A Raven's Lullaby Part 1

A Raven's Lullaby Part 1

A Story by E.R Parker

Who knew that such a small town could hide such big secrets or that saving a baby Raven would lead her to a life unimaginable to others.

Salem’s Lullaby
Present Day
Sitting on the  porch of the small two bedroom cabin cottage she rocked back and forth slowly listening to the very low creaking sound of which used to be his great-grandmother’s or was it great great-grandmother’s rocking chair.  She didn’t really care who it had belonged too; all she knew is she despised the chair and the little cottage.  She smiles to herself as she realized that once upon a time in her life this would have been her ideal home.  But since her marriage of ten years ago this has become her living hell.  She hears the sound of a familiar “caw” and looks towards the sky, seeing the black spot within the beautiful light blue sea of sky she gives her hand a wave.  Without thinking or looking she reaches to the side table grabbing a few raisins out of bowl and waits.  Seconds later a huge black raven lands on the back of the rocking chair, lifting her hand to the raven for it to take the treats offered she laughs saying “Hello, Salem How was your hunt?” the raven plucks the offered treats from her hand throws back his head sending them down his gullet then snuggles his head along hers and down her neck before settling in behind her.  She giggles “That good huh?” the raven grunts back which is his way of telling her “Don’t tease I am not in the mood!” 
“Okay I get it” she says back, the raven replies by making a different grunting sound and she answers “Yes, Salem, I believe today is the day.  Are you ready to leave this place forever?”  Letting out a group of loud, “Caws” he takes off from the chair flying straight in the air to perform some skillful aerobatics for his beloved friend.  She laughs and claps which encourages him even more “Okay, friend just give me a few more moments” as if he had heard her he tilts his wing then continues to just glide above.
She turns her head and stares down the narrow lane road that led her to this deception she thought could just be paradise.  Her mind wanders back to the years before she seen what was going to be her future home and how a happy, exciting and nerve racking wedding day had ended in complete and absolute terror for the next five years of her life.

