![]() chapter 4A Chapter by levi markenWhen I got back to my truck it was on fire and a lion was in the bed of my truck. It had a flames coming out of its neck instead of a main and it had black skin. I got really angry at it for setting my truck on fire. "I yelled get out of my truck!!" It roared and sent a flame into the air out of its mouth. Then it pounced at me I sidestepped its body but it managed to catch me with it claws. I had a gash across my chest and it was burning hot. This made me really angry. I unsheathe my lightning sword. I raised it above my head. A giant pillar of lightning came down onto the tip of my blade with sparks flying everywhere. I lowered the blade so tip was facing the lion. I was so mad that I forgot that the guy in the shop was still watching me. Right as I lost focus the lightning stopped and the lion pounced on me. I thought I was going to die but in mid fall I grabbed the lion and sent a huge shock through it incinerating it in mid fall. When I sent the shock through it turned to dust. I got back up like nothing happened. I looked down at my shirt but there were no marks in it. I looked at my chest but it was just fine.it was as if I hadn't been attacked I thought it was odd but I just thought maybe it didn't hit me. I walked into the store and touched the kid on the forehead and sent a small shock threw his head making him black out forgetting everything that happened. At least I hoped it would. I ran out of the store I knew I had to get going before the attacks got worse. Then I heard a voice saying " can you hear me it was in a raspy voice" I said "who are you where are you." "Good it works ok I am who was writing you the notes. All u need to know is I am friend and you need my help to live." "I seemed to get along fine on my own with the big dog" The voice popped back in correcting "hell hound" "Ok then hell hound and the flaming lion" "I don't know what the lion is but those are only the start. You will face many challenges. When you need my help make sure that you ask for it." "Ok what and who am I" "That you will have to find that out on your own, but your name and your life here is a lie." "Why are you telling me this who are you!?" I couldn't feel the connection anymore that must mean he is gone again. D****t why did all my dreams have to be real! I felt the connection come back it said those weren't your dreams. They were my life they were warning you for what is about to come. It also allowed me to get this connection with you. Then he was gone. I could swear it was me in those dreams. But I couldn't think much of it because I didn't have time I had to get out to somewhere that was safe. Since my truck was destroyed I will have to walk. Even thou I lived in a town its surprising the creatures that live there. Some of the people you see aren't people at all. They all look like people but they are monsters. Some different than others but it’s really weird. I started talking to myself saying hey are you there and can you hear me? Finally I got an answer the guy from my paper said "what do you want." "I want to know what to do now I’m lost with no family or friends and I don't even know who I am anymore." "your true name is Jason you are me and I am you in a way." "So you're just a voice in my head. Am I going crazy?" "No it’s not like that sadly it’s much more complicated than that. I am someone from your the past." "When I choose pass on my powers on I was meant to be with you but it didn't work well when I wasn't with you" "What’s that going to do to me then?" "No one will know we will just have to wait and see." "Well, that makes me feel so much better." "Oh well it wasn't meant to make you feel better but if it does then that's good. you have real friends out there, but I cant help you find them. That you must do on your own." "Why would I go insane?" "Because you live this life with monsters, gods and other creatures when you have no one to share it with it makes you go mad. You will feel better knowing you have someone to talk to." "I didn't know about all this till I met you what are you doing to me." "You are special so the real world was hidden from you for the past few years. Now, powers beyond me now, are forcing you back into the world." "Why was I hidden, what happened to make me come back to the world." "I had died and then my power was given to the next in line. Which included my power and possessions." If this was his idea of fun I didn't know if I wanted to really meet him. At this point I don't even know if I want this life. So I set off on a journey with the close on my back including my swords and shield. I could tell this wasn't going to be a safe trip when I started. © 2013 levi marken |
Added on November 19, 2013 Last Updated on December 18, 2013 Author