Chapter 2: Shi Fu's Lesson

Chapter 2: Shi Fu's Lesson

A Chapter by estheryang

[Luo Xiao Zhao POV]

A young man dressed in white stood in front of him. The right man's arm was folded in front of his stomach as long sleeves hung off his arm. His other arm was held behind his back as he stood straight and tall with elegance. He had a small bun that was decorated with a metal band and stuck up from his head as the rest of his long, white hair flowed down his back. More than anything, he looked like a scholar than a martial artist. His hands were white, soft, and delicate. They didn't seem like hands fit for fighting.

Luo Xiao Zhao took his foot off the desk and started to walk toward the newcomer. However, the old man quickly intercepted his path and held up his arm as a means to block Luo Xiao Zhao.

"Well, Wang Shi Fu, this boy tried to barge into the building without a name tablet. I told him he couldn't and so he threw a fit," explained the old man.

"Oh? Is that so?" Wang Shi Fu asked as he eyed Luo Xiao Zhao carefully.

"Yes! Yes!" The old man said hurriedly.

"I was asking him. Not you. Answer me, is that true?" Wang Shi Fu asked as he turned to Luo Xiao Zhao.

Luo Xiao Zhao only studied his shoes.

"Forget it. Let him enter," Wang Shi Fu ordered.

"What? But he--""

"I said let him enter. Don't make this hard," Wang Shi Fu said firmly.

The old man looked down and sighed. Reluctantly, he let his arm fall to his side.

Luo Xiao Zhao looked at the old man smugly as he passed him.

"What is your name?" the man asked.

"My name is Luo Xiao Zhao. Thank you for accepting me," Luo Xiao Zhao said as he clasped his hands in front of himself and prepared to bow as a sign of respect. However, as he was about to bow, Wang Shi Fu reached his hands out and took hold of Luo Xiao Zhao's arm and stopped him. He said, "No need to bow to me yet. I am not yet your teacher. I only allowed you to take the exam. Bow to me later after you pass my exam."

Luo Xiao Zhao let his arms drop to his side as he said, "You're right. You're right. I am still not your disciple but don't worry. I will soon be." He smiled and entered the building.

Wang Shi Fu looked up to see an onlooking crowd. "What are all of you looking at? Get back to your work. There's nothing to see here."

"That's right! Go back to work," the old man yelled as the crowd started to disperse.

Wang Shi Fu sighed and headed back inside, closing the door behind him.

Luo Xiao Zhao entered the building to find himself in a spacious room made of white stone. In front of him were lines of tables occupied by dozens of people. By now, there was a low buzz in the room as the potential disciples talked among themselves and wondered where the Shi Fu had gone. Luo Xiao Zhao scanned the room and found an empty table near the back corner of the room. He slowly made his way towards it and once he reached it, sat down cross-legged.

When he looked up, he found Wang Shi Fu at the front of the room. He cleared his throat and said, "Let us continue the examination. As I was saying, the exam will have three parts: a writing part, a reading part, and a chance for you to show your skills in martial arts. Now let us continue. I have sheets of paper up front which I will give to you all. I am sure that most of you had brought your writing brush which--"

"I thought you were testing to see our skills! Not our reading and writing ability!" A voice protested loudly.

"He's right! Why are you giving us such a useless exam?" Another voice chimed in.

Then suddenly, dozens of people were talking at once.

From nearby, Luo Xiao Zhao heard one say, "Is he really a Shi Fu? Maybe he doesn't know what he's doing!"

"That can't be right! Isn't he the world-renowned martial artist Wang Jing Ling? He must have his reasons," another answered.

By now the confusion and the chatter was at its peak when suddenly a voice thundered, "Silence!"

It instantly grew quiet. There was a heaviness in the air and an intensity that no one dared to break because he had spoken.

As if surprised himself, Wang Shi Fu looked around awkwardly. When he realized everyone was staring at him, he cleared his throat and straightened. "Everyone, please. There is no need to get this loud over an exam. If any of you have qualms about my testing method that is fine. Just remember that the door is right there for any of you with complaints. You may take your leave," he said smoothly as he lifted his arms and pointed toward the direction of the door.

