' fetch a couple stars to call our own. ' I'm smiling at this thought. : )
I love everything about the night sky, because moments are magical. So peaceful, indeed. Jacob, your thoughts hold beauty and grace. This is so dreamy and romantic. : )
Many have commented on the dreamlike quality of life. Maybe the thought of fetching stars is part of that dream. Of course, maybe the rain is just another part of it.
Besides, fetching those stars Jacob, they say walking in the rain, holding hands, and at times dancing with someone special, is very romantic!! Soggy, yes, but romantic!!!
Posted 1 Day Ago
1 Day Ago
Soggy yes, I was thinkiing of one of those instances I had...and this came out. Thank you, Curt, read moreSoggy yes, I was thinkiing of one of those instances I had...and this came out. Thank you, Curt,
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..