Perfection is a curse but like all your works Jacob, they all appear finely tuned to the letter. A tongue twister of a write which in turn gives time for you to figure out the end. A clever write.
“rogue-writer writes, wrangles
wrests words wily”
Ahaha-so yes dear j...and sometimes not so willingly! This is a clever, creative tongue-twister of alliteration, onomatopoeia (sp?), metaphor, and just plain good fun.:))) oh the burdens that writers carry:(((
Loved it. Kudos to the Master!
All artists have to be vagabonds to certain extent. The minds of readers will shape them into the form they like to see those words. The poet poured cup of tap water to a plastic cup and left it for the readers and readers shared and collected the same water in different containers made with gold, silver, glass, leather and few simply poured it to the ground so that it can nourish the flora to maintain the symbiosis. Great work professor Jacob.
Posted 9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
I think mine would be best poured to the ground.
Thank you, Linda,
Or the painter with loaded brush and full pallet standing before a finished painting, wondering what to do next... Art is never finished until the artist gives up.
Posted 9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
real poets die before they quit...thank you, Vol,
Along with the rest of the universe, am amazed and amused at and by your alliteration. You always offer that little bit or come to think of it - a large wedge of how your mind trampolines words, letters and meaning. Unique on so many occasions and particularly so in this case. Mind and eyesight well used, clever and far more, sir! Plus, incredible and unsayable.. I know cos I tried!
Posted 9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
some times when I write, I feel like I am on a trampoline...good way to put it...thanks my moresome times when I write, I feel like I am on a trampoline...good way to put it...thanks my friend.
Clever alliteration Jacob. Never noticed numerous notations neatly navigated as these with w were. I think I once did a poem with alliterations as well but it was long ago. Your work continues to amaze me Jacob.
Tongue twisting alliteration here j with no soft sounds in your words. I think you had fun writing them. Your readers have also had fun and enjoyed reading them:)
Posted 9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
thank you, Chris...yes, it was fun....just happened as all of them real talent...just good l.. read morethank you, Chris...yes, it was fun....just happened as all of them real talent...just good luck with how the muse treats me when she comes.
9 Months Ago
There you go again! Dumbing down your incredible gift.
That's a lot to digest before the taking of toast and tea. ;) Okay, coffee and doughnuts. At any rate, this tongue twister was fun for my tastebuds to decipher. I enjoyed. F.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..