November's Candidate

November's Candidate

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

November's Candidate



as a candidate for aged love

I debate a future

of old loneliness

or is it pleasant deception


the lies of alrightness 

of blooming shadows looming

someone to roll over and touch

in the middle of the night


or am I just campaigning 

to grow old

with the memories

that lost the last election

by a very close vote

of the heart.





© 2024 jacob erin-cilberto

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Love this poem, dear J... I roll over and touch my pillow in the middle of the night and I am happy with the wonderful memories I have to keep me company in the winter of my life. Though he sleeps in another room, they sleep with me and keep me warm and cosy when nights are long and lonely. Your poem touched my heart in a special way, J... It is so finely penned and tenderly expressed. You have captured very eloquently what it is like as we move on in years when all we can do is remember the good time we had and all the cups of joy we drank together! Sublime penning, J... Thank you for sharing...

Posted 9 Hours Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

3 Hours Ago

Thank you for your kind words, Marie,

1 Hour Ago

Most welcome always, dear J...
Isn't it part of the "human condition" to want, to need, love, no matter the age?? If we are lucky, a love can turn into a very close friendship, that touches someone next to us in bed at night. Or who can still know us so well that they finish our sentences or can feel the aches and pains of each other. On the other side of this is growing old with just the memories of love. As I read your poem, Jacob, I thought, "I hear what you are saying, I lost that election too!" Then I thought, Jacob, let's go grab a beer and share memories. Love your poem Jacob.

Posted 15 Hours Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

3 Hours Ago

You understand...thank you, Curt,
dear Jacob.. this poem is Priceless… “someone to roll over .. “ a pleasant deception. Spinach and Carrot Juice performs miracles. Gently, Pat

Posted 16 Hours Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

16 Hours Ago

Thank you, Pat,
Erin, you did a great job comparing love to an old election. LOL..Funny but not funny as far as love goes. Mature love is a comfortable time of life but so different from young love. We have all the benefits of knowing the other person very well, accepting them as they are and loving them anyway. We feel their pain and understand their happiness. We understand their dreads about the future and the present. Thanks for sharing this one with us. Sara K

Posted 18 Hours Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

16 Hours Ago

Thank you for your kind review, Sara,

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4 Reviews
Added on October 4, 2024
Last Updated on October 4, 2024


jacob erin-cilberto
jacob erin-cilberto

Carbondale, IL

Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..


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