![]() Chapter 9A Chapter by levi marken
Chapter 9
I didn't seam like I could get a brake that day I needed to find my way to the air port so I could fly to Alaska. First I need to find a place stay for the night and some food. I think the best plan is to find a big red wood I was in Northern California so it wasn't that hard I had the power of fire I could use the fire power of my fire sword to cut a hole in a tree and I could just tuck my self in there or I could use my power over the ground and make a nice shack that wouldn't kill a tree I figured I would go with that one but I was going to keep walking till dark. As it got darker more monsters started comeing out and I didn't want to to have to fight any more tonight. I was too tired form that last fight then I saw a light In the distance it was a small shack. I got up there and there was a note on the door it said Hello if this is a Jason I'm gessing your tired and need a safe place for the night feal free to use my shack. Because if you are here reading this then I won't be using it. If you are a mortal then run and never come back. I opens the door and all over the walls were monster heads and there was a rug on the floor that apparently dubbled as a overcoat. I lifted it up it was quite heavy uand on the back it had tag that read Neumann lion. I dropped it to the ground saying "S**t" There was a bunk in the back I locked the door and walked over to the bed it looked realy old I thought that the bed posts were wood at first but up close they wernt wood they were bone. All the "coth" was darken hide I'm gessing the posts and frame were too. Who ever lived here was incredible. Then I remembered he was one of my great grandfathers. I could do all of this if I wanted to but for right now I wanted to figure out who I am then Ill work on what I want to do with my life. I got under the blankets and fell-asleep. Then I started to dream which normily wasn't good but this one wasn't so bad. It was just a dream it was a msg and it wasn't from just some random person either it was from a god. "Hello Jason are you there, is this thing working." "Who is this?" "This is your mother, Artemis, since your father tried to protect you from your destiny and took you memories. I can get them back for you but remember your not a mortal and you more then a Jason you are the newest Jason kind of like a new bread but that's not the point. You are the last Jason you have a big name to up hold." "How am I the last Jason" "Your father made a choice I don't know if it was good or bad but he couldn't help himself he fell In love. Maby it was his fate but it will change the world." "Wate what happend am I like not able to have kids or somthing?" "No it's just we don't know if power will be pased on or not this has never happend before normally the one Jason has to die befor the power will be a passed on but with you your a Jason and a god." "What dose that mean" "Jason you can't be killed. Haven't you all ready see your self healing. You are more then a god you are a god and a Jason" "Ok so you really are my mother so wate aren't you one of the maiden goddesses." "Yes I was but I couldn't help my self when your father Jason showed an interest in me." "So why are you just coming to me about this now?" "I haven't been able to help you when your dad was around but now that he is gone I can help you more." "What can you for me?" "For now all I can do is return your memory but I must also warn you my brethren are not happy in my dession and they all want to either imprison you or kill you. I know for a fact that you can handle yourself. As long as I can get your memory back then you will be fine." Then she touched my forehead and all my memories came flooding back into to my mind. Out of all of the other things I have fought so far are nothing compared to what I normally fight it was kinda funny how I thought this was hard. Then there was the memories of Jane she wasn't just some girl or a descendent of an old Jason where the power didn't pass on she was none of that. She was my girlfriend and was the child of the titian Altus she is clypiso and I had been thrown to the island as a punishment from the gods to her. Sadly for them it went wrong for them it was just one more reason for them to hate me. I managed to talk her into leaving and once I got her on the raft that was sapose to only take me back but I managed to cloud it's instructions making it take two of us back and not just one of us. We got back and I told her that I had saved her and that I had Fallen in love with her. Also that she wouldn't be able to safely leave the camp. She didn't like the idea but she went along with it because for one she didn't have a choice and secondly she liked it here. Then every thing started to go black and I started to wake up. I had compleatly forgotten I was asleep. I awoke got out of bed and walked out the front door I stretched out my arms still trying to wake up. Then it hit me I had my memory back. I knew who I was and I new exactly where the book of Jason is. Now I had energy pulsing through out my body it felt great like I was finally back in control again. I started to run but it didn't feal like I was runing it seamed like time slowed down and I was just runing. I made it to Portland Oregon I like taking the woods as travel you only hit a few roads and you can make it to a town like this. Well I got to the air port and then I remberd that I had two swords. They would never let me on a plain like this. I needed to get there some how so I set up a flight and put a card in and paid for it I have no clue where I got it from but it passed. I got my boarding pass and I to slow down time to get throught security. I can manipulate peoples minds so that they can see my weapons but I can't do that to the metal detectors. I walked around it all and pretended to get ready at the end so I wouldn't look weird. Then I started to walk to the air port terminal © 2014 levi marken |
2 Reviews Added on January 11, 2014 Last Updated on January 24, 2014 Author