Accepting the Job
She had met her now husband in a grocery store or more of a mercantile of a small community that she had recently moved to; to fill a position as principle for the communities small school, which just happened to be the elementary, middle, and high school all in one.  She was quite sure and pretty determined she would turn down the position, but after driving into the small town and having the feeling of stepping back in time about 80 years, she knew then she would accept the offer.
The mayor was the one who interviewed her and as it so happened he was also the local hardware store owner, sheriff and town judge.  He was a small pudgy man that carried a jovial smile as he walked; with his all brown pant suit he reminded her of Boss Hog from the Dukes of Hazard, but nice and caring.  Meeting her at the door of the city offices he reach out shaking her hand making the introductions quickly rushing her into the small three room building, which contained two offices and a restroom.  At the same time as shaking her hand he was directing her to his office indicating with his other  hand which chair she should occupy and started the interview with a heart felted “I sure wish you would take this position because our little town can’t afford to many more airplane tickets or car rentals for each applicant that comes to just say “No”, If it were up to me I wouldn’t have a principle but our state funding requires it and since they hardly even know we exist I would hate to be the one that brings a state official to our little town.” Then he gave a sad small shake of his head like a man that has just been broken.
“Yes, I accept” she said very clear and very loudly before she lost her nerve.  She knew that she might be jumping into something that she could end up regretting in the future but she was only 23 years old and figured she had a few years to make a few mistakes in her life.  The mayor’s head popped up struggling with what to say next when finally managing to ask a very faint “Did you say yes?”  She shook her head with a positive response, the mayor smiled slapping his pudgy little hands on his desk and let very gleeful “Hallelujah” which he immediately follow with “thank you” and many more favorable comments.  After his excitement settled down he began to give her a little history on the small town that she would now be calling home.
He went on to explain that the small town back in the 1800’s use to be a stage coach stop, a place for people heading west to replenish their wagon supplies and just a place for a traveler to rest their head before continuing on in whatever long journey they were taking in life.  The reason being that it was the only place within hundred miles in either direction to get fresh water; which once when people began to really travel soon learned was probably the most important commodity of all.  So as the people continued to stop at this oasis of water came a need for a hotel, saloon, mercantile and all other businesses associated with people just pasting through and before they know it their small community was thriving.  The mayor then went on to tell her how at one time it once was rather the happening place with all sort of travelers coming and going  and that it’s said all the known greats had once laid their heads on a pillow of the small town’s hotel and the town archives had the old hotel register to prove it.  Wyatt Earp, Billy the Kid, Doc Holiday, The James Brothers, Wild Bill, Anne Oakley, Calamity Jane he touch a finger for every person named and seemed to be really proud of these infamous guests.
Unfortunately, for this small town progress happened which brought the railroad to our world and an end to this thriving little town.  With the railroad surrounding them from each of the hundred miles stop that made the town necessary in the first place; there just didn’t seem a need for their small little town anymore.  Then there came the cars with major highways, then airplanes leaving this small town in the past.  The only thing that keeps the town going now are the summer vacationers who happened upon it by accident by traveling through the small back roads of this country looking for private getaways.  According to the mayor that is when the locals started selling their homes and property to the summer vacationers who bought them and built big luxury cabins on them and were only here for two months out of the year.  The only locals that stayed are the ones that can make their money from the summer cash flow of the vacationers.  He ended with a sad “I suppose it is happening everywhere in this country small towns like ours being swallowed by progress.”  Slapping his two pudgy hands on his desk again he stood and informed her that he would now give her the tour of their beloved town. 
 Wow!  She was not exaggerating when she said stepping back in time.  Since the city offices were the first buildings she came to when entering the town she did not realize how back in time she was.  The main street consisted of a two lane paved road running through the center of town.  Where people once might have tied up a horse or wagon was now parking where if parking on an angle several cars could line the main street.  What she enjoyed the most was all the buildings were connected with an old but well maintained wooden planked walkway.  There was only about a foot between each building, but the walkway continued despite the small space between each building.  The mayor her benevolent tour glide pointed out each establishment as they walked by.  Next to the city offices was the sheriff’s office and jail " they were lucky to have only three cells and they were very seldom used them, expect when the town drunk got out of control. Under his breath she heard the mayor say “I would turn to drink too.”  She didn’t ask what he meant but just continued following for the rest of the tour.  Then came the Barber shop;  which just so happened to be where the local dentist practiced " pretty much like it was 80 years ago, but she was assured that the dentist and barber were two different individuals. 
