Watching through the hourglass
Even angels shed a tear
At the suffering of so many
Hiding in loves shadow
And cursed by promises broken
Angels hear the echoes
From a world of hearts pouring out
Through tear stained eyes
The never ending story of love
And the pain of its lost reflection
Angels send their wishes with the wind
To all those bleeding hearts
For strength and courage
To step out from that broken shadow
Love left in its wake
And seek the afterglow
Angels understand our desires
To be bathed in loves glorious light
They want to wipe away our tears
They want to help soothe our soul
Securing their desire for a world
Filled with peaceful hearts
So spare a thought
Next time Cupid's arrow goes astray
And you feel like a passenger
On loves militant cruise
You have a silent partner sharing your pain
Hiding way above the world
Even angels cry.
"Even angels shed a tear"- Maybe Even angels shed tears, or Even an angel sheds a tear [just some grammar, very good line though] My favorite stanza was the last. It flowed and had lovely word usage. Write on.
I have a tendency to write mostly "free verse", I have written some lyrics and they will appear on the site gradually.
I don't like being defined by style anyway, I just try to convey a message or at .. more..