![]() Chapter 6:Finding DirectionA Chapter by estheryang[Shi Han Jun] "Yes, Third Prince," he replied as he struggled with the box. "But..." Wei Mian Feng started to say. "But what?" "Do you really need two whole carriages full of things?" By now they had exited the palace gates. "Nonsense! Are you trying to tell me what to do?" "No! I wouldn't dare! Forgive me for not thinking before I spoke," Wei Mian Feng said hurriedly. Shi Han Jun stopped. Mian Feng also stopped. He glanced at Shi Han Jun who was staring at him. "I didn't mean to offend you I"" Shi Han Jun started to laugh. "You don't need to get all nervous, Mian Feng! I was just teasing you." "Eh...he...he?" Mian Feng laughed awkwardly. He was getting uncomfortable and started to squirm. Shi Han Jun took out his white fan, and with a flick of his wrist, the fan opened. "Let's go," he said as he walked away, fanning himself. "Where are we going to go?" "Not sure yet. You decide." "Your Majesty..." "I have no clue where to go. Why don't you pick a direction we should go?" "But"" "Hurry up, Mian Feng. We don't have all day." Wei Mian Feng sighed. "Let's head to Yong Ping City." "Sounds good to me," Shi Han Jun said. A line of imperial guards stood on both sides of Shi Han Jun's carriage as they waited to escort the prince. Behind them, were two full carts of Shi Han Jun's things. Wei Mian put down a mini stair step for Shi Han Jun, who stepped on it and entered the royal carriage. "Set a course for Yong Ping City," Wei Mian Feng ordered. The procession slowly moved away from the palace. After a short bit, Shi Han Jun pulled aside the curtain that hung over the carriage window and called, "Wei Mian Feng!" Mian Feng, who was walking by the carriage window replied, "Yes Third Prince? Do you have any orders?" "Take me to Jiu Hua Lou." "Your Majesty!" "Do as I command!" Mian Feng sighed then turned to the carriage driver, "Third Prince wants to go to the pleasure house!" The carriage changed it's direction and started toward the pleasure house. Along the way, a crowd started to gather on both sides of the street. As they stared at the carriage, they cheered: "Hail to the Third Prince! May he live forever!" It was music to Shi Han Jun's ears. At last, the carriage stopped in front of the pleasure house and Shi Han Jun parted the cloth that hung at the carriage's entrance and descended. Once on the ground, he started toward the door. Glancing up, he caught the name of the pleasure house: 楼花九 . His guards started to follow him. Around him, people were murmuring. "What is the Third Prince doing here at the pleasure house?" He heard one person ask. "Is he also here to entertain himself?" Another questioned. "What is he up to?" A third said. Shi Han Jun felt the judgmental gaze of the people but didn't care. He strode to the doorway of the pleasure house where women stood as they tried to draw potential customers in. Shi Han Jun stepped into the pleasure house where a bunch of women started to pull on him and crowd him. "Get off me," he ordered sternly. They all drew away. His guards were about to follow him but were stopped by a woman who held up her arms to block their way. "Sorry, you can't all enter." Shi Han Jun slowly turned to the voice. "What do you mean, they can't enter?" "Your Majesty, you can't bring all your guards here." "Oh? Why not?" "Because I have other guests. To kick them out just because you came is not very fair to them. I'm sure you want to protect the people and their rights." Shi Han Jun hesitated for a moment before nodding to the head guard, who then ordered the guards to back off. The woman smiled. "Thank you Third Prince. Please follow me." She led him deeper into the pleasure house. At the present, women were dancing on the stage as men watched in fascination. She led him to a side room where she gently pushed him onto a seat in front of a table. "We have some of the best women upstairs. I can bring them all before you and you can pick which ones you'd like," the woman said. "No need. Actually, I didn't come here for pleasure but for business." "Oh? At the pleasure house, all we do is business. What other business could there be that does not involve women?" "I want to meet the mysterious woman who knows a lot about events in Jiang Hu." "Mysterious woman who knows a lot about Jiang Hu ? I don't recall knowing such a person. You came to the wrong place. I'm sorry, I can't help you," the woman started to turn away. Shi Han Jun took out a