There was a stillness in the air. It was so uncomfortable that a couple of people started to squirm. Then suddenly, a man stood up and declared, "Fine. I don't even want to be a part of your sect. Who would want to when you ask them to do useless tasks?" The man marched away, leaving the remaining people to make their decisions.

"What he says does make sense," someone concurred.

"I bet I can get into other, more well-established sects than this sorry attempt in creating one," another said.

Slowly, one by one, people left until only half of the original number of people remained.

Wang Shi Fu, during this whole ordeal, did not flinch at all but instead just stood there stoically. When everyone who wanted to leave left, he finally turned his eyes toward the remaining group of students.

"You all still want to stay?" He asked.

The students exchanged glances and finally, Luo Xiao Zhao spoke up. "Wang Shi Fu, if we don't follow you, who else would we follow?"

At this, the students started to agree.

"Who else would we follow? No one else would be willing to teach us," a short stout boy said.

"Yes. Yes. What he says is right," a tall slim boy agreed.

A silence followed then, and for a minute, Wang Shi Fu said nothing as he looked at the ground. Finally, he  looked up and said, "Well if this is the case, please take out your brushes and ink pads."

He started to pass out the thin pieces of paper.

The piece of paper felt soft and fine to Luo Xiao Zhao who had never touched anything so smooth in his life. Luo Xiao Zhao started to look around to see if he could borrow a brush from someone.

By now, Wang Shi Fu was pacing around as he spoke, "I want you all to write a poem about springtime. Try to convey your feelings and thoughts on this season. Try to be as detailed as possible. Now I will stop talking and let you all start." With that, he went to his desk and sat down behind it. He kneeled and sat on the back of his legs. He picked up a brush and started to write.

Luo Xiao Zhao was getting desperate but on neither side of his table did he see someone who would lend him a brush. On his right side was a boy about 16 years old. Although he had a brush and could have been writing, he was instead playing with a red string as he tossed it around and wound it around his fingers again and again. Luo Xiao Zhao was not interested in getting to know this crazy boy and didn't bother to. Then he glanced to his left and saw a boy around 18 with black hair flowing down his back. He had a cold blank expression as he focused on the test. Luo Xiao Zhao could instantly tell the boy was from a respected family. He had clean white clothes that didn't have a single crease in them and he wore an emblem of a lion made of metal on his forehead. He was currently focusing all his attention on the task at hand. Luo Xiao Zhao, upon seeing his choices, immediately chose the boy on his right side.

"Hey," he whispered to the boy who was intrigued by the red string.

No reply.

"Hey," he called a little louder.

At this, the boy looked up. "What?" He said not quietly.

Luo Xiao Zhao nervously glanced toward the Shi Fu who didn't seem to hear.

"What's your name?"

"What?!" He asked so loudly that his voice echoed in the room. At this, Wang Shi Fu looked up and tried to find the culprit who had just spoken. Luo Xiao Zhao used his arm to support his head as he turned his head away.

"Why are you talking, Li Zheng Shao?" Wang Shi Fu asked in an authoritative tone.

"I..." Li Zheng Shao glanced at Luo Xiao Zhao but seeing no help offered, resolved to stare at the paper in front of him.

"No more talking or else you will be disqualified, "Wang Shi Fu warned.

The boy on his right didn't look at Luo Xiao Zhao the whole time. Luo Xiao Zhao knew that his time was running out so in a desperate attempt, he turned to the boy on his left.

"Hey," Luo Xiao Zhao called.

The boy didn't respond to the call.

"Hey," Luo Xiao Zhao tried again.

Then the boy suddenly spoke, "Wang Shi Fu, the boy sitting by me is disturbing me. Could you please punish him?"

"You--"" Luo Xiao Zhao said indignantly as he felt his face flush.

"Why are you bothering him, Luo Xiao Zhao? Didn't I warn you that anyone who speaks during the exam will be disqualified?" Wang Shi Fu questioned.

