had her sword at her side and was wating for me to take her to her lession.

“so are you ready rod do you have somthing to do first.”

“well first id like to talk”

“shure, what about.”

“are you any good at picking locks?”

“I know a thing or two about lock picking.”

“cool I have this drower id like oped it would be cool if u could open it.”

“ill give it a try.”

she took a boby pin out of her pocket andput it in th elock and gave it a few pokes and twists and the lock poped open. i stoped her from opening it and said

“so are u ready for the sword fight lessions?”

“oh shure. why did you want the drower open?

“oh i just lost the key and wanted to get somthing out of it.”

I  reached in and too my luck there was a flash light in there like i supected. i grabed it and quickly shut the door. i turned it on and said

“shal we?”

“what do u need that for?”

“well i need to go see somthing first and since you helped me open the door and since your here anyway, maby you can help.”

“what is it we are doing? because the only place here that i know of where you need a flash light is the woods and i dont htink you plan to go there.”

i waled to the door and locked it as i said

“nope we are figuring somthing out i need to talk to you and see what you think.”


i pulled the rug out of the way and opened the door.

“what is that” she said

“thats what i need to find out” i said as i turned my light on and grabed my sword. i shined my light down there and it all looked clean there was a meatle ladder and no spider webs or any thing so i started to clime down. after my head was under my room i shined my light up to see what was there and i saw a light switch. it was switched off so i hitt it and a bunch of lights came on. the eniter area was in credable all sorts of invetions all over the place. i said

“november you have to come see this.”

she peeked her head in and said

“holy s**t.”

“watch your languedg.”

“this is incredable.”

“well im thinking the same thing i want to go look around. do you want to come too?”

“ya ill falow you down”

i started down agani and slowly she falowed. we finaly made it to the botem and behind the lader there as a big wheal with padles on it and there was a man made river under it. the water made the wheal turn and the wheal powered these boxes that turned out to be bateries . the place was full of stuf there was a long table full of chairs and compleatly lit up. on the far wall there was a fighting arenia. i said

“hey do u have your sword?”

“ya, why?”

“lets get practising.”

“as i got closer my head started to hurt. my memory was coming backi rembered sparing here with my brother and my parents. then it shifted to training with bravo, his training was difrent he was forcing me to fight hard and dirty. and i rembered think back then that this isnt how someone should fight this is wrong. when i become a teacher when im older ill do this difrently. now i had my chance. we got to the ring i said

“ready up.”

she lifted her sword and i slow ly started to swing at her leting her block.

“ok what you want to do is keep blocking untill your your aponit makes a mistake, then you strike.”

as i was talking she looked like she was having fun and she when in for and attack and i pulled my left foot over my right spun around and caught the edg of her blade before she lost blance.

“now you have to remember that your aponint isnt statinary and they can move. now lets try some attack ill block while you attack.”

she started attacking and i blocked the started to weeken. thats what i took my chance and moved out of the way of a stab grabd her wrist and pulle dit aroundher front puting me behind her and had her sword agains her neck. she let out a slight scream like she wasnt expecting that to happen.

she said “how did you do that?”

“ that is why you want to block .”

“can we take a break im geting tired.”

“we are done for to day”

we started walking back and i stoped at the table.

“hey i need to tell you somthing as long as i can trust you.”

“what is it.”

“first i need to know that i can trust that you wont tell this to anyone”

“ok what is it i wont ell.”

“first how old are you?”

“im only 14 but what dose that have to do with anything?”

“do you rember back to who was incharge back when you were 4?”

“not realy their, was a family incharge back then. my dad didnt let me near them he said that they were dangerous. then one day they were gone, then the next day alpha was gone.”

“well your dad was wrong and i know why they all vanishied.”

“this is somthing rely old why are you bring this up now?”

“because i was there for all of it.”

“how you just got here yesterday, dont you remember that?”

“yes and so much more.”

“what do you men by that?”

“look i was here before even you were here i was born here. the old leaders were my parents and your father murdered them and left my brother and i alone!” i slamed my hand on the table as i said that “i was saved by my father and my brother alpha was left here on his own he witnessed the murders and he wants revenge for it.”