solid piece of solid gold in the shape of a boat and plopped it on the table with a thud. "Is this enough?" The woman turned around and held the piece of gold as she inspected it. She caressed the golden boat as she said, "Now that you mentioned it, we do have one such woman who knows many of the events in Jiang Hu." "Where is she? Can we see her?" "If you want your questions answered..." she said as she stuck out her forefinger and beckoned him to give her more. Shi Han Jun sighed and plopped another piece of solid gold in front of her. She seized it with greed. "Her name is Qu Ze. Currently, no one knows where she is. If you want to meet her, you have to follow all the guidelines and rules. However, I will remind you that not just anyone can meet her." "I am right here," A new voice suddenly broke in. Standing in the doorway, was a slender woman who had on a veil that covered her lower face and around her arms hung a loose piece of red cloth. "Qu...Qu Ze! What a s-s-s-surprise!" The woman stuttered as she fell to her knees, stretched out her arms and brought them toward her chest. She then brought her hands to the ground and rested her forehead against them. It wasn't a kotow out of honor, but of fear. "Ahhh, Chang Bing, it's you again. Trying to take what is rightfully mine again?" "Qu Ze, you misunderstand me. I"" "Chang Bing...why are you so scared? We've known each other for years," she said so softly but the meaning was clear: she was threatening Qu Ze. She approached Chang Bing slowly and deliberately. "You've been so kind to me. How could I dare to hurt you?" She continued. She stopped in front of the woman and stared. Then she lunged at the woman, grabbed her hair, and yanked up her head up. Before anyone could react, the deed was finished. There was a red scratch on Chang Bing's face. The woman quickly covered the mark and bellowed, "How dare you!" Qu Ze laughed. "How dare I? Be careful, my darling. Don't try to take advantage of me again. Next time I may not be as merciful. Now leave!" The woman got up and shot Qu Ze a look of hatred before storming out of the room. Qu Ze closed the doors and settled herself on the other side of the table. Then she flipped the tea cups over and started pouring tea from the pot. "Shall we drink tea?" She asked as she held the teapot higher into the air as tea was poured into a cup. A thin stream of tea entered the cups. She gave one cup to Shi Han Jun and took the other for herself. Shi Han Jun didn't touch the cup. "What brings Third Prince here?" She asked gently and smoothly. "I heard that you knew many secrets in Jiang Hu. So I came here to see if I could get my questions answered." "Oh? Is that so?" "Yes." "And how do you plan on paying me?" "I have lots of gold. Just name a price and I will send it to you." "I don't need more gold. I am wealthy already and your gold is worthless to me. I can't help you," She started to get up. "Wait! What do you want as payment? I will do anything in order to get the answers I want." "Anything?" "Anything." "Are you sure, my darling?" "Yes." Qu Ze sat back down and faced Shi Han Jun. "Very well. Though gold is not useful as payment, blood is. I want a bottle of your blood." "What for?" "That is not important for you to know. All you need to know is that I want your blood as payment." "Please your Majesty! Don't give it to her!" Mian Feng pleaded. "Blood is very sacred and we don't know what she will do with it! You could die if you lose too much blood!" "Shut up. I will make my own decisions. Besides, it's only a little bit of my blood." Turning to Qu Ze he said, "You want my blood? Fine. I will give you my blood." Qu Ze opened her hand and suddenly, a jar made of blue jade appeared in her hand. There were some very interesting runes on the vase as if they were part of a mysterious language. Shi Han Jun didn't pay any attention though. After Qu Ze placed the vase on the table, Shi Han Jun suddenly whipped out his dagger and slashed his wrist. Holding it over the vase, it started to glow red. Shi Han Jun, however, didn't pay much attention to it as he was too busy trying to get every drop of his blood into the vase. The blood dripped off his wrist a drop at a time. Shi Han Jun squeezed his wrist harder and slowly more blood started to trickle out. While Shi Han Jun was concentrating on putting his blood into the vase, he failed to notice Qu Ze putting powder into the incense container. A sweet fragrance wafted into the