"Wang Shi Fu, I just wanted to ask for a brush to start the exam," explained Luo Xiao Zhao.

"You came in unprepared. You shouldn't expect others to make up for your mistake now, should you?"

"I didn't know I needed a writing brush. I thought the exam was only on the usage of martial arts."

"Is it your first time taking an exam?"

Luo Xiao Zhao looked around with uncertainty. "What do you mean?"

"Is this your first time attending an exam?"


"Since it is your first time, I won't fault you for your mistake. If you had taken other exams, you would have known to be prepared for anything. That includes bringing a writing brush and paper," Wang Shi Fu sighed. "You can take my writing brush," he said as he picked up the brush and held it out.

Luo Xiao Zhao stood up and walked toward the front of the room. He felt all the students' eyes on him as he did so. He finally reached the front and gently took the brush from Wang Shi Fu. He bowed slightly and Wang Shi Fu nodded. Luo Xiao Zhao took his leave and quickly retreated to his desk.

At his desk, his heart beat quickly. He forced his breath to slow down and concentrated on the task at hand. Fortunately, he knew how to write. If not for his determination and secrecy in learning how to write, he would not have been able to pass the exam. His caretaker had forbidden him to learn how to write, claiming Luo Xiao Zhao wasn't smart enough to learn. Luo Xiao Zhao wanted to prove Zheng Xia Ning wrong and so he rebelled. He would steal some of the wooden bamboo scrolls Zheng Xia Ning had and would teach himself to read at night. He remembered once, he got caught, and in a fit of rage, Zheng Xia Ning refused to give him food for three days and nights. On the second day without food, Luo Xiao Zhao was sent to buy food in town. When he arrived at the town, however, he felt weak and collapsed on the ground. He thought he was going to die, but fortunately he met an elderly woman who gave him some food. This woman was Madam Ming.

From that day onwards, Luo Xiao Zhao promised himself that he would always buy fish from her stand to show her his gratitude.

Now as Luo Xiao Zhao focused on writing, his hand wrote the characters gracefully as if they had a mind of their own. He could tell that the tip of the brush he was using was made from the fur of the fox which happened to be one of the best brushes anyone could afford. He had only written one page when Wang Shi Fu spoke. "Alright everyone, put down your brush."

Everyone did as they were told.

Wang Shi Fu stood up and started to pace around the front of the room  and said, "Look at this." He held up his own piece of paper he had been writing on. "I want you all to take the piece of paper you were just writing on and hold it up like I am now."

Everyone followed his example as they held up their paper with one hand.

"Now I want you to do this," he said as he suddenly crumpled the paper to everyone's dismay.

"Shi Fu, why do you want us to crumple the paper up? If we crumple it up, then you won't be able to grade us on our work," a voice to Luo Xiao Zhao's right protested.

"You're right," Wang Shi Fu agreed. "But I have my different reasons. Do you trust me enough to do as I ask?"

Wang Shi Fu gazed around the room and made eye contact with Luo Xiao Zhao who squirmed in his chair. He felt soul naked under Wang Shi Fu's gaze and quickly broke eye contact.

There was a hesitation among the group until one boy, about the age of 17, declared, "I will crumple my paper. Wang Shi Fu has his reasons and if we are to become his disciples, we must learn to trust him. As a sign of my trust, I will now crumple my paper." He put the paper in his palm and crumpled it.

The rest of the group followed suit and the crumpling of paper could be heard throughout the room. After it was done, everyone waited breathlessly for Wang Shi Fu to speak.

Wang Shi Funlooked pleased as he smiled. "Well done everyone. You have all passed the first test. For a sect to be established, the disciples must learn how to trust their leader, and all of you have just demonstrated that to me. However, I have another reason I had you crumple your paper. I wanted you all to know that what is written on the paper ultimately does not matter. It is the process that matters. Think of it this way, when you were writing each stroke, were you aware of the impact each stroke of the brush had on the overall message? No? Yet each stroke is very important in making the message clear. If you accidentally add or forget a stroke here or there, you could change the character and thus the meaning of the whole message. This is true not only in the world of literature but also in the world of martial arts. Each move you make is very impactful. With each move, like the stroke of the brush, you can either save people or hurt people. Martial arts are used not only to kill, but to protect."

