It's all delusion of grandeur!
No human has the answers!
The teacher is as inept
as his followers.
The musician is just as clueless!
All the extraordinary hours
invested on research yet human lives are stolen by the very solutions we profer
It all drives to one conclusion is a pun in the hands of God!
We try but it's futile.
We don't have the answers!
The message,the imagery, the words!
This is poetry in motion!
It's always the crazy ones with their graphic equations putting up those metal halide lamps to examine the souls of lesser beings that need to be measured...somehow. The world is an asylum as we try to stick to the lower levels with minimum security touted as freedom..."but we can be thankful and grateful and proud since man's been endowed with the mushroom shaped cloud" and our world edges a bit further into complete insanity each day... "Boom boom, ain't it great to be crazy?"
after a 2000 pond bomb is dropped on a refugee camp, guitar string(s) are nowhere to be found, as well as body parts. A war crime was committed on Oct, 7th 2023, but a bigger war crime is being committed right before our eyes. And has been going on since 1947. Balance??!! Empathy?? The world and especially here in the US there is neither. A continuation since Columbus stole the first Native American back to Europe as a slave all those years ago.
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Yes, yes, and it just keeps happening....sides and sabotage of peace.
thank you, Curt,
.. read moreYes, yes, and it just keeps happening....sides and sabotage of peace.
thank you, Curt,
This is one of the BEST I read in this page. So brilliant, so genius. Felt like a REAL poem. Deep and meaningful. I felt every part.
And the last part; Mind blowing. I love it sir.
A troubled world indeed, but after reading several times it reminds me of the bombing at the October concert 1year and 2 days ago in Israel, where the music was on fire and after the massacre one could find a guitar string and…..silence and no genius can figure out the world’s problems and solve them….a pity that it’s getting worse…. my gut feeling
warmly, B
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Yes, the music is on fire all over the world these days.
REally liked your new book..At Bridg.. read moreYes, the music is on fire all over the world these days.
REally liked your new book..At Bridge's End....wonderful review of it is posted on Amazon.
5 Months Ago
You are an angel J, and I thank you immensely for reading and reviewing it,
So greateful�.. read moreYou are an angel J, and I thank you immensely for reading and reviewing it,
So greateful🙏🌷
Warmly, B
A remnant, for sure, by which we would naturally assume that it was plucked and strummed - releasing its voice alone or in unison with the presumed other strings of a set in another time where the silence was broken by a soul's expression rather than the lack of life in the aftermath. Having thought that... what ails the heart is the heartlessness of hostility for some imagined higher good or purpose or goal. And without which no stringed instrument shall be ready for what they have been invented, but for one string....
Ahh Jacob you have done it again with an enigmatic poem that requires this dull reader several reads to comprehend. Deep as the seas this poem masterfully captures the ignorance of all thinking that by reason and technology or science we can solve the problems of the world and those that look to genius, teacher, foolishly believe that they have the answers. The mixture of music is so wonderfully woven in with the words blues, scales, balance and later is woven back in again with ear and the genius that wrote the song(Beethoven comes to mind) blind (Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder)
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Yes, those chaps...genius...blind genius.
thank you for your words, Soren,
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..