And yet, for some reason, I find that having a purpose is valuable.. For those who need such a thing.
Truth be told, I never was much of a believer, and as it stands now.. I'm still really confused about what I should believe.. Whether Christianity has any merits to offer in an age where religion is not needed to build a community, or set laws and define "normal" behavior.
It's quiet odd, but I do have a few 'numinous' experiences and underwent what you'd call an 'exorcism'
of sorts(not Christian), that being said, I'm not sure about the doctrines of specific religions, but I have little doubt that there is a higher power out there
I'm certain of that as much as I know that something foreign, intangible but as real as anything had been removed from my being.
Whether that is just my weaknesses wishing to have someone to look up at when I will find myself in impossibly difficult and potentially catastrophic situations or if it is a fact, isn't relevant.. Because whichever way it is, for those who believe, the God figure is real, and like our species had done with so many other things, we will produce individuals who will take that belief and abuse it.. Come up with ways to deceive the crowds.. For profits, power, the reason isn't relevant.. Humans are power hungry creatures and they like to have control over everything, that includes our own kind.
In my view religion is a system of double motivation.. As far as the human invented things are concerned.
Belief should be a private thing for people, like their sexual preferences should be..
But it's not. No surprise there, our species has a way of twisting everything.
Short piece that could be interpreted differently, so I apologize if I've written an essay long rambling off topic.
At any rate, well written.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
I am pretty sure organized religion has shot itself in the foot, especialy the Catholic one...But it.. read moreI am pretty sure organized religion has shot itself in the foot, especialy the Catholic one...But it works well for some. I realy appreciate your review, Dennis.
Is the direction of the Catholic walking backwards? Away from the fear while keeping an eye on the deceptive doctrine to make sure it doesn't hurt anyone else. I was raised in that fear, fortunately never became an alter boy so may have avoided becoming a victim. But if there really is a god, I think they would understand why so many have dropped the faith. How catholicism hasn't been completely cancelled by compassionate culture is a wonder. The purpose of your poem has promise.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
I appreciate your insightful review, William...
I enjoyed the logic of your thoughts Jacob.
"when an inch of promise
equals a mile of purpose"
I did like the above lines. Old fashion wisdom. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing poetry.
Wow!;Hits me personally. I am a dreamer. An inch of promise equals a mile of purpose.and every song can mean something other than what I think it may be.Heck who are we kidding? It could mean anything but promises with meaning. But there's always that chance...😉
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thank you, Babbette for your words,
always a chance, yes,
this is one of my favorite poems from you in a while. the intricately simple stanzas and awesome alliteration drew me in, but the theme is something that will always interest me.
i have to say, I'm interested by the last stanza, "when an inch of promise/equals a mile of purpose." that's something the catholic church is known for promising, but in contrast to how critical this piece starts out, that line seems to support believing in that promise. is this a commentary on religion vs. spirituality?
either way, this is another certified masterpiece from a certified master. thank you for sharing it
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
thank you for your kind review, Earthrise...there is always an argument...organized religion vs. spi.. read morethank you for your kind review, Earthrise...there is always an argument...organized religion vs. spirituality...
There is a terrifying truth behind this poem. The worst of history has been due to people's willing submission to believing in a lie. Our government, organized religion, and the media are all complicit in this. Reading this makes me think of the book by Andy Andrews, "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?" It's a small book and can easily be read within 30 minutes to an hour. It's about Hitler and how he killed 11 Million Jews, and it all began with a lie.
People say that it could never happen again; and yet, you have people today who want to deny that the Holocaust even happened. In Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler's biography, he wrote: "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one."
Does not this epitomize our media today? Our government? Religious cults?
The operational manager of genocide, Adolph Eichmann, told the audience in a strong clear voice: "Jews: At last, it can be reported to you that the Russians are advancing on our eastern front. I apologize for the hasty way we brought you into our protection. Unfortunately, there was little time to explain. You have nothing to worry about. We only want the best for you. You will leave here shortly and be sent to the very finest places indeed. You will work there, your wives will stay at home, and your children will go to school. You will have wonderful lives. We will all be terribly crowded on the trains, but the journey is short. Men? Please keep your families together and board the railcars in an orderly manner. Quickly now, my friends, we must hurry!"
I first read that book 11-12 years ago. I still remember one of the most horrific images that leapt from the pages into my mind. The Germans would be in church on Sunday. The railroad tracks ran behind the church. While they were in church singing, they could hear the cries of the people from the cattle cars as they passed by. They would sing louder in order to drown out the cries.
I just can't even imagine the guilt that flooded through their hearts.
First, the lies. Second, silence. This is a death sentence for us all.
Thank you for digging up the memories. You just never know where a poem is going to take the reader, do you?
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
What a great review..."sing louder to drown out the cries..."
I have witnesssed irrespective of which religion some individuals were saved because they believed in their own respective religions or the religion they are converted to. It is positive to point out the flaws but same time if we rock the boat of vulnerable souls who knows benefit or further damage. I do not have enough knowledge to comment on this Poem I can revisit after a decade or two if I am alive and feel like confident to comment on it. Great thought provoking poem
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..