Letter of Correspondence

Letter of Correspondence

A Poem by E S Stevens

This piece was inspired by some lines borrowed from another poem.


I don’t care how depressed you are,

I’m not coming to your party.

Granted, I’m no expert in the craft of bartending,

but I have this natural inclination to believe that

cheap tequila and Prozac don’t mix too well,

Nor do midnight tears and your desperate attempts

to relight the embers long ago drowned by your

relentless waves of unrealistic expectations

and your idealistic ignorance

I care not for your pleas or your empty promises

that this time will be different or that you’ve changed

You’ll have better luck ringing the doorbell on a coffin.

Knock all you like - no one’s coming to the door

© 2012 E S Stevens

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Added on May 30, 2012
Last Updated on May 30, 2012
Tags: anger, pride, breakup, depression, self respect, rejection


E S Stevens
E S Stevens

Louisville, KY

Body Art Body Art

A Poem by E S Stevens