Oh, I so hope that "he is good for another term" or we are all doomed, dear J. Here in Ireland we are all eagerly awaiting the outcome. "The Vulture" has done his level best to destroy Mr. B and I pray with all my heart he will fail. The world will be an even scarier place to live in if he succeeds in destroying him. A very thought provoking and finely penned poem, J. Thank you for sharing...
Posted 7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Yes, that is so true, Marie.
Thank you for your comments,
Well, doesn't politics get into everything these days? Semantic suffrage may be another term for bad reviews. Wrested from the inspiration? Is this another way of describing a block? At any rate, the poet is good for another term at the keyboard. And for all of our sakes, I hope Joe Biden is good for another term, too.
Posted 7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Thank you, John...we shall see...something has to give.
There are term limits for service but some have outlived their prolonged uselessness. If I had been in DC for a half century and my greatest achievement was to vote against desegregation and then tell the same people I said I didn't want around my kids because they were black, that they ain't black if they don't vote for me, I think I'd just give up the ghost along with the position. But there's no talking to some people. Interesting offering.
Posted 8 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Interest comment on the poem...thank you, Fabian...
Hope you are well....how is your daughter.. read moreInterest comment on the poem...thank you, Fabian...
Hope you are well....how is your daughter doing with her art?
7 Months Ago
I'm still kicking. The kid gets better at her art every day but she's into Minecraft now so spending.. read moreI'm still kicking. The kid gets better at her art every day but she's into Minecraft now so spending too much time on that. I'm trying to limit that. If I can pull her away from the screen to involve her in other things, I do. Too hot to do much outside here.
I'm starting to think it's not a fair game to play anymore. What is the point in dancing along to these strings any longer? Here's to hoping we may dance our own dance soon.
dear Jacob… the Keys will play Chords as the Pipes of the Organ bring Prayers for your Recovery… ❤️🩹 the Steeple rings the Bell 🔔 where Good Wishes Dwell… 💞 entwined with Vespers 🍷..Wine .. and strength for tomorrow. Softly, Pat
Quite a dilemma this presidential election and the whole world waits nervously. Thank goodness the people behind the scenes run the country while the puppets present themselves on stage. When you consider their speeches are made for them and they still stuff it up. You have me drifting to All the President’s men and three days on the condor.
Posted 8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Three Days of the Condor...one of my very favorite films....thanks for your response, andrew.
.. read moreThree Days of the Condor...one of my very favorite films....thanks for your response, andrew.
Maybe we are the puppets and they are manipulating us.
It is the ryhtmn as well as the immediacy and contemporary vision of this piece that gets me on our Brits election day.
Posted 8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Thank you, Ken...and we have a really lousy situation over here....democracy definitely threatened.<.. read moreThank you, Ken...and we have a really lousy situation over here....democracy definitely threatened.
8 Months Ago
I do wonder when brown shirts will start to beworn in certain countries.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..