I have found over time that dipping one's bones will not work, only co-dipping the two fleshes simultaneously. Bones have no nerve endings, taste, sight, smell, touch, sound, or orientation, they are but an ultimatum carrying us forth until they break from crashing into another's. The bones' love potion is milk, the love potion of skin and flesh is hormonal sweat, and it's mildly salted to taste
Currently my bones settle against the glass, tinder still lacks ignition, and the magic of my performance lain dormant...
Can a magician restore it?
This made me think, first read, I was not stunningly impressed, second and third read yielded better results, maybe it's the sleight of emotional leverage employed...
Well written, as always...
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Thank you for your honest and kind review, apennylate,
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..