There was a short pause then he suddenly said, "Alright. That concludes the writing section of the exam. Let us go on to the next section which is the reading section. I will hand you bamboo scrolls for you to read. Afterward, I will ask you some questions."

He took a pile of bamboo slips and passed them down.

The bamboo scroll was made of pieces of bamboo that were smoothened and bound together by a throng. On each slip of bamboo, a narrow vertical column of about twelve characters existed. The scroll felt cool in the hands of Luo Xiao Zhao and brought delight to his fingers. As he read, he found characters he didn't know. Based on the context of the passage, he figured out the main ideas conveyed. At length, Wang Shi Fu interrupted the silence. "Let us begin answering the questions."

He asked a series of questions based on the passage such as "What sect invented the wheel," "What does each sect value," "Which sects are the biggest," and "Which are the smallest?" For each question, multiple hands went up and then he would pick someone to answer. If they got it right, he would congratulate them. If they got it wrong, he would gently correct them.

At last, he no longer asked questions based on the passage but instead asked, "Now that we have gone through the reading and the questions, do you know what the purpose of this drill was?"

Everyone looked at each other puzzled.

"I wanted to test your ability to comprehend the task given to you. As you read, you had to learn to comprehend the words written in front of you. In Jiang Hu, it is important to comprehend the consequences of your actions as well as the situation you are facing. Without proper comprehension, Jiang Hu could be thrown into chaos and many people would suffer. I hope that you all want to learn martial arts for the right reasons and not for fame."


"Now let us go out and finish the last portion of the test. Please follow me," he said as he led them out.

The group followed him.

He led them to a small clearing in the forest nearby. After the group had gathered around him, he spoke, " The last test is simple. I want you all to try to beat me in a match." There was a smile on his lips.

At this, the group murmured among themselves.

"He's skilled in martial arts. How come he asks us to best him in a fighting match?" someone asked.

"I know right? His standards are way too high," another responded.

Then a voice rose above the clamor and everyone stopped talking.

"Fine! If you insist on fighting, I will!" A tough-looking boy beside Luo Xiao Zhao declared as he pulled out his sword and charged.

In a flash, Wang Shi Fu whipped out his sword and they instantly clashed.

The boy went for the feet of the Shi Fu but the Shi Fu flew into the air and continued to spin horizontally, instantly putting the boy on defense as he tried to block the blows.

Then Wang Shi Fu landed and they continued to spar. A jab there. A dodge here. It went on for a minute. Then, with a firm and quick flick of the wrist, Wang Shi Fu disarmed the boy and his sword flew out of his hand and landed vertically on the ground. The boy tried catching his breath as he bent over gasping.

Wang Shi Fu sheathed his sword and said confidently, "Anyone else want to give it a try?"

No one dared.

He sighed. "Very well. To be honest, this was not a test of martial arts but a test of courage. What is your name?" he turned toward the boy he had just fought.

"Li An," he replied.

"Li An fought me despite knowing he would lose. That's courage: to do what is necessary even when you already know the results. He also showed no fear when he fought me despite having a strong opposition. That is a good quality to have. Well done, Li An," he paused. Then continued, "That is all for today. Tomorrow, I will reveal who has passed the test by putting a notice on the town board. Thank you all for your time. Goodbye."

He walked away.

The remaining people started to disperse, murmuring amongst themselves.

He watched as his opportunity to freedom slipped away. No, I won't let this chance slip away. Xiao Zhao chased after Wang Shi Fu in hopes to get his dream fulfilled.


© 2025 estheryang

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Added on January 21, 2025
Last Updated on January 21, 2025



U.S. Virgin Islands

Hey my name is Esther! I always wanted to write about the exploration of different ideas through fiction. If you like my content, feel free to follow my insta account: estheryang08! more..

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