Christian Gilbert is a fairly typical thirteen year old boy, fond of football and baseball despite being both too small and lacking the co-ordination needed to play for anything other than fun. Rather than delude himself in dreams he will run out as team captain at the Superbowl one day, he channels his energy and intellect into creating his own computer games and a seemingly never ending quest to find out why his grandfather was never awarded any war service medals.
Dressed in his finest clothes of navy blue trousers; clean pressed white and pale blue checked shirt with its collar neatly folded, narrow black leather neck tie and polished black shoes, Christian was keen to be the first one to the car as the Sunday morning service drew to a close. This was not because he disliked church, it was the other family tradition of visiting his grandparents that always seemed to bring about such unbridled eagerness. Perhaps it was the depth of the detail in the stories from a war many had long forgotten that grandpa told or maybe it was the impossible to resist natural aroma and taste of grandma's apple pie, but without either Sundays just would not be the same.
[please be patient, this story is still under construction - more to follow soon]