His jaw dropped to the floor OH M GoD pick it up
it might get dirty on our dirty floor HAHAhA 10 second rule you cant tell me
what to do turn around and go back where you came to my dude do do dude dude
what’s the difference family feud cornrows rows of corn what’s the difference it
all looks the same to me rough like husks smooth as tusks I am on the cusp of
greatness I can feel it swell inside me my beautiful child watch as I grow beyond
myself and you and every man in the everymen do not retain any memory of this
interpersonal interactional interview my son let me grow and grow and grow and
someone will die today yes someone will have to die it is only natural to die
is to be natural to die is to become one with nature and seep into the dust
that god first coughed you into existence from drum drum drum bat my head with
drums tom thumb tum tums crispy crumbs have come to some Othermen HOME ryUN
first second third fourth? Fifth? Ill take a sixth thanks slide off the metal
dome and into the tomb and bury yourself in dust COUGH it’s too partically down
here I don’t think partically is a word well why don’t you shut the f**k up I
can make words if I want to after all I am a poet you cannot tell me what one
word is and what another might be words are fluid words of a druid druidish wordish
cruelish hash KITCH KITCH b***h knit my sweater for bad weather or never speak
to me again witch. incantations sweeping the nations it’s like the super hole
all over again TOUCH done we scored a run or is it a goal who knows? They
probably know who’s they? I don’t know well why did you say anything at all say
what? Laser phaser tasergazer tease the strip please with the crip and the flip
of the lip BlUe I love bLue blue loves U who? Blue? Who’s blue why blUe is they
of course who’s they blue is they today is Sunday Monday Tuesday but what day
are we going to church? never we don’t like church. you have to go to church it
is important to fellowship with other believers the church is gods bride. do
you think god fucked the church on their wedding night then? wellllll im not
sure but god it must have been quite the smash actually whenever singers moan
in church they are reinacting consummation thaATS GROSS! gross it may be but
toast it butter become MITch it is morally acceptable for cunties to invade
other countries oh I was just joking poking toking oh that’s a nice toke GLORY
GLORY GLORY yellow shines on street walls the water reflects her plastic lashes
why must she be fake why must she lead me lawn and cut my grass like a summer
job I am no summer job I am a long term part time job at least, you have to
understand that the minimum age for my minimum wage is 38 ANd YOU do not fit my
patent leather over morning case oh god how I love that phrase tazer here we
are again UGH why I do I run in circles well the earth is circular so really
you’re always running in some sort of spherical pattern if you even count a
circle being the same thing as a sphere actually I dont thinkit is so I guess
whatever I just said is irrelevant phaser taser stranger danger there we go the
year is flipped upside down on my wall (that is referencing an upside down
calendar that I saw as I was walking in my room to write this one line so there
you have it rabbit d****t) cram it in that’s what she said HAHAHA you’re funny
I like sitting next to you in class BOAT HONK honky tonk horny hunky dory
gender bending fender benders infect our country’s going getters. Never have I
ever…. Written a letter to my grandmether HAHA that was a funny rhyme how did
you do that well you see it’s not hard at all, all you have to do is beat words
into submission so that you can order them accordingly accordianly unfortunately
he died in “Action!” the director yelled as he pointed to the mint coined ball
point pen in his frequently fapped lap. Anddddddd CUT this is the end the end
of all the all-end the end of some? No it’s actually the end I am just drawing
it out for several more lines to meet the word count of mrs stackable’s essay
requirements. 806 who would have thought well I suppose it is not 806 anymore it is now 823.
I'm sorry I haven't seen you around the website in awhile, so I'm really glad you read requested me. It's great to read you again. When I started this, I was immediately drawn in by the rhyming & word-sound-play & the outlandishness. This is extremely original, while borrowing from a variety of styles, all nicely woven together & yet also somewhat drifting in & out of this & that along the way. It's not that this is meant to be understood, as much as just reading along & marveling at the way you captured each little twist & turn of our thoughts along the way. To be a great writer, you have to be a good observer, & that's evident here. It's not so much that another writer has to know what you mean by all this, as much as just being inspired by the way you allow your thoughts to go where they go. This is one of the best examples I've seen of letting one's thoughts flow but not being total rubbish, instead doing it with an eye for crafting both the imagery & the sound along the way. Perfect use of variance to keep things from getting boring or repetitive. Even if a writer never wants to write in a similar style, it's still inspiring just to give ourselves permission to let the writing take us where it will, regardless of whatever realm we operate in! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 7 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Thank you :)) I just don't stop typing for a couple minutes and see what happens
F*****g brilliant! I love the commentary and the nonsense. Thank you for including me on the rr. Probably don’t write your grandmother a letter like that haha!