I’ve often heard words described as weapons but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone specifically refer to them as like grenades. I do find that is a much more fitting analogy because once you’ve spoken the words you no longer have any control over who or what is affected by them.
Words are mere words as shakesspeare says but in this time words are not words only people use different types of tactics psychology and put the words are mere words and yet another group twists them do research on the words which is totally unnecessary just liked skewed research results comes with the results some particular group wants it or aim it. So Shakespeare words significant only when the shrewd crooked minds are not after them. Great poem professor Jacob. Loved it❤️❤️❤️
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Yes, those who twist them create chaos...and they love doing that. Thank you, Linda,
What people say is never as important as why they say it. If a person can defend their stance with reason and tell me why they think or feel the way they do, I might not agree with them but I can certainly respect their opinion. On the other hand if it's simply hurtling insult after insult with no foundation in logic or dissemination of verifiable facts then there's no way I can or will respect their opinion. And for someone's words to have an impact on me at all, I'd first have to care what they think. The latter seems to be a club with fewer and fewer members in it these days. But this is probably just a reflection on a romantic interest, something which I have very little interest at all in but my wife probably wishes I had more. :)
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Yes, as along as one backs up his or her words...that person is free to think anything and profess i.. read moreYes, as along as one backs up his or her words...that person is free to think anything and profess it.
thank you, Fabian.
They explode before you stop to reason things out, and then no amount of "sorrys" can ever truly erase them .... they linger and slowly, painfully kill .....
Sticks and stones as shrapnel. It did hurt me. This poem kind of hurts. Graphic. Like seeing something I didn't want to see. But definitely something to read.
The three second rule applies to potato chips and hand grenades
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
thank God...we can pick them up and toss them far away before they go off.
thank you, Cherrie.. read morethank God...we can pick them up and toss them far away before they go off.
thank you, Cherrie,
Somehow, there is nothing less convincing than hand grenade words. Loud, fast, and angry is a poor strategy compared to logic. On the other hand, emotions always win out over reason, just ask Brutus and Marc Antony.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
thank you for your insightful words, Vol....next time I see them, I will ask...
1 Year Ago
OOPS! I failed to mention... I very much enjoyed your poem over coffee this morning...
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..