I liked the honest tone of the poetry. The month of October have been kind to me. People become more brave. Maybe seeking the warm of another person before Winter arrived. Thank you Jacob for sharing the interest poetry. Allowed the reader to fall in your thoughts.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
I really like that idea of people becoming braver...does make sense.
thank you, Coyote, .. read moreI really like that idea of people becoming braver...does make sense.
thank you, Coyote,
4 Months Ago
Cold nights of Winter make us need a warm body near Jacob. You are welcome.
The weather affects some people, but especially the change of season's which has a deep impact on them. With evenings closing in, darkness coming earlier, some allow themselves to be blanketed in it and dark thoughts and feelings develop in this time. It can be a living hell for those people until the light of Springtime dawns again. Lovely use of metaphor and a fine choice of both words and depiction to get your message across to your reader. Sublime inking, dear J... Thank you for sharing,..
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Thank you for your understanding review, Marie,
dearest Jacob... now that I am eighty-four... I am experiencing the Light as never before. The October Winds begin to dance as though Romance were Orchestrations of Beautiful Melodies to bring Happiness. softly, Pat
"It is what it is." That pretty much tells the tale. The lady is guided by her dark feelings and seems headed for trouble.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Thank you, John....yes guided by feelings and maybe trouble happens when those feelings are dark.read moreThank you, John....yes guided by feelings and maybe trouble happens when those feelings are dark.
Jacob, your metaphors are profound. Using the dimming, then regaining of this woman's confidence as metaphor for Autumn turning to Winter and then to Spring and Summer. We lose light, the days grow shorter and for many, it is a time of emotional disturbance as well.
Emotional pain is probably the worst type of pain. Intractable, unceasing, piercing it gives no break to the bearer. The metaphor is multifacited. Nicely done Jacob.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..