Towering above the barber shop was the saloon, but she was quickly informed that it was now just the town bar and that the owner had renovated the upper level of the saloon to living quarter for her and her two children.  Right next to the saloon or bar was the church house, this made her giggle a little and noticing her amusement the mayor could not resist telling her the story of how this came about.  “Yes, I know the church and saloon right next to each other, but before each of these building was erected they were just old canvas tents waiting for the materials needed to become the buildings they are today.  Most people believe that the Reverend pitched his tent next to the intended saloon owner just to agitate the owner who just happened to be the Reverend’s older brother.”  The mayor laughed an almost Santa Claus like “HO! HO!” then continued.  “See it turns out that the brothers had inherited a piano from their mother and were supposed to share in the ownership.  However, the older brother with the saloon was able to build his establishment of the night a lot sooner than the Reverend’s church house for obvious reasons which ended  with the older brother getting the piano first.  So the Reverend started condemning his brother to hell every time he stepped out of his place of business.  The older brother finally offered the Reverend an agreement that he may have the piano for three hours on Sunday for services and that the saloon would stay quite during those three hours as long as, the Reverend would quit condemning him, the older brother to hell each time he saw him. “   Shaking his head and smiling he went on to say “A lot of good it did that poor saloon owner because after that every time the Reverend saw his older brother  he would say “God Bless and mother would be proud,” which seemed to irritate him more than the condemning him to hell.”  This made her laugh and with the motion of his hand the mayor indicated they could continue with the tour. 
Finalizing the end of the street was the hotel; that the mayor also added that the very upper level of the hotel had been turned into a make shift hospital that was only able to handle very minor illnesses and injuries.  The mayor then points across the street naming the buildings almost exact opposite from the buildings they have just viewed but going back down the direction they had started from, a dress shop which was dry cleaning and laundry as well, the school house, a diner with a bed and breakfast, the small grocery store or mercantile whichever you prefer to call it and then his hardware store.  He made a comment about how handy having all his responsibilities across the street from each other made life.  He continued the tour by starting to escort her across the street saying “But I suppose it is the school house that most interest you?” looking sideways at her to see her response.  She smiled big and shook her head with a very excited yes.
She had now been in the small town for six months and was certain that she had not made a bad decision.  The town’s people were friendly and accepting of her " even being an outsider " from the start.  It turned out the school house is what helped finalize her decision. When the mayor opened the double doors to the school house she felt like she had stepped into a Laura Ingalls Wilder book.  These two doors opened into a small room which she was quickly informed called the mud room.  This is where the student’s came and removed their coats, backpacks, or any other personal items that were not allowed within the classroom.  However, in the winter time with snow and raining seasons the room had a tendency to get slightly muddy hence the name mud room the mayor added with a smile.  
From the mud room opened a single door into a small lobby. To the left of the lobby were stairs; which she was later to learn was where her small one bedroom apartment was located.  She also learned that across the hall from her were the only two teachers for the school and that the apartment they occupied consisted of two bedrooms.  A married couple from town, they had been high school sweethearts knew they wanted to be teachers, so married went off to college got their teaching certificates, then returned when the two position opened up for teachers.  She developed an instant friendship with the couple and soon learned that they were expecting their first child.  The women explained that her father was the local doctor and her husband’s father owned the local grocery store and they had always wanted to raise their family in their home town.  
She had been shopping at the local grocery store for a dinner she was planning with the couple when she first met her future husband.  She was inspecting the oranges when her thoughts were interrupted by a very rasping masculine voice saying “That’s a beautiful smile you have there!”  Slightly embarrassed she looked up from the oranges to see the most handsome man ever.  He had bright blue eyes; to put it nicely he was built like a brink s**t house, and had sandy blonde hair; which looked like he had been wearing a hat.  Of course if she had not been staring straight into his eye she would have seen he was nervously spinning a cowboy hat between his hands; cowboy boots, jeans, and cowboy hat seem to the local favorite of dress in this small town.  She gave a squeaky “Thank you” then lowered her eyes from embarrassment.  What the hell was wrong with her, she has seen good looking men before why was this one making her feel so awkward. 
He gave a small chuckle before saying “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It’s just I saw you standing here by the oranges. I assumed trying to pick the right one with such concentration, and then you suddenly busted out with this most beautiful smile. I had to come find out what caused it and maybe I should consider getting an orange myself if they could make someone that happy.”  She giggled like a silly school girl but relax replying “Yes.  I would definitely get an orange.”  She placed the one she had been holding into her basket and turned to leave before making an even bigger fool of herself then she already had.  “Hey wait” he shouted after her.  She slowing turned around to face him; without even realizing it when she looked at his eyes she gave a sign.  She was horrified and her cheeks instantly blushed bright red.  He chuckled “Embarrassment looks even better than your smile.”  She blushed even more but before she could say anything in her defense he asked her to dinner.  For the next six months they continued seeing each other and by the end of the six month they were married.