air. Finally, the container was full and Shi Han Jun took back his bleeding wrist. Qu Zi received the vase. "Here! Let me wrap that for you," Mian Feng said as he quickly took out some cloth and some medicine. After wrapping up Shi Han Jun's wrist, they got back to business. "I have paid you in full. Now can you answer me?" "Hahaha. I like you. You are so upfront with what you want, unlike other people I've known. Very well, my dear. What would you like to know?" Shi Han Jun felt his eyes go out of focus for a minute. He shook his head and they came back into focus. "I would like to know about the mysterious sect, Huang Feng." "Hmmm. You ask a very difficult question. What would you like to know about them?" "Who is the leader of the sect?" Mian Feng gasped as he too felt his eyes go out of focus and his head starting to spin. "I'm sorry, I can't answer that. No one has ever fought the leader, much less seen him. For the most part he works behind the scenes." "Ahh, t-that's o-okay. D-do you know what kind of sect they are?" Shi Han Jun asked as he started to slur his words. "They are an organization of assassins. They are highly skilled and few people can escape death when that organization is bent on killing them. The most well known assassin goes by the nickname, Yang Hao Ran." "D-do you know if they have the Yan Dan?" "You've heard the rumors too?" Shi Han Jun said nothing as he stared at the ceiling. "Yes. They have the Yan Dan. I know someone who personally saw one of those assassins take away the Yan Dan. It was very lucky that he wasn't seen by the assassin because he would have been killed if he was spotted." "Do you...do you know... where...their...lair...is?" By now, Shi Han Jun's head hurt so badly he could barely think. She sighed. "The whereabouts of their lair is a tightly guarded secret that few know about. I can't help. But I know a place where you can get clues." "W-where?" "Jing Du." "Jing Du?" asked Shi Han Jun. "Yes, Jing Du has the best academic school and has access to lots of very rare manuscripts. Perhaps if you went to Jing Du, you might find some more clues on the sect." "Ah...t-thank you," Shi Han Jun said as he stood up and took a few wobbly steps. Qu Ze shook her head. She threw a needle at the back of Shi Han Jun's head. The needle hit it's intended target and Shi Han Jun fell on the ground, fast asleep. Qu Ze walked to his side, knelt down, and pulled the needle out of his head. "In half an hour you'll wake up," she said as she got up and left the room. When Shi Han Jun finally awoke, he found himself in a strange bed covered in a thick blanket. Alarmed, he sat up quickly and threw the blankets aside. He swung his legs to the side of the bed. "Your Majesty! You're finally awake!" Shi Han Jun glanced up to see Mian Feng rushing at him. Mian Feng took Shi Han Jun's arms and helped him up. "Mian Feng. Why are we here? " "I think we were drugged. One moment I was awake, the next moment, I fell asleep. Anyway, I woke up first and she was already gone." "Ahhh. Is that so? My head feels a little dizzy but at least we know where to go now." "Where? I wasn't paying attention." "Jing Du." "What is the time now?" "It's Xu hour," replied Mian Feng. "Ahh, let's go then." "But it's soon lunch time." "But we have a mission to complete." "Well, we can't complete our mission if we're hungry!" "You know what? You have a point. Let's eat first." It took an hour for them to eat and after they finished, Wei Mian leaned back in his seat. "Ahhh! I'm so full." "We have to go now," Shi Han Jun said. "No, we have to rest first and then we can continue on our way." "Wei Mian Feng, if you continue to try to waste time, I will not give you a single wen for this month or the next!" Mian Feng immediately jumped up. "Third Prince, I think we should go now." "That's what I thought." Shi Han Jun exited the pleasure house. By now it was lightly snowing. Shi Han Jun stepped on the soft snow. He entered the carriage that waited for him, and after settling in, he said, "Set a course to Jing Du." The carriage driver said, "Yes." The escort set off to Jing Du. ******************************************************** He sat behind a marble table, cross-legged. His head rested on his right hand and his eyes were closed. He seemed to be sleeping. In walked a young man who wore black from head to toe. Showing his respect, he bowed and said, "Second Prince." The eyes of the Second Prince slowly opened. "What is it?" "Your Majesty, the Third Prince had left the palace early this morning." "Which direction is he headed?" "He is heading toward the direction of Jing Du and had just set out from the Lotus Tower half an hour ago." "Good. Very good. Have you finished the task I have sent you to do?" "Yes, Your Highness. Everything you have sent me to do is ready. You need only to sit back and wait for the good news." "Alright. I know now. Stand down," the Second Prince waved his hand in dismissal. "As you wish," the man backed out of the room. The Second Prince picked up his jade tea kettle and poured some tea into a white jade tea cup. The steam rose out of the cup like whisps of smoke. He lifted the cup to his lips. As the cup was about to touch his lips he paused and said aloud, "You have repeatedly ruined my good planning, little brother. This time, I won't let you succeed. Let's see if you have such good luck this time...Shi. Han. Jun." With that, he tipped the full cup of tea into his mouth and gulped it all down. Then he set the cup down with a thud, an evil smile played on his lips. ************************************************************************ The procession finally exited the city and had travelled some hours when snow rained down from the sky relatively quickly. The procession trudged on, however. In the carriage, Shi Han Jun was holding his hands over hot coals. Suddenly, from outside, he heard shouting and the ringing of metal against metal. Alarmed, he rushed to the opening and pulled aside the curtains of the carriage. The imperial guards were fighting a group of black men who had their faces covered. Shi Han Jun quickly descended the carriage. Suddenly a man charged at him with a sword. Shi Han Jun barely had enough time to dodge it. The sword ripped through the side of the wooden carriage, an inch away from Shi Han Jun's side. Terrified, Shi Han Jun ran the other way. By now, it was snowing more and more. Shi Han Jun was beginning to have trouble seeing just a few feet in front of him. "Wei Mian Feng! Wei Mian Feng!" He cried desperately. "Your Majesty!" Where are you?" A faint voice shouted. "Over here! Over here!" From out of a wall of whiteness, a sudden blade appeared. Shi Han Jun spun to the left, just barley being speared for the second time that day. Around him, he still heard the ring of mental against metal as men shouted. Fear gripping his heart, Shi Han Jun blindly ran away from the noise. "You Majesty!" Wei Mian Feng shouted, this time closer. "I'm here! I'm here!" "Where?" "Here!" Then suddenly, something bumped into Shi Han Jun, who fell to the ground, terrified. "Your Majesty! It's me!" A hand helped Shi Han Jun up. Shi Han Jun could distinctly outline Wei Mian Feng's figure but he was panicking too much to say or do anything. "You Majesty, let's get out of this snow storm!" Shi Han Jun merely nodded as he tried to control his panic. Mian Feng draped Shi Han Jun's arm around his neck and half carried-half dragged him. By now, the wind had picked up as snow flurries blew into their faces. All around them, was an endless wall of mad white flurries that beat against their faces. They struggled for a while through the snow storm, when they suddenly saw a darkness loom in front of them. "It's a cave!" Wei Mian Feng exclaimed. "Don't worry, Your Majesty! I won't let you die! We're soon there!" Wei Mian Feng half carried, half dragged Shi Han Jun into the dry cave. It was dark and cool inside the cave. Wei Mian Feng gently laid Shi Han Jun on the ground and took off a layer of his clothing. He draped it over Shi Han Jun, who was more easily affected by the cold. "Hey, Shi Han Jun, you alright?" Shi Han Jun had been panicking and was having a hard time breathing. After he calmed down a bit, he said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Mian Feng." Wei Mian Feng just grinned. "You better settle in for the long night. This snow storm may not let up." "I'm not afraid. I have you with me. I feel safe." "Get some sleep, Your Majesty." Shi Han Jun nodded as he closed his eyes. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸 Jing Du (京都):the biggest city in the south/summer regions © 2025 estheryang |
Added on January 21, 2025 Last Updated on January 21, 2025 Author![]() estheryangU.S. Virgin IslandsAboutHey my name is Esther! I always wanted to write about the exploration of different ideas through fiction. If you like my content, feel free to follow my insta account: estheryang08! more..Writing