“wate what my dad couldnt have done that.”

“he couldnt handle the fackt that he wasnt next for power he spent 8 years planing to kill my parents ever since the twin princes were born.”

“ill have to ask him to see.”

“so same time tomarow?”

“yea this was fun.”

we left and said our good byes and i told her not to tell aynone about the cabin basment. it had allready started geting dark out and as happend the night before alpha was a my window he said

“hey we will invade day after tomarow so this will be the last day i get to see you. so i hope you do good brother take back what is right fully yours.”

“what is your plan.”

“we are going to storm the beach and hope fully get bravo as fast as we can so we can end this. to even have a chance i have had to ally my self with the monsters. it is horable they have no respect but they do hate bravo. so just rember we want the same thing dont get killed my men are not happy.”

“thanks for the heades up, so how do i make this room work.”

“button under the left corner of the bed.”

there was a knock at my door and i could here november crying behind it. i looked back to see if alph was still there but he was gone, thank fully.i opened my door and she was covering he face balling. i wraped my arms around her and asked her

“whats wrong”

she took her hands off her face i could see a big gash my gess was from her dad. she sobed and studdered as she said

“i asked my dad about your parents and he said that i wasnt aloud to talk about them. then i asked why and he yeled at me and in his rage her lashed out at me and cut my face.”

she looked realy scard so i shut the door and locked it

“here stay with me tonight but first let me get you cleaned up.”

then i hered here sream and i asked her

“whats wrong there is a guy at your window”

“it ok thats just alfa my brother.”

“what i he doing here.”

“here ill let him explain”

i opended the window and he came in and said

“poor sweat sweat november. i see that you have figured out who your father realy is. i know you must be thinking how could a man hurt his hild like that. the thing is he isnt nice and he isnt your dad. you were a gestur from my parents to try to make him feal better when me and my brother were born. it helped for a few years but then he did away with our parents and you were just a reminder of what they did for him. he will allways hat you for it but he loves you to much to do away with you so he keeps you on a short chain.” as he said that he cleand up her woond and put stiches in it and some bandages over top. she said

“you arent as evil as everyone though you were. you are realy quite gental. thanks for this.” she pointed to her face.

“nothing to help out a friend of my brothers.”

she looked compleatly stuned and started starttering

“bu,bu, but you cant be how did we not know this.”

“that is because of your dads problem with me and my brother he hates us and i want him dead.”

“well im on your side in all of this”

“well we have tomarow to get everyone on my side except for you dad.” i herd the window and i instantly new what had happend but november was confused about what hadd happpend my brother was gone and she didnt see hime leve.

“how did he do that?”

“he is fast like that.”


“like i was saying we need to get everyone here tomarow night and we need to prep for war. but we cant tell your dad or the kids that are loyal to him. i need to be able to trust everyone that will be on my team."
"ok can i stay here tonight?"
"i dont want you to leve my side for a wile i dont trust you 'dad' right now that he know who i am he will want to kill me and you."
"ok" she gigled as she jumped on my bed.
"you know we dont have to go to bed yet"
"what you want to do talk some more?"
i reached in the drawer and clicked a button on a remote "im going to show you what that wheel down starirs did" the room got bigger as gagets came out of the walls and shevls compackeded to gether. a slowly swon down in front of the bed and i turned it on and played a movie.
"how ae you hanling all of this"
"its a little much. how is this all here."
"i am a smart kid so is my brother." 
there was silence for the rest of the move. i had my arm under her and around her. when the movie was done i shut the tv off and reverted everything back to the way it was before. then went to sleep holding her.
the next morning we did the ushial witch was all new to me. after eating and saying my helows to the leader and having him watch me and his daughter with haterd and sarow. it was as if he was mad at himself and aslo wanted to get ride of us so we wouldnt spred word of his lies.
that day i went to  every one that i knew and november whent o everyone she ciuld find and told them to meet at cabin 9 after crufew and to not talk about this to anyone not even bravo. and slowly the day went by and i did a few lessions on the bech

© 2014 levi marken

Author's Note

levi marken
ignore grammar problems.

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Added on February 5, 2014
Last Updated on July 6, 2014


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A Chapter by levi marken