Present Day
Seeing her foreman walking across from the yard she stood and started toward him.  He smiled giving a wave has they completed the gap between them.  “How ya doin today boss?” she smiled because for the last five years she still could not convince him to call her by her name.  “Pretty good Mr. Foreman, but I would try not to look to happy in front of Salem he seems to be having a bad day.”  The foreman laughed for two reasons one because she had taken to calling him Mr. Foreman because he insisted on calling her boss and two he knew what it meant when Salem was in a bad mood.
“Then let’s make it a good day, especially when today is the day we get rid of that s****y a*s cottage and move to the new house.” He raised his eyes toward the black spot in the sky and gave a loud ear splitting whistle.  The whistle was answered by two loud caws and Salem start gliding down toward the foreman.  Circling the two humans a few times Salem than landed on the foreman’s left shoulder.  “I hear your having a bad day boy,” Salem grunted “Well maybe this will cheer you up.” The foreman lifted his right arm which was holding a gunny sack.  Salem seeing the sack got excited jumped to the ground and started hopping from one foot the other squawking loudly.  The foreman pulled a dead raccoon out of the bag and placed it on the ground near Salem.  The bird looked up at the man, when the foreman gave a nod adding “The damn thing wouldn’t stay out of my garbage , so I had to end him” with that being said Salem plucked out one of the raccoons eyes threw his head back and wiggled it down his gullet the two humans filched slightly, but started laughing when Salem started doing his little death dance; hopping and flapping his wings much like an Indian warrior who had made his first kill around the dead raccoon who was now missing both eyes.
“You’re spoiling him by bringing him dead critters all the time” she berated the foreman with a smile.  “Ah! That bird can scavenge for himself, I just want to stay on his good side” he added with a chuckle.  “Besides I think he can sense what is going to happen today and don’t want to leave your side.” He said with a sideways look towards the boss.  “You’re probably right,” she replied in a hushed voice.  She looked down at Salem and smiled, hard to believe that finding a baby bird could keep or give someone a reason to continue living.  “Don’t worry boss everything is going to go just as we planned it” said the foreman turning and heading back to the workshop.
Holding her hands in the prayer position and looking towards the sky she whispered “I sure hope so.”  She looked down at her raven and noticed he was watching her closely.  “It’s okay Salem, I have it all covered, but don’t you think you should share your treat?” she said nodding her head in the direction of the second raven perched on the fence about twenty feet away.  Salem made a chortling sound place the dead raccoon’s neck between his talons and flew over to where his mate was waiting.  Although she had probably witness this bird over a thousand times pick up prey bigger then him it still never stopped the amaze her.
She turned and headed back to the cottage where there were preparations that still needed completing then she would be able to close the doors on these last ten years.  When she entered the cottage the smell of furniture polish brought back the memory of the first time she had smelled it and smiled knowing after today she would never need to smell it again.

