I get it (or at least I think I do), some things are too sacred to explore or express, like memories- but you want to do it anyway. . If I got it wrong, I'm sorry but your words spoke to me about "bribing my heart not to touch" , thank you.
It does tend to beg the question though, would a writer not want the words to describe the pain or would they be happy with a control, alt delete function with added blissful ignorance?
Hmm, I don't know which I'd choose to be honest.
pray tell Jacob, what bribes can be given to stop a heart from the memories it has shared in?? Even after 55 odd years my heart still feels the tug of her on occasion. I promised I would always write her poetry; what bribe should I give to stop??
I think Jacob, there is no bribery good enough not to "touch" the memory of someone you have loved and lost. Any more than you can bribe your pen not to write.
Don’t we all write from our past? Past is only in our head, you can’t touch it or see it, only exist in your brain.
Well expressed thoughts. Loved it as always sir
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..