You really want your poem reviewed ?
OK---stand by.
"Close your eyes and think of me", "stand still"
Tall, gaunt girl, dark , hungry eyes, wistful looking
I am not close to you, You keep moving away.
Middle aged, late thirties.
"Close your lips. Taste my kiss"
Sweet, hint of lilac, sensuous sweet lips.
"Take your hands, feel my skin"
I touch your cheek. You have been crying !
Your skin is hot, you may not feel well.
"Now use your tongue and tell me what you taste,
hear, think and feel ".
From my tongue to your mind:
I think you are a shy, intelligent, gifted writer, a sweet girl.
Taste ? woman
Hear ? Bells ring, a chorus of voice raised in song , a symphony.
Feel ? Hot, excited, possessive .
Think ? That I am being tested.
In a few words this little poem brings us an album of brilliant
pictures, pictures of all sorts of men in various stages of thought
and emotion. A beautiful picture book, created by a gifted
, sensitive and very intelligent lady.
There is nothing really special about me, other than the fact that I love to read books, and I am currently writeing my first book ( I finaley have a title for it) I AM TERRIFIED OF CLOWNS!!!!!!, so d.. more..