The Wedding Day
It was her wedding day and she was so nervous.  Even though she knew things would go directly has planned she still couldn’t help but feel the butterflies in her stomach.  Since she had no family the mayor - who she had taken to calling Boss Hog in her head - had happily agreed to give her away.  She didn’t know why she was worrying her future husband was a perfectionist so there was no chance of mistakes and the town’s people adored him, sometimes going to great troubles to make sure his requests were met.  She was told by the dress shop keeper; while being fitted for her dress that her future husband to be’s, family was the one that settled their little town and that before his mother past she carried great influence in town.  It would not be long before she would learn the truth about her husband.  The town people did not adore him they were scared of him and went to whatever means not to make him angry.
The wedding went off just as planned everything was perfect and the groom was happy.  They received gifts, cards, congratulations and the typical teasing about the wedding night.  The guest probed for a hint of where the honeymoon was to be spent but the groom just insisted it was a surprise.  There was no way the bride could have known that she had just bonded herself to a life of hell with the devil himself.
She didn’t even have the luxury of saying that things in the beginning were blissful.  Oh no! Her hell started immediately as her now husband stopped his 1981 Chevy pick-up truck on the gravel drive just in the front of the small cabin cottage that was to be her future home.  Once her husband turned off the engine he re-positioned himself so he was facing her.  At first she thought she was going to get the traditional “Welcome home wife” but instead she was hearing a list of house rules.  Dinner was to be served at five sharp, his shirts were not to have starch, laundry days were on Saturday only, the house was to be cleaned every Friday from top to bottom and finally there were never ever to be any visitors allowed in the house.
When he finished speaking she laughed thinking that he was making a joke because some of those rules sounded completely ridiculous.  However, that earned her, a hard back hand blow to the face that bloodied her lip.  Stunned she lifted her hand to her lip when she pulled it away she saw the blood and realized there was the taste of blood in her mouth.  Looking over at her husband she could tell by the expression on his face he was extremely serious and enjoyed causing pain. Her flight instinct clicked in, she opened the passenger’s door jump out of the truck running towards the dirt lane that would take her to the main road.
She was pretty sure she could out run him, she ran fifteen miles every day, had been the high school track star and was in excellent health; where her husband was a truck driver and she had never heard of him talking about working out.  So although her husband may look in great shape she was hoping on the fact that she had the better cardio.  Unfortunately she was still in her wedding dress and heels that were slowly her progress.  Kicking off her heels while still running she noticed that he had started giving chase.
She was frantically working at the button that held the skirt of her dress in place.  While stupidly thinking that she needs to remember to thank the lady at the dress shop for suggesting a bodice and skirt style, instead of a full gown.  Got it! The last button as she lets the skirt fall to the ground she was no longer restricted and increased her speed.  Behind her she can hear her husband growl then shouted “So you’re an athlete guess I should have asked that question while we were dating.”  He let out a bone chilling laugh and continues his pursuit increasing his speed as well.
The sound of that laugh made her start pushing herself even harder, she was losing him and could now see the main road about thirty yards away.  She looked back noticed he was slowing down, but didn’t give it a second thought.  All she could think of now was getting to town and having the sheriff arrest this man she was now to call her husband.  Turning back around toward the main road she took a moment to look down at her feet.  They were bloody but she felt no pain and started pushing herself even harder.  In the process of looking to see where her husband was at and checking her feet she failed notice a six foot gate with barbed wire circling the top closing.  She didn’t even have a chance to slow down to keep from hitting it.  She ran right into the gate; which then throw her about six feet in the air.  The last thing she remembers is her husband standing over her laughing and picking her up. 
She awoke trying to roll over but the pain that hit her when trying to move made her cry out.  When trying to move in a different direction she got the same results and decided it best not to move at all.  She laid there on her back staring at the ceiling and what could have been an old Tiffany lamp shade.  Her husband who was sitting in a chair next to the bed said “It’s about time you woke up.”  Even though it caused her tremendous pain she defiantly turned her head to look at him.  He was freshly shower, shaved and dressed holding a cup of coffee in his hand.  As if he had read her mind he explained, “The pain you are feeling is mostly from the shock of electricity you got from running into the gate.  The bruises, fat lips,  swollen eyes, sore ribs and anything else that might hurt is from the beating I give you for making me chase you in the first place.  Oh, and don’t worry about our marriage being consummated I took care of that while you were out as well.  So you won’t have any reason for trying to end the marriage that is.  I have to say though I was quite surprised to find out that you were a virgin.  That was a happy treat for me, thank you sweet heart” he ended with an evil grin.
She could feel the tears running down her face as he spoke. Then as if instructing an employee he went on with exactly what the rest of her life was going to be like.  She was here only to maintain the house while he was on the road and the biggest most important thing is that she is to provide him with a son.  It didn’t matter or he didn’t care how many b*****s she threw, but they would keep trying until he got his son.  He continued on with when he was home she was to be available to him at all times.  As well as the previous rules she had so rudely interrupted by getting out of the truck.  She was clearly and fiercely warned any opposition given to him would result in a beating equal to what she was feeling now.
The swelling of her face made it possible only to nod that she understood him; this caused her great pain and she realized that he noticed the pain and enjoyed the fact that he was the cause of that pain.  He went on to explain that the electrical fence went completely around the two hundred acres he owned so there would be no chance of her going anywhere.  There is a phone, but it only allows calls to come in not go out. Since he is on the road the majority of the time he will give her a call every Thursday night at six o’clock sharp and she better make sure she in there to answer the phone or she could expect a beating when he returned home.  Other than those few simple rules she was free to roam the property as much as she wanted.
After that he went into a narrative of what would be interesting to discover, like the old family graveyard that had all his ancestors who founded the town buried in it, including his beloved mama.  There are other little cabins from ancestors that had either passed or just move on and the spring which was the reason for the town in the first place.  She just laid there staring at him while he went on and on; she could not believe that he was acting as if this was just the most normal conversation and behavior.  When he was finished going down memory lane, he informed her he would be leaving on the truck today and was going to be gone for several weeks, but there were enough provisions to last until he returned.  He placed a glass of water and bottle of pain pills on the bedside table, leaned over kissed her forehead saying “See you in a few weeks remember Thursday at six; love you” then turned and left.
She heard him walk out and shut the door of the cabin cottage, start the Semi-truck, and listened to it while he sat and let it idle for a while.  She heard when he had started down the dirt lane, noticed when it stop briefly for the gate to open, then going through the gate, stop again, Then heard the final roar of it heading down the main two lane highway.
To be continued.

© 2017 E.R Parker

Author's Note

E.R Parker
I wanted to wait and post the whole story but it is turning out longer then I thought so here is the first half hope you like it and should be finishing the other half soon. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. The real name is Salem's Lullaby but the site won't let me post that.

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Added on December 3, 2017
Last Updated on December 4, 2017


E.R Parker
E.R Parker

Beaver, UT

I live in Beaver, UT with my cat, daughter, and son. However, the place I prefer to be is at family property that is out in the Utah and Nevada desert with wonderful places to explore. I